Channel: John Brown's Public Diplomacy Press and Blog Review
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January 26


"About 43 percent of college letter grades in 2011 were A’s, up from 31 percent in 1988 and 15 percent in 1960, a 2011 study found. Over roughly the same span, the average amount of studying by people enrolled in college declined almost 50 percent, a 2011 study, found, from 25hours per week to 13 hours."

--Jonathan Zimmerman, "The real scandal behind the Yale course Web site," Washington Post; see/hear also; image on Facebook via LOS


Bonus Quote of the Day - politicalwire.com: "[Comment by: terjeanderson Mod Chris • 2 days ago]: Kennedy's dolphin tweet [see]

wasn't her free-lancing - it was approved by higher ups in the State Department as an public diplomacy expression of an existing US policy. You may not agree with the approach, but that wasn't Caroline Kennedy's mistake - it was fully vetted with 'career foreign service' officers in the embassy and at Foggy Bottom."Image from

Ambassador Hale heads to…Saudi Arabia… to discuss cabinet….in Lebanon/Returned prisoners from ISIL on wide European role - The Mideastwire Blog: Excerpts from the Arab and Iranian Media & Analysis of US Policy in the Region: "The US ambassador is publicly touting a trip to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia to intervene on the cabinet formation in… lebanon. I am excited to know when I get back next month who is now running public diplomacy affairs at the US embassy… Does this make sense to draw attention to this very strange role for a US ambassador in Lebanon? I mean beyond the obvious problem of the entire Saudi role in Syria and Lebanon…. and the US position etc etc."

Howard Solomon - Facebook: "Bluegrass tonight at Spaso [residence of the U.S. Ambassador to Russia] by American diplomat and Russian accompaniest [sic]."

Image from entry

Longing for a Better Russia - Flogger, genderised.wordpress.com: "In November of 2008, Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy announced the launch of a new partnership in a press conference. A 10 partner project under the name of 'Alliance of Youth Movements' sponsored by Howcast and facilitated by State Department, aimed at identifying youth-oriented political groups who could employ social media in their organizing, and then cultivate those groups to build insurgent movements. The summit of AYM had brought together Old style media outlets, such as MTV, NBC, CNN and new ones, such as Google and Facebook. The AYM had created an online How-to hub, where communities of like-minded youth learned, shared and discussed how to change the world by building powerful grassroots movements. It was a space, where loggers learned how to create grass roots movements using social networking sites, how to smart mob, how to circumvent an Internet proxy, etc. This was an alliance of government agencies and NGOs producing training videos to seed emergent movements around the world. On the backdrop of this picture, it becomes quite clear how the public was captured by self-reports of the rioters and demonstrators and how the conventional media was left on the fringes of developments. No one was prepared for this at such a large-scale. It was, yet, again an old wisdom put into practice: 'Attack your enemy where he is unprepared, appear where he does not expect you.'”

Obama Spending $2.7 Mil to Broadcast Communist Propaganda to Vietnam - Daniel Greenfield, frontpagemag.com: "You would think that once we were out of Vietnamwe could stop spending money on Vietnam. You would also think that the Department of Health and Human Services would have better places to spend millions of dollars especially considering the shape Medicare is in. The Department of Health and Human Services is spending $2,797,979 on a study that brings television to more than a dozen remote villages in Vietnam to study its impact on their culture and reproductive behavior. ‘In cooperation with the Vietnam government, we have selected 14 villages in a remote, mountainous area of Vietnam that currently lacks electricity,’ according to the grant description for

‘Television and International Family Change: A Randomized Experiment.’ ‘Treatment villages will receive televisions and generators with gasoline to operate the televisions. Control villages will not receive generators or televisions.’ The principal investigator of the study, Dr. Rukmalie Jayakody of the PennStatePopulationResearchCenter, tells CNSNews.com that while groundwork for the study began in 2010, the televisions and generators were just installed this past August. Can we have a study in which we take away money from government bureaucrats in the United States while using government bureaucrats in Vietnam as a control group to see which country goes bankrupt faster? Instead we’re funding the broadcast of Communist propaganda to rural Vietnamese villages like the anniversary celebration of the Communist Party pictured above."

Nuts! A Missed PD Opportunity! - Jonathan Henick, takefiveblog.org:  "I took my kids this weekend to see the latest blockbuster animated film, The Nut Job. It wasn’t until the film ended, however, and an animated Psy appeared to lead the cartoon cast in a Gangnam-style dance routine alongside the rolling credits that I realized that there was major Korean support for the movie.

In fact, the South Korean government provided substantial financial support for the joint Korean-Canadian production  that featured the voices of Will Arnett, Liam Neeson, and Katherine Heigl and ultimately cost over $40 million to produce. According to news reports, moreover, this is one of a series of several films that the South Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism has supported from a fund of that is expected to grow to over $21 million for 2014 alone. Few would question the influence of film as a medium of soft power, particularly as exemplified by Hollywood, Bollywood, and many other countries. Public diplomacy, moreover, makes frequent and explicit use of film as a tool of cultural diplomacy to promote mutual understanding and cross-cultural collaboration. Having already demonstrated the international reach and positive impact of its own cultural offerings in other areas, especially pop music, it seems only logical for South Korea to venture into international filmmaking… Which is why I am a little puzzled by The Nut Job. The film is set in a nondescript American town in the recent past, the characters are voiced by major Hollywood actors, and the plot consists of a squirrel that tries to pull off a bank-style robbery of a nut shop. There was nothing about the film that was even remotely Korean at all and I missed the Korean connection altogether (although in retrospect there was a scene in which the music to 'Gangnam Style' featured briefly). Psy’s cameo didn’t come until after the film had ended and the credits were rolling. The film was mildly entertaining and the credits were amusing to watch, but I fail to see how this does much to leverage Korean soft power or advance Korean public diplomacy, despite the not-inconsiderable official Korean investment. In my humble opinion, Korea would do well, instead, to choose its future film projects with an eye towards vehicles that feature Korean actors, settings, narratives, or themes. We all love Psy, and he could certainly help market other Korean cultural products, but his cameo was largely wasted in The Nut Job, a film I will remember only as a major missed Korean public diplomacy opportunity. Jonathan Henick is a career diplomat with over 20 years of experience in the U.S. Foreign Service, including assignments to Turkey, Portugal, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, and Timor-Leste. He is currently working as the Public Diplomacy Fellow at the Institute for Public Diplomacy and Global Communication at George Washington University."Image from entry

New protests against the World Cup in Brazil - tamarasfootballmosaic.wordpress.com: "The first anti-World Cup protest in Brazil this year was attended by around 2000 protesters in Brazil’s largest city, Sao Paolo, as well as in 6 other cities. There is outrage that Brazil is spending more than $20bn for this summer’s World Cup, but not investing in public services and taking care of their own people. ... The protests are obviously signalling public dissatisfaction with hosting the World Cup and the Olympics since at same time the state lacks basic public and social services. There is always a question of legacy of the sports mega events (SMEs). There is a big trend in developing countries to host SMEs as a tool of their sports diplomacy in order to pursue some of their (foreign policy) goals, such as showcasing themselves on the global scale, nation branding, repositioning, attracting foreign investments, increasing tourism etc. As the host of both the next football World Cup in 2014 and the Olympic Games in 2016, Brazil has an opportunity to show the world the vitality of its emerging power.

However, Brazil’s soft power and its recent public diplomacy efforts to attract visitors to the World Cup and to convince them about Brazil’s exotic and passionate culture are seriously endangered by the protests. A successful national brand cannot be established if there is a big discrepancy between domestic and foreign policy. While the World Cup will definitely bring some benefits, only a small percantage of the population will benefit. Brazil should therefore seriously rethink its spending. The role of the state is to take care of their citizens, provide them with basic services and put their demands before the demands and expectations of FIFA, IOC, corporate sponsors and as well – us, the international (sports) public who is looking forward to the spectacle without questioning its legitimacy. It’s probably too late to prevent the World Cup from happening, but it’s not too late for structural reforms and tackling inequality. If there’s money for the stadiums, there should be money for hospitals and schools as well. Image from entry

Moroccan Ministry of F.A launches English version of its Internet portal - Tarik El Baraka, moroccoworldnews.com: "Karim Medrek, director of public diplomacy and non-state actors at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told MWN that the launching of this version, directed mainly to the English-speaking audience, falls in the context of the strategy implemented by the Ministry in the field of news and communications. Medrek pointed out that the new portal will put at the disposal of its visitors a set of documents that relate to current events and diverse news in the English language.

He went on to add that new portal will also enable the international public opinion to know the position of Morocco regarding a number of international issues, as well as Morocco’s bilateral/multilateral agreements in the political, economic and cultural areas. This initiative aims to promote the openness of the Ministry over its external environment and its clear will to strengthen its position on the Internet, Mr. Medrek added."Image from entry

Impressions of city’s annual two sessions - Deniz Eke, Global Times: "I have been following the annual sessions of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress and the Shanghai Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) for the last three years. I find these occasions important for us foreign diplomats in Shanghai because they provide a compact summary of the past year, and of the future plans of the city leadership. ... Over the past few years, the People's Political Consultative Conference has ... been quite active in public diplomacy and must be commended for its contributions in promoting mutual understanding between the Chinese and other peoples. ... The author is the Consul General of Turkey in Shanghai."

Annan-Led Elders Arrive in Tehran - almanar.com: "The Iranian Foreign Ministry’s Public Diplomacy Department has said the Elders group headed by Kofi Annan has arrived in Tehran on Sunday, Mehr news agency reported. The Elders is a group commissioned by late Nelson Mandela and consists of peace advocates Kofi Annan, former UN secretary-general, Desmond Tutu, Archbishop Emeritus of Cape Town, former Primate of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa, Martti Ahtisaari, former President of Finland, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Ernesto Zedillo, former President of Mexico and many others."

Somaliland: Ethiopia to Share Economic Growth with Neighbours - Yusuf M Hasan, somalilandsun.com: "The Ethiopian Consulate in Hargeisa Somaliland issues an average of 60 visas on a daily basis for Somaliland and Somalia passport holders.

This was informed by the head of Public diplomacy and Diaspora affairs Counselor Mulugeta Anagaw during an interview with Somalilandsun at his Hargeisa office where he also informed that his government which welcomes peaceful dissent will no hesitate to take action when Ethiopia's security is at risk."Image from

Polling the Middle East: UAE, China, Russia Up - Public Diplomacy, Networks and Influence

What Is Digital Diplomacy? - envoycentre.wordpress.com: "Foreign and Domestic Digital Diplomacy [:] Based on past and current research, we see Digital Diplomacy as having four primary aspects to it; direct foreign engagement with a target country, domestic awareness of foreign policy, domestic public diplomacy (domestic matters where government engages with citizens through digital channels) and engagement of diaspora communities at home and abroad. Digital Diplomacy Architecture [:] We express this (sans domestic public diplomacy) in the following communications architecture for digital diplomacy, which we will expand upon on in later analysis. This diagram

is meant to show how digital diplomacy is applied. The dash lines mean that the primary message may be edited or adapted by the initial recipient before reaching the true target audience. Always, the true target audience is the foreign government in power at the time (or perhaps the potential government in power?). Image from entry

“Obstacles to Public Diplomacy”: A Lecture by Laura Merickova, PhD. Student, Faculty of International Relations, University of Economics in Bratislava [video] - institute for cultural diplomacy

CPI Contributor: Gary Rawnsley - China Policy Institute Blog: "Written by Gary Rawnsley. My work is situated at the intersection of international communications and international relations. It is informed by the belief that it is impossible to understand modern politics at the domestic or international level without considering the role and function of communications processes and technologies.

Hence I look at mediated and increasingly non-mediated forms of communication. I am particularly interested in strategic communications, and have written extensively on propaganda, public diplomacy, soft power, media-military relations, cyber warfare and cultural diplomacy. While my work is not confined to any particular geographic area, my principal focus is East Asia, and especially China and Taiwan. ... Gary Rawnsley is Professor of Public Diplomacy in the Department of International Politics, Aberystwyth University."Uncaptioned image from entry

In The Wild: Tom Wein - indecisionblog.com: "Tom Wein ... is a behavioural change consultant who has led major primary research projects to tackle counter-radicalization, aid security sector reform, plan public diplomacy efforts and design communication strategies. He currently works on behavioural change for national security, principally for the consultancy SCL.

He read War Studies at King’s College, London, and has also worked for the European Defence Agency in Brussels as a communications consultant."Uncaptioned image from entry

Israel News Feeds - israelnewsfeeds.blogspot.com: "This blog is dedicated to bringing you reliable news coverages from Israel. In addition, it is the purpose of this blog to bring attention to new and worthy media sources, public diplomacy videos, blogs, and organizations etc. This blog is unapologeticaly pro Zionist and in support of the vision to build up and establish the promised homeland of the Jewish people. With the hope that you will be benefited and informed through this effort, you are welcomed. Blessings from Zion, Doron Keidar"


Iran: A Good Deal Now in Danger - Jessica T. Mathews, New York Review of Books: For the first time in decades, the US has an opportunity to test whether it can reach a settlement with Iran that would turn what may still be an active weapons program into a transparent, internationally monitored, civilian program. The pressure of multilateral sanctions, the president’s willingness to engage in serious negotiations, and the change in Iran’s domestic politics have come together to produce this moment. A final agreement is by no means assured, but the opportunity is assuredly here. The price of an agreement will be accepting a thoroughly monitored, appropriately sized enrichment program in Iran that does not rise over 5 percent. The alternatives are war or a nuclear-armed Iran. Should this be a hard choice? Astonishingly, too many members of Congress seem to think so.

In The Spotlight: Movie is a far cry from pro-war propaganda - Janie Beharelle, pjstar.com: Since "Lone Survivor," which was based on a true story, has been released, some liberals have portrayed it as a piece of pro-war propaganda. Nothing could be further from the truth. The movie is very graphic, but it shows what Navy Seals go through just to become a member of that elite group. It traces the steps of four brave men who have a very difficult decision to make during their mission to kill an enemy leader. It is told through the eyes of a soldier trying to carry out a very dangerous mission.

These brave young men fought with honor, dignity and pure "guts" to try and survive a mission gone bad, in a mountainous terrain thousands of miles from the safety of their country. Image from

Is Narendra Modi using Bollywood in his propaganda strategy? - Prateek Sur, bollywoodlife.com: NaMo, a film based on the life of politician Narendra Modi has found its director inKamasutra 3D filmmaker Rupesh Paul. The makers of the film have been looking for the perfect person to direct the biopic and finally, after seeing the promos ofKamasutra 3D, they chose Paul. The producers are looking for someone who could bring the new 4D technology to India, and have found a Korean company to install the equipment across theatres in India at a minimum budget of Rs 18 lakhs.

This will be the first time that any Indian movie will be made in this format. The 4D effect will simulate the feel of rain, wind, lightning and vibrations, as well as attract viewers to special smells, smoke, air bubbles, strobe lights and more. NaMo is slated to go on the floors by February 15 and is likely to star some of the biggest names in B-Town. Announcements about which actors will portray the adolescent and veteran stages of Narendra Modi will be made in the next week. The filmmakers have given an assurance that NaMo is not just based on the life of the political leader, but will also be a portrayal of his charisma and its effect on the Indian polity. But who has backed the project financially? We already know that the 4D format needs a lot ofmoolah. Add to that the cost of Bollywood A-listers being considered for the movie and our question is valid indeed. Is Modi’s national party supporting the project to make it a good promotional strategy for the elections? After all, we all know that movies are far-reaching and influential and can alter the mindsets of people. We also know that politicians can stoop to any level to hold the nation’s reins in their hands. Is NaMo an attempt to woo voters? Image from entry, with caption: A biopic is being made on India’s controversial politician. Interestingly, it might be released just before the general elections…

Carthaginians sacrificed own children, archaeologists say: Graves holding tiny cremated bones confirm accounts dismissed as Greek or Roman black propaganda, study shows - Maev Kennedy, The Guardian: Just as ancient Greek and Roman propagandists insisted, the Carthaginians did kill their own infant children, burying them with sacrificed animals and ritual inscriptions in special cemeteries to give thanks for favours from the gods, according to a new study. "This is something dismissed as black propaganda because in modern times people just didn't want to believe it," said Josephine Quinn, a lecturer in ancient history at Oxford, who is behind the study, with international colleagues, of one of the most bitterly debated questions in classical archaeology.

"But when you pull together all the evidence – archaeological, epigraphic and literary – it is overwhelming and, we believe, conclusive: they did kill their children, and on the evidence of the inscriptions, not just as an offering for future favours but fulfilling a promise that had already been made. "This was not a common event, and it must have been among an elite because cremation was very expensive, and so was the ritual of burial. It may even have been seen as a philanthropic act for the good of the whole community." Quinn said many of her academic colleagues were appalled by her conclusions. "The feeling that some ultimate taboo is being broken is very strong. It was striking how often colleagues, when they asked what I was working on, reacted in horror and said, 'Oh no, that's simply not possible, you must have got it wrong.'""We like to think that we're quite close to the ancient world, that they were really just like us – the truth is, I'm afraid, that they really weren't."Image from entry, with caption: A tophet outside Carthage, a special part of a cemetery dedicated to the burial of infants, according to Josephine Quinn

Artist explores 'The Thin Line Between Propaganda and Persuasion'- Leslie Renken, pjstar.com: While working on his thesis at Southern Illinois University, Ryan Jenkins collected front page photographs from four nationally-circulated U.S. newspapers for six months. Jenkins, 32, was using the images in artwork for his master's in fine art thesis show "The Thin Line Between Propaganda and Persuasion." Jenkins was disturbed by the emergence of the same themes, over and over, in images of violent confrontations around the globe."I found an abundance of victim vs. savior models — the same kind of photographs being taken in different war-torn areas, and the same from civil unrest," said Jenkins. "There was an overabundance of police force, with the protestors fighting back and the women being the victim of arrest." The recurring themes that Jenkins saw were of men taking active roles — shouting, waving AK-47s — and women being victims — carrying away the dead, being handcuffed and silenced by arrest. After a while he began to wonder if there was a bias — were the editors of these large daily newspapers choosing the same type of sensationalist images in an effort to sell newspapers? In his work Jenkins juxtaposes images from modern conflicts with Russian propaganda posters of the early 20th century.

Lessons in Propaganda: Slavko Martinov at TEDxChristchurch [includes video] - sharpsteve, dailypaul.com: In 2003, New Zealand born Slavko Martinov found himself more and more critical of everything he was seeing, reading, and hearing, and wanted to get to the bottom of the 'united recipe behind all the lies'. He set out to make a film about propaganda, despite never having made a feature film before. Slavko worked in secret for almost a decade, with zero funding, through two major earthquakes, three different jobs, being hospitalized with a heart infection, and an interview with the Counter-Terrorism Unit before the film Propaganda was finally launched on YouTube http://youtu.be/hUygyiVgg70. Although Slavko anticipated a strong reaction to the propumentary, the resulting real-life scenes that unfolded will have you wondering if they were also part of a movie: Slavko and his small team were investigated by the South Korean government, accused of being spies, and some were even ostracized by their community leaders for having taken part in making the film.

Propaganda posters show a dark world where Voldemort won - moviepilot.com: What if? Such a simple question but laced with myriad possibilities. What if I’d not eaten that second burrito for lunch? What if updating my Facebook status while inebriated didn’t always seem like such a good idea? What if Voldemort had defeated Harry Potter in their climactic battle? While I’ll probably never get an answer to the first two questions, the guys over at Pragmatique have attempted to answer the third and given us a glimpse of a world where Harry was vanquished through a series of beautifully crafted propaganda posters. Among them:


--Via AA on Facebook

January 27


"I spent 24 years working for the State Department, including one year in Iraq. ... For me, the real service I provided the United States began the day I realized everything about Iraq was a lie, and that my continued employment was contingent on me enthusiastically participating in that lie."

--American diplomat Peter Van Buren, author of We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People; image from


International Day in memory of the victims of the Holocaust 2014, January 27th - parmionova.blogspot.com. Includes 2014 Calendar of Holocaust Remembrance Events.


And sometimes they let me speak! - Home is where the HHE is: I am a Foreign Service Officer working for the Department of State. My Anglo-American Wife (Lovely English Lass in my posts) puts up with me, for which I appreciate her even more. My daughter (Lovely Little Girl) is on the Autism Spectrum and is taller than your average child. My son (Crazy Little Man) has some developmental delays and is, as his name suggests, crazy. My posts are not a reflection of, nor should be construed, as official positions of the US Department of State: "[B]eing a Management Officer is sometimes hard, because you get type-cast . ... I say this because the Public Diplomacy Section just came out and asked for volunteers to speak at local High Schools on topics for

Black History Month. ... The first topic is 'The integration of Little Rock's Central High School in 1957.' ... The second topic will definitely be fun, but I'm sure will raise some eyebrows when I walk through the door. 'The origins of Hip-Hop and its influence on American Society.' Yeah, the 37 year old white dude is going to talk about Rap, where it came from, and how it influenced American Society. There are Foreign Service Officers here that want to go listen to this one. I think it'll be awesome. I'll have a slide show, and some music, and we'll have a great time. Plus, it'll allow me to talk about something I know about that doesn't get discussed all the time." Image from

Ambassador Ashe: Change is Urgently Needed at Broadcasting Board of Governors - Victor H. Ashe, ambassadorsperspectives.wordpress.com: "If you are like most Americans, you have never heard of the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), so let me explain. The BBG is the agency of the U.S. international broadcasting effort. Through brands such as Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, Radio Free Asia and Radio Martí among others, and with a budget of $722 million, the BBG broadcasts news of both local and international interest to those countries where independent media are either severely restricted or completely repressed. Unfortunately, despite this vital work, the BBG is an agency in major crisis. As former Secretary of State Clinton mentioned in her January 2013 testimony before a Congressional committee, the BBG is 'dysfunctional.' Indeed, even earlier in her term she had criticized it for being 'ineffective.' As a former three year Board member, I fully agree with Secretary Clinton’s criticisms. The BBG suffers from a lack of focus, insufficient accountability and management, poor morale and a complete lack of presence on both Capitol Hill and among policymakers such that it is often – except when a problem arises – the forgotten stepchild of American foreign policy. ... [G]iven the importance of public diplomacy and international broadcasting as a 'force multiplier' for our traditional diplomacy, and because the Secretary of State is after all an incredibly busy person, I propose four essential reforms to start the discussion to which I hope the Secretary, at the next or future meeting of the BBG, will lend his considerable prestige and authority. 1)Abolish the current part-time 9 Member Board and replace it with a single agency

head, confirmable by the Senate, with a status similar to the head of the Peace Corps. ... 2) Create an Ombudsman to address the concerns of contract (one third of VOA) and fulltime employees. ... 3) Sharpen the distinction between VOA and the surrogate broadcasters, especially in relation to Radio Free Asia. ... 4) Finally, bring Congress more closely into the process. Since Congress writes the checks, Congress should be consulted consistently and fully. ... [T]hese proposals would assure that the BBG bureaucracy is accountable to the Administration and Congress. It would give focus to the relationship between the government’s overall foreign policy objectives and its public diplomacy efforts."Image from

Pope Francis’s appeal for dialogue in Ukraine missed by VOA and BBC, reported by Russia’s RT- BBGWatcher, BBG Watch: "Vatican Radio, Russia’s RT and Voice of Russia, Canada’s CBC, Australia’s ABC, Christian Science Monitor, Boston Herald, New York Daily News, Fox News and numerous other international and U.S. media outlets all reported that at the Vatican on Sunday Pope Francis appealed for constructive dialogue between the authorities and civil society in Ukraine. U.S. taxpayer-funded Voice of America (VOA) did not report on the papal appeal despite Ukraine being a major international news story for many weeks. ... Until very recently senior VOA executives failed to send a VOA correspondent to Kyiv. Resident VOA correspondent in Moscow, James Brooke, who has just arrived in Kyiv, has begun to send solid news reports, including this one today on Ukrainian protesters occupying the Justice Ministry. 'Ukraine Protesters Seize Justice Ministry,' James Brooke, VOA, Jan. 26, 2014. He or somebody else should have been allowed to travel to Ukraine many weeks ago. But the fact that despite a major crisis in Ukraine escalating for many weeks, it took VOA Director David Ensor and VOA Executive Editor Steve Redisch this long to send a correspondent to Kyiv for the VOA worldwide English service and the VOA central newsroom, and that they have not taken action to improve news coverage from Washington, as shown by the failure to report on Secretary Kerry’s and most recent Congressional statements on Ukraine, is simply astounding." Image from

BBC and RT report protesters left Justice Ministry in Kyiv, VOA not reporting - BBGWatcher, BBG Watch

Russia’s RT reports U.S. Ambassador talked to Ukraine’s Interior Minister, Voice of America has not reported this news - BBGWatcher, BBG Watch

Faux pas and mis-step - Arnold Piggott, trinidadexpress.com: "Under these successive administrations, our consulates have operated with an absence of notoriety and adverse publicity. No one has been able to recall any local recruit being unfairly dismissed prior to the term of the present Government. Why this change now and ugly international publicity at the New York Consulate? ... If long standing staff at the New York Consulate are consequently without A2 visas, their status to remain in the US will be compromised. Any 'illegal' status arising therefore would have been created by our country — not the Host Country, the US mind you. Is this not contrary to the essence of the role of Consul General — to assist nationals abroad. Will Trinidad and Tobago not contribute to their loss of livelihood, deportation and the creation of new burdens for our republic?

Finally, within the context of this fiasco, other disturbing questions about the new practice of appointing non-career diplomats as Consuls General have arisen. If the well tried, tested and internationally accepted practice of appointing senior career diplomats as Consuls General were followed then the ensuing diplomatic embarrassment, poor image and bad local, regional and international press could have been averted. Shouldn’t the Minister not now intervene, although belatedly, to ensure that not ... only must justice be done, but must indeed appear very clearly to have been done? Minister, please put on a diplomatic cap, demonstrate benevolence and reverse the turbulence. Consider whether local legal opinion should trump measured and internationally accepted public diplomacy. Many are waiting to applaud you at this time for treating your nationals with decency, dignity and respect."Image from

Rouhani's Calculated Focus on Shattering Iranophobia Project - Mahmoud Reza Golshanpazhooh, payvand.com: "Although the White House is apparently doing its utmost to prevent adoption of a new sanctions resolution by the Congress [against Iran], it should not be forgotten that the interpretation that the US Executive offered of the Geneva agreement immediately after its signing, was the main factor which led to more distrust between Iran and the United States. There is no doubt that nobody, whether in Iran or among the member states of the P5+1 group, expected nuclear negotiations and the conclusion of an agreement to be simple and easy. However, for any negotiations to bear fruit, both sides need to settle for a minimum degree of goodwill while taking care not to treat the opposite party with a condescending approach.

At present, the true meaning of a number of concepts has been blurred in the negotiations. They include goodwill, mutual trust and commitment which are considered as the main pillars of any important negotiation. There is no doubt that in any negotiation both negotiating parties are aware that the negotiating table is no less than a real battlefield. Therefore, they should do all in their power in order to achieve their goals and protect their national interests, and should not be satisfied with apparent smiles and promises given by the opposite party. Despite the above facts, there is a subtle difference between negotiations and conflicts in that a minimum degree of commitment, trust and goodwill is needed for any negotiation to begin and continue. The question is do the American statesmen really imagine that if they continued with such dual behavior, they would be able to convince the public opinion that Iran has been the main reason behind a possible deadlock in nuclear negotiations? Here, the value of the active and purposive public diplomacy pursued by Iranian foreign policy team, especially the president and his Foreign Minister [Mohammad Javad Zarif], whose main goal is to shatter the false and unreal wall of Iranophobia, becomes more evident."Image from entry, with caption: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland

Iran sanctions threat ties U.S. hands - Tyler Cullis and Jamal Abdi, CNN: "[Comment by]: Jorgen Tanaka, Ph.D.] Time shall tell if Mr. Rowhani is able to deliver on his well choreographed public diplomacy. So far, so good as he gets excellent marks on effort and execution. The odds however are likely against the cleric winning the Lombardi trophy as the all-mighty Iranian Revolutionary Guard ('Sepah') is the real dark horse whose allegiance (to its own super Imperial ambitions) may ultimately prove to be more supreme and consequential, trumping even that of the 'supreme' (in name only) leader, Ayatollah Khamenie's [sic]."

Case for a federal foreign policy? - Saurabh Chandra, broadmind.nationalinterest.in: "Even in the current pro-federalism debate, one area has been strictly reserved for the central government: foreign policy. However, in a diverse country like India we are selling ourselves short by not taking advantage of our states’ ability to directly engage with the world at large. Obviously, New Delhi is the only competent authority when it comes to opening consulates, embassies, visas or in signing treaties. But the central government does much more and states can play a constructive role. For example, the new ministry of overseas Indians is perhaps an ideal one to be devolved. Kerala or Punjab government could engage the Malayalis or Punjabis abroad a lot better than a one-size-fits-all attitude that a Delhi based ministry takes. Or take public diplomacy as another opportunity: central government will tie itself in knots trying to figure an equivalent of the Confucius centres that the Chinese have created all over the world.

It is far better for West Bengal government to open Tagore centres, UP or Rajasthan opening Sufi centres without raising political opposition and also allowing multiple good ideas to compete. It also allows us to customise our engagement approach, for example Yoga in the west, Vipasana in the east may work better and Middle-East or Central Asia would prefer Bollywood over exercise. ... Many policies in the 50s were (rightly) created by a nation unsure of itself and even its abilities to stay together. In 2014, we can now be a little bold and try the unconventional by encouraging each state to have a Foreign Engagement (to distinguish it from External Affairs) department. Involving these as consultative partners for relevant departments or committees in MEA will help and having them engage the world directly will give the much needed boost that our skeletal foreign service needs. We should also not under-appreciate the focus looking outwards gives by making internal disputes look petty in comparison."Image from

India Sides With Japan in Air Zone Row - Devirupa Mitra, newindianexpress.com: "The visit of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has led to an even closer strategic embrace between New Delhi and Tokyo, with India for the first time taking a public stance on China’s expanded air defence zone, extending invitation for naval exercises with the US and starting a new national security dialogue. ... The joint statement

released on Saturday night said that Singh and Abe 'underscored the importance of freedom of overflight and civil aviation safety in accordance with the recognised principles of international law and the relevant standards and recommended practices of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).' ... Officially, both sides deny that China is part of their equation. 'Importance of rule of law is increasing maybe because of ADIZ or some other activities, but the joint statement does not specifically mention anything or any specific country either... It is not targeting the activity of any country,' said Japan foreign ministry’s director general for press and public diplomacy, Kuni Sato."Image from entry, with caption: Prime Minster Manmohan Singh with his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe and their wives Gursharan Kaur and Akie Abe respectively. Sato also mentioned at.

Why public affairs does not equal lobbying - András Baneth, europeanpublicaffairs.eu: "[T]here is no clear definition of what ‘public affairs’

really means since it is often used as a synonym for ‘public diplomacy’ or a term to describe a governmental institution’s relations with citizens. In the corporate (and to some extent, NGO) world, the term also differs whether it is used in Europe, the US or other parts of the world. The American interpretation is usually the broadest, and I very much agree with this approach: public affairs includes the management of all areas and issues that can affect a company’s [external] business environment, except for the classic sales and marketing functions. Government affairs is certainly a crucial part of that, but a lot more is expected of public affairs professionals. Let’s take a look at a few areas that are just as important."Image from

Checklist Which Will Make Your Public Speech The One To Remember - Arturas Jonkus: "Arturas Jonkus Arturas Jonkus@jonkus. Communication and PA Professional with more than 20 years experience in Public Diplomacy, Public Affairs and Corporate Communications."


Propaganda pushes Karzai to sign pact - Tom Vanden Brook, USA Today: Every day in Afghanistan, the U.S.-led coalition in Afghanistan broadcasts unattributed propaganda. Much of itconsists of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of feel-good messages that encourage Afghans to support their cops, troops, or government. Reuters, however, recently reported that an ad campaign aimed at Afghan President Hamid Karzai isn't the sort of thing that friends generally do to one another. The broadcast spots call on him to sign the bilateral security agreement. That's the pact that would allow U.S. troops to remain in Afghanistan beyond 2014. The Afghan government isn't too pleased about the ads. Nobody claims credit for them. An investigation into the source of funding for the ads is under way, according to a spokesman for the Afghan attorney general. The U.S. military declined to comment on the ads. "We have seen the media coverage, but have nothing to provide on this," a spokesman for the U.S. Central Command said. Below image from

Karzai doubles down on anti-American propaganda: Could it be time to take Karzai's words and actions at face value, and give him what he appears to want? - Dan Murphy, csmonitor.com: On Saturday, Karzai's government distributed a dossier of pictures and videos purporting to demonstrate a US war crime, the sort of decontextualized pictures and videos of broken bodies and wailing mourners at funerals that are often offered up by the Taliban as evidence of American evil. What's going on here? Karzai and his allies have been refusing to sign a security agreement that would allow US and other NATO combat soldiers to remain in the country beyond the end of this year, when their current mandate runs out. While Karzai constantly expresses skepticism that foreign troops are of any value in accomplishing much but killing civilians, his aid-dependent government is also well aware that without foreign troops, much of the promised civilian aid to Afghanistan will also dry up. Without them, it will be too dangerous to administer, and already rampant pilfering and central government corruption will also grow.

Keep Tweeting, Ambassador Kennedy - Nancy Snow, Huffington Post: Japanese lined up by the thousands to watch the horse-drawn carriage with JFK's daughter as she arrived at the Imperial Palace in November to present her ambassadorial credentials to the Emperor. Now U.S. Ambassador Caroline Kennedy

knows how long a honeymoon period in Japan lasts. Her alleged overstep? The following tweet heard round the political world: [']Deeply concerned by inhumanness of drive hunt dolphin killing. USG opposes drive hunt fisheries.[']Ambassador Caroline Kennedy, thank you for raising this issue and tweeting your conscience. We call it democratic discourse in Japan and the United States. As Senator J. William Fulbright said, "In a democracy dissent is an act of faith. Like medicine, the test of its value is not in its taste, but in its effects."Image via NS on Facebook

Don’t Undermine the Iran Deal - Carl M. Levin and Angus S. King, New York Times: The potential upside of legislating further sanctions is the hope that increased pressure might elicit more concessions or push Iran to conclude a more favorable deal. But this is unlikely. The potential downside is more likely and more dangerous: Iran’s decision-makers could conclude that the United States government is not negotiating in good faith — a view which Iranian hard-liners already espouse.

The Egyptian Disaster - Roger Cohen, New York Times: In a speech devoted to rebutting what he called “this disengagement myth” — the notion that a war-weary United States is retreating from the Middle East — Kerry was silent on a nation that is a United States ally, the recipient of about $1.3 billion a year in military aid (some suspended), and the symbol today of the trashing of American hopes for a more inclusive, tolerant and democratic order in the Middle East.

‘The Wolf of Wall Street’: Martin Scorsese’s cynical global ploy: US sees graphic take on Wall St., but it’s a different film overseas - Martha Bayles, Boston Globe: In evaluating a film these days, it’s crucial to consider how it will be adapted and marketed overseas — where studios make more than twice the profits they make at home. Case in point: Martin Scorsese’s three-hour extravaganza “The Wolf of Wall Street,” which was released on Christmas Day and is now a Best Picture nominee.

Scorsese pads “The Wolf of Wall Street” with soft-core porn — which many Americans would defend as a crucial form of artistic expression — then scraps most of it when shipping the product overseas. Not only that, but after the titillating bits are cut, what’s left will be a lurid caricature of American economic liberty, achieved through a voluntary sacrifice of artistic liberty. This may play well in authoritarian countries of Asia and the Middle East, but it looks like a con. Image from entry, with caption: Director Martin Scorsese pauses on the set of “The Wolf of Wall Street.”


From: Drew Guarini, "The Biggest Stereotype Of Every State In America In 1 Map," The Huffington Post


The average NFL game has just 10 minutes and 43 seconds of televised gameplay. Most of the time

is spent with the players standing around (67 minutes), while on average only 3 seconds is spent toward showing the cheerleaders. Still, sometimes there's plenty of action even when the ball isn't in play.

--From: Todd Van Luling, "21 Very American Things You'll Be Surprised You Didn't Know," The Huffington Post; image from


Birds of pray: Doves released in the Vatican as a gesture of peace are immediately ATTACKED by vicious seagull and crow - Hannah Roberts and Mark Duell, dailymail.co.uk

Hitchcock image from

January 28


"Someone has to get the FSO’s under control. If they don’t like it, let them resign."

--Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, regarding Foreign Service officers (December 18, 1975), specifically in the Africa Bureau (AF) at the State Department; image from entry; image from; see also John Brown, "Letter of Resignation by John H. Brown, Foreign Service Officer," Common Dreams (March 10, 2003)


Thinking About Iran By Remembering South Africa - Shervin Malekzadeh, lobelog.com: "South Africa’s transformation and redemption during the 90s is instructive as relations between the United States and Iran improve–a thaw made possible by the surprise election of Hassan Rouhani to the presidency this past June. Rouhani and his foreign policy team, led by the indefatigable Mohammad Javad Zarif, have taken a two-track, 'high/low' approach to diplomacy, one that aims to deny US policy elites the moral high ground in the international realm, terrain ceded by Iran for most of the past decade to the Americans, while simultaneously seeking out direct dialogue with the broader American public through acts of online and public diplomacy. Planned and impromptu [sic -- see] exchanges in venues like Facebook and Twitter serve the strategic goal of improving Iran’s image abroad by helping Americans forget the Iran of Ahmadinejad and the Iran of Argo. ... More than 30 years after South Africa gave up its domestic nuclear program as a cost for being reintegrated into the world community, America will have to reconcile itself to an Iran that exists as a regional power with limited if not latent access to nuclear technology. The satisfaction of a cold peace will have to do. Power politics and the persistent violations of human rights will prevent a full reconciliation between the two countries, though these will not be significant enough to override the shared benefits of détente. The status of US-Iran relations is likely to settle somewhere between the turban and the crown, to borrow from Said Arjomand–between the animosity of the first three decades of the Islamic Republic and the close partnership of the Pahlavi regime during its final three decades of rule. That is, assuming that Americans are still paying attention. Nearly a quarter of a century after the release of Nelson Mandela from prison, and less than 20 years since his election to the presidency, South Africa occupies little of the space that it once did in the public imagination of Americans. Such is the fate of 'rogue' states, current and former. Reputation and diplomacy will prove to be a mug’s game, subject to the fickle and distracted attention of an American public forever on the search for new demons and dragons to slay. In the end, Iran too will likely fade from view, relegated to the back pages of The New York Times alongside the latest, unnoticed outrage from some country in a lost corner of the world."

Indonesia as an Example of 21st Century Economic Statecraft - Anja Eifert, PD News–CPD Blog, USC Center on Public Diplomacy: "By encouraging U.S. businesses to invest in Indonesia and facilitating trade partnerships, the Obama administration has laid the groundwork for its vision of 21st century economic statecraft in Indonesia. However, the potential of added PD has yet to be fully explored. Initiatives such as the Innovation Fund for Public Diplomacy are a good start, but DoS could do more, such as: (1) create closer cooperation with the Department of Commerce in crafting, financing, and implementing sustainable economic PD that goes beyond short-term commitments and into building and sustaining communication and transportation infrastructure; (2) offer additional funding for entrepreneurs and start-ups through investment incentives for U.S. businesses; (3) implement increased grants and bilateral exchange agreements targeted at experts and professionals to work in Indonesia; and (4) create and sustain a network of public-private partnerships to finance internships and open professional training opportunities for future leaders in the U.S. and Indonesian business landscapes."

Exhibition: Art Inter[r]upted: Advancing American Art and the Politics of Cultural Diplomacy- redandblack.com: "In 1946, amid a Cold War conflict that emerged between the United States and the Soviet Union after World War II, the Department of State embarked on an innovative program of cultural diplomacy. At the heart of this initiative was a project known as Advancing American Art. 'Art Interrupted: Advancing American Art and the Politics of Cultural Diplomacy' examines the development and swift demise of this ambitious but ill-fated instrument of foreign policy. The story of Advancing American Art offers important clues to a better understanding of the unsettled period in American history immediately following World War II.

The public debate the project engendered-on the value of modern art, government's role in art patronage and what constitutes a truly American art form-addressed issues that are still worthy of discussion today. The curtailed tour in 1947 prevented a full consideration of what the paintings had to say about the artists and the period in which they were created. Nearly seventy years after the paintings were first assembled, the organizers of the present exhibition—the Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art at Auburn University, the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art at the University of Oklahoma and the Georgia Museum of Art—have worked together to give the artists and the original State Department organizers their due acknowledgment. From a checklist of 117 oils and watercolors sold as war surplus in 1948, 'Art Interrupted' reunites all but 10 paintings, for which there are no known locations, in an exhibition that demonstrates again the great worth in freedom and diversity." Image from entry. See also (1) (2).

Sri Lanka well ahead of the U.S. in accountability and transparency - asiantribune.com: "Does Sri Lanka's overseas diplomatic facility in Washington expect the US lobbying firms it has commissioned with a monthly payment of US$ 66,000 to highlight the presentation Sri Lanka's presidential emissary Lalith Weeratunga delivered while using the dismal record of the United States as a comparison to (1) create a political climate in the US more than conducive to enhancing Sri Lanka's long-term political economic aspirations (2) to create a platform where US decision makers receive clear and accurate information of Sri Lanka's current achievements? And, it has been reported that Sri Lanka has also separately hired a US lobbying firm (Majority Group) paying it US $ 50,000 to lobby the US Government to change 'its attitude towards Sri Lanka.' Mr. Weeratunga's presentation denote very clearly the trajectory of Sri Lanka toward transparency, accountability and truthfulness since the internal defeat of the separatist/terrorist Tamil Tigers in contrast to the track record of the United States in its 'Global War on Terror'. The question here is - do the handlers of external affairs for the Government of Sri Lanka have the competency to use more than the basics of public affairs, public diplomacy and strategic communication mechanism, understanding how the American polity works, the US strategy in its own handling of foreign affairs to engage in basic research and high-level of analyses with future projections to use Lalith Weeratunga- presentation to the UNHRC representatives in Geneva last week to enhance Sri Lanka's image globally and, most importantly, to negate the ongoing 'Global Diplomatic Insurgency' ,well oiled by the pro-separatist elements within the Tamil Diaspora, or allow that task outsourced to some Washington lobbying firms?"

Sochi Olympics To Raise Russia’s Credibility In International Arena –- Analysis - Penza News, eurasiareview.com: Xu Jin, Research Fellow at Institute of World Economics and Politics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that due to the Olympics Russia’s international image will be improved a lot in one or two years. 'Based on the experience of Beijing Olympic Games, the country will get positive international image, and it is also a good platform for the diplomacy and public diplomacy,' the Chinese analyst said.' ... Edward Lozansky, President and Founder of the American University in Moscow, shared the view that this event will positively affect the development of several areas. 'Given the huge investments in the infrastructure of the region, Sochi, under good administration, can become a unique tourist destination for both summer and winter holidays, he said, noting that PR is highly needed to compete with European resorts. ... According to him, the Olympic Games are not only grand sport event, but an indicator of the significant changes for the better, which have occurred in the country over the past two decades. 'Unfortunately, the world’s attitude toward Russia has changed little since the Soviet era. Media still uses the stereotypes of the Cold War without neglecting to stress 'omnipresent KGB' or 'Dictator Putin.' Recently, there is too much black PR, predictions of new terrorist attacks and calls for a boycott of the Olympics by anti-Russian lobby in the West. It should be noted that in pursuit of sensationalism, Russian press also adds negative information in this muddy stream,' Edward Lozansky noted. According to him, the Sochi Olympics will show the face of new Russia, freed from the communist past."See also

Vedrine and Kinkel Visit Sarajevo: The Makings of a Public Diplomacy Distaster- Charles Crawford, Diplomatic Courier: We connoisseurs of the diplomatic public speaking art are fortunate to have one example of a high-profile public speaking occasion where everything that could possibly go wrong did indeed go wrong. ... My subsequent reporting telegram to London recorded this amazing scene: 'It also is striking how diplomatically ineffective our main European partners seem here. The Védrine [France’s Foreign Minister Hubert Védrine]/Kinkel [Germany’s Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel] visit here last week seemed to sum things up, in presentational terms at least. At the large Holiday Inn reception for the visitors with a top-level turnout of Bosnian, Serb, and Croat leaders, Védrine’s tame speech was the normal Dayton platitudes.

Kinkel delivered an energetic address on the general lines of ‘We have done a lot for you! You shall be grateful! And cooperate!’ Stirring stuff, but not enough to enthuse the Bosnian audience, many of whom rudely carried on talking among themselves while it was delivered.' All in all, a grimly instructive diplomatic fiasco. ... In all public speaking, it is not what you say—it is what they hear. In war-weary Sarajevo in 1997 many of the leading personalities in post-conflict Bosnia did not hear from these two prominent European politicians an inspiring message of unity and shared purpose. They heard disjointedness, tedium, and perhaps even irrelevance. An expensive missed opportunity. Charles Crawford was British Ambassador in Sarajevo, Belgrade and Warsaw."Uncaptioned image from entry

Effective communication in the 21st Century - istitutodiplomatico.wordpress.com: "Public diplomacy is increasingly challenged by the transformative power of technology and the swift pace of digital progress: an effective online communication needs a careful and creative use of social medias. The UN foundation and the Digital Diplomacy Coalition have dealt with this subject at the end of October by hosting a half-day conference attended by people from all over the world, connected through Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Livestream. Eight key – pieces of advice emerged throughout the conversation: 1) Meet people where they are, using multiple platforms to reach different audiences. 2) Listen: don’t just put out your messages, involve your audience.

3) Build a network of networks: a stronger community means a better exchange. 4) Tell stories: data are important but reaching the emotional level is crucial. 5) Tell your stories visually, images make words more powerful. 6) Be authentic, be accurate: being credible is even more important then being fast. 7) Engage your leadership to be active on line, thus helping to shape a social-media–friendly organization. 8) Spur action: specific and relevant reaction means your communication has been really effective. Read more on: http://bit.ly/IsTayB."  Image from entry


Far from Syria, the propaganda war rages - yorkshirepost.co.uk: Edward M Spiers, Lauched in Montreux, and then moving to Geneva, the negotiations over the Syrian civil war represent the first time that members of the Syrian government have met face-to-face with Western–backed members of the rebellion. Western delegations have repeatedly touted these talks as the only means of producing a transitional government in Syria, paving the way to peace.On all sides, it seems, the Swiss talks have provided a perfect platform for expanding the propaganda battle that is being waged just as vigorously between Assad’s forces, the rebels, and their external backers as the conflict on the ground.

While this propaganda battle reverberates around Geneva, little can be expected of the talks beyond the possibility of minor agreements on prisoner exchanges and on letting humanitarian aid enter disputed areas. Image from article, with caption: Syrians holding a wounded man

Neocons Take Aim at Syrian Peace Talks - Robert Parry, Consortium News: The Washington Post’s neoconservative editorial page is still beating the drums for U.S. military intervention in Syria, but its latest demand for violent reprisals against the Syrian government dropped a key element in the previous propaganda campaign: the claim that President Bashar al-Assad had “gassed his own people.”

Harry Reid earns an assist on Iran: The Nevada senator staved off new sanctions — for now - Doyle McManus, latimes.com: The Senate isn't likely to vote on new sanctions any time soon. But this was just one round in the ongoing Washington battle over how to deal with Iran, and the closer the nuclear negotiations bring us to a final agreement, the more intense the debate will become.

US arrest of Iran nationals propaganda campaign: Diplomat - presstv.ir: Tehran has slammed the apprehension of Iranian nationals in the US as part of a propaganda campaign against the Islamic Republic. “All the hype and traps against Iranian citizens abroad are merely propaganda and media speculation and no offense has been committed by Iranian citizens,” Deputy Foreign Minister for Consular, Parliamentary and Iranian Expatriates Affairs Hassan Qashqavi

told reporters on Friday. He pointed to the recent arrest of Iranian citizen Mozaffar Khazaei in the US under the pretext of circumventing the sanctions against Tehran and noted, “There have been similar cases in other countries before, and the Iranian citizens have returned to the country after acquittal.” However, the diplomat noted that no comment can be made about the incident until investigations into the arrest of the Iranian citizen are finalized. Image from entry, with caption: Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Hassan Qashqavi

In Afghanistan, a war that has lost its purpose - Richard Cohen, Washington Post: Afghanistan is an arid Vietnam, a quagmire presided over by the petulant and unpredictable Hamid Karzai. For Obama, Gates wrote, “it’s all about getting out.”

Obama Flirts With Losing the 'Must Win' War: Withdrawal from Afghanistan will be a defeat for America and a victory for al Qaeda - Frederick W. Kagan, Wall Street Journal: Withdrawal from Afghanistan, whether financial or military or both, will be a defeat for the U.S. and a victory for al Qaeda. It really is that simple.

What the West Must Do for Ukraine - John E. Herbst, William Green Miller, Steven K. Pifer, William B. Taylor Jr., New York Times: Ukraine is on the verge of spinning out of control. Western influence in Ukraine is real but limited and could fade. The United States and European Union should apply it now, lest the West find itself watching Ukraine succumb to widespread violence that it cannot stop.

Why the West Must Join the Ukraine Protesters: What the Ukraine protests are really about: Western freedom vs. Putin's vision of a restored Russian empire - Mikheil Saakashvili, Wall Street Journal: In Kiev, the future is being decided. A triumph for the protesters would mark the end of Mr. Putin's dream of a restored Russian empire. In August 1991, President George H.W. Bush told Ukrainians and other Soviet Republics, in a speech quickly dubbed "Chicken Kiev,"

not to seek independence and integration with the West. Now, more than two decades later, the West must not send a similar message to people who have shown so much commitment to freedom. Too much is at stake. Let's hope Washington, Paris, Brussels, Berlin and London grasp that fact before it's too late. Image from

The Security Leadership Void - Clemens Wergin, New York Times: The United States remains an unrivaled power, with military resources and economic prowess that no other nation can match. The risk is not so much that another country might take its place; in a way, it is that no one will. The situation would be less dire if Europe showed more ambition to take over some of America’s balancing functions. But so far that seems to be a vain hope, both in practical and political terms. Further American disentanglement from the Middle East is not good for the region, or for the West as a whole.

Stability Versus Democracy in Egypt - Room for Debate, New York Times: Almost three years ago, Egyptians celebrated the end of six decades of military rule. But fury at the autocratic governance of Egypt’s first democratically elected president, the Islamist Mohamed Morsi, led to his ouster six months ago by the military. Now many Egyptians are supporting for the military again as its leaders authorize their commander to run for president. Is a military government actually the best recipe for stability and progress in Egypt

Propaganda and the media war in South Sudan - sudantribune.com: Media war and Propaganda is not good to be use in the South Sudan because we are one people with one objective that is peace and prosperity, propaganda is not good to be use at this particular period of time where people minds focuses still remembering the pasts like tribalism, corruption.

India movie banned in Pakistan citing "anti- Pakistan propaganda" - Malaysia Sun (ANI): An Indian movie based on the 1971 war has been reportedly banned in Pakistan following claims that it allegedly contains "anti- Pakistan propaganda." It is alleged that the movie 'The Bastard Child', depicting events of 1970-1971 in East Pakistan, shows atrocities committed by Pakistan Army personnel in East Pakistan, leading to its separation. According to The Nation, the movie attempts to show Pakistan and its security forces in a bad light and is being released at a time when the key institutions are engaged in large-scale counter-terrorism operations to end extremism and bring peace in Pakistan and across the world.

N. Korea suspends propaganda leaflets to South - Yonhap: North Korea has temporarily stopped flying propaganda leaflets to South Korea near its western border since the communist state offered a series of peace gestures earlier this month, multiple sources said Tuesday.

A Chinese Tourist in North Korea: A Firsthand Experience - [U.S. government funded] rfa.org: North Korea, a last bastion of Stalinism and one of the most secretive regimes in the world, is open to foreign tourism on a very limited basis. Foreigners applying to travel to North Korea are subjected to rigorous review, and once inside the country, their personal freedoms are limited and their actions closely monitored. But as an RFA Cantonese Service reporter found on a recent visit,

Chinese and non-Chinese visitors to the "Workers' Paradise" get rather different treatment: At the airport downtown, the view is in sharp contrast to the bustling and prosperous scenes one sees in other countries. There are only a few foreign visitors going through immigration, and many are tourists from China. There is just one flight a day from Beijing to Pyongyang. Passengers on the plane are offered some North Korean propaganda materials to read, or they can read the Workers' Daily, the newspaper of the North Korean central government, which is printed in monochrome across four pages. Image from entry, with caption: A North Korean staff member sells souvenirs to Chinese tourists at the monument to the Chinese People's Volunteers in Pyongyang, September, 2013.

Did North Korea Really Claim to Land a Man On the Sun? Here's the Full Story - Where the joke originated: Did North Korea really claim to put a man on the sun or do people just like making Kim
Jong-un look like a super-duper extra sillypants? Despite outlandish North Korean propaganda like

Kim Jong-il's vaunted all-time golf scoring record and the supposed discovery of a unicorn lair in Pyongyang, this one would already be sending up red flags even if it wasn't easy to track down the original source. This article originally appeared on the Waterford Whispers News, a satirical Irish site (think The Onion) that runs headlines like "Ground-Breaking WIT Study Finds Link Between Obesity and Over-Eating" and "World Leaders Renew International Lie-To-People Pact." Believing this story was genuine propaganda would require an assumption that North Koreans are either blindingly stupid or all carbon copies of Winston Smith at the end of Nineteen Eighty-Four, both of which are clearly untrue. North Koreans aren't scientifically illiterate enough to believe you can land on the sun.  Image from entry

Propaganda: “The Dominant Grand Narrative Of Our Time” - Media Lens, dissidentvoice.org:  Today, it is clearer than ever to a growing number of people that there is something seriously wrong with ‘the news’. The current system of planet-crushing propaganda relies on a mere façade of overall ‘balance’, ‘reasonableness’ and ‘range of views’. In the UK, BBC News is the crucial foundation stone of this propaganda system.

Hollywood, propaganda and liberal politics: What's considered propaganda depends on who's in the White House - Jonah Goldberg, latimes.com: Hollywood has never been opposed to propaganda. When Hollywood's self-declared auteurs and artistes denounce propaganda as the enemy of art, almost invariably what they really mean is "propaganda we don't like."

Muere actor de propaganda de Marlboro por cáncer de pulmón - rpp.com.pe: El actor Eric Lawson, que interpretó al reconocido vaquero

de las propagandas de los cigarrillos Marlboro, falleció a los 72 años víctima de cáncer de pulmón. Image from entry, with caption: Eric Lawson falleció a los 72 años víctima de esta penosa enfermedad. Su esposa dijo que el ´Marlboro man´ fumaba desde los 14 años y solo dejó el vicio cuando le diagnosticaron el mal.


8 Things About Americans That Might Surprise Visitors - Among them: 1. Uber-Friendliness: Americans are, apparently, much friendlier than most people around the world.

It's not uncommon to chat up a stranger while waiting on line or traveling on public transportation. Image from entry. Via GG on Facebook

Aides Advise Obama To Avoid Any Mention Of America During State Of The Union Speech -
theonion.com: Ahead of Tuesday night’s highly anticipated State of the Union address, top White House aides reportedly sat down with President Barack Obama and advised him to maintain a positive and optimistic tone throughout the speech by avoiding any mention of the United States of America.

“We feel it’s best to steer clear of topics that may cast the administration in an unfavorable light, so we urged the president to gently skirt the issue of America and any related subjects for the duration of his address,” said White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, adding that they hoped to deny Republican opponents of any ammunition for their rebuttal by instructing Obama to refrain from talking about the U.S., any one of the 50 states, or the American populace at all. “The country has been a really thorny issue for the president, so given the importance of this occasion and the number of people watching, we recommended that the president just stay away from using any loaded terms that might stir up negative associations with listeners, such as ‘the United States,’ ‘our nation,’ or ‘my fellow Americans.’” White House sources later confirmed that Obama’s State of the Union speech is estimated at seven minutes long and will focus largely on The Rolling Stones’ widely popular 1972 album Exile On Main St. Via AC on Facebook. Image from entry


“Street Cleaning Tomorrow — Absolutely No Parking: not even on the sidewalks.”

--Italian sign; image from


Queen down to her last million due to courtiers' overspending, report finds: Report by the Commons public accounts committee finds the Queen’s advisers are failing to control her finances while the royal palaces are “crumbling” - telegraph.co.uk.

Image from entry, with caption: A report by the Commons public accounts committee found that the Queen’s advisers were failing to control her finances while the royal palaces were “crumbling”

January 29



"We have become what the privacy theorist Daniel Solove calls 'digital persons.'”

--Colin Koopman, assistant professor of philosophy at the University of Oregon; image from


Foreign Staid: State and USAID need an overhaul, but you won't hear it from Obama - Daniel Sewer, Foreign Policy: "Traditional diplomacy focuses on communicating with sovereign governments, while 21st-century diplomacy focuses on ensuring that governments represent their people. Today, conventional diplomatic and foreign assistance institutions in the United States have fallen short in ... area vital in a world in which states are less important and publics."

 The American Energy Renaissance: Who is to Credit and What is the Future Direction? - Kenneth B Medlock III and Keily Miller, forbes.com: "With the issues related to rising domestic crude oil production finally capturing national attention – highlighted by the recent release of Senator Murkowski’s white paper on US energy exports last week – the Obama administration has begun to engage in more public diplomacy around its ... energy strategy. ... The energy industry in this country is in a period of regeneration. Unconventional resource development has grown more rapidly in the US than anywhere else in the world, and it has triggered a renaissance in America’s energy and manufacturing sectors."

ABC's Asia TV network faces axe - theaustralian.com.au: "ABC's $223 million Australia Network Asian broadcasting service is likely to be scrapped in the May budget to save money and end the pursuit of 'soft diplomacy' in the region through television. ... The estimated $25m a year paid to the ABC from DFAT's [see] budget for 'soft diplomacy' dwarfs the $4m a year available to the department for direct public diplomacy."

Cultural diplomacy - the Jakarta Post: "A delegation from Indonesia takes part in the annual parade at the Surva XXIII International Festival of Masquarade Games in Pernik city, Bulgaria, on Sunday.

Indonesia’s delegation, which included embassy staff and students studying in Bulgaria, performed a short piece from the Mahabarata epic and played gamelan instruments during the procession, which drew enthusiastic applause from spectators. Parade participants also included representatives from Albania, Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine. Image from entry, with caption: Courtesy of the Indonesian Embassy, Sofia.

Nica In the Lens - Paul Rockower, Levantine: "The New York Times In The Lens photoblog has a wonderful story and series on the sugar cane workers of Nicaragua that La Isla Foundation has been trying to help.  I wrote about this issue years ago, and did some photo documentation of my own in my exhibit at USC on public diplomacy and public health."

Netanyahu postpones ministerial forum on BDS threat over Bennett row: Government was supposed to seriously discuss boycott for first time, after Dutch pension giant decides to divest from Israel’s banks - Barak Ravid, haaretz.com: "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had planned to convene many of his ministers Wednesday for a meeting on the growing threat of boycotts and sanctions against Israel by Western governments and companies, but canceled the discussion at the last minute due to his ongoing crisis with Economy Minister Naftali Bennett. ...Bennett says the boycott and sanctions are a real threat but that they are also grossly exaggerated. In a speech at the Institute for National Security Studies conference Tuesday, Bennett said that since its inception, Israel has faced international boycotts. According to Bennett, the solution is allotting more resources to public diplomacy.'We need to take the budget of a flight squadron or tank brigade and divert it to the struggle against the delegitimization of Israel,' he said."


Why Kerry Is Scary - Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times: So that’s where we are: Israelis and Palestinians need to understand that Kerry’s mission is the last train to a negotiated two-state solution. The next train is the one coming at them.

Advertisements for Death - Susie Linfield, New York Times: The Syrian civil war may be the first truly postmodern conflict, at least when it comes to its images. Both sides are engaged in a perverse competition to show the world, and each other, how ruthlessly barbaric they can be. Aided by new technologies — the cellphone camera, YouTube, Instagram, social-media sites — these images of cruelty ricochet around the globe. The traditional role of war photojournalism has been turned on its head: Rather than expose atrocities, photographs now advertise them. But in other ways the Syrian images are hardly unique. They are the culmination of a long and ignoble lineage of perpetrator photographs: pitiless pictures taken by tormentors of the violence and sadism they inflict on helpless victims.

Education USA: Where do you want to study? Las Vegas! With Marilyn Monroe? - DiplPundit:
In 2008, the State Department issued 340,711 student visas (F1 visas for academic or language training program).  In 2012, the agency issued 486,900 student visas as well as 27,561 F2 visas for spouse/child of F1 visa holders. According to NAFSA, in 2012-2013 academic year, international students across the United States supported 313,000 jobs, a 6.2% increase in job support and creation. It is no surprise then that our embassies and consulates overseas are working hard to attract foreign students to come to the United States to study. And while most of the videos we’ve seen have been sorta boring, a couple of missions have recently released YouTube videos that seems to be attracting attention.

Time To Fix The State Department - Joan Wadelton, Whirled View: The current mess at the Department is due to a longstanding lack of rigorous oversight -- both external and internal. In addition, State's insistence that it can manage, audit and investigate itself with no outside oversight allows existing problems to persist. The failings of three key components of the State Department – the Human Resources Bureau, the Office of Inspector General and the Office of the Legal Advisor – have combined over a long period of time to damage the agency's logistical operations and policy implementation. The American people are paying billions of dollars for our foreign policy.They deserve better than this.

Beijing boots U.S. reporter over stories of Communist corruption - Cheryl K. Chumley, washingtontimes.com: A U.S. reporter based in Beijing was given until Thursday to leave the country, an order that seems tied to his media filings about the wealth that top Communist Party officials have been able to accumulate through the years. Thursday is the day New York Times‘ reporter Austin Ramzy’s visa expires, USA Today reported. But he’s the second journalist for the newspaper in a little over a year to be forced to leave China, and media watchers say it’s due to published reports that have proven embarrassing to the Communist Party — despite foreign ministers’ attempt to argue otherwise.

‘Ping-pong Diplomacy: The Secret History Behind the Game That Changed the World’ by Nicholas Griffin - Steven V. Roberts, Washington Post: China’s top leaders sought to deploy Ping-Pong as the “perfect instrument of Communist propaganda.”But kids in China today don’t swat Ping-Pong balls — they shoot hoops. Table tennis is now a “living fossil,” a sport “your dad plays.” Image from entry, with caption: In this 1961 photo from China's Xinhua News Agency, Zhuang Zedong, right, competes in the men's team finals of the 26th World Table Tennis Championship in Beijing.


--Image from Facebook, with caption: A Spokane Woman. Photo by Frank Laroche. 1897. Via FW on Facebook



January 30


"Individually, we are a little bit Neanderthal."

--Joshua M. Akey, a population geneticist from the University of Washington; cited in Geoffrey Mohan, "Neanderthal DNA lives on in modern humans, research shows: Some of the DNA acquired by human ancestors who mated with Neanderthals is found in some people today, including genes that control the development of skin and hair, studies find," Los Angeles Times; image from


Press Releases: Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board Elects New Vice Chair, Re-Elects Chairman for 2014 - officialwire.com: “The J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board has re-elected Tom Healy for a third term as Chairman for 2014. The Board elected Betty Castor as Vice Chair, succeeding Susan Ness. President Obama appointed Healy and Castor to the Board in 2011. The U.S. Congress established the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board in 1961 to select participants, set policies, and publish an Annual Report for The Fulbright Program, the U.S. Government's flagship international exchange program, sponsored by the Department of State. Through Fulbright grants, more than 325,000 participants in over 180 countries have studied, taught, conducted research, and found solutions to shared international challenges. Tom Healy is a writer and poet. His books include‘Animal Spirits,’ ‘What the Right Hand Knows,’ which was a finalist for the 2009 L.A. Times Book Prize, and two forthcoming books of essays: ‘Not Untrue and Not Unkind’ and ‘The Rest of the World: Smart Power and Public Diplomacy.’"

Navy band coming to West Monroe - knoe.com: "'America's Navy has only recently adopted the motto, 'Being There Matters,' but it's been a part of what we do for many years - through music - and therefore Navy bands are integral to our national security,' said Capt. Brian O. Walden, the Navy Band's commanding officer.

'Today, Navy bands are still performing around the world, acting as agents of public diplomacy for the American government, improving relations with our allies and winning the hearts and minds with the universal language of music.'"Uncaptioned image from entry. See also Walter Pincus, "Vast number of military bands may not be music to Gates's ears," Washington Post: "'There are about 6,000 FSOs,' or Foreign Service officers, he told an audience in San Francisco this month. He drew laughter when he added that former secretary of state 'Condi Rice used to say, 'We have more people in military bands than they have in the Foreign Service.' She was not far wrong.'"

Bayles Releases New Book On American Image, Pop Culture - Soo Jung Rhee, bcheights.com: "A cultural critic in numerous publications and a faculty member of the Arts and Sciences Honors Program, Martha Bayles recently published her fourth book, Through a Screen Darkly: Popular Culture, Public Diplomacy, and America’s Image Abroad. In her book, Bayles expands her arguments about the decadent image of American pop culture and the lack of a general sense of constructive criticism against it. 'It’s about the way American popular culture is shaping the perceptions of people around the world and of life in the United States,' Bayles said. '[American popular culture] seems to have become the main influence in how people see America, and it’s good in some ways, but in other ways it’s not so good.'After travelling to 11 different countries and interviewing many experts in various fields, Bayles compiled what she learned from the process into a 340-page book in which she applied her critical lens to certain misleading images created by popular culture. 'Our pop culture flooded into the rest of the world at a time when the U.S. government was no longer really trying to communicate what’s good about the country,' she said. 'That takes you to looking at pop culture, and what does it say about America.' Although she began her writing career as a great admirer and defender of popular culture against cynical critics who would dismiss it as a mere commercial product, she started to develop her doubt about America’s reputation in the world following Sept. 11.'I would defend what I thought was good stuff and that was my main purpose in writing about pop culture, to sort of defend it, particularly music,' she said. 'That was my starting point but then came 9/11, and it turned out that a lot of the world really doesn’t love America or naturally gravitate toward America.' While she expressed her grief over the overly optimistic and naive outlook on the cultural character of America in the world, she recognized certain aspects of it as worthwhile to be widely spread in the global popular culture market. 'I call that the American ethos, and I would describe that as a kind of hope for peoples’ ability to flourish and thrive under conditions of political liberty in a free society with democratic institutions, but combined with a kind of caution and prudence about human nature and the limits of how wonderful you can expect people to be,' she said. Using The Wolf of Wall Street as an example, she pointed out that American popular culture has become a distorted image of Americans, which exaggerates the faults in U.S. society and creates it simply as a source of entertainment and laughter. The problem, she states, is that many parts of the world may take a mere 'funhouse mirror image'

as the reality facing America and misunderstand the playful portrayal of social phenomena in America.'I would like to see some awareness on the part of the entertainment industry of some of the messages they’re sending out there, and I would like to see more criticism of it,' she said. 'I think we need to offset those images with something that … gives them an accurate picture.'Bayles also argued that mending the U.S. image abroad could not be more appropriate in the current state of the world when savvy, authoritarian regimes still suffocate citizens with little or no political rights and nominal cultural freedom. 'I think the one thing that America should stand for in the current world is notions of people having political freedoms and rights there that the government cannot tap on,' Bayles said. 'And that’s just not true in a lot of countries. We talk about it, but then we project all these images that say ‘Well, you know, America’s really not that different from all these other countries,’ so it is extremely pertinent to today’s world. That’s why I wrote it.'Bayles image from

Helping ‘Till It Hurts [review of Aid Dependence In Cambodia: How Foreign Assistance Undermines Democracy By Sophal Ear New York: Columbia University Press, 2012] - John Wilcox, Small Wars Journal: "Using Cambodia as an example, both independent and national donors and program directors would be wise to heed the warnings in Aid Dependence in Cambodia. From a military perspective, the reliance on programs like the commander’s emergency relief program (CERP) to support military activity remains important. The danger is that poorly planned, but well-intentioned development and aid programs can lead to short-term tactical successes, but long-term strategic failures. Certainly, aid has a role in public diplomacy and international cooperation. However, aid must be applied judiciously, lest the lessons of Cambodia are lost in the well-intentioned effort by well-meaning donors to 'make a difference.'”

Politically incorrect film reviews – The long walk to freedom - Robert Henderson, libertarianalliance.wordpress.com: "There are two films currently on release with a very high pc approbation quotient: 12 Years a Slave and Mandela: a long walk to freedom. The latter is a better film simply as a film, both because it had a male lead who imposed himself on the film and because it possesses something resembling a plot rather than a repetitive series of scenes of brutality and contempt. But being superior to 12 Years a Slave does not make it a good film let alone a great one and this Mandela biopic has serious flaws. ... [comment by:] Paul Marks (@paulvmarks) | 28 January, 2014 at 10:24 pm ...The book the film is based on, the 'Long Walk to Freedom' is not really Nelson Mandela’s autobiography (the actual work, written in prison, still exists – and one can compare 'Long Walk to Freedom' to it) it is an altered thing written by Rick Stengel (now Barack Obama’s, another man who has hidden his Communist past, undersecretary for public diplomacy)."

Ukraine gets short shrift from mismanaged Voice of America- Ted Lipien, Digital Journal: Mismanaged and underfunded Voice of America failed to highlight in English and most other languages Obama's State of the Union remark on Ukraine. Its oversight board needs to reform the taxpayer-funded media outlet and get more money from Congress. ... Failure to point out Obama's Ukraine remarks in the State of the Union speech was not an isolated incident. Due to insufficient funding, aggravated by mismanagement at senior executive level, Voice of America has been failing to report adequately on many important U.S. and international news for a long time. VOA journalists are just as helpless against the uncaring management as are outside observers who value U.S. international media outreach. The federal Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), which has oversight responsibilities, must undertake immediate management reforms to solve this news reporting crisis."

Voice of America not reporting on U.S. Congressman’s threat to journalist – BBC, Russia’s RT, Iran’s Press TV are- bbgwatch.com

Last call for the Australia Network? - Alex Oliver, lowyinterpreter.org: "And now the news: the Australia Network (described in The Australian's story as the 'Asian broadcasting service') is ‘likely to be scrapped in the May budget’. ... It has been difficult for successive governments to embrace international broadcasting as a useful (and for Australia, almost its only) public diplomacy tool. International broadcasters such as the Australia Network can help win over foreign publics in ways that support the national interest.  As a tool of public diplomacy, international broadcasters can inform the public in other countries about a nation's values, political systems, people, lifestyles and businesses.

For Australia, public diplomacy helps ease the way for Australia to conduct its foreign affairs, and promotes Australia as a place to visit and invest in. Australia's public diplomacy budgets have been whittled dramatically over the last decade, to the point where the Australia Network is about the only serious exercise in public diplomacy that remains. ... To be effective, international broadcasters need to be independent. They shouldn't just 'play for the team'. As Nicholas Cull concluded in 2010, the BBC, 'through its telling of bad news – as well as good – throughout the Second World War effectively reversed the reputation for creativity with the truth that Britain had earned in the First World War'. Likewise, it was their ability to criticise the US which gained Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty standing in the eyes of Soviet bloc listeners. It is a government's ability to allow criticism of itself which gives it credibility in the world. The converse is also true. Government control of the media nullifies its credibility. There are plenty of examples of this from nations which few admire for their freedoms."Uncaptioned image from entry

ABC may lose Australia Network: Growing signs that Abbott government will strip the ABC of international broadcasting as a concession to conservative critics- Katharine Murphy, The Guardian: Another signal has emerged that the Abbott government intends to strip the ABC of its international broadcasting service – the Australia Network – in a significant concession to Rupert Murdoch and to conservative commentators critical of public broadcasting. The foreign affairs minister, Julie Bishop, has been preparing the public ground since opposition for the ABC to lose its Australia Network regional broadcasting service, which it was awarded by the previous Labor government after a bitterly contested process.

In January Bishop criticised the quality of the programming on the Australia Network, and argued it was not serving Australia’s regional interests as 'a tool of public diplomacy'. The Australian newspaper reported on Thursday that the service was likely to be scrapped in the May budget as a savings measure. The commission of audit established by the government will also run the ruler over other ABC services."Image from entry, with caption: Julie Bishop argues the Australia Network is not serving Australia’s regional interests. See also.

EU not ready for compromise on political prisoners - charter97.org: "The Belarusian authorities should release the political prisoners for establishing a dialogue with the European Union. This statement was made in Minsk on January 29 by Rodolphe Richard, the head of the Political, Press and Information Section at the EU Delegation to Belarus. ... Aleh Shloma, the Head of the EU Desk of the European Cooperation Division at the Belarusian MFA, said about the

problem of political prisoners: 'We're aware of the issue.' ... Shloma also commented on the information on behind-the-scene talks between EU diplomats and the Belarusian authorities mentioned by Lukashenka on January 21 during a meeting with heads of the Belarusian media. 'This is a common practice in the world. Many things are not discussed in public. Belarus is not an exception. There are several levels of discussions. Look at other countries that have had huge problems with the global centers of power until recently, for example, Iran. Nevertheless, we see serious progress made not only due to public diplomacy,' Shloma said. There are 11 political prisoners in Belarus. European and American politicians have repeatedly called to release them immediately."Uncaptioned image from entry

Europe’s relations with Cuba should require improvement on human rights - Martin Palous, miamiherald.com:"[H]uman rights should remain at the heart of the relationship between the European Union and Cuba and constitute an essential element of a new treaty. And all 28 member states of the European Union must agree. Several among them were trapped for decades behind the Iron Curtain before 1989 and returned to Europe after the revolutions during that annus mirabilis. They went through post-communist transitions and will use their own experience in the upcoming Cuba discussions. Whatever happens in Brussels in a few days, the negotiations that are to start on a governmental level between the European Union and Cuba will take time — it can be a couple of years — and there will be a space for public diplomacy and the participation of Cuban civil society."

The Turkish Al-Jazeera? TRT - Omar Al-Ghazzi and Marwan M. Kraidy, flowtv.org: “'Turks and Arabs,' intoned Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, one spring evening in April 2010, 'are like the fingers of a hand.

They are as close as the flesh and the nail of a finger… We belong to the same history, the same culture and above all the same civilization.' Erdoğan was speaking in the launching ceremony of TRT-al-Turkiyya, Turkey’s Arabic-language satellite television channel . ... Clearly, TRT-al-Turkiyya’s raison d’être was to bolster Turkey’s 'zero problems with neighbors' policy with a mediated charm offensive towards the region’s 300 million Arabic speakers. However, the channel has been facing a daunting challenge: it has to compete not only with hundreds of Arab channels but also with the foreign-funded channels. The managing director of TRT-al-Turkiyya, Sefer Turan, an Egypt-educated Arabic speaker, acknowledged the challenge: 'There are 750 satellite channels in Arabic,' he said. 'We are going to be the 751st. ['] Reflecting his channel’s embroilment in larger geopolitical dynamics, he added: 'We want to show our country’s industry, politics, culture and art, and leave the decision to the audience.' Turan’s words reflect the style and tenor of Turkey’s public diplomacy: it promotes the country and its regional interests in a soft sell stylistically emblematic of Neo-Ottoman Cool."Image from entry, with caption: Erdoğan and Al-Turkiyya: From Turkey with all its love

Food for thought - Jessie Thompson, interestedwomen.com: "Mary Jo A. Pham has done research into the concept of ‘gastrodiplomacy’ – the idea that food can facilitate communication in a geopolitical arena. Not only is gastrodiplomacy, as Paul Rockower suggests, ‘the act of winning hearts and minds through stomachs’, but it also allows a country to promote its national identity and encourage economic investment.

When Thailand decided to use Thai restaurants around the world as informal meeting places for public diplomacy, they had a target of raising the number of Thai restaurants around the world from 5,000 to 8,000 – something they massively surpassed, there now being in the region of 20,000 Thai restaurants."Image from entry

Some Insight on the Valuation of a Non-Market Good (Wetlands) to Achieve the Social Optimum or “Greatest Good” - Jesse Backstrom, strata.org: "Non-consumptive use values relate to the natural benefits that wetlands provide, and can be monetary or non-monetary. Existence values are those non-monetary and non-consumptive values that one has for simply knowing that a wetland is in existence, giving a satisfaction that a wetland is still in full health and aiding the organisms and other systems dependent on it. Bequest values, or the satisfaction one gets from preserving an ecosystem for future use, are also recognized as non-consumptive and non-monetary. Other non-consumptive and non-monetary values include landscape aesthetics, and the potential for education and research. This provides opportunities for developing knowledge on wetland functions and allows for more public diplomacy."

Diplomacy and Its Practice III - Luis Ritto, ispdnetwork.org: "In the past two articles of mine, I wrote about the evolution of diplomacy and how it developed from a bilateral instrument in the relations between nations to a multi-functional and multi-purpose tool of foreign relations of countries, as it is the case today. In fact, diplomacy nowadays does not only comprise the direct official relations between countries, as we come to know it for several centuries, but consists also of new forms of diplomatic actions, such as multilateral diplomacy, economic diplomacy, public diplomacy, cultural diplomacy, educational and science diplomacy and so forth."

Using Diplomacy as an Effective Tool of Economic Development - Joynal Abdin, diplomacyandforeignaffairs.com: "We can classify diplomacy based on the objective and nature of tasks like peace-making, peace keeping; trade negotiating, war, partnership in economic development, cultural exchange, environment, and human rights etc. issues. From other aspect we are observing aggressors/allies to boycott aggressors, soft power diplomacy based of relationship and respect, gun board/military power diplomacy, public diplomacy and nuclear diplomacy in practice. From all the above types and forms of diplomacy ... economic diplomacy ... can be used as a tool of economic development."

5 social media tips from diplomats - holykaw.alltop.com: "Social media is emerging as an increasingly potent tool for public diplomacy, and the methods used by institutions such as the U.S. State Department should prove useful to any looking to build their international reach, Kara Hadge writes. Knowing what platforms work best for your target audience, having a measurement plan and having a strategy for moving from online discussion to offline action are critical, Hadge writes. Full story at SmartBlog on Social Media by SmartBrief."

Sept. 24: Mapping the International Sales Landscape in the Defense & Homeland Security Markets - gtscoalition.com: "Vangala S. Ram Office Director Bureau of Political-Military Affairs/Office of Region Security and Arms Transfers U.S. Department of State [:]

Mr. Ram has served in the NEA, AF, EAP, EUR and SCA bureaus with previous postings in Amman, Seoul, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Cologne, Banjul, Herat, Tunis and Riyadh in addition to Washington DC. During his nine consecutive overseas tours Mr. Ram served as Vice-Consul, First Secretary in the Management and Public Diplomacy cones, besides his assignment as Senior Civilian Representative to Regional Command (RC) West in Afghanistan and Deputy Chief of Mission (DCM) in The Gambia."Ram image from entry

Oh, Lorde! Grammy Hypocrisy Exposed - Helene Imperiale, thenewagenda.net: Helene Imperiale is currently a second year student in the Master of Public Diplomacy Program at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California. Additionally, she is the Blog Manager at the USC Center on Public Diplomacy.

Public Communication Division Director, Tenured - careerlink.marketing.org: "The Public Communication Division of the School of Communication at American University is seeking applicants for the position of Division Director. High-level professional experience in strategic communication is required, along with academic experience. A PhD in Communication or a related field is preferred but not required (a master’s degree is required). All candidates should be qualified for appointment with tenure at the rank of Associate or Full Professor at American University. The ideal candidate will have worked in an academic environment and will have high-level professional experience in at least one of the following types of organizations: communication agencies; corporations; nonprofit organizations; associations; or local, state, or federal government. ... The School: The School of Communication has four Divisions: Communication Studies, Journalism, Public Communication, and Film and Media Arts. ... The Public Communication faculty has a national reputation for work in the areas of political communication, public affairs, advocacy communication, social media, and public diplomacy."


In change of tone, Afghanistan's President Karzai welcomes Obama's State of the Union - foxnews.com: Afghan President Hamid Karzai has welcomed President Barack Obama's State of the Union remarks on his country, striking a friendlier note after weeks of anti-American rhetoric. Relations between the two nations have been strained, with Karzai refusing to sign a security agreement which would allow some American troops to remain in Afghanistan after 2014. Obama said during his Tuesday speech that a small U.S. military force may remain in Afghanistan next year — but didn't say how many.
Karzai noted in a statement Wednesday that Obama had not set a timeline for signing any deal, calling that "positive." He urged an end to "negative propaganda" against Afghanistan and said he now believes the two countries can work together to help restart Afghanistan's peace process. Image from

Karzai Gambles with the Taliban: Karzai is sounding more like the Taliban in his public statements and recycling their propaganda in his criticisms of the U.S., but he’ll never make peace with the terrorist group - Bill Roggio, Daily Beast: Just when you thought Afghan President Hamid Karzai couldn’t distance himself further from the US and the West, which have propped him up for over a decade, he surprises you. The exact reasons for Karzai’s drift from the West remain murky but one thing is clear: his anti-U.S. rhetoric may sometimes echo the Taliban but it won’t put him in their good graces.

State Department deputy spokesperson Marie Harf responds to LWJ - Thomas Jocelyn and Bill Roggio, longwarjournal.org: In her initial email, Ms. Harf accused us of "cherry pick[ing] quotes from one of my briefings to criticize me ...." We responded that we in fact used the reporter's questions, and her responses, in full. In a follow-up email, Ms. Harf outlined her criticism of our piece. Here is Ms. Harf's response: "You are correct, you pasted the whole quotes in the article - your analysis just completely misconstrued or entirely misread them. Comments highlighted below in response to your two accusations [LWJ note: Ms. Harf's comments are not highlighted but are included under the block quotes from her briefing. She begins by quoting herself from the press briefing. We included these quotes in our article.]:" MS. HARF: Okay. I'll take a look or a listen to that when I get back.
And look, this is not new rhetoric we've heard from Zawahiri. He's - core al-Qaida in Afghanistan and Pakistan, besides Zawahiri, has essentially the entire leadership been decimated by the U.S. counterterrorism efforts. He's the only one left. I think he spends, at this point, probably more time worrying about his own personal security than propaganda, but still is interested in putting out this kind of propaganda to remain relevant.

A Middle Eastern Primer - Roger Cohen, New York Times: Nobody controls the new Middle East. Foreign policy is a posh term for managing contradictions.

With Iran, Israel, Kerry is master of the interim deal - David Ignatius, Washington Post: For Secretary of State John F. Kerry, diplomacy has centered on what might be called the art of the interim deal. He has tackled two of the world’s toughest issues — the Iranian nuclear program and the Israeli-Palestinian problem — and has fashioned tentative formulas outlining the shape of a final accord, even though the parties are far from such comprehensive settlements. The success of this approach requires that the interim version becomes permanent — which is still a very long bet in both cases.

Israel Needs to Learn Some Manners- Avi Shlaim, New York Times: The simple truth is that Israel wouldn’t be able to survive for very long without American support. America poses as an honest broker, but everywhere it is perceived as Israel's lawyer. America gives Israel money, arms and advice. Israel takes the money, it takes the arms, and it rudely rejects the advice. America is going nowhere in the Middle East until it makes the provision of money and arms conditional on good manners and, more importantly, on Israeli respect for its advice.

A Press Corps Full of Snowdenistas: Utterly paranoid about their own governments, strangely trusting about the aims of the Kremlin - George Lucas, Wall Street Journal: "Most of my media colleagues seem to think Edward Snowden is a saint and proto-martyr.

Their Hollywood-style story line is that the fugitive National Security Agency contractor has bravely exposed American spy agencies' tricks and mischief.  ... But the media's sensationalist and misleading interpretation of the stolen documents has weakened security relationships among Western allies; it has corroded public trust; it has undermined the West's standing in the eyes of the rest of the world; and it has paralyzed our intelligence agencies. ... Anti-Americanism in Germany and other European countries is now ablaze."Uncaptioned image from entry

Why tech companies and the NSA diverge on Snowden - Peter Swire, Washington Post: The leader of a Silicon Valley company said, regarding the whistleblower-vs.-traitor debate, that more than 90 percent of his employees would call Snowden a whistleblower. Fundamentally, the traitor-or-whistleblower debate comes down to different views of what values should be paramount in governing the Internet we all use. The Internet is where surveillance happens to keep our nation safe. It is also where we engage in e-commerce and express ourselves in infinite ways. The goal is to create one communications structure that safeguards diverse, important values.

President Karzai’s Perfidies - Editorial, New York Times: President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan seems to have decided that there is nothing lost, and maybe something to be gained, in destroying his relationship with the United States. While such behavior may serve his interests, it does not serve his long-suffering country’s. The candidates running to succeed him owe voters a vision of how they will improve governance, reduce corruption and work more productively with the United States and its allies, who have spent billions of dollars to underwrite Afghanistan’s economy and will be asked to continue the aid, at reduced levels, in the years to come.

Falling short on Afghanistan - Editorial, Washington Post: The president is communicating the wrong message to Americans with speeches proclaiming “the end of America’s longest war.” If a continued U.S. mission is to be supported by the public and funded by Congress — which just slashed this year’s Afghanistan funding — Mr. Obama must make the case why it is in the national interest for troops to remain. That he does virtually the opposite makes him complicit with Mr. Karzai in undermining a major national security interest.

Sochi, the Circassian factor - Maria Elena Murdaca, balcanicaucaso.org: Many Circassians are calling for a boycott of the Sochi Olympics, saying the Games will take place on the same grounds where their people was ethnically cleansed by Russian troops in the XIX century. Interview with Fatima Tlisova, journalist. It is not the first time that a country with a history of conflict with the indigenous population organises the Olympic Games. It happened in Vancouver, and before that in Sydney. Canada and Australia saw in this event the opportunity for national reconciliation. Russia did not. Fatima Tlisova, among the first Russian journalists to obtain political asylum in the West in the Putin era: [Q:] For Canada and Australia, recognising the extermination of indigenous peoples was not an insurmountable problem, while Russia seems to lack the will.

It is not just a matter of will. If we speak of the masses, they are victims of propaganda. A propaganda made of dangers, threats, and enemies. It may be that, at the subconscious level, knowing all that the peoples of the North Caucasus have suffered by the Russians, they expect nothing but hatred, and so we are perceived as a threat. There has to be a part of the historical memory, of genetic memory, which blocks the recognition process. But sooner or later it will happen. Image from entry

Hong Kong Media Becomes Propaganda Battlefield for Beijing - Li Lingpu and Lin Yi, Epoch Times: Those in Hong Kong who favor increasing democracy are worried that the city’s freedom

of the press is in jeopardy, as a faction in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has increasingly been using Hong Kong’s media outlets to spread propaganda.

S. Korea holds live-fire drill despite North's warning - Kim Eun-jung, globalpost.com: South Korea on Tuesday carried out a live-fire drill on its northwestern islands despite North Korea's warning of "grave consequences," but the closely-watched exercise ended without clashes with the communist state. South Korea has carried out live-fire exercises on the frontline islands every two or three months to improve Marine Corps' readiness. The drills have often been met by protest from Pyongyang. The routine drill was closely watched amid rising hope of thawed inter-Korean ties as the two Koreas are seeking to hold reunions for families separated by the 1950-53 Korean War in mid-February. Following Pyongyang's recent peace gestures, Seoul officials have been analyzing the intentions behind the unpredictable regime's recent move, while keeping close tabs on the North Korean military. The North Korean military has been carrying out its winter drills since early December, but it has temporarily stopped sending propaganda leaflets through the border since earlier this month, according to multiple sources.

BBC to broadcast anti-Gaddafi documentary as Green Resistance progresses - Linda Housman, english.pravda.ru: The perfect time to pour in some more anti-Gaddafi propaganda and to start another round of outright lies! Thus, amid the ongoing struggle of the Green Resistance for true democracyhttp://cdncache1-a.akamaihd.net/items/it/img/arrow-10x10.png as it were before NATO invaded the country, BBC Four's Storyville announces the documentary "Mad Dog: Gaddafi's Secret World", to be broadcast on February 3.

Top secret plan drawn up by Field Marshal Montgomery reveals how he wanted the Boy Scouts to help rehabilitate Germany from Nazism - dailymail.co.uk: A fascinating plan drawn up by Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery to rehabilitate the German people from Nazism has emerged nearly 70 years later. Montgomery came up with a strategy to win the hearts and minds of the German people after the Allies took control of Germany following the end of World War Two.

He said: "The church is possibly one of the few bridges of confidence between the two countries that is not down. Among the first things to be suppressed by Hitler were the church's youth work and the Boy Scouts. Every encouragement will be given to chaplains to start Boy Scout Troops, clubs and classes. We want to encourage juvenile organisations for the purpose of religious, cultural, health or recreational activities."Image from entry, with caption: Field Marshal Montgomery, centre, with Colonel I.P. Gorshkov, Soviet Military Attache in London, before leaving Bassingbourne Aerodrome for Moscow, drew up detailed plans for rebuilding German society

Russia's leading state television company fires ENTIRE department after its Facebook page lauds top Nazi Joseph Goebbels as a 'great'- dailymail.co.uk: Russia's leading state television company fired an entire department today after its facebook page lauded Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels as a 'great' figure alongside Winston Churchill."We apologise to our readers for the unethical publication," said VGTRK media group after a public outcry. The scandal erupted after Kremlin-controlled Vesti-24 news channel on Monday published a montage of quotes about Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin, to mark the 90th anniversary of the death of the Soviet Union's founder this month.

Goebbels, the Third Reich's fascist ideologue, was cited as praising Lenin for 'leading' the Russian people 'from suffering' - and to freedom. Other 'great men' on the list included British wartime leader Churchill as well as Mahatma Gandhi and Albert Einstein. Lenin's successor Josef Stalin was also included. The inclusion of Goebbels led to a furious backlash readers of the Facebook page which is followed by 1.1 million people. By Tuesday night, the Nazi had been dropped from the list, though Stalin - a figure revered by some older Russians - remained. Image from entry, with caption: Russian TV station Vesti 24 posted this picture of Nazi Propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels on its facebook page today on a list of 'great men'

The return of ‘Mein Kampf’: As e-book sales surge, we must not censor, but explain - Abraham H. Foxman, nydailynews.com: E-book sales of “Mein Kampf” have boomed, grabbing the top spot on Amazon’s propaganda and political psychology chart and entering the top 20 bestselling iTunes politics and events titles. Though the number of downloads may illicit initial shock — “Mein Kampf,”

after all, is full of the twisted thinking that would later form the basis of Nazi and National Socialist ideology and chock full of anti-Jewish themes — we should not conclude that it reflects a rise in anti-Semitism. That said, it is disturbing that so many people are downloading a book with such a sordid history. (Hitler, who notoriously used many forms of propaganda, never imagined the power of 21st-century technology.) Image from entry

Holocaust museum representatives train future teachers - news.wsu.edu: The training will help pre-service teachers understand the workings of propaganda, the conditions that make genocide possible and the pedagogical strategies to promote conversation about these difficult topics in the classroom.

Image from entry, with caption: Associate professor Pam Bettis, right, explains some of the materials she received from the holocaust museum to graduate assistant Nicolas Manuel.

Obama’s State of the Union Goes PowerPoint - bagnewsnotes.com: "What with our White House “Photo Access” Salon scheduled for February 9th, what has been on my mind these days is how much the White House communications product can be termed political propaganda and how much it’s genuinely informational and fostering constructive engagement. If nothing else, last night’s online State of the Union broadcast by the White House, combining slides and live video, opens the door to still one more way technology is modifying and expanding political communication. What you see below are The Bag’s live tweets with screen shots I took from the White House feed. Let me say up front that the tweets — with the exception of the guy in the cornfield and the Iran nuke threat — run to the cynical and the propagandistic. Still, I have to say there’s a lot to like about this new delivery. Above all, I admired the Administration’s effort when it came to information that can quickly make eyes glaze over that was suddenly enlivened." Among the images included in the entry: What with our White House 'Photo Access' Salon scheduled for February 9th, what has been on my mind these days is how much the White House communications product can be termed political propaganda and how much it’s genuinely informational and fostering constructive engagement. If nothing else, last night’s online State of the Union broadcast by the White House, combining slides and live video, opens the door to still one more way technology is modifying and expanding political communication. What you see below are The Bag’s live tweets with screen shots I took from the White House feed. Let me say up front that the tweets — with the exception of the guy in the cornfield and the Iran nuke threat — run to the cynical and the propagandistic. Still, I have to say there’s a lot to like about this new delivery. Above all, I admired the Administration’s effort when it came to information that can quickly make eyes glaze over that was suddenly enlivened.

Caption: WH feed patronizes “son of a bar keep” with this family photo. #sotu #teamrhetoric
9:35 PM - 28 Jan 2014

Caption: Remember the troops … when you can pull the heart strings that hard #SOTU #teamrhetoric

American Painter Bernard Perlin Dies at 95 - complex.com: Perlin's career as an artist stretches over a period of seven decades, which he spent exploring a multitude of subjects and places. Perlin started off working for the government, creating propaganda posters to help gain support for fighting in World War II. 

Eventually, he was sent overseas as an artist and reporter for Life and Fortune magazines. After witnessing the horrors of war firsthand, Perlin returned the the United States more socially aware, finding many similarities between war-torn cities and the abandoned lots and gritty lifestyle of his native country's cities. It was around this time Perlin began painting what 
Art News calls "romantic realist" works. His most well-known piece Orthodox Boys, pictured above, was first shown at Knoedler and Company—and now it sits inside Tate Gallery in London. Perlin painting image from entry


From the exhibit, The American West In Bronze, 1850-1925, Metropolitan Museum of Art Through April 13


--Sant' Eustachio. Fountain of the Books. Via YA on Facebook

January 31-February 2


"Today, the Catholic Church has 1.2 billion members, and so does Facebook."

--Peter Sealey, a former marketing director at Coca-Cola and Columbia Pictures, who joined Facebook's board of advisers a few years after its launch; image from


Sochi 2014 Video Series: Part II - Yelena Osipova, Global Chaos: "Who said public diplomacy and charm offensives during the Olympic period are limited to the host? This time the update comes from the U.S. State Department itself. Uplifting music and diversity are yet again set to inspire wonder and awe."

China's Propaganda-Heavy New Year's Gala Fails to Impress Viewers - globalvoicesonline.org


PDcast #12: The Role of the Ambassador in Public Diplomacy - thepublicdiplomat.com. Images (Ambassadors Caroline Kennedy, Gary Locke) from entry


Michael McFaul -  [U.S. Ambassador to Russia via Facebook]: "Embarrassing photo but that was a fun concert [presumably at the Ambassador's residence]"

Grigoriy Dobromelov's photo.



Image from


A View from the Ambassador’s Post: Ambassador Don Beyer on American Public Diplomacy American Security Project February 11 @ 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm: "2014 is a year of opportunity and challenges in public diplomacy. Join us as Ambassador Don Beyer discusses his experiences as Ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein, and explores the role public diplomacy plays in shaping America’s security, foreign policies and relationships abroad."


Public Diplomacy and the State of the Union [January 28] - Tara Sonnenshine, takefiveblog.org: "A State of the Union address is always a major public diplomacy moment. ... American leadership remains critical to bringing about a more peaceful 2014.

Tara Sonenshine is a distinguished fellow at The George Washington University's School of Media and Public Affairs. Previously, she served as Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, as well as Executive Vice President of the U.S. Institute for Peace."Sonenshine image from entry

Using Public Diplomacy As A Foreign Policy Tool - Felix Baackhaus, Catholic Journal: "Earlier this January, President Obama gave his first-ever one-on-one interview on German television. The background of this rare interview was news reports originating last year that the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) had monitored communications of European citizens – and thereby had seemingly even listened in on Chancellor Angela Merkel’s private phone calls. ... Choosing to sit down for a personal interview, Obama used the foreign policy tool of 'public diplomacy,' with the objective of trying to engage and inform the German audience about his take on the current NSA situation. He attempted to 'win over hearts and minds' of the people by stating that the US does, in fact, not seek to invade people’s privacy on unnecessary grounds. ... The risks of such an interview were that he [Obama] could be perceived as disappointing once again. Nations have always been spying on each other, and he could not give much information beyond what he had already said in his speech. Thus, it was clear from the very start that he could merely try to appeal to Germans in a personal manner. Nonetheless, I think President Obama made a good decision in choosing to do this unusual interview. While some people were disappointed once again and had hoped Obama would call for an international 'no spy zone,' the mere symbol of agreeing to an interview with a German news channel sent a strong message. ... With millions of people in Germany watching the roughly 16-minute interview that aired during prime time on one of the most popular TV channels, Obama unquestionably got the exposure he had hoped for. Thus, the interview was an important and effective step to assuage some concerns and helped to rebuild trust."

US silent on Saudi human rights abuses - voiceofrussia.com: "Radio VR's Justin Mitchell spoke with Adam Coogle, a Middle East researcher at Human Rights Watch, about mass human rights violations in Saudi Arabia. ... [Coogle:] Obviously the US and Saudi Arabia have very long term economic and security relationship, there are a lot of geo-strategic concerns that play in U[S]'s relationship with Saudi Arabia.

I think public diplomacy is a tool that the US has underutilized in the Saudi case. But to be fair I do also want to mention to the US's credit, they did for the first time in January 2014 sent a representative to attend the trail of a political dissident in Saudi Arabia. I though that was a very important step forward and I hope it is something they'll make a habit of and I hope eventually they'll come to make more bold pubic statements about very clear human rights abuses that happen in Saudi Arabia."Uncaptioned image from entry

State Department Finally Releases List of ‘Special Government Employees’ - Justin Elliott and Liz Day, truthdig.com: "The list of special government employees also includes many lifelong civil servants and the occasional celebrity, such as Olympic figure skater Michelle Kwan. She was appointed in 2012 a senior adviser for public diplomacy."

The Power of The Narrative - blakestilwell.com: "Keeping in mind the historical effects of the possibilities of change media can bring, public diplomacy (PD) and soft power resources should be prepared to continue that evolution as electronic media evolves, and be sure to keep pace with technology. This is how public diplomacy can capture these changes and use them most effectively. I have three main ideas for media use in public diplomacy efforts. First, the foundation of PD should focus on the power of visual media and the stories told through these channels. This is the world in which we live. As time goes on, more and more countries (and thus more and more remote regions) will have access to the Internet and television, and thus access to this treasure chest of cultural information.

Second, all forms of media have tremendous potential beyond its current use as a means of access to information or mere entertainment and we should be looking to move beyond the vast wasteland of the news, information, and variety shows that dominate PD programming on the web and in traditional visual media efforts. Third, while having a social media component and using it effectively are important, Facebook and Twitter are not going to render current PD efforts obsolete anytime soon. Internet communication and media are vitally important, but social media networks are tools. The content is where the PD communicator should focus. ... It is important to distinguish public diplomacy from propaganda. Propaganda presents only one aspect of an issue or idea, and is not limited to governments. In contrast, public diplomacy is diplomacy by other means, and must necessarily acknowledge other viewpoints in a given issue or situation so that the government’s policy or cultural perspective can be explained in context and thus, better understood. By this definition, advertising is more propaganda than a government news outlet. The goal of the communication is the same: to persuade. ... In the end, public diplomacy is about selling an idea; it’s almost a continuous advertisement for a country – and advertising is nothing but storytelling. ... There is an overabundance of theories, guides, and experts on its “best practices.” Yet, communications experts in the US have 80+ years of television programming experience, research, and theory and seem to use none of it. Television in the United States is primarily a commercial medium, but the United States government does not broadcast with the intent of making a profit, of course. US public diplomacy deals in hearts and minds. Nevertheless, it operates with the similar rules and production criteria, i.e., time constraints, duration, format, etc. ... Current public diplomacy theory is akin to working modern jobs with obsolete tools and concepts. Twitter and Facebook are incredibly powerful tools to aggregate content and organize masses of people, but in the end, these are just tools, means to an end, but not the end. ... The problem with current US public diplomacy efforts is taking time and effort required to properly do so. ... The job of public diplomacy is communicate our values, our policies, our reasoning to people of different cultures and different ideals. Providing access to information and news of the world is not enough to gain and hold an audience’s attention or to make that audience receptive to public diplomacy’s message. News and information programming will just be lost in a sea of media stratification and competition. Public diplomacy has to convey a message and make its audience care about that message. Winning global hearts and minds is a process that has a beginning, a middle, and an end."Image from

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State planned visit to Ukraine reported by Russia’s RT, not by Voice of America- BBG Watcher, BBG Watch: "Upcoming visit of U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland to Ukraine was announced by the State Department on Thursday and reported a few hours ago by Russia’s RT international media outlet on its English-language news website. U.S. taxpayer-funded Voice of America (VOA), on the other hand, has not reported this news to its worldwide English audience and audiences in more than 40 other languages. The only VOA language service reporting about the planned trip of a high-level U.S. official to Ukraine appears to be VOA Ukrainian Service."

U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Tweeted about Kerry’s phone call with Ukrainian opposition leaders -- no reporting from Voice of America- BBG Watcher, BBG Watch

China’s Charm Offensive: Beyond Appearances - Chenzhuo Gong, PD News–CPD Blog, USC Center on Public Diplomacy: [U]nder the centralizing

structure of the Chinese government, formidable PD projects are nothing new. ... In terms of its output, China’s PD program appears to be a booming success. ... However, when it comes to the outcome of China’s PD, the result may be more disturbing than reassuring."Image from

‘EU can contribute to protecting human rights in Pakistan’ - Maleeha Aleeha Hamid Siddiqui, pakistanpressfoundation.org: "In his presentation titled ‘leveraging human rights progress in Pakistan and how EU maybe of help’, he [Antoine Madelin of the International Federation for Human Rights] said: 'The issue of human rights is the heart of all matters relating to EU treaties. Consequently, over the years this has resulted in a policy toolbox comprising public diplomacy in which EU leaders are urged to make statements on human rights progress in other countries, pass human rights-related resolution in the European Parliament. For instance the European Parliament has condemned the state of minorities in Pakistan. It also awarded the 2013 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought and this led to a thorough discussion on the level of discrimination and intolerance faced by minorities and other groups of people in Pakistan.'”

Diplomacy: 45 years a diplomat - Herb Keinon, Jerusalem Post: "In an interview with the 'Post'Gideon Meir sums up his decades long career with the Foreign Ministry; says Israel works wonders with its limited hasbara resources, but should be spending millions to fight the public diplomacy battle. ... Too many people both in and outside the government, Meir argued, equate good hasbara with a fluid and knock-out appearance by an Israeli spokesman on CNN.

But that is not enough. Such an appearance provides Israeli supporters with a fleeting 'feel good factor,' but that is only a minuscule part of public diplomacy. What is really needed, he argued, is millions and millions of shekels to engage, educate and provide people with an 'Israel experience.' ... Meir served twice as head of public diplomacy in the ministry, once during the height of the intifada from 2000-2006, and a second time from 2012 after he returned from a stint as ambassador to Italy.” Image from entry, with caption: Gideon Meir (left) and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu visit Italy, where Meir served as ambassador from 2006 to 2012.

Ministers split on strategic plan over how to counter boycott threats: Yuval Steinitz advocates PR counteroffensive, but Foreign Ministry says this would play into activists' hands - Barak Ravid, haaretz.com: "Government ministries are sharply divided on how to handle the increasing threat of international boycotts and sanctions against Israel over the West Bank occupation and settlements. The Strategic and Intelligence Affairs Ministry, headed by Yuval Steinitz, advocates a public relations counter-offensive, but the Foreign Ministry, led by Avigdor Lieberman, argues that this would play into the hands of boycott activists. ... Steinitz and [director-general of The Strategic and Intelligence Affairs Ministry Yossi] Kuperwasser contend that what they call Israel’s 'delegitimization' is a grave, widespread trend, and they are in favor of an aggressive public campaign against the boycott organizers. The two maintain that the campaign requires considerable resources. In recent weeks Steinitz and Kuperwasser have drafted a plan for the campaign, which they intend to submit for approval at the discussion Netanyahu plans to hold next week. Steinitz is demanding 100 million shekels (about $28.5 million) to implement the plan, which consists mainly of public diplomacy as well as legal measures against the groups encouraging the boycotts. ... Diplomats in the Foreign Ministry, however, have a completely different approach. They believe Steinitz and Kuperwasser have overblown the threat and branded as 'delegitimization' the legitimate criticism from foreign governments and NGOs of Israel’s policy in the territories, especially settlement construction."

EL AL Ambassadors- standwithus.co.il: "StandWithUs is the leading partner with EL AL, the national carrier of Israel, on its EL AL Ambassadors Program, together with Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and The Jewish Agency for Israel.

This unique program trains top EL AL flight crew in preparation for public diplomacy missions around the world." Image from entry

Re-defining cooperation in the Mediterranean - Cihan: "Germany helped Poland to get into the EU in exchange for a stronger position in Eastern Europe; now France can do the same with Turkey for the east Mediterranean. This is, naturally, only an expectation; nothing is guaranteed. People often say that no matter what, it is the public opinion that counts and European public opinion is, at least for now, against Turkey's accession. When there is political will, however, public opinion can be reshaped; this is what public diplomacy is about."

What is Turkey's 2015 strategy? - Orhan Kemal Cengiz, todayszaman.com: "We should ... take note of what Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç, spokesperson for the Justice and Development Party (AK Party), said about 2015: 'It is the 100th year of both the Dardanelles and the claims of an Armenian genocide. We are working seriously. There is work being done via symposiums, conferences, panels, publications and documentaries. But we are also engaged in very special public diplomacy activities that could affect the entire world.'”

ABC doesn't need to apologise, says Mark Scott - Nick Leys, "The managing director of the ABC, Mark Scott, has hit back at accusations its journalists have failed to practice editorial rigour in the wake of recent asylum-seeker claims and maintains he has 'strong support' from the ABC despite a deteriorating relationship between the broadcaster and the government. ... Scott's comments came as Foreign Minister Julie Bishop last night repeated calls for the ABC to apologise to the Navy for the asylum-seeker story. ... An investigation by The Australian in Kupang, West Timor, has found the ABC reports cannot be corroborated and that several of the asylum-seekers who originally claimed their hands had been severely burned as a direct result of abuse from navy personnel have now changed their stories. ... Ms Bishop told Sky News's Viewpoint program that the

ABC should apologise to the navy for the 'torture' story, and questioned whether the broadcaster was fulfilling its contractual obligations for the Australia Network. 'It's now evident that within the ABC there are concerns that they were not reporting the facts, but they were embellishing, or indeed promoting a particular view that could not be substantiated,' she said. 'In those circumstances, I would expect the ABC to do the right thing and apologise to the navy, because they were terrible claims that were broadcast into the region and this brings me to the question of the Australia Network. The Australia Network is meant to be promoting Australia. The ABC has a contractual agreement to produce quality content that will promote Australia and promote Australian values and our image. It's meant to be a tool of public diplomacy.'"Image from entry, with caption: ABC managing director Mark Scott says the broadcaster is 'overwhelmingly Australian.'

When U.S. has no agenda for Sri Lanka, collateral damage follows: Like birth of Pol Pot - Daya Gamage, Asian Tribune: "[M]ostly due to Sri Lanka's utter lack of understanding of the strategic communication and public diplomacy mechanism, the West has come closer to accuse Sri Lanka of genocide and war crimes."See also.

Community Lecture on Saturday, Feb 8- Urban Community Development: A Muslim American Perspective - nextwavemuslims.org: "Saafir Rabb II has long worked with members of the US and international communities to promote an effective interface between profitable business and corporate social responsibility. ... He served as a consultant to the Obama administration’s transition team for public diplomacy."

Middle East expert speaks at Oseh Shalom March 23 - blog.bwcc.org: Shibley Telhami ...

Professor Telhami has served ... on the US Advisory Group on Public Diplomacy for the Arab and Muslim World. Telhami image from entry

Benjamin Day: PhD Candidate, School of International, Political and Strategic Studies at Australian National University - theconversation.com: "Ben has a Master’s Degree in International Studies and undergraduate degrees in Economics and Arts (Geography and Literature) from the University of Queensland. Outside of international development assistance policy, his research interests include soft power, public diplomacy and middle powers."


A Strategy to Counter Democracy's Global Retreat: Produce inexpensive, good translations of Burke, Locke and other thinkers, and spread the texts widely - Walter Russell Mead, Wall Street Journal: Democracy advocates can address one of the biggest fault lines in our allegedly flat world: People who don't read English or a handful of other languages live in a different information universe.

John Locke, Edmund Burke, Thomas Macaulay, Montesquieu, Thomas Paine, Adam Smith, Benjamin Franklin —the works of these thinkers need to be well-translated and widely available. People who read only Urdu, Burmese, Arabic or Punjabi need readily accessible editions (cheap print or Web-based) of important books in their own languages so that people beyond elite circles have access to the ideas and the histories that matter. Smart people from different cultural backgrounds should be commissioned to write introductions and other materials that can give readers in nondemocratic countries the context they need to make sense of these crucial texts. Image from; See also.

Obama, the Reluctant Realist: With emphasis on the reluctance - Justin Raimondo, antiwar.com: Individuals make history, but sometimes the process reverses itself and history makes individuals. President Barack Obama may have wanted to bomb Syria, and he certainly did want to meddle in Libya – where the results of his disastrous "humanitarian" intervention backfired badly – and yet his presidency will go down in history as a moment when American imperialism hit the pause button. This is not to negate his interventionist record or ambitions: it is only to say that the ability of the United States to intervene massively has run up against the inherent limitations of such a policy. This is underscored by the foreign policy section of President Obama’s State of the Union speech.  President Obama’s decidedly realist policies are being driven by circumstances outside his control. As the chief executive of a global empire, one that has no rivals in world history in its scope and rapaciousness, an American president inevitably embraces what is the default foreign policy position of our political elites: e.g. an unsubtle interventionism that assumes America’s hegemonic role in world affairs. Unless, that is, he or she is forced to do otherwise – which is precisely the position in which Barack Obama finds himself. Since foreign policy is just an extension of domestic politics, it’s easy to see – granted my premise – why Obama is signaling a grand retreat. Americans are sick to death of the "perpetual war footing" the President referred to in his speech, and he has no real choice but to at least appear to be backing off from America’s post-9/11 rampage. Support for the Afghan war has long since polled in the upper teens: failure to acknowledge this would have split his own party, marred his legacy, and distracted attention away from his domestic agenda.  Via LH on Facebook

Time for a Deal in Ukraine - Editorial, New York Times: Though the opposition rightly rejected Mr. Yanukovych’s offer of two government positions, it should take his concessions seriously and join him in seeking a suitable compromise. The West could help by seriously considering emergency aid and by proposing to actively mediate. A popular revolt that began with hope in the West should not end in disillusionment with the West.

Americans Can Be Proud of What Was Achieved in Iraq: A brutal dictator who supported terrorism is gone. Al Qaeda's resurgence doesn't change that fact - Stephen J. Hadley, Wall Street Journal: Debates about the origin and conduct of the Iraq war will go on. But Americans who served there can be proud of their service: toppling a brutal dictator, defeating al Qaeda in Iraq in 2007-08, and giving the Iraqi people a chance to build a nation unique in the history of Iraq and the Middle East. Washington and its allies must do all they can to make sure that this opportunity is not squandered.

More Now See Failure than Success in Iraq, Afghanistan: Little Partisan Gap in Views of Whether U.S. Has Reached Goals - people-press.orgAfter more than a decade of war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the public does not think the United States has achieved its goals in either country. About half of Americans (52%) say the U.S. has mostly failed to achieve its goals in Afghanistan while 38% say it has mostly succeeded.
Opinions about the U.S. war in Iraq are virtually the same: 52% say the United States has mostly failed in reaching its goals there, while 37% say it has mostly succeeded. In both cases, evaluations of the wars have turned more negative in recent years. Image from entry. Via MS on Facebook

Losing the Propaganda War - Hirsh Goodman, New York Times: In this day and age, brands are more powerful than truth and, inexplicably, blindly, Israel is letting itself be branded an apartheid state — and even encouraging it. The “apartheid wall,” “apartheid roads,” colonization, administrative arrests, travel restrictions, land confiscations and house demolitions are the clay apartheid comparisons are made of, and cannot be hidden or denied, for as long as Israel continues with the status quo. Military occupation comes with checkpoints, antiterrorist barriers, military courts, armed soldiers and tanks. That’s the reality, no matter what your politics, and just the ammunition the Palestinians and their supporters need in their new war.

Renaissance revisited with political propaganda - twocircles.net: New Delhi: In a pop-art inspired painting, the finger tips of Mahatma Gandhi and Mao Zedong do not touch, as in Michelangelo's famous "The Creation of Adam", but elements like tanks and a wedding entourage lend political colour to the image at the ongoing India Art Fair. Singapore-based artist Ketna Patel has reinterpreted famous classical Renaissance paintings in her collection

"Heterotopia", where she pokes at the collective global bewilderment of political leadership, at war and peace, and geo-political tussles between India and China. In "The Creation", homage to Michelangelo's famous painting, Gandhi sends a wedding entourage to Mao to discuss freedom of Tibet, whereas Mao sends tanks in return. With fingers not touching, one is left wondering whether the two are making up, or breaking up. Image from

Statue is propaganda to serve national self-acquittal - Krisztián Ungváry, budapesttimes.hu: Everything seems to point out that the ones who are working on the planning of the national statue are not at least disturbed by the historical facts. Their efforts are understandable to an extent because there is in fact a demand for it. However, if this kind of historical remembrance receives official status in Hungary we are officially back to the dark practices of the Kádár era: the falsification of historical facts by the state.

Vintage soviet Russia propaganda - designer-daily.com. Among them (untitled):

The Young White Faces of Slavery - Mary Niall Mitchell, New York Times: Historians have long noted that the New York Draft Riots of 1863 were a violent reflection of much public, yet very personal, opposition to the Civil War: that it was a “rich man’s war” fought by the poorest citizens, that it was a bloodletting on behalf of four million slaves with whom few white laborers wanted to compete. But less political weight has been given to the propaganda campaign centered on the group from New Orleans, begun by abolitionists and the Union military in the aftermath of the New York riots. It was one of the most modern efforts at public persuasion to appear before the turn of the 20th century.

Using the new “truth-telling” medium of photography and highly sophisticated personal appeals, the sponsors of the former slaves from New Orleans aimed to give white Northerners a renewed personal stake in the fight against slavery. The campaign included a public tour of the group in New York and Philadelphia and the printing of dozens of individual and small group portraits on cartes de visite, a new, inexpensive way to reproduce photographs and an excellent vehicle for fund-raising. The individual portraits of the white-skinned slave children were clearly popular in their day, at a point in the war when slavery was both still an outrage and an institution on the wane. What such a campaign implied, of course, was that images of formerly enslaved black children were not enough to spur many Northerners to boost their support for the war and aid freed people in need. Indeed, these images serve as a remarkable reflection of just how much race shaped many Americans’ stake in the bloody conflict. Image from entry, with caption: “Isaac and Rosa, slave children from New Orleans.” M.H. Kimball, photographer. Albumen print on carte de visite, c. 1863


"The famous saying from German General Marshal Maximilian von Weichs comes to my mind. Asked how much time his troops would need to occupy Hungary, he said: 'Twenty-four hours.' The puzzled questioner inquired how long the action would take in case of resistance. Weichs answered simply: 12 hours, because in that case the welcome speech would not be held."

--Historian Krisztián Ungváry


--From; via JMc by email

February 3-5



---Caitlin Dewey, "Journalists at Sochi are live-tweeting their hilarious and gross hotel experiences," Washington Post; see also John Brown, "A Secret CIA Plan to Save the Sochi Olympics: Bring on the NFL," Huffington Post


Around the World! - diplomaticourier.com: "Welcome to Around the World! This week we feature discussions on the future of work, public diplomacy disasters, and more!"


Teufelsberg, or Devil’s Mountain, includes an abandoned Cold War N.S.A. listening post in Berlin that has evolved into a de facto art installation - Erik Olsen, New York Times; image from


Prerogatives of Power - Noam Chomsky, Truthout: "As the year 2013 drew to an end, the BBC reported on the results of the WIN/Gallup International poll on the question: 'Which country do you think is the greatest threat to peace in the world today?' The United States was the champion by a substantial margin, winning three times the votes of second-place Pakistan. By contrast, the debate in American scholarly and media circles is about whether Iran can be contained, and whether the huge NSA surveillance system is needed to protect U.S. security. ... A normal country would be concerned by how it is viewed in the world.

Certainly that would be true of a country committed to 'a decent respect to the opinions of mankind,' to quote the Founding Fathers. But the United States is far from a normal country. It has had the most powerful economy in the world for a century, and has had no real challenge to its global hegemony since World War II, despite some decline, partly self-administered. The U.S., conscious of 'soft power,' undertakes major campaigns of 'public diplomacy' (aka propaganda) to create a favorable image, sometimes accompanied by worthwhile policies that are welcomed. But when the world persists in believing that the United States is by far the greatest threat to peace, the American press scarcely reports the fact."Uncaptioned image from entry

Kerry’s Lost Opportunity for Transatlantic Relations - Judy Dempsey, carnegieeurope.eu: "'If the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama wants to start rebuilding trust in the transatlantic relationship, it needs to embark on much more active public diplomacy.'And that means sending very senior people to European countries to do just that,' said Toomas Hendrik Ilves, the president of Estonia, who ... took part in the Munich summit."

Hillary or Kerry? It’s still early days: Any debate on who was a better choice as secretary of state demands a certain objective detachment for a truly dispassionate analysis - Gordon Robison, Gulf News: "Hillary’s heavy schedule of public diplomacy may have left less time for traditional behind-the-scenes talks, but without at least some global shift in attitudes, it was always going to be hard for the Obama administration

to push forward with its foreign policies. ... Politics and diplomacy have presented Kerry and Hillary with different circumstances — and it has done so at different moments in each figure’s political journey. The time for assessment will come later when Kerry, too, is out of public life and the long-term successes and failures of both can be viewed with at least some detachment."Kerry/Clintonimage from

US ambassador to Russia stepping down - Lynn Berry, lacrossetribune.com: "U.S. Ambassador Michael McFaul, the architect of President Barack Obama's effort to reset relations with Russian, announced on Tuesday that he is stepping down after two turbulent years in Moscow. ... Putin has accused the U.S. State Department of instigating the protests and more generally seeking to weaken Russia. His anti-American rhetoric plays well among most Russians, who still harbor deep suspicions of U.S. intentions two decades after the end of the Cold War. 'I have tried so many different ways to battle this,' McFaul said. 'I see opinion poll data. I'm an academic [.] I take a particular interest in measuring results of our public diplomacy, and that piece is frustrating to me because it's just not our policy, it's not what we're trying to do here. So that's a failure I would say.'"

It’s Time, My Friend, It’s Time - Michael McFaul on Facebook: "This is my last blog as the U.S. Ambassador to the Russian Federation. Soon after the Olympics, I plan to rejoin my family in California. After more than five years working in the Obama administration, it is time to go home. ... In particular, I think we have demonstrated that we can engage directly with civil society and stand up for universal values while continuing to cooperate with the Russian government on a whole host of issues. ... I also am proud of some of the diplomatic innovations that our embassy has initiated during my time in Russia, especially regarding public diplomacy. Before I came to Moscow as ambassador, I had never seen a tweet. Yet, I now interact everyday with 60,000 followers on Twitter and more than 13,000 'friends' on Facebook, and our Tweetchats can reach hundreds of thousands in a matter of minutes. ... Conducting lengthy interviews in my flawed Russian on TV Dozhd, Ekho Moskvy, or Vecherniy Urgant was not easy. Yet, I always felt it was best to show my respect for Russia by speaking in your language. Live interviews also tend to be more direct and open, features I tried to bring to my diplomacy every day. I also enjoyed giving lectures in Russian to thousands of university students, complete with slides (that also may be a diplomatic first here!). And some of my most memorable public interactions were at standing-room-only sessions at American Corners in Yekaterinburg, Vladivostok, Volgograd, St. Petersburg, and Moscow. Thousands of Russians showed up to engage with me on everything from Syria to my broken finger. These were not gatherings of just officials or elites, but a real cross-section of Russian society. The only qualification for attending these meetings was a curiosity about America. I truly loved the spirit of these gatherings. They made me very optimistic about the future of cooperation between our two societies. ... I also will remember the same positive energy at Spaso House at the many concerts, discussion groups, and receptions we did at our grand residence. We had some fantastic, innovative events, including theoretical lectures from American political scientists (a side effect of having a professor living at Spaso House!), terrific concerts of American and Russian performers, Best Buddies holiday parties for young people with disabilities, and even movies complete with popcorn. I am particularly proud of the Spaso Innovation Series, which connected Russian innovators and entrepreneurs with their American counterparts, including many from the Silicon Valley where I reside, in creative discussions about how to connect research with industry and jumpstart the high-tech industry in Russia. These peer-to-peer cultural, civic, scientific, and business interactions we convened at Spaso House are some of the most valuable programs we do for promoting an authentic dialogue between Americans and Russians. And, from time to time, we -- Americans and Russians together -- even danced

in the Spaso House ballroom! I also will cherish the many opportunities I had as Ambassador to experience Russian culture and learn more about Russian history, attending concerts, ballets, and plays; watching sporting events; and visiting museums. What a treat to watch maestros Spivakov and Gergiev make their magic with their orchestras or sit front row at the Bolshoi and absorb the magnificent Nutcracker ballet during the New Year’s holiday season."Image from, with caption: U.S. Ambassador Michael McFaul dancing with his wife, Donna Norton, as Wylie and the Wild West perform at Spaso House.

Motown meets Freetown - Murtala Mohamed Kamara, sierraexpressmedia.com: "The U.S. Embassy is hosting a Black-and-White Ball to celebrate Black History Month, a time when Americans recognize the contributions of African-Americans to our country’s development. This year’s event marks the 50th anniversary of the passage of the Civil Rights Act, which prohibited discrimination and became a catalyst for social change in America. The rise of Motown music during this period became known as 'The Sound That Changed America.' ... The Black-and-White Ball will highlight

Motown’s success in transforming American society and showcase the Sierra Leonean music industry’s capacity to play a similar positive role as an effective medium to address social issues and change. The theme fits with the U.S. Embassy’s goals of promoting free expression and outreach through creative mediums (i.e. music and entertainment) to the majority of the population. It also is a cultural exchange aimed at exposing Sierra Leoneans to Motown artists and expanding the audience for Sierra Leonean music. ... U.S. Embassy Public Diplomacy Activities: The U.S. Embassy sponsored the successful union of local Sierra Leonean music artists and the Sierra Leonean Police to promote violence free elections in November 2012 through a series of peace concerts throughout the country in which local artists teamed up with the police to deliver messages – in a medium that youth could relate to – about the importance of democracy, participation, and peaceful elections. An Arts Envoy program featuring Toki Wright, a U.S. hip-hop artist, helped local musical artists better understand and use hip-hop as a means of social expression and as a tool to increase the participation of youth in shaping a positive future for the country. An unanticipated, but significant outcome of the visit was that the Embassy hosted the first-ever meeting between twenty local disc jockeys and up-and-coming music artists in Sierra Leone."Image from

Juicy - Paul Rockower, Levantine: "I am going to be running in-country programming for a new State Dept Hip Hop program. Over the next year, I will be running three-week hip hop, DJ and break dance cultural diplomacy programs in Serbia, Bosnia, India, Bangladesh, Senegal and Zimbabwe.

Bayles Releases New Book On American Image, Pop Culture - besteducationnews.com: "A cultural critic in many publications and a faculty member of the Arts and Sciences Honors Plan, Martha Bayles recently published her fourth guide, By means of a Display Darkly: Well-liked Culture, Public Diplomacy, and America’s Image Abroad. In her guide, Bayles expands her arguments about the decadent picture of American pop culture and the lack of a basic sense of constructive criticism towards it. 'It’s about the way American well-liked culture is shaping the perceptions of folks about the planet and of life in the United States,' Bayles mentioned. '[American common culture] would seem to have grow to be the main influence in how people see America, and it is great in some approaches, but in other ways it’s not so excellent.' Following travelling to 11 various nations and interviewing a lot of professionals in various fields, Bayles compiled what she realized from the procedure into a 340-webpage guide in which she applied her critical lens to specific misleading photos produced by well-liked culture. 'Our pop culture flooded into the rest of the planet at a time when the U.S. government was no longer truly making an attempt to talk what’s good about the nation,' she said. 'That requires you to seeking at pop culture, and what does it say about America.' Despite the fact that she began her creating job as a great admirer and defender of common culture towards cynical critics who would dismiss it as a mere business item, she started to create her doubt about America’s popularity in the planet following Sept. eleven. 'I would defend what I thought was good stuff and that was my main objective in writing about pop culture, to type of defend it, particularly music,' she explained. 'That was my starting point but then came 9/11, and it turned out that a good deal of the globe truly does not enjoy America or naturally gravitate towards America.'”

Translation -- What Is Soft War, and Ways of Confronting It - thearkenstone.blogspot.com: "The famous article by Joseph Nye, the American theorist, titled 'Soft Power' in the American journal 'Foreign Policy' in 1990 gave a new perspective in which the US, rather than the use of what is called hard-power to launch a military coup-d-etat in rival countries; their efforts focus on c[han]ging the target countries through influence on society [.] Therefore, America could have, instead of investing billions of dollars in the Star Wars theory to confront the so-called Soviet Threat, capitalized on Soviet society with a different way of thinking. After the Soviet Union, Joseph Nye published another article in 2004 for foreign Policy under the same 'The Use of Soft Power'

that complements his previous [article] and is tailored to changes in the world in the years after the Soviet Union and especially due to 9/11. In the article, Joseph Nye proposed a perspective concerning the creation of changes through the application of public diplomacy in addition to the application of soft power in a target society. Later, his views became more complete as well as instructions for the application of soft-power in American foreign policy. According to this theory, America uses public diplomacy and 'smart power' to help penetrate a target society. This perspective, which was prepared by American intelligence-experts such as Doctor Gene Sharp, became known as the 'soft revolution' concept in the mass media[.]"Image from

Op-Ed: Ukraine gets short shrift from mismanaged Voice of America- Ted Lipien, digitaljournal.com: "Mismanaged and underfunded Voice of America failed to highlight in English and most other languages Obama's State of the Union remark on Ukraine. Its oversight board needs to reform the taxpayer-funded media outlet and get more money from Congress. As a former Voice of America (VOA) journalist and acting associate director, I was appalled that VOA English news website failed to point out in any substantive way President Obama's remarks on Ukraine in his State of the Union speech Tuesday night. While VOA carried the speech live online and posted full text on its website, where the reference to Ukraine can be found toward the end of the address, very few people watch long videos or read such long texts in full online. That particular VOA post had only four Facebook ‘Likes’ from VOA's worldwide online audience as of 2 p.m. EST Wednesday, one of them from me in the U.S. ... President Obama said last night: 'In Ukraine, we stand for the principle that all people have the right to express themselves freely and peacefully, and have a say in their country’s future.' Even if this is only a public diplomacy gesture from President Obama, its importance abroad should not have been underestimated by Voice of America executives. Except for the full text of the speech, these words do not appear in any news item or news report on the VOA English website, not even in those about the latest developments in Ukraine."

Russia is more than propaganda, tension and terror - Dave Bidini, nationalpost.com: "Twice I’ve gone to Russia for hockey; once for music. ... Sacha, our sound man, was thin and elegant, with a modest Van Dyke moustache, wispy grey hair, and a sly grin. He drew no small pleasure in exploiting our occasional Russo-phobia, pointing out strangers in our midst and whispering 'KGB' and 'Kalashnikov,' before winking or elbowing me in the ribs.

Whenever there was a lull, he taught me instructive phrases, like, 'bouc loa' ('I am very drunk') or 'ya zboodoona' ('I am very hungover'). On the subject of rock and roll, Sacha remembered being a teenager lying in bed and finding the Voice of America on the shortwave, hearing Creedence Clearwater Revival for the first time." Image from entry, with caption: Dave Bidini, right, in Russia, where he had a former bear trainer for the Moscow circus as a driver, and crossed Siberia in a luxurious gold train car. Image from entry

Korean Voices Make Waves on Arabic Radio - Joseph Braude, Huffington Post: "[T]he Korean Broadcasting Service in Arabic comes in. It is a tool for what Americans call public diplomacy -- that is, a proactive effort to influence foreign publics in support of a country's foreign policies. The United States invests hundreds of millions annually in its own public diplomacy outreach to the Arab world, including the nonstop broadcast Radio Sawa, airing on local FM radio across North Africa and the Middle East. Sawa competes for Arab attention with rival broadcasts from China, Russia, Iran, and every country in Western Europe, as well as transnational movements ranging from the Muslim Brotherhood to the Catholic Church. Viewed together, such efforts amount to a multibillion-dollar industry -- but whether the broadcasters are achieving their political objectives is unclear. It is clear in any case that under the shade of America's security umbrella in the Middle East, Koreans have been making strong inroads. Are there ways in which the United States, as a partner of Korea, might seek to benefit from those inroads, whether on the ground or over the airwaves?

To quote an old Korean proverb I just learned in Arabic translation, 'A great river does not refuse small streams.' To hear the radio sounds and interview voices from which this article was drawn, listen to Joseph Braude's English-language podcast documentary, 'Koreans on Arab airwaves,' at  
this link. To listen to the complete interview in Arabic with Bae Jung-Ok, director of the Korean Broadcasting System's Arabic section, click here."Image from

America Is It [includes video] - jamesthomassnyder.com: "State Department and Customs and Border Protection, take note. Leave it to Coca-Cola, the preeminent American brand, to get so much right in 60 seconds during the Super Bowl.

The short spot is the song 'America the Beautiful' cut between a variety of scenes of family and friends from different cultural backgrounds enjoying themselves in the natural beauty of this country, in cities and at home. With slight edits (to remove the product placement) this could easily be played at every port of entry in the country. ... I’ve ... written before about the effectiveness of advertisements and what we can learn from them for effective public diplomacy. Coke once taught the world to sing and I think this spot is even more effective than that famous advertisement. It’s more than enough to make the whole world smile." Image from

The Age of Public Diplomacy: From Enmity to Amity - "For the first session the keynote speaker, Kent Calder, was joined by Lily Gardner Feldman, senior fellow at the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies, and Watanabe Yasushi, professor in the faculty of environment and information studies at Keiō University. ... Feldman, a specialist on German foreign policy and international reconciliation, remarked that there are two kinds of public diplomacy. The first is carried out by the government and aims at improving the national image. The second concerns activities in which NGOs and other nongovernmental actors play the leading role. These activities might be described as 'paradiplomacy,' or 'transnationalism' in the case of projects that transcend national borders. She said that for public diplomacy to be successful, a partnership between government and nongovernment actors was essential. ... Next to speak was Watanabe Yasushi, a Keiō University professor whose publications include a book about culture and diplomacy. ... He stressed that it was important not to think of the national and international as two mutually opposed categories. In public diplomacy, the objective should not be to 'compete' with other countries, he said, calling for a mechanism to transform competition into collaboration. Particularly in the case of Northeast Asia, he said, where Japan’s relations with neighboring countries continue to be tense, it is vital to move away from zero-sum thinking and seek a positive-sum, win-win type of public diplomacy. ... [Andrew] Horvat suggested that Japanese civil society still lacked sufficient cohesiveness to provide effective help in pursuing public diplomacy.

Watanabe responded by saying that since the Meiji Restoration there has been a deep-rooted feeling in Japan that diplomacy and foreign policy were the proper business of the government. ... [A]ll the panelists emphasized the importance of close cooperation through twin cities schemes, something touched upon by Kent Calder in his keynote presentation. It was suggested that by twinning cities not just between Japan and the United States but also across the Sea of Japan with Korea, China, and Southeast Asia would be an effective way to bring new vitality to exchanges on a regional level, without becoming tangled up in the historical problems that tend to complicate bilateral relations."Uncaptioned image from entry

BRICS’ Public Diplomacy and the Nuances of Soft Power - Yu-Shan Wu and Chris Alden, South African Institute of International Affairs: "How effective are the BRICS in inspiring confidence in their public diplomacy? This question lies at the heart of their soft power. A state’s foreign policy needs an enabling environment built on strategic trust and shared values in order to be successful over the long term. American academic Joseph Nye characterises this as ‘soft power’, the ability to attract rather than coerce other states, and it is a concept that BRICS countries increasingly recognise as a crucial feature of their own public diplomacy ambitions. It is a proposed topic at the 2014 BRICS Academic Forum - an exchange platform for policymakers, academics and think tanks – held in the lead up to the actual summit in Rio de Janeiro. Similarly, in 2013, SAIIA co-hosted an event on India-South Africa relations where the power of ideas and shared experiences of democracy were identified as possible ways such countries could lead. The dearth of soft power also featured in SAIIA discussions with Russian academics during 2013 who lamented the lack of Russian cultural centres in Africa.  At the same time, the concept itself is a topic of heated debate amongst emerging countries. While attending the 3rd China-Africa Think Tank Forum (CATTF ) in 2013 - where soft power was a featured theme - the discomfort amongst some of the attendees in using this ‘catchphrase’ to describe their public diplomacy efforts became apparent. A former Chinese policymaker responding to Nye’s article, What China and Russia don’t get about Soft Power, noted that the article belittled China’s engagement by emphasising only the negative aspects of its public diplomacy efforts. The Chinese respondent suggested inventing new concepts that countries whose efforts are marginalised in this way could employ.

One African participant supported the need for ownership of ideas and knowledge, noting that only 7% of the research and commentary on China-Africa relations is produced by Africans. ... At the same time soft power cannot guarantee an enabling environment for foreign policy objectives – particularly for countries with middle power aspirations. A 2013 study by the graduate business school, INSEAD, noted that Brazil is an attractive country in the traditional soft power sense. It has an appealing popular culture (from samba to soccer) and a multicultural society whose people interact well with others.  Still, Brazil’s popularity has not enabled the achievement of some of its global aspirations like a permanent seat at the UN Security Council or World Bank Presidency. ... [C]entering public diplomacy efforts on intra-BRICS relations is a key litmus test for both individual country image building and improving solidarity. Only this inward directed effort can effectively lay the foundation for enhanced global credibility in a fluid world order." Image from entry, with caption: The annual Carnaval in Rio exemplifies the appealing popular culture that forms part of Brazil's 'soft power' potential, which has not yet translated into concrete political gains for the BRICS member.

Charm offensive: The way China influence [sic] the world - Irina Sukhoparova, rt.com: "The specter [sic] of soft power instruments is rather large; it includes culture, language, public diplomacy, education systems, various festivals and big events. Indeed, the Olympic Games held in 2008 and the Shanghai World Expo of 2010 were important events, which assisted in enhancing public diplomacy and promoting China’s brand. China's record spending on the Olympics, estimated at a total of $42 billion, which is a large sum for a developing country, especially in comparison with the Athens Olympics budget of $15 billion in 2004 and the London Olympics coming in at $35 billion in 2012. Beijing considered the Olympic Games to be very important in the sense of public diplomacy, particularly in creating the image of a 'nice country,' which is favorable to everyone.

However, Western countries failed to understand the Chinese message, since there is a sharp difference in Western and Chinese values. Besides, even before the beginning of the Games, critics attacked China on issues ranging from human rights to food safety and the environment. Furthermore, some human rights groups called on the US and the European Union to react more forcefully and boycott the 2008 Olympics. ... While the soft power concept is actively discussed among top Chinese officials and many efforts, as well as money, are being used to promote Chinese culture and traditions, some of the ways to increase Chinese presence in the world and attract more attention are frankly absurd."Image from entry, with caption: Revellers dressed in traditional costume perform during a parade celebrating Chinese New Year, the Year of the Horse, in central London February 2, 2014.

China and Western Higher Education Institutions - Public Diplomacy, Networks and Influence: "In a recent blog post Thomas Cushman of Wellesley College recounts his the experience of inviting the Chinese dissident Xia Jeliang to Wellesley.  After Wellesley concluded an exchange agreement with Peking University Cushman and a number of colleagues invited Xia to the US.  After his visit

Xia was fired by Peking on grounds of ‘poor teaching’.  What is exercising Cushman is the number of colleagues who either accepted the ”poor teaching’ story which he regards as completely incredible or rejected support for Xia on the grounds that it was ‘orientalist’ or evidence of ‘cultural imperialism’ [.]  ... [T]his shows why Chinese public diplomacy struggles in the west. It’s the familiar collision between liberalism and totalitarianism. Totalitarianism was never very helpful as an empirical account of how Fascist or Communist countries work but there’s a useful idea there: everything is, in principle, political and hence subject to party control. The result for liberals is an inherent scepticism of whatever the authorities do in China. On the other side of course liberalism likes to circumscribe the realm of politics and replace it with law, civil society, rights. The irony is that Cushman’s post is entirely (and justifiably) political without him once recognizing the fact."Xia Jelian image from

What can Europe do? What should Europe do? - Tatia Dolidze, beyondthe.eu: "[Comment by: Tatia Dolidze:] [Y]ou cannot know what you want if you dont have enough information. So in order to make a rational choice you should have a good understanding of alternatives.

That is why raising awareness is vital. That is why the EU should get closer to ordinary people out there. Maybe work better with public diplomacy."Dolidze image from entry

Time for Merkel and Hollande to jointly act on EU chapters #23-24 - Yavuz Baydsar, Cihan/Today's Zaman: "As Ruprecht Polenz, a prominent figure of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and some Turkish representatives suggest, German-Turkish dialogue must be institutionalized, so that NGOs take the lead in public diplomacy to help speed up the process. This is a necessity that will also help Paris in its hard task of dealing with growing Turcophobia in France."

Analysis of Turkey’s Soft Power Strategy - Ali Koca, akademikperspektif.com: "At present, business associations and organizations are in completing the process of institutionalization as a powerful actor in the economy and foreign policy issues to have increased a voice. In today’s world of international relations; public diplomacy, soft power and foreign policy expressed to play an active role in a system that the state does not only main actor and non-governmental organizations also play important role."Above image from entry

Leftist Media Harms Israel’s Hasbara - kalel, conservativepapers.com: "Chanie Luz, media analyst and founder and director of TADMIT, an organization which works toward enhancing democracy in Israeli media, said on Tuesday that Israel needs to look at its own media to see what a great influence it has on the way international media perceives the Jewish State. Speaking to Arutz Sheva on the sidelines of a special session in the Knesset on public diplomacy, Luz said that the way Israel’s media portrays the Jewish residents in Judea and Samaria has a strong influence on how Israel is then perceived internationally. 'Most of the media outlets in Israel are very one-sided,' Luz said. 'They don’t show the whole picture and they close off a lot of the positive aspects of the life of settlers. They show a picture that is not a true picture.' She said that this one-sidedness affects Israel’s public diplomacy and added, 'What we heard here first hand is that journalists get a lot of their information from the Israeli media, especially Israeli media in English.'”

Qatar's Sports-Focused Public Diplomacy Backfires  - James M. Dorsey, Eurasia Review: "A perceived lack of real progress in the improvement of conditions for foreign labour, aggravated by a Qatari reluctance to engage in public debate beyond platitudes, is undermining the soft power goals underlying the Gulf state’s sports strategy. The silver lining in the public relations beating Qatar is taking is that it forces international sports associations like FIFA, the world’s governing soccer body, to include issues of labour and other rights in their policy towards hosts of mega events like the 2022 World Cup. That was already evident last year when the

International Olympics Committee (IOC) rejected Qatar’s bid to host the 2020 Olympics, in part, according to labour activists, because of workers’ material conditions. FIFA, in its latest response to persistent media reporting on onerous living and working conditions of foreign workers who constitute a majority of the Gulf state’s population and are building vast infrastructure projects some of which are World Cup-related, demanded this week that Qatar report in its progress on improving living and working circumstances. ... The public relations beating of Qatar stems from the Gulf state’s apparent inability to draw conclusions from a failed communications strategy ever since winning its World Cup bid. Qatar failed initially to anticipate the criticism of its success driven by questions about the integrity of its bid as well as envy and jealously by those who had unsuccessfully competed against it. It subsequently surrendered the public relations battlefields to its detractors by deciding not to engage in the false hope that criticism would eventually subside."Image from

Munich Conference discusses Caucasus - vestnikkavkaza.net: "Nagorno-Karabakh and the energy security of the EU were two of the main topics at the 50th Munich Security Conference. Political analyst Rovshan Ibragimov says that the foreign policy of Azerbaijan has diversified in the past years.

He notes that it was a temporary member of the UNSC until 2014, adding that Azerbaijan is one of the key components of European energy security. The expert notes that Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov met OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier, US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland, the foreign minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina and a representative of Germany's ZDF. Ibragimov says that Azerbaijan diversifies state, political and economic contacts with public diplomacy."Uncaptioned image from entry

Georgian side puts forward new initiative on restoration of trust with Abkhazians - Nana Kirtzkhalia, en.trend.az: "The International Center on Conflict and Negotiation (ICCN) and the 'Georgian-Abkhazian mixed families' union have put forward a new initiative in connection with the restoration of trust and public diplomacy. The managing director of the research center Maia Katsitadze and the union head Rezo Bendeliani hold a press conference on this issue. A free area should be created for creation of the 'Georgian-Abkhazian house of peace' on the Georgian-controlled territory of the border checkpoint on the Inguri River as part of the project. It will offer necessary services to Georgians and Abkhazians, as well as the representatives of other nationalities using the Inguri bridge."

Gagauzia: A new attack on the Eastern Partnership? - Salome Samadashvili, euobserver.com: "With world attention fixed on Ukraine, the referendum on Sunday (2 February) in Gagauzia, a part of Moldova which few people have heard of, did not get much attention. ... The Gagauz - some 150,000 people, who are Turkic-speaking Orthodox Christians - voted overwhelmingly in favour of joining Russia’s Customs Union instead of EU integration. ... Whether or not the Gagauz vote

was a spontaneous event, the EU needs to maintain a watchful eye. It should step up its public diplomacy in Moldova, with high-visibility economic projects that benefit local people and more high-level visits, including to local municipalities."Image from

Foreign Policy Concept for 2014 -- 2020 Republic of Kazakhstan - kazakhstan-bern.ch: "Kazakhstan will set out its position on major global issues, its own foreign policy initiatives, as well as political, socio-economic, cultural and human development issues in Kazakhstan in a timely and complete manner. As part of these measures, Kazakhstan uses modern information and communication technologies to complement traditional tools of public diplomacy. It is important to disclose and communicate Kazakhstan’s goals, priorities, objectives and the results of foreign policy activities, as well as international initiatives promoting Kazakhstan in the global arena, within the country. Kazakhstan’s presentation and communication with international media and audiences is implemented in accordance with the national program 'Information Kazakhstan – 2020'."

How arts journalism can thrive in the age of PR - theconversation.com: "[A]s Nick Davies records in his 2008 book Flat Earth Newsat the time of writing the UK government had 1,500 press officers, issued 20,000 press releases a year, and spent millions on

PR firms. The foreign office alone spends £600m a year on ‘public diplomacy.” Image from

Top 10 Public Diplomacy Achievements in 2013 at the British Embassy in Budapest - Global conversations, A blog by the Ambassador to Hungary, Budapest

Rise of Russia Matters to India - Anuradha Chenoy, newindianexpress.com: "India has once again, after some giving in to US pressure, re-asserted its resolve to continue importing Iranian oil and build better relations with Iran. Israel’s attempts to stop the US from talking to Iran and continue instead to break up West Asia to favour Israeli dominance of the region was at least temporarily stopped by Putin’s public diplomacy. Putin will continue in this vein, especially since China and many Third World States and people’s groups call for a peaceful solution and power sharing decided locally by the people of the states concerned as opposed to international or regional hegemony. ... India and Russia consider each other trusted allies. But the magic and dynamism that was displayed earlier is lacking. It is up to both to take their relations further."

Australia-India roundtable begins in Sydney - firstpost.com: "The Australia-India Roundtable, the leading informal dialogue between the two countries, began in Sydney Monday. A high-level delegation of Indian officials, strategic experts and media commentators is in Australia for the talks, led by Anil Wadhwa, secretary (East) of the Indian ministry of external affairs. The dialogue is convened by the Lowy Institute in partnership with the Australia India Institute and Indian think tank Observer Research Foundation. It is supported by the public diplomacy division of the Indian external affairs ministry and the Australia India Council of Australia's foreign affairs and trade department. ... The talks are aimed at producing practical recommendations to advance Australia-India relations in trade and investment, education, people-to-people ties, defence and diplomatic cooperation in such frameworks as the G20 and the Indian Ocean Naval Symposium, both being chaired by Australia this year."

ABC asks Sky News for shows to feed Australia Network - Christian Kerr and Jared Owens, theaustralian.com.au: "The ABC has approached Sky News Australia to buy programs for its Australia Network service despite the bitter battle that ended with Labor awarding the soft diplomacy contract to the national broadcaster after twice defying expert advice that Sky was better placed to deliver the Asia-Pacific service. ... Foreign Minister Julie Bishop told The Australian yesterday ... [that] the ABC was 'struggling' to meet the terms of the Australia Network contract. ... Ms Bishop said she was seeking advice on the contract not only given circumstances surrounding the botched tender, but whether the ABC was meeting its obligations to promote Australia in the region. 'This is not about the ABC and its independence as a public broadcaster,' Ms Bishop said. 'This is a separate contract that was put out for tender for public diplomacy. They have an obligation to relay quality content to promote Australia in the region and promote a positive perception of Australia.'Ms Bishop expressed concern the ABC was not meeting its contractual obligation."

Bishop eyes cash for Twitter from millions paid to ABC’s Australia Network - islandsbusiness.com: "The Abbott Government could reclaim the millions paid to the ABC's Australia Network and use the cash to promote Australia to the world on Twitter and Facebook. Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop says the money being spent on 'soft diplomacy' through the national broadcaster's Asian TV network might be better invested in social media. The idea comes as the Government considers scrapping the Australia Network amid furious complaints by some MPs the ABC is biased against the coalition. Managing director Mark Scott said yesterday the ABC should have been 'more precise' in its reporting of asylum seekers' claims they had suffered burns caused by their treatment by the Australian navy. 'The ABC has always presented the allegations as just that - claims worthy of further investigation,' Mr Scott said.

Yesterday, Ms Bishop told The West Australian she was seeking legal advice on the ABC'S contract to run the Australia Network. She said the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade had only a small pool of money with which to showcase Australia and diplomats would welcome extra funds to do that work. 'DFAT currently has a budget of $4 million a year to spend on public diplomacy globally,' Ms Bishop said. 'Imagine if DFAT had the budget which included the $22 million per year otherwise spent on the Australia Network. It's arguable that we could find more effective ways to promote Australia, including through social media.'Image from, with caption: Online strategy: Julie Bishop wants to use Twitter to promote Australia.

The thorn in Africa’s side needs substance over sensationalism - Abebe Aynete, internationalpeaceandconflict.org: "For many years media and political analyst have branded the Horn of Africa as an ‘arc of instability’. However, the reality in the region is changing yet media branding remains static. Indeed Horn of Africa countries are attracting investments, promoting their tourism industry, supporting the interests through public diplomacy, strengthening national identity and increasing self-respect. Regarding peace and security the region is credited with playing an instrumental role in both the Sudan and Somalia peace processes."

Imposing Western Values in Africa: Public Diplomacy and the Homosexuality Debate
 - Oke Epia, PD News–CPD Blog, USC Center on Public Diplomacy: "One can safely say that in spite of the UN’s inclusion of LGBT rights as human rights, the acceptance of homosexuality in some cultures is far from a reality. This is partially due to the entrenched beliefs, cultures, and idiosyncracies that are deeply rooted in the psyches of these populations."

Estrategia y diplomacia pública: el tiempo de la política - Juan Luis Manfredi, compolitica.com: "La diplomacia pública ha ganado espacio en los estudios de comunicación política internacional en los últimos años. La creación del Alto Comisionado para la Marca España, el peso de la diplomacia pública en el Servicio Europeo de Acción Exterior (EEAS en sus siglas en inglés), la sucesión de grandes eventos en Brasil o la fuerte inversión de los países del Golfo Pérsico en internacionalizar sus ciudades son buenos ejemplos de cómo la comunicación ha asumido una función fundamental en las relaciones internacionales. ... Lo que distingue la diplomacia pública de la propaganda es el interés en el beneficio mutuo, la cooperación y la transparencia. En cambio, la propaganda es coercitiva, impone los contenidos y no abre espacios para el diálogo y el cambio. En diplomacia pública, la difusión de las ideas con el objeto de atraer recursos y personas tiene que basarse en la confianza y el entendimiento. ... La diplomacia pública representa la vanguardia de las relaciones internacionales, una nueva forma de desarrollar el poder y de participar en la arena política. No es una cuestión de iconos, seguidores en Facebook o campañas virales. Antes al contrario, persigue la creación de una comunidad de intereses con públicos extranjeros. Será una transformación estratégica en la medida que añada valor a la representación, la negociación y la comunicación de los intereses en el exterior, las tres funciones clásicas de la diplomacia. Por eso es necesario establecer un plan estratégico, sumar iniciativas, crear espacios para la conversación y transformar la diplomacia pública en un elemento fundamental de la acción exterior. El reto de los profesionales de la comunicación pasa ahora por establecer los cauces de cooperación con las instituciones, formar a los diplomáticos y otros actores en las competencias de la comunicación, persuadir a los gobernantes de lo que está en juego y normalizar la diplomacia pública. Sí, nos queda trabajo por hacer."

8 Lessons of Nation Branding- Jay Wang, PD News–CPD Blog, USC Center on Public Diplomacy: In my new book, 'Shaping China’s Global Imagination: Branding Nations at the World Expo,' I explore the idea of nation branding—what it is and how it works—through the instructive case of the Shanghai World Expo. ... Here are several issues that stand out for me that I believe are important to branding a nation.

1. Storytelling as the Foundation ... 2. Co-creating a Nation Brand ... 3. Strategic Use of Stereotypes ... 4. The Importance of Surprise 5. Production Values Do Count 6. Don’t Ignore the 'Last Three Feet' ... 7. A Transnational Production of Nation Brands ... 8. Sustaining the Effort."Image from entry, with caption: Shanghai World Expo 2010, Creative Commons

Curry Connections– Paul Rockower, Levantine: “Is Mexican mole really Mughal curry?  Read up on some gastrodiplomacy history of the historical culinary connections between New Spain and the medieval Islamic world in a fascinating piece by Rachel Laudan (‘Cuisine and Empire’).”

MPD in Brazil: Innovations in Brazilian Public Diplomacy - Helene Imperiale, PD News–CPD Blog, USC Center on Public Diplomacy: "Each year the second year students in the Master of Public Diplomacy program select a location abroad to conduct new research that can further the study and practice of public diplomacy.

This year, the Class of 2014 selected Sao Paulo, Brazil for its unique position in world politics. Brazil is currently transitioning from a regional and hemispheric power to a global one. The country will be on display during the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, and MPD students want to gain a better understanding of Brazilian public diplomacy practices."Image from entry

The Moral Operating System of a Global City: Los Angeles - Micahel Ignatieff, carnegiecouncil.org: "The Los Angeles Police Department has learned from the twin traumas of the 1990s: the uprising of 1992 and the Rampart scandal of 1998.18 They have abandoned a 'them versus us' fortress mentality; they have understood that, in the words of one officer, 'We can't arrest our way out of any problem.'

Their policing methods look like public diplomacy: working with neighborhood leaders, creating relationships to anticipate trouble, and plan common interventions to solve community problems. The work is highly political, identifying leadership, making deals, forming iterative and provisional relationships of trust. These deals go beyond policing itself. For instance, they may involve brokering a commitment to a community to work with other municipal agencies to improve garbage collection or recreation space. In this process of policing as political exchange, maintenance of a shared moral operating system turns out to be crucial. As one LAPD officer put it, 'Never write the community a check you can't cash; or you will lose trust.'"Uncaptioned image from entry

India’s RIFF: “When the music is on, we are one” - Aditi Tandon, euroculturer.eu Aditi is from India and studied MA Euroculture in Göttingen and Olomouc. She has worked as a journalist in India and in the online communities team for a human rights organization in London. She’s currently working in public diplomacy at the U.S. Consulate in Mumbai, India. She enjoys travelling, film and music.

National Summit on Strategic Communications — May 8-9 in Washington DC - nedsjotw.com: "For the 5th consecutive year, the National Summit on Strategic Communications — May 8-9 in Washington DC — assembles top leaders, 25+ speakers and CEOs from corporate, military and government communications and public affairs. ... Featured Faculty: ... Kolinda Grabar-Kitaroviæ, Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy, NATO."

Niina Hyrsky appointed Press Officer to Stockholm - Press release, Foreign Ministry of Finland: "The Ministry for Foreign Affairs has appointed Niina Hyrsky to the post of Press Officer at the Embassy of Finland in Stockholm for a fixed term. The term of appointment is three years and it begins at the start of March.

The press officer is responsible for the Embassy’s external communications and media relations. The job also entails other public diplomacy and development of Finland’s brand in cooperation with Team Finland partners."Hyrsky image from entry

Goldman’s Charitable Foundation Chief to Lead Urban Investment Group - Michael J. De La Merced, dealbook.nytimes.com: "Dina H. Powell has already made a name for herself as the head of Goldman Sachs’s charitable foundation.

Now, she is preparing to add a new revenue-generating role to her list of responsibilities. ... Dina joined Goldman Sachs as a managing director in 2007 and was named partner in 2010. Prior to joining the firm, Dina served as Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs and as Deputy Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs."Image from entry, with caption: Dina H. Powell, head of Goldman Sachs’s charitable foundation.

After the Arab Spring, could Twitter liberate television? - Joe Khalil, english.alarabiya.net: "Joe F. Khalil, Ph.D., is an associate professor in residence at Northwestern University and visiting research fellow at the London School of Economics. He has more than fifteen years of professional television experience as director, executive producer and consultant with major Arab satellite channels. He is the author of Arab Satellite Entertainment Television: Opportunities for Public Diplomacy (2009) and co-author of Arab Television Industries (2010)."

TedxSU to select speakers - Kristen Eskow, dailyorange.com: "The students organizing the first-ever TEDxSU event in April will begin selecting speakers after applications closed Friday evening. ... Timi Komonibo, a first-year graduate student studying public diplomacy, said she applied in December to speak at the TEDxSU event. The former middle school teacher said she has found TED talks to be an effective tool in her classes."

Metzgar, Lu to present research on public diplomacy - Indiana University School of Journalism: "Assistant professor Emily Metzgar and graduate student Xinyu Lu will present their research, 'Finessing the Pivot: The United States and Public Diplomacy 2.0 in Northeast Asia,' to IU's East Asian Studies Center Colloquium at noon Feb. 14." 


Where in the world is John Kerry? - Carter Eskew, Washington Post: After years

of looking into the mirror and seeing a president, Kerry now sees his chance to fulfill his heroic ambition on the world’s toughest stages. That marriage of ego and job makes some uneasy, but it may be a very fine match. Kerry image from

The U.S. must reconsider its failed Syrian policy - Editorial, Washington Post: The administration could join an effort by allies on the U.N. Security Council to win passage of a resolution that calls on Syria to cooperate with the delivery of humanitarian supplies and authorizes U.N. agencies to operate in areas outside government control. With or without U.N. action, it is time for the Obama administration to reconsider how it can check the regime’s crimes and the growing threat of al-Qaeda. As Mr. Kerry reportedly conceded, for now it has no answers.

Could European protests further delay Syrian CW disarmament? Open letter from experts on how to avoid that problem - Matthew Schofield, mcclatchydc.com: A dozen chemical weapons and public health experts are urging the United States to increase the transparency of the plans

for Syrian chemical weapons in order to avoid possible delays in the vital process because of European protests. Their letter concludes by noting that the success in the destruction effort is “much needed” and a public relations effort “will help alleviate public concerns that could otherwise undermine this historic and important demilitarization mission.” Image from

Egypt’s military shows it is no friend of freedom - Editorial, Washington Post: Since leading a coup against the elected government of Mohamed Morsi last July, Gen. Sissi has turned Egypt’s state media into a propaganda apparatus that has made virulent anti-Americanism a touchstone. Television channels and newspapers regularly broadcast vicious attacks on U.S. officials and diplomats and lend credence to wild conspiracy theories about Western plots against Egypt. Now the regime has taken the step — unprecedented in Egypt’s modern history — of jailing and prosecuting professional Western journalists reporting from Cairo. The administration must certify to Congress that Egypt “is taking steps toward a democratic transition” in order to release $1.5 billion in annual aid. It should inform Gen. Sissi that it cannot do that while journalists are being prosecuted.

Isolationism’s high price - Richard Cohen, Washington Post: In 1996, Madeleine Albright popularized a phrase used by President Clinton. She repeatedly called the United States the “indispensable nation.” The phrase lends itself to mockery, but it is dead-on. Nowhere is the United States more indispensable than in the Far East, where a rising China, acting like pre-World War I Germany, is demanding respect and flexing its muscles. It’s all too familiar: rising nationalism, excessive pride, irrationality ready in the wings and America going into its habitual hibernation.

Meet Chechclearr, the Web-savvy foreign Islamic militant in Syria: 'Media is half of jihad,' posts the prolific Chechclearr, who seems to relish his role as a self-appointed propagandist for Al Qaeda-linked factions in Syria - Nabih Bulos and Patrick J. McDonnell,latimes.com: Welcome to the virtual world of Chechclearr, the Internet handle of a self-described Islamic militant who says he is fighting as an Islamist rebel in Syria but also has time to post a copious amount of pictures and comments on the Internet.

Although his identity cannot be independently verified, the many images he has posted appear authentic. The prolific Chechclearr seems to relish his role as a self-appointed apologist and propagandist for Al Qaeda-linked factions that are now among the most dominant rebel militias in Syria, drawing thousands of non-Syrians into their ranks from as far away as Europe and the United States. Image from

America Must Assuage Saudi Anxiety - Vali R. Nasr, New York Times: The Saudis believe it is no longer inconceivable that after Iraq and Afghanistan, a thoroughgoing pullout of forces in the Persian Gulf will become America’s mantra: the “zero option.” Follow that thought and there is a paradox: Unless America addresses Saudi concerns, its Iran policy could prove destabilizing to the Middle East, rather than a masterstroke that eases tensions. That would be profoundly counterproductive: The risk of new crises in the oil-rich crossroads of the Persian Gulf would make it much harder for America to focus on Asia.

The Pakistani Taliban’s P.R. Offensive - Huma Yusuf, New York Times: With its history of savage attacks and audacious jail breaks, the Pakistani Taliban have long been two steps ahead of Pakistan’s security forces and intelligence agencies. Now, the increasingly P.R.-savvy organization is also outwitting the government in terms of messaging. By obfuscating their precise responsibility for Pakistan’s security issues, the Pakistani Taliban are dampening the public’s enthusiasm for a sustained push against terrorist groups. And progress in the war of words is progress in its war for power.

Don’t Let Putin Grab Ukraine - Timothy Snyder, New York Times: The European Union and the present Ukrainian leadership must strike a deal -- and quickly. If the European Union does not act and there is a Russian-backed internal coup in Ukraine, the likely consequences are military disaster for Russia and political crisis in the European Union.

American propaganda stokes the fire of Ukrainian disintegration- Patrice Greanville, opednews.com: As befits a loyal organ of the US ruling class--yes, Virginia, protestations to the contrary the US does have a ruling class--the New York Times and other leading Western media have been busy promoting all manner of tendentious "facts" about the situation in Ukraine.

Should the Ukraine fall into the cynical US/NATO camp it would be a major setback not only for the Ukrainians themselves, who are now toying with the possible balkanization of their country a la Yugoslavia and even a murderous civil war, (not to mention a huge disillusionment with the realities of life under the harsh EU umbrella), but for those who resist the depredations of the West and its pestilential corporate-sponsored "globalisation" across all latitudes. Image from entry, with caption: Ukraine is rent by deep regional and ethnic antagonisms.

Holding Sri Lanka to Account - Editorial, New York Times: Washington is once again trying to put pressure on the government of Sri Lanka to commission a credible independent investigation of crimes and human rights abuses committed during the end of that country’s bloody civil war in 2009. It would be easy for the world and American officials to give up their demands for accountability given that nearly five years have passed since the end of the war. But that would be tragic and would signal to public officials that they might never have to answer for mass murder.

North Korea ramps up propaganda ahead of US-South Korea maneuvers - foxnews.com: North Korea's propaganda machine is churning out near-daily denunciations of the United States and South Korea for a series of soon-to-start military maneuvers, warning nuclear war could be imminent and saying it will take dramatic action of its own if further provoked. North Korea's increasingly shrill opposition to the annual joint drills named Foal Eagle looks very similar to the kind of vitriol that preceded the start of the same exercises last year and led to a steep rise in tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

That round of escalation culminated in threats of a nuclear strike on Washington and the flattening of Seoul before the maneuvers ended and both sides went back to their corners. It appears the first stages of this year's battle have already begun -- though some experts say they don't think it will be as high-pitched as last year's. Image from entry, with caption: In this March 26, 2013 file photo, a North Korean man walks past propaganda posters in Pyongyang, North Korea, that threaten punishment to the "U.S. imperialists and their allies."

Russia is more than propaganda, tension and terro- Dave Bidini, nationalpost.com: Vladimir Putin. The killing of journalists. Suspensions of freedom; inventions of lies. Crime and ignorance and the eschewing of diplomacy. Hate crimes vs. gays, and men and women of colour. The flexing of muscle, the hoarding of weapons. Support for Bashar Al-Assad. All true, all real. But please, let us not demonize Russia. It’s too easy to fall prey to our Western (i.e., American) reflexes: anyone from the Baltic to Siberia to Stalingrad becoming the villain in Die Hard, or Soviet-era hockey coach Viktor Tikhonov, or a power-hungry Rasputin. Suddenly, with the Olympic Games less than a week away, Sochi — and, by extension, most of Russia — has become known as a paranoid police state, governed by spies and covert weapons and a tyrannical figurehead born from oil and gristle. Again: Okay. But let’s not forget the people whose lives are slave to these conditions, and for whom the spectre of the return of Communist-era repression is more than just a cinematic or literary trope. Let’s not forget that, for all its complications, Russia is one of the most interesting and ever-changing colossi known to modern man.

An Egyptian propaganda video on journalists: So bad it's funny. Then just sad. It was distributed via a TV station that was born out of the Egyptian uprising against Hosni Mubarak - Dan Murphy, Christian Science Monitor: The plight of journalists and activists in Egypt ctoday - including the Al Jazeera reporters currently in detention on trumped up claims of abetting terrorism and "spreading false news" - is no laughing matter.  But it's hard not to laugh at a videotape of the arrest and interrogation of Australian Peter Greste and Canadian-Egyptian Mohamed Fahmy that was released on Egypt's Tahrir TV on Sunday night. At least before you cry.  The footage provided to the television station by one of the state security agents involved was filmed at the Cairo hotel where many of Al Jazeera's reporters work, hence the government's reference to their operation as the "Marriott terror cell." As befits this grandiose slander to refer to a bunch of reporters just doing their jobs, Tahrir TV overlaid the cartoonishly ominous and bombastic soundtrack from the movie "Thor: The Dark World," which is about a Norse god trying to save the world from evil elves.

Belarus' Latest Propaganda Film - Vadzim Smok, belarusdigest.com: Andrei Kureičyk, a famous Belarusian dramatist and scriptwriter, has extensively commented on the film. According to him, the Presidential Administration designed Abel as a response to the anti-regime Viva Belarus movie directed  by Krzysztof Lukaszewich and shot in Poland. Even independent experts said that Viva Belarus showed an exaggerated picture of the regime's cruelty. Needless to say, it had a highly negative impact on the regime's already poor reputation.

More Imperial Propaganda for Star Wars Rebels Debuts - comingsoon.net: In anticipation of the upcoming animated series "Star Wars Rebels," Lucasfilm has debuted some new propaganda posters for the Galactic Empire. Among them:


Here he [Fox interviewerBill O'Reilly] was “asking” Obama about whether the Benghazi killings were a terrorist attack:

Obama: “By definition, Bill, when somebody is attacking our compound — ”

O’Reilly: “Yes?”

Obama: “ — that’s an act of terror, which is how I characterized it the day after it happened. So the — so the question ends up being who, in fact, was attacking us?”

O’Reilly: “But it’s more than that — ”

Obama: “And that — ”

O’Reilly: “ — though — ”

Obama: “ — well, we — ”

O’Reilly: “ — because of Susan Rice.”

Obama: “No, it — ”

O’Reilly: “It’s more than that, because if Susan Rice goes out and tells the world that it was a spontaneous demonstration . . . ”

Obama: “Bill — ”

O’Reilly: “ — off a videotape but your . . . ”

Obama: “Bill . . . ”

O’Reilly: “ — your commanders and the secretary of defense know it’s a terror attack . . . ”

Obama: “Now, Bill . . . ”

O’Reilly: “Just . . . ”

Obama: “ — Bill . . . ”

O’Reilly: “ — as an American . . . ”

Obama: “ — Bill — Bill . . . ”

O’Reilly: “ — I’m just confused.”

Obama: “And I’m — and I’m trying to explain it to, if you want to listen.”

--Dana Millbank, "Bill O’Reilly’s Obama interview showed a nation still divided," Washington Post

February 6-7


"Soft power advocates ... have been distracted by cutesy projects such as 'gastrodiplomacy,' which may produce a few newspaper articles about the virtues of kimchi or mushy peas, but are unlikely to have any lasting effect on their audience."

--Professor Philip Seib, USC Center on Public Diplomacy; image from


Taliban members brag about holding U.S. dog captive - stltoday.com: "The video caught the attention of analysts at the SITE Intelligence Group, which tracks and studies insurgent propaganda. The group's founder, Rita Katz, said she could not recall anything like it."


Outgoing U.S. Ambassador Reflects on Job With Russian Media - Jennifer Monaghan, The Moscow Times: "U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul — who announced yesterday that he would return to California at the end of February — has opened up about his time on the job, lamenting his inability to quell concerns that the U.S. wants to incite revolution on Russian soil. ... McFaul believes his willingness to engage with the opposition at this time led to the enactment of a negative campaign against both himself and the U.S. by the state-controlled press. 'I can certainly say that some people in Russia want to use anti-American sentiment to discredit the opposition. I was part of their plan.

It is obvious. And it has nothing to do with what I was doing or what I did.' McFaul said . ... In a bid to change the perception of American people, McFaul has embarked on a campaign of public diplomacy during his time as ambassador — hosting jazz parties at the U.S. Embassy residence and communicating with the public via accounts on Twitter and Facebook. He says he will miss those aspects of the job. McFaul will travel to Sochi on Thursday, one day ahead of the Winter Olympic Games' opening ceremony."Image from entry, with caption: U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul, who on Tuesday announced his decision to quit his post. See also (1) (2).

U.S. names priorities in relations with Georgia - Jamila Babayeva, azernews.az: "First Deputy of the U.S. Ambassador to Georgia Bridget Brink has named the U.S. priorities in relations with Georgia during a web chat: democratic development and consolidation, economic development and security. 'The first priority includes different aspects. It includes diplomatic involvement, in which the political and economic departments of the embassy participate, and public diplomacy, in which the Department of Public Affairs, and also other partners including the United States Agency for Development take part,' she said."

Breast Cancer Has Become the Consummate “Free Market Feminist” Cause - wrongkindofgreen.org: "The U.S.–Middle East Partnership for Breast Cancer Awareness was created in 2006 and marked the U.S. government’s first foray into international breast cancer policy. By 2008, the partnership included the Komen Foundation, the Avon corporation, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins University, and a variety of cancer care and business organizations in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, and Palestine.

The campaign is a subproject of the Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI), launched on December 12, 2002 by then-Secretary of State Colin Powell in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq. The official mandate of the MEPI, which operates out of the State Department’s Office of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, is to 'advance democratic reform and vibrant, prosperous societies in the Middle East and North Africa'(http://mepi.state.gov/mission/index.htm). To date, the MEPI has focused on encouraging the development of public–private partnerships in providing 'greater opportunities' in the region (http://mepi.state.gov)."Image from entry

Bringing a Hard Edge to Soft Power - Philip Seib, Huffington Post: "'Soft power' is an important element of foreign policy, emphasizing attraction rather than coercion. ... When there is little cost to using hard power, policymakers may set aside their moral compass, relegating soft power to the domain of wimps. Soft power advocates share some of the blame for this. They have been distracted by cutesy projects such as 'gastrodiplomacy,' which may produce a few newspaper articles about the virtues of kimchi or mushy peas, but are unlikely to have any lasting effect on their audience. Soft power proponents tend to forget that the purpose of soft power, as with public diplomacy more broadly, is to advance the strategic interests of your country. ... [C]hange will not come unless those at the top of the policymaking pyramid embrace soft power as truly the preferred way of dealing with the rest of the world."

US Points to Russian Role in Leak of Ukraine Phone Call, VOA reports but gives no link or videos- BBG Watcher, BBG Watch: "Voice of America (VOA) executives like to brag about multimedia, but when VOA posts reports on its English news website, they often lack multimedia content, which other international media outlets provide faster and more consistently, even on U.S. news stories. This is especially true for Russia’s RT, as World Media Watch reported and gave VOA only 2.5 rating on a scale from 0 to 5 for a report on U.S.-Russia dispute over a bugged telephone call about Ukraine between Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt. Russia’s RT provided both a link to the controversial recording on YouTube and video of the State Department spokesperson commenting on it. Voice of America provided neither, but it did have text of some of the State Department spokeswoman’s remarks."

Radio Beijing in the Middle East - Joseph Braude, Huffington Post: "The Chinese government has developed an approach to cultural outreach in the Arab world whereby a program's ratings matter far less than who in particular is listening. Niche content on radio and television supports a broader effort to attract a modest number of Arabs in countries of high strategic concern, who go on to serve Beijing as assets and emissaries to the media as well as the society at large. With their help, China strives to reach a vast audience via the region's indigenous broadcasts, with which no foreign outfit can compete. This exposure, in turn, supports a ground campaign of 'soft power' to tweak the region's cultural fabric in favor of Chinese interests. ... Numerous Western experts in the field of 'soft power'--notably the originator of the term himself, Harvard University professor Joseph Nye--have dismissed Chinese public diplomacy worldwide as ineffectual. ... But if we take a closer look, we see that pronouncements of China's failure to win Arab hearts and minds are premature. ... Extremist transnational movements are making strides toward weakening states and eroding borders, and we must work to stop them. An important part of doing that is supporting the institutions of Arab states with which the United States is allied. Through media partnerships, Americans can gain a seat at the table, where they can then challenge the production of propaganda that would harm American interests. More important, Americans can use their access to more freely engage Arab journalists, editors, and television writers in creating education and training media that build up egalitarianism, tolerance, and civil society. In the long run, such a consensual approach will be more effective in advancing American ideals than persisting in a costly 'battle of the networks' that has no clear endgame."

Dallas Doings - Linda Wisch-Davidsohn, tjpnews.com: "‘StandWithUs Israeli Soldiers’ Stories’ to be presented in Dallas [.] Two former Israeli soldiers, Ben and Daniel, will make multiple appearances in Dallas next week as part of the StandWithUs Israeli Soldiers Stories program. ... Dan and Ben will recount their personal experiences of serving in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) as StandWithUs, the international Israel education organization, launches its sixth and largest 'Israeli Soldiers Speak' (ISS) tour.

'Israeli Soldiers’ Stories' is an innovative program featuring a diverse group of reserve duty Israeli college students. Their mission is to educate, inform, and delve into conversations about the Israeli-Arab conflict by putting a human face to the IDF uniform. Participants have combat experience and are members of the StandWithUs Israel Fellowship, an elite public diplomacy program in its eighth year for student leaders at six major Israeli universities."Image from

Top posts filled at Foreign Ministry - Herb Keinon, Jerusalem Post: "The Foreign Ministry announced ... top appointments on Thursday. ... Israel's envoy to Australia Yuval Rotem will replace Gideon Meir, who also recently retired, as deputy director-general for public diplomacy."

Xi meets Putin in Sochi - Zhang Yiwei, Global Times: "Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived at Sochi in Russia Thursday afternoon to attend the opening ceremony of the 22nd Winter Olympic Games and met with Russian President Vladimir Putin, a move analysts said reflects China's strong backing of bilateral relations with Russia. ... Meanwhile, leaders from major Western countries including the US, the UK, France and Germany are not attending the opening ceremony. As China is an influential power, Xi's presence at the Games' opening ceremony amid the negative comments 'emphasizes the message that nations should shoulder international responsibilities together and not fear terrorist threats,' said Zhou Qing'an, a professor specializing in public diplomacy at the Tsinghua International Center for Communication Studies. This shows China's highest level of support and value to Russia, said Xing Guangcheng, an expert on Russia at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

'It shows China's respect for the Olympic spirit and that we are open to actively participate in events that benefit world peace and cultural exchange,' Xing said. Zhou noted that as the first Chinese leader to attend an overseas sports event, Xi has adopted a new philosophy of public diplomacy. China is taking a more open diplomatic position through building the nation's image and closely communicating with the international community in multilateral and non-governmental spheres, he said. Both experts compared the event with the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008, which also encountered similar challenges brought up by international media. 'Negative comments toward both Beijing and Sochi extended beyond mere event organization and shifted to other aspects, for example, the nations' governments and previous crises. It's a regular phenomenon that emerging markets face,' Zhou said."Image from entry, with caption: Chinese President Xi Jinping (right) meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sochi, Russia, February 6, 2014.

Russia's female athletes bring the "REAL" show to Sochi – Yelena Osipova, Global Chaos: “A couple of weeks ago I posted the following piece by Russia Beyond The Headlines on Facebook voicing concern about the sexual connotations that could be read into it: 'Olympic beauty: Sochi girls to meet world famous athletes.' A Russian (female) friend was outraged at my direct and immediate association of something seemingly so innocuous with sex/prostitution. The issue however, is not just that it feeds directly into the image of an oversexualized Russian/Slavic/Eastern European woman, but that it actually promotes it - even if indirectly - as yet another attraction in Sochi specifically, and Russia more broadly [yet another example of wonderful

public diplomacy put on by the Russian authorities, eh?]. ... The saddest part, however, is that this becomes a tool not just for the amusement and entertainment of the domestic public, but for the international audience as well. Do they really have nothing better to show for the Olympics that they need to resort to such cheap tactics? Or do the organizers hope that this might make up for all the public diplomacy disasters and blunders already happening [and many more to come, I'm sure]?"Image from entry, with caption: Alexandra Saitova, curling. Image from Weird Russia. See also John Brown, "Public Diplomacy Goes 'Pubic,'"PD News–CPD Blog, USC Center on Public Diplomacy.

Canadian businesses take notice of Arab world - Sophie Muller, theglobeandmail.com: "Starting Saturday, representatives from 10 Canadian companies will be travelling to Iraq, Jordan and Turkey on a trade mission organized by the Canada-Arab Business Council (CABC) and the Canadian-Turkish Business Council. ... The launch of the trade offices comes on the heels of Canada opening a diplomatic mission in Baghdad last April. Bessma Momani, associate professor in the department of political science at the University of Waterloo, said these offices could be helpful in supporting Canadian companies that want to do business in Iraq as well as Iraqi businesses interested in trade and investment opportunities in Canada. ... Dr. Momani says Canadian firms doing business in the Middle East have the advantage of a positive image and are well respected. This could give them an edge in high-potential sectors such as construction, engineering, health care, agri-business and education. But the government needs to be more proactive, she said. EDC has a smaller presence and is more timid in the Middle East than American chambers of commerce, for instance. 'In the Middle East, the local business community usually knows about the U.S. Chamber of Commerce or the British Council,' Dr. Momani added, noting this kind of public diplomacy helps boost business ties."

Mark Scott: ‘Abolishing the Australia Network or Removing It from the ABC Would Take Some Millions out of Our Budget’. Wow! That’s A Defence? This Fool Receives a Salary Of Over $800,000 Annually, and That’s His Best Shot? This ‘Confession’ from Scott, Ensures That Come May Budget, the Australian Network Will Be Cactus - pokiepleasures.com.au: "August 2011 Fairfax newspapers reported that Sky News complained to Dept of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) over an allegation that Mark Scott 'inappropriately' approached the Resources Minister Martin Ferguson to lobby him in relation to the $223 million contract. Ferguson said at the time, a phone call from Scott during the process was inappropriate. Fairfax also alleged Scott violated conditions of the tender process by publicly commenting on the Australia Network contract in a speech delivered at the Australian National University on 7 June, 2011 where he suggested it would be 'very difficult' for commercial organisations to carry out the objectives of a public diplomacy channel. He acknowledged legal requirements that forbid the bidders making any public statements on the tender process. Being the fool he is, he ignored the requirements and went on to say the Australia Network could greatly expand its reach if money was made available to subtitle programs in local languages.

Why is it so hard to find a good Filipino restaurant? - Paul Rockower, Levantine: "A good question from PRI's The World. I would attribute it to an underperforming nation brand and a nonexistent edible nation brand.

All easily remedied by the Philippines conducting more public diplomacy, cultural diplomacy and gastrodiplomacy, including outreach to engage its diaspora (the second-largest in the US!) to be cultural ambassadors."Image from

College Students (USA) Talk Brand Jamaica - oneloverepublic.wordpress.com: “'When you think of #jamaica, what comes to mind?' was the question we posed to college students in America recently. ... This is part of the #ReImagineJamaicaProject – an initiative founded by Jamaican journalist and professor of Public Relations (USA), Dr. Hume Johnson in 2012. It seeks to use strategic communication tools, policy directed research and public diplomacy to understand and reshape Jamaica’s image and reputation in the global arena."

New Book Tells About Life in Cold War Public Diplomacy - pdaa.publicdiplomacy.org: "Frederick (Tony) Mabbatt, a retired Foreign Service Officer, published a new book describing his and his family’s experiences during Mabbatt’s career in diplomacy. On the Front Lines of the Cold War is a first-person narrative telling of Mabbatt’s work in Sudan, Jordan, Brazil, Tanzania, Indonesia, and the Netherlands.

According to the book notes, 'His job was to conduct public affairs programs designed to present America’s side of the story and to persuade audiences that democracy and a free market economy work better than Communism.' In an epilogue, Mabbat provides 'guidelines enabling any citizen to arrive at a reasoned opinion on foreign policies.'” Image from entry

Book Review: Branding the Nation: The Global Business of National Identity by Melissa Aronczyk - César Jiménez-Martínez, blogs.lse.ac.uk: "Branding the Nation offers an exhaustive critique of the phenomenon of nation branding in regards to national identity, globalisation and neoliberalism. However, it could also have offered a more thorough examination of this practice in relation to diplomacy and international relations. As Aronczyk observes, nation branding can also be used as a tool to gain authority and legitimacy in the diplomatic field, repairing national reputations or managing the consequences of unexpected or unfavourable events.

This inevitably brings to mind the idea of soft power, which is mentioned only a few times in the book. Soft power has been used as a justification for both nation branding and public diplomacy– two practices with blurred borders and which seem to overlap in many ways - but it has also been criticized as a potential expression of hegemony. Perhaps, some of the criticisms towards nation branding discussed earlier, particularly the fact that it either flattens contestations about national identity or uses them insofar they are useful to foster particular political or economic outcomes, could have been applied to some extent to soft power as well. Image from entry

Dennis Rodman and Sports Diplomacy Gone Awry - Markos Kounalakis, PD News–CPD Blog, USC Center on Public Diplomacy: "[T]here are as many pitfalls in sports diplomacy as there are potential merits. For every successful pingpong diplomat there is a Rodman waiting in the wings." See also John Brown, "'He looks like a monster!': A thought on Dennis and his 'Rod-men' in North Korea," Notes and Essays.

BWA, CBF partner to increase Baptist presence at the UN, respond to needs of people and congregations - cbfblog.com: "The Baptist World Alliance and Cooperative Baptist Fellowship have formed a partnership to identify and respond to the needs of people and congregations worldwide through joint participation in work with the United Nations. ... Raimundo Barreto, the director of the

BWA Division of Freedom and Justice, said the face of international relations has dramatically changed in the past decades, and public diplomacy now includes not only governments, but the economic agents and so-called global civil society with a number of new actors – multinational corporations, the press, NGOs and religious organizations."Image from entry

Kristmanson Gets NCC CEO Post - bulldogottawa.com: "Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird, the minister responsible for the National Capital Commission, today announced the appointment of Mark Kristmanson as chief executive officer of the National Capital Commission (NCC). ... Dr. Kristmanson was the 2011 Canada-United States Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in Public Diplomacy at the University of Southern California, where his research focused on the role of cities in international relations."

Mark Duffy Joins Qorvis MSLGROUP: Will focus on Public Diplomacy in Asia and Europe - prnewswire.com: Qorvis MSLGROUP has named foreign policy professional Mark Duffy to its staff as an associate in the Washington office. Duffy will focus on public affairs and public diplomacy clients. Duffy has served as a political advisor to the Prime Minister of Ireland.  Duffy also worked on foreign policy matters in the British House of Lords and was senior advisor to Irish Senator James Carroll; Duffy assisted U.S. Senator John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign by organizing the Irish-American Presidential Forum. ... MSLGROUP is Publicis Groupe's strategic communications and engagement group, advisors in all aspects of communication strategy: from consumer PR to financial communications, from public affairs to reputation management and from crisis communications to experiential marketing and events.  ... Publicis Groupe [Euronext Paris FR0000130577, CAC 40] is one of the world's leading communications groups."

Our academic experts - Bournemouth University -- Corporate and Marketing Communications Corporate and Marketing Communication: "Dr Pawel Surowiec is a graduate in International Relations Studies from Wroclaw University, Poland.

He is interested in social theory approaches to propaganda studies and intrigued by questions relating to the re-invention of propaganda (e.g. public relations, public diplomacy), its colonization of new social spaces, and power relations in propaganda praxis, particularly in the context of political economy."Image from

Cotler’s Chief of Staff to ‘explore new opportunities’ - gjnashen.wordpress.com: "Statement by Howard Liebman Chief of Staff/Executive Assistant to The Hon. Irwin Cotler, M.P. (Mount Royal)... As I reflect on my chosen path of public service over the more lucrative private sector, I see a decade-long mentorship like no other. Prof. Cotler is like a father to me, and I am proud to be treated like a son. Together with my colleagues, I remain privileged to be called upon by neighbours and community to touch lives daily – to try make things better, to advocate tirelessly for the people of the Mount Royal riding, and uniquely, to engage by Prof. Cotler’s side in public diplomacy locally and across the globe with heads of government and the like."

Deputy Director For Evaluations - Countering Violent Extremism - devex.com: "dTS is recruiting asenior level Deputy Director for Evaluations to provide overall direction, leadership and technical oversight for the US Department of State Countering Violent Extremism Evaluation Project. This individual will be responsible assisting with the development and overseeing the management of country evaluations for three countries across South Asia, Europe and the Middle East. ... Qualifications and Education Requirement [:] A Masters degree in International Relations, Economics, Survey/Statistical Methods, International development, Public Diplomacy, Sociology or related fields."

Internship: Overseas Professional and Intercultural Training (OPIT) Program Deadline: February 15, 2014 - umichcreesannouncements.blogspot.com: "Through OPIT’s six-week, English-language internships, students gain substantive overseas professional experience and intercultural communication skills demanded by today’s global market. American Councils on-site staff arrange internship placements and provide ongoing support to participants. No foreign-language study is required. American Councils has developed and implemented education programs in the former Soviet Union and Southeast Europe for almost four decades. It has contributed and continues to contribute to the creation of new knowledge, broader professional perspectives, and personal and intellectual growth through international training, academic exchange, collaboration in educational development, and public diplomacy. The OPIT program draws on the vast network of community partners, regional expertise and overseas resources built by American Councils over the years."


Why Does America Send So Many Stupid, Unqualified Hacks Overseas? - James Bruno, Politico: The United States is the only industrialized country to award diplomatic posts as political spoils, often to wealthy campaign contributors in an outmoded system that rivals the patronage practices of banana republics, dictatorships and two-bit monarchies. Via DV on Facebook

Obama’s disservice to diplomacy: His picks aren’t qualified to be ambassadors - Henri J. Barkey, Washington Post [subscription]

Taliban Dismisses U.S. Asset Freeze as Propoganda [sic] - Peter Grazul, guardianlv.com: A spokesman for the Taliban has dismissed the United States government’s move to freeze the assets of three known jihadists, as propaganda.

On Wednesday, the Treasury Department declared that Yahya Haqqani, Maulawi Sayedullah, and Muhammed Omar were considered to be global terrorists, which means that any assets they have held within the United States are to be frozen. The three are members of the Haqqani network, a militant organization believed to be based in Pakistan’s semi-autonomous Waziristan tribal region that aims to help the Taliban re-establish sharia law in Afghanistan. Uncaptioned image from entry

IU Professor Says Putin Using Olympics As Propaganda - wibc.com: Mike Corbin, Public Policy Professor Les Lenkowsky questions whether the International Olympic Committee should have granted the games to Sochi given human rights abuses and political turmoil in Russia. Lenkowsky says the world community is essentially awarding President Vladimir Putin. He says Putin is trying to persuade the world that human rights abuses aren't happening and that the real Russia - with the Olympics - is currently on display to the world. Lenkowsky says he doesn't think that terrorism will be a big issue at these Olympic games because the Russian government won't tolerate security breaches. Ultimately, he says the Russian government is aiming to present itself as an ultimate player on the world scene. Finally, Lenkowsky says despite Putin's multi-billion dollar investment, much of the world, including the Russian people themselves, will see the spectacle as produced by Sochi as nothing more than propaganda.

Berlin pop song tells Russia: Love Is Not For Propaganda: A new pop anthem will be performed live at the lighting of Berlin’s alternative gay Olympic flame - Tris Reid-Smith, gaystarnews.com: Berliners have created a new pop anthem to fight Russia’s anti-gay law and champion the Rainbow Flame they will be lighting during the Olympics. The song, Love Is Not For Propaganda, is now available for purchase from the iTunes store. All proceeds will be donated to LGBTI projects in Russia.

Opinion: The impact of Russian propaganda on Lithuania is greater than we thought it was - Audrius Bačiulis, lithuaniatribune.com: Even though today there are enough journalists in Lithuania who understand English, German, or other European languages, our main source of

global events remains the Russian media, which, for the major part, is disseminating some form of the Kremlin’s propaganda. Image from entry

North Stops Leaflet and Radio Propaganda - Koo Jun Hoe, dailynk.com: The South Korean military has confirmed that North Korea does appear to have stopped broadcasts and leaflet drops targeted at the South. The move comes amidst a media campaign by the North alleging a wish to improve inter-Korean ties, most notably via a National Defense Commission statement on January 16th that called for a halt to bilateral acts of slander as of January 31st.

Propaganda, FLAME And Tedashii To Open Spring U-Church Series - chattanoogan.com: Christian hip-hop artists Propaganda, FLAME and Tedashii

will open Lee University’s spring U-Church series on Sunday, Jan. 26, at 7:30 p.m. in the Conn Center. Propaganda image from entry


--Via MT on Facebook


"If you had a plumbing problem, would you call your friendly ambassador to fix it?"

--Henri J. Barkey, a professor of international relations at Lehigh University, who served on the State Department’s policy planning staff from 1998 to 2000.

February 8-10


"America runs on clicks."

--New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd; image from

It only took a year but @StateDept finally let me have my own @Twitter account.

--Secretary of State John Kerry


Putin Propaganda: NBC’s Bob Costas portrays Russian leader as great peacemaker - dailycaller.com


The Daily: Russia Loses the Western Media Game - Michael Ardaiolo: "The Daily: Our round-up of news, notes, tips, and Tweets exhibiting how public diplomacy affects the world each and every day."


US regime-change operation in Ukraine exposed in leaked diplomatic phone call - Patrick O’Connor, Proletarian Center for Research, Education and Culture: "A leaked phone conversation between Victoria Nuland, assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, and Geoffrey Pyatt, the US ambassador to Ukraine, has exposed the anti-democratic and colonialist character of the Obama administration’s intervention in the former Soviet republic. ... While Germany and other European powers have worked closely with the Obama administration in promoting the violent protests against President Viktor Yanukovych, the leaked phone call reveals tensions between the imperialist powers. At one point

Nuland tells Pyatt, 'F–k the EU.' ... The discussion, posted anonymously on YouTube, ... underscores the thoroughly cynical character of Washington’s public diplomacy. The Obama administration’s rhetoric about 'democracy' and the Ukrainian people’s right to determine their own future is a charade, concocted for public consumption. Behind the scenes, government officials speak frankly with one another about the real agenda—advancing Washington’s geo-strategic and economic interests in Eastern Europe by installing pro-US and anti-Russian puppet figures in the Ukrainian capital."Image from entry, with caption: Nuland’s malarkey: “There should be no doubt about where the United States stands on this. We stand with the people of Ukraine who see their future in Europe and want to bring their country back to economic health and unity.” Yada, yada, yada. Apparently a coup is not too high a price to pay.

U.S. to Intensify Rebalancing in Asia in 2014 - Jane Morse, IPP staff writer, geneva.usmission.gov: "The United States plans to intensify efforts to 'rebalance' its policy in the Asia-Pacific region, according to Daniel Russel, the State Department’s assistant secretary for East Asian and Pacific affairs. During a February 4 briefing at the Washington Foreign Press Center, Russel said the United States is

'dedicating more diplomatic resources, more public diplomacy resources, more assistance resources to advance our objectives in the region, and to do so in a way that’s commensurate with the really comprehensive nature of our engagement.' This rebalancing effort, he said, covers the gamut of economic issues, security, environmental cooperation, strengthening alliances and active partnership with civil society and in democratic development. But special focus, he said, is on economic development, especially via mechanisms such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP ) trade pact. The Asia-Pacific region, he said, 'continues to serve as an engine for global growth, with active and intense U.S. involvement.'” Russel image from entry

The Future of the Polish-American strategic relationship - gmfus.org: "Following Secretary Chuck Hagel’s visit in Poland Jan. 30, the GMF office in Warsaw organized a debate on the Future of the Polish-American strategic relationship. The U.S. Ambassador Stephen Mull was confronted by world affairs journalist and publicist Bartosz Węglarczyk, in a conversation moderated by Michał Baranowski. This timely event attracted a crowd of over 80 people and provoked a heated debate between government officials, policy community leaders and experts. According to Ambassador Mull, the reason for Secretary Hagel’s visit was to thank Poland for its engagement in Afghanistan as well as to congratulate on increased defense spending and military modernization process in Poland, strategically significant for NATO because of interoperability. Broadly speaking, the visit took place because of the general satisfaction with the state of Polish-American relationship and its potential to grow. Hagel’s visit also provided reassurance that the U.S. remains fully committed to building the European Phased Adaptive Approach, contrary to the belief that development in Iran might have weakened its interest in the initiative. Bartosz Weglarczyk, who spent 6 years in Washington, held a more pessimistic opinion on this transatlantic relationship.

He remarked that not only are there constant talks of the U.S. pivot towards Asia, but also that a Polish pivot away from the U.S. is observable, caused mainly by the lack of U.S. public diplomacy in Poland. Recent scandals such as the secret CIA prisons in Poland, or the Snowden affair which undermine the opinion of the U.S. government and its intelligence services are pulling the Polish government away too. What also deepens this lack of trust is the uncertainty with regards to U.S. strategic aims towards Central Europe or the Middle East. In response, Ambassador Mull explained that there is a vast talk of cooperation that is taking place behind closed doors."Uncaptioned image from entry

US ambassador visits South and City College Birmingham students to discuss global politics and relations - aocwestmidlands.wordpress.com: "The US ambassador to the UK visited South and City College Birmingham’s Digbeth Campus to talk with students about the role of diplomacy and to get their views on political issues [Thursday 6 February 2014]. Ambassador Matthew Barzun delivered an interactive talk with clickers allowing students to respond to multiple-choice questions on US/UK relations and the role each country plays in global politics; he later opened up the floor to allow students to air their views and ask questions on matters including equality, Syria and the power of corporations. The purpose of the visit was for Ambassador Barzun

to engage with young people from a range of backgrounds to get a better understanding of their opinions on world and national issues. The US Embassy is looking to regularly interact with youth audiences as part of their public diplomacy mission. The ambassador spoke to 30 students from IT and business courses for just over an hour."Image from entry, with caption: From left to right: Mike Hopkins (Principal of South and City College Birmingham), Matthew Barzun (Ambassador of the United States of America to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) and Selman Habib (Student Union President of South and City College Birmingham)

French Breakup Makes a Dinner Harder to Do - Peter Baker, New York Times: "The state dinner has long been one of the most celebrated of presidential affairs, 'an event that also showcases global power and influence,' as the White House Historical Association puts it. The first president to have one for a foreign leader was Ulysses S. Grant, who in 1874 feted King David Kalakaua of the Sandwich Islands, now known as Hawaii. 'There’s no substitute for being in each other’s home and developing a personal relationship,' said Anita McBride, who was chief of staff to Laura Bush. 'You reserve state visits for a circumstance when you want to promote the highest level of ceremony for your foreign visitor.'"

Soft power, gastrodiplomacy and long-term effects - Paul Rockower, Levantine: "In his op-ed 'Bringing a Hard Edge on Soft Power,'Prof. Phil Seib took a lil shot at gastrodiplomacy: 'Soft power advocates ... have been distracted by cutesy projects such as 'gastrodiplomacy,' which may produce a few newspaper articles about the virtues of kimchi or mushy peas, but are unlikely to have any lasting effect on their audience.' While I respect Prof. Seib, I have to disagree with Uncle Phil this time. I responded: [']I have to disagree with you about the long-term effects of gastrodiplomacy, and by extension cultural diplomacy, on long-term effects on audiences. Gastrodiplomacy

is simply a newer medium in the sphere of cultural diplomacy, one that understands that emotional, trans-rational long-term connections that are the basis of soft power can be just as easily made with food as music or art. There are ample examples in public diplomacy history to back up the notion that cultural diplomacy drives the long-term effects of soft power. So if you accept that one of the key drivers of soft power is cultural diplomacy, then I would not be so quick to blithely dismiss a new manner in which it is practiced. I understand that soft power is ultimately a form of power, but I think it is short-sighted to think that long-term interests can truly be advanced by a harder edge of soft power. I agree that public diplomacy is ultimately about the long game, but to connect to long-term interests, you have to build connections and broader relationships with foreign publics. That comes through cultural diplomacy, be it through music, art or food. As such, these days I am convinced there is no public diplomacy but cultural diplomacy. Dr. John H. Brown also disagreed with such sentiments and responded with a lovely story of his diplomat father Dr. John L. Brown making connections at the dinner table: ['] Prof. Seib, In response to you[r] article, which gave me a slight indigestion, may I cite a passage from an article [by] my father, diplomat/scholar Dr. John L. Brown (who actually practiced 'public diplomacy' rather than just writing /pontificating about it), in the Foreign Service Journal (1964): 'In the course of the inauguration, I was introduced to the ranking Belgian present, a high official from the Ministry of Education, a gifted, somewhat erratic 'intellectual of the Left.' He was known for his hostility to the United States. We were seated side by side at the banquet which followed the inauguration. The savory ham of the Ardennes, smoked over a juniper fire, the fresh mountain trout, lightly browned in butter with golden almonds sprinkled on their crisp skin, the tender chicken

(the famous 'Coucous de Malines'), their white flesh punctuated generously with black truffles, the excellent wine, the cordial atmosphere of the old Hotel de ville all made conversation very easy. We talked about the concert, the music of Joaquim des Prez, the contributions of Belgium to medieval art, the researches of Pirenne on the Flemish cities. I found him a most pleasant companion, learned without being pedantic, animated with real enthusiasm for the past of his country. When the cheese came, he asked: 'But how can an American be interested in these things? Americans like only jazz.' I said that of course many Americans did like only jazz and in this they were like many Europeans. But, I went on, the organizer and director of the ensemble which played for us is an American and there are many such groups in the United States, which are specialized in ancient music. We began to speak about musical education, about Julliard and Curtis and Eastman, about the place that music occupies in the public educational system in America. We parted friends. We continued to see each other. I am still in correspondence with him.'-- John L. Brown, 'But what do you do,' American Diplomacy (reprint of 1964 Foreign Service article)"Top image from; below image from

Learning Large Lessons from Small Wars - Frank Hoffman, strategicstudyindia.blogspot.com: "The kinds of questions I envision being part of a larger strategic challenge include: ... Crafting and Communicating Narratives. How effective was the United States at crafting and delivering its narrative, to foreign and domestic audiences? What initiatives in public diplomacy or information/influence activities should be retained and what efforts taken?"

The Picture of America: To see ourselves as others see us, diplomatically [review of Through a Screen Darkly by Martha Bayles] - Sam Schulman, The Weekly Standard: "Martha Bayles, one of the great unsung critics of the baby boom generation, has written a book that is unusual for her. This is a brisk, how-policy-has-gone-wrong-and-what-to-do-about-it book, which conceals in its pages something more: a brilliant and courageous meditation on the difficulty of communication between modern and traditional societies. These difficulties, in turn, suggest that the values we regard as universally desirable may not be universal, or even desirable—and we certainly aren’t living by them. The argument is simply told. Public diplomacy is vital to American foreign policy. It wins us friends in the world, explains our ideals to skeptical foreign audiences, and shows that we are serious about those ideals. Ever since the United States entered World War I, we’ve conducted public diplomacy with varying levels of finesse, funding, and commitment. Unfortunately, funding and commitment withered away with the passing of the Soviet Union. The Clinton administration, in its first term, proposed cutting the budget for Radio Free Europe. In 1999, the United States Information Agency (USIA) was shuttered altogether by legislation designed by Senator Jesse Helms, Vice President Al Gore, future vice president Joe Biden, and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. The act distributed the functions of USIA, like fragments of Orpheus’ body, among lower-level officials.

Martha Bayles’s argument is that defunding public diplomacy in the 1990s didn’t halt our image-making activity; it merely privatized it: 'The entertainment industry [took] over the job of communicating America’s policies, ideals, and culture to a distrustful world.' But the entertainment industry had changed since the 1940s and ’50s, when it had worked hand-in-hand with Washington to produce an image of America that was noble, heroic, and disinterested. ... Bayles understands that the golden age of American public diplomacy is over. The Cold War audience yearned to be free; our mission was to ensure that they were well-informed and to urge them to be hopeful yet patient. Today’s audience has far more in common with its rulers than did the peoples of the Warsaw Pact, who were subject to an alien Communist regime. And today’s regimes can reassert their authority by mobilizing against a common threat to ruler and ruled: a godless, rootless America. Our gospel of freedom and individual possibility has little purchase in places where familiarity with our popular culture demonstrates that the outcome of our gospel is loathsome. Bayles’s genius here is not just in dissecting the pathology of the pop-culture mind, but in revealing its effects on the world at large—in matters of war, peace, freedom, and human relations. She is also open to the idea that the entertainment industry’s distortions and libels have a degree of truth to them. And that’s the bad news: America’s image, as distorted in Hollywood’s mirror, may be telling us something unlovely about ourselves."Image from

VOA English news, most language services ignore violent anti-corruption protests in Bosnia - BBG Watcher, BBG Watch

Has Canada Finally Discovered Digital Diplomacy? - Roland Paris, cips.uottawa.ca: "After years of sitting on the sidelines, Canada finally seems to be taking social media seriously as tool of diplomacy. Foreign Minister John Baird delivered a speech on Friday—appropriately in Silicon Valley, the world’s capital of technological innovation—embracing digital diplomacy in stronger terms than ever before. 'The closed world of démarches, summits, and diplomatic dinners,' he said, 'is no longer sufficient to project our values and interests.'In a report last year, I documented how far Canada had fallen behind its closest allies in the use of social media tools. The United States and Britain recognized the importance of digital diplomacy years ago, encouraging their ambassadors and missions to engage directly through social media with the public and policy leaders of other countries. ['] [U]nless our diplomats are permitted to engage with governmental and non-governmental interlocutors in real-time, Canada will remain on the margins of the biggest technological revolution to hit the practice of public diplomacy in a generation. ['] Crucially, both the Americans and British understood that this meant giving individual diplomats greater freedom to communicate—and that the fluidity and informality of social media increased the risks of miscommunication and mistakes. The United States and U.K. accepted these risks as the price of getting their voices heard in new media, which are increasingly shaping and driving events.

By contrast, until recently, Canada’s foreign ministry used its relatively small number of social media channels to primarily broadcast press releases, not to engage in real-time exchanges that are the currency of new media. Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade, and Development (DFATD) now uses social media as a virtual 'listening post' to analyze political patterns in foreign societies and movements. ... What was still missing in the Canadian approach, however, was the recognition that digital diplomacy involves, at its core, a willingness to engage in two-way communications between government officials and interlocutors of various types. This requires, in turn, both a social media presence (i.e., accounts with followers) and a policy framework allowing diplomats to communicate in the relatively informal and rapid style of these media. In his speech today, John Baird suggested that Canada is belatedly getting into the digital diplomacy game."Image from

Sino-US relations and the benefits of soft power - Editorial, scmp.com: "China's diplomats tend to keep a low profile when abroad, living in closed compounds and rarely being seen outside official functions. They are more often than not perceived as being rigid and businesslike rather than friendly and approachable. Ambassador to the US Cui Tiankai has made an obvious effort to break the mould, attending the Super Bowl, one of America's most popular sporting events, and ringing the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange. At a time of rising American mistrust of Beijing, there is no more basic form of soft power to help strengthen relations. The ambassador's stepped-up presence comes amid a series of cultural events marking the 35th anniversary of Sino-US diplomatic relations. Consul general to New York Sun Guoxiang flipped the switch on the Year of the Horse lights on the Empire State Building, and a concert by the New York Philharmonic featuring Chinese music was conducted by Long Yu, director of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra. The performance continued a collaboration that taps into growing interest among mainland Chinese in Western classical music, viewed by the classical music world as vital to shoring up flagging Western interest in the genre. In terms of diplomacy, it is also a bridge contributing to trust and understanding. A poll by Pew Research found 33 per cent of Americans have a favourable view of China, down 18 percentage points on 2011. That is despite Beijing's long-standing policy of focusing on soft power to foster better relations. US academic Joseph Nye, who coined the term, does not believe top-down efforts like Confucius institutes and the China Public Diplomacy Association are the most effective ways of winning over rivals. President Xi Jinping's recent call to better promote the nation's culture seems a more pragmatic starting point. Diplomats, entertainers, sportspeople and artists are best suited to doing this. Soft power is, after all, the result of being admired, liked, respected or trusted. There is no better way to attain this than mingling with ordinary people."

China Pumps Up the Volume Against Japan: Normally Camera-Shy Envoys Are Speaking Out Loud and Clear Against Tokyo- Brian Spegele and Josh Chin, Wall Street Journal: "During a 2012 diplomatic feud, China's government allowed thousands of protesters to pelt Japan's embassy in Beijing with eggs and plastic waters bottles. Now, as tensions are flaring again, China's diplomats are taking a more button-down tack. Dressed in tailored suits and speaking fluent English, China's envoys are engaged in a global campaign to vilify Japan's prime minister, Shinzo Abe. Beijing's traditionally camera-shy envoys from Russia to Ethiopia and the U.S. are on a media blitz to label Mr. Abe a militarist and a threat to regional stability. One Chinese official compared Japan under Mr. Abe to Lord Voldemort—the arch-villain in the 'Harry Potter' novels.

Mr. Abe's outlook on history and right-wing tendency are 'a recipe for trouble,' Cui Tiankai, China's ambassador to Washington, told television interviewer Charlie Rose last month. The onslaught began after Mr. Abe deeply offended Beijing with his surprise visit to a controversial war shrine in December. Although he said hadn't intended to hurt any feelings with the visit, China was outraged. Since then, Beijing has sought to rally support from key Japanese allies, including the U.S. and the United Kingdom. 'This is how you do public diplomacy,' said Wang Dong, a Northeast Asia security specialist at Peking University. 'You speak directly to engage the American public and also the American policy makers.'"Image from entry, with caption: Xie Xiaoyan, China's ambassador to Ethiopia, holds up a photo of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in a fighter jet. The number '731' was also used by a World War II Japanese military unit that experimented on humans. An official from Japan's Defense Ministry has said the jet's numbering was a coincidence.

China and Myanmar’s reforms - Trevor Wilson, asiapacific.anu.edu.au: "Reviewing official Chinese perspectives of activities between China and Myanmar during 2011-13, some interesting patterns emerge. ... The first noticeable feature is that China tends to avoid using the word 'reform' in formal statements: perhaps, for the Chinese, the word 'reform' smacks of interference in internal affairs; perhaps, for China, it is just a word laden with sensitivity. There are endless mentions of how changes in Myanmar are welcome as they will benefit China-Myanmar relations, but almost none explicitly call for 'reforms' to continue or to expand. ... The second distinctive pattern is the increased frequency of high-level visits in both directions in this transition period, a frequency partly necessitated by leadership changes in both countries. ... A third pattern is the noticeable increase in Chinese 'public diplomacy' activities in strategic support of Chinese interests. Such activities are more openly mentioned and described, and the term 'public diplomacy'

is specifically used. A very American concept if ever there was one, this shows that China realized that it could no longer take it for granted that its commercial actions would always be welcomed and unchallenged in Myanmar. The increased exposure given such Chinese activities also implied they were assuming greater value than the concrete assistance or program development involved. Of course, this increased attention was also recognition that China (and Myanmar) had not publicised their activities sufficiently, and indeed had not even seen the need to do so, either in terms of “informing the public” or in terms of allowing public responses to test the validity of the activities – something which was certainly not always a pre-requisite in China itself."Image from

help for students - lookpage.org: "[I]n 2011 the implementation of the Foreign Ministry and Chinese leaders met with foreign reporters to accept foreign media interviews 11 times, the implementation of foreign leaders met with reporters events 12 times, foreign reporters covering activities 61 times background briefing held hot issues 22 times China Senior diplomats abroad speech and interview 2700 times these figures also reflect the changes in China’s diplomacy. And this diplomatic efforts to seek change, can be discerned from the end of 2009, the Department established the Office of Public Diplomacy. In support of the decision-making layer, more than two years, the Office of Public Diplomacy planning and organizing various open days special topic briefings, and founded the 'Blue Hall Forum', China’s public diplomacy is also groping fade mature gradually into the heart public participation in the international situation and foreign policy discussions extent absorbed foreign policy decisions the adoption of public opinion has become increasingly large component. This change also in its dare touch new things, such as through the implementation of new media 'micro-diplomacy,' Chinese diplomacy is not lost 'fashion.' In April 2011, called 'diplomatic PHS' Sina Weibo debut has so far published nearly 3000 Weibo, reached more than 1.6 million fans."

Conference on Orthodoxy and Russian culture in Asia held in Beijing - theorthodoxchurch.info: "On December 13, 2013, a Chinese-Russian Conference “Russian cultural and historical traditions, and Russia’s relations with countries in the Asia -Pacific region” was held in Beijing. The scientific event was

organized by the world of politics and public diplomacy, and the Institute of World Religions of China Academy of Social Sciences with the participation of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry and the support of the 'Russkiy Mir' Foundation. The idea of the conference was endorsed by Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate."Image from entry

Russian Public Diplomacy Wants To Hit The Jackpot! Will Succeed?- Dan Dima, caleaeuropeana.ro: "If for athletes and sports audiences worldwide the Winter Olympics Sochi 2014 means competition, goals, ambitions and pride, for us, those interested in public diplomacy, this event represents one of the most demanding efforts and challenge for a country and a nation which invest funds and a huge package of public diplomacy from where they expect, or so it would be normal to expect measurable benefits. So, Sochi 2014 is one of the greatest gestures in public diplomacy of Russian Federation with the aim to design for outside the desired image. ... At all these efforts, we need to note the discontent accumulated in dozens of communities of Russians which living in the Caucasus – a region where people speak over 40 languages and dialects. They had promises regarding the expansion of the gas network and the sewerage, works that have not been achieved and that, of course, after the Olympics will never be achieved by the Government. A giant bill for Sochi Olympics 2014, a bill that the Kremlin pays without any contraction! I cannot avoid a short description how Estonia, not many years ago, has mobilized it’s [sic] citizens in an online voting which had made possible the entry of their capital (as name and description) in the capitals list of Monopoly Game – an action of public diplomacy which has had almost zero cost, but whose effectiveness cannot be questioned. ... Television audiences and real sports fan will enjoy the competition itself and the show elements will undoubtedly cause ... instant emotional perceptions. What matters in such actions is the length of perception – that type of perception from which the country which makes an effort of this scale, will get the benefits in the months and years ahead… or not. The future will confirm or refute these theoretical assumptions about the effectiveness of the public diplomacy effort of Russia and the world so far."

If you missed the Sochi Olympics Opening Ceremony... - Yelena Osipova, Global Chaos: "... it is truly a shame, because despite everything that has been, is, and will be wrong with the games [or Russia, in general], the celebration of the actual opening was certainly mesmerizing. No, I cannot even begin trying to unpack everything that took place, all the symbolism, the beauty and the creativity... you'll have to see the whole thing to truly appreciate it. ... [I]t would be absolutely wrong to ignore everything that is wrong with Russia -- including the Sochi Olympics -- and fortunately, the European and American media wouldn't let the Russians get away with any of it. However, even they took a break from their overenthusiastic - and, at times, overdramatized - realism to acknowledge the Opening Ceremony's achievement in terms of public diplomacy and soft power.

Yes, a lot of it is and will be claimed as a success for Putin personally; but since he plays a central role in the image and the public diplomacy strategy of the new and resurgent Russia, that goes hand in hand with their perceived public diplomacy success (for better or worse). ... Of course, it is too early to be making any assessments about the long-term impact the Sochi Olympics will have for Russia's soft power and public diplomacy success. Yet, in the short-term, all the hostility towards the host will probably mellow."Image from entry, with caption: Communism, a la avant-garde

Olympic Opening Ceremony Review: Who Says Propaganda Can’t be Entertaining? - Brian Lowry, Variety: "There are really two ways to watch the Olympic festivities: Laugh at them for the bloated exercises in propaganda that they are, or embrace the pageantry and the one-world ideal. Either way, there was a lot of cool stuff to see on Friday night, as well as much at which one could poke fun, from the glitch involving the Olympic rings (hey, four out of five isn’t bad) to NBC’s ponderous 'All of Russian history in six minutes' introductory film package.' ... As for those who will fret about the Games becoming a showcase for Putin’s Russia, as they did in Beijing, take solace in two things: All that will go out the window once the figure skating starts; and given how hard the Russians are marketing themselves — and how often this Russian revolution will be interrupted by commercial breaks — it sure looks like the capitalists have won."

Garry Kasparov: NBC Acting Like ‘Cheerleaders’ for Putin ‘Propaganda’ - Josh Feldman, mediaite.com: NBC is in a precarious position covering the Winter Olympics in Sochi, and Russian

activist and chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov took to Twitter to lambaste NBC for already acting like state propaganda for Vladimir Putin. Image from entry

Are the Olympics an Opportunity for Public Diplomacy? - Madeline Bersch, American Security Project: "It’s certainly possible for diplomacy to occur over the course of the Games; however, I’m skeptical that a setting in which nationalism rules would present a fair opportunity to create meaningful and lasting—as well measurable—public diplomacy outcomes, especially in an official government capacity. While bringing athletes together can have positive effects, the environment surrounding the Olympics does not lay sturdy groundwork for public diplomacy to flourish."

World of American donations to the Jewish State revolutionized - Yitzhak Benhorin, ynetnews.com: "The Center for Entrepreneurial Jewish Philanthropy (CEJP)... hosted a venture capital convention, in which investors listened to entrepreneurs to chose initiatives that seem investment worthy.

For two days, some 75 Jewish philanthropists and their delegates arrived at the convention, to take a look at 17 entrepreneurs who run projects for Israel in the fields of media, policy, and hasbara. People flew in from Israel, Geneva, Paris, and across the US. Despite a heavy snow storm, closed roads and airports, philanthropists and organizations alike arrived at the convention. ... Israeli ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor spoke at the convention, explaining to philanthropists the problems and needs regarding the UN position, also elaborating on needs in Europe, based on his previous post as Israeli ambassador to the UK. Noam Katz, Minister for Public Diplomacy at the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC, used the opportunity to reveal to the philanthropists 'the diplomatic challenges' Israel faces. The most efficient way to represent Israel, many have suggested, is to bring as many people as possible to visit Israel – not only Jews and members of congress, but also journalists, college professors, and members of minority communities in the US. ... Hyman [Joseph Hyman, who has been serving in senior positions in the world of Jewish philanthropy for the past two decades] addressed the impending visit of Pope Francis to the Holy Land, noting it is a 'hasbara superbowl,' as masses of journalists are expected to arrive at the Jewish State, but only a few would be able accompany the Pope – the rest will need guidance, tours, interviews."Image from

Coming to Town 2-7-14 - jewishaz.com: "College-age IDF soldiers to speak in Tempe, Sun City: Two reserve-duty Israeli college students will visit Arizona to discuss their backgrounds, life in Israel and experiences during their IDF service as part of the StandWithUs sixth annual U.S. 'Israeli Soldiers Studies' tour. ... The speakers are both graduates of the StandWithUs Israel Fellowship, a public diplomacy program that selects and trains 150 student leaders each year from six Israeli universities. The soldiers speak at university campuses, schools, synagogues and churches across North America."

Anti-Semitism driving French Jewish migration to Israel - Brett Wilkins, digitaljournal.com: "The Israeli government has taken steps to make it easier for French Jews to make their aliyah, announcing a three-year plan that has begun with the recognition of

French diplomas for medical and tax professionals. The Israeli Ministry of Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs also plans to offer special assistance with job placement, housing, and education for French Jews. Image from entry, with caption: New French Jewish immigrants become Israeli citizens

News Nosh 02.03.14 [scroll down link for item] - APN, peacenow.org: "Mutual justice (Shalom Yerushalmi, Maariv/NRG Hebrew)  [:] Close to one million Jews left their homes in Arab countries...They left behind property and memories that were not particularly pleasant. Yerushalmi, whose family was from Damascus, notes, 'The State of Israel, after it arose, had many opportunities to demand the property of these Jewish refugees,' but adds, 'The state was silent even after the Palestinian refugees began to demand to return to their homes in Israel...With a genuine and sincere public diplomacy effort, it would be possible to cancel the Palestinian demand for a right of return and take it off the agenda,' and regrets that the issue of the Jewish refugees from Islamic countries has garnered headlines only recently."

One mistake soften the career principle: The federal government wants to take newcomers to the diplomatic corps. Why Ex-Ambassador Thomas Borer criticizes - Interview By Martin Furrer, tagesanzeiger.ch:"[Q:] Mr. Borer, the Parliament wishes to examine in the current year if the federal government recruited aspiring diplomats correctly. It caters obviously, Switzerland were the good diplomats. Share this worry? [A:] Yeah, I myself am also concerned that fewer and fewer Swiss people want to take the diplomatic profession. ... [Q:] How do you actually define a good diplomat? [A:] A good diplomat must be an intelligent, extroverted cosmopolitan. In an area he should also possess special skills, such as negotiation skills, language, business, public relations. [Q:] That's it? [A:] The media play an increasingly important role. A diplomat must also represented medially and better able to influence the opinion of his host country, Switzerland today. This quality has become more important.

[Q:] That sounds like a plea for the somewhat controversial 'public diplomacy', which once touted SP-Federal Councillor Micheline Calmy-Rey. [A:] You can see rightly so.Public diplomacy, which is also my ceterum censeo. [Q:] Calmy-Rey's successor, Foreign Minister Didier Burkhalter FDP, discrete acts. How do you evaluate his work? Mr. Burkhalter has shown since the beginning of the year, when he was President, how much value he places on 'public diplomacy'. His most recent visit to Japan, his appearances in Davos, show the Syria Conference in Geneva: The Foreign Minister defends the interests of Switzerland abroad the best possible way."Image from entry, with caption: «Activity loses its appeal» : Thomas Borer was in the 90s responsible for the reorganization of representations abroad.

"Austria brand" is slow in coming [Google "translation'] - oe1.orf.at: "Austria is to be internationally a unique brand with a positive image. This has already decided about two years ago the federal government. The aim of this 'nation branding': Austria is a magnet for investors, tourists, students and businesses. Real results, there is not but still. ... Our neighbors Germany, Switzerland and Italy have us a little ahead: In international comparison, they have a better reputation than Austria. ... The government program is barely noted that the nation-brand project is to be implemented and a nation-brand agency will be set up in the Ministry of Economy. That the government has also announced the year before almost half, with several pilot projects. For instance, your the 'Austria Card,' with investors, researchers and students tied to Austria. Or the so-called 'public diplomacy' Secretariat in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is supposed to represent excellence Austria internationally targeted. All there is so far any more than the common Internet portal of all ministries for international users. purpose Mitterlehner: 'We have to now put 700,000 euros in the project, and the reaction is then always incur costs in the year, we now cover only. As you know, our budgetary situation is not so positive that we say we have as unrestricted funds.'Building a 'brand Austria' will therefore cost more money than ever before. For this you will soon see results but, according to the minister. 'Now this year I do not even have a time delay, but a fairly accurate and timely implementation.'"

New public diplomacy: la proyección de España en Alemania - Eduardo Puig de la Bellacasa Aznar, rcysostenibilidad.telefonica.com: "'Friends of Spain en Alemania' se presentó en Berlín el pasado 28 de enero. El evento, que tuvo lugar en la embajada española, estuvo presidido por el embajador Pablo García-Berdoy y contó con la presencia del Alto Comisionado del Gobierno para la Marca España, Carlos Espinosa de los Monteros. ... En el debate que se celebró posteriormente, bajo el título 'New public diplomacy: la proyección de

España en Alemania', participaron José Luis Bonet, presidente de Freixenet, Valentina Daiber, vicepresidenta de Regulación de Telefónica, Ramón Paredes, vicepresidente de Relaciones Institucionales de Seat y Fernando Carro, presidente de Bertelsmann España. La periodista Úrsula Moreno, del periódico 'Deutsche Welle', se encargó de moderar la conversación. ... Tras las intervenciones de los panelistas hubo un debate en el que todos destacaron que la crisis ha hecho que las compañías españolas pongan más interés y énfasis en su internacionalización y Alemania es un mercado con enorme potencial para ellas, al igual que España para las empresas alemanas."Image from

EU ministers look to salvage Georgia and Moldova pacts - Andrew Rettman, euobserver.com: "The EU is considering hiring lobbyists to counter Russian 'disinformation' and giving more money to Georgia and Moldova in reaction to the Ukraine crisis. The ideas are put forward in two internal papers - seen by EUobserver - to be discussed by EU foreign ministers at a lunch in Brussels on Monday (10 February). They come after Ukraine, under Russian pressure, refused to sign an EU association and free trade pact in Lithuania last year, putting in doubt the viability of the EU policy for the region, the so-called Eastern Partnership (EaP). One paper, entitled '20 points on the Eastern Partnership post-Vilnius,' was written by Sweden and signed by 12 other EU countries, including Germany, Poland, and the UK. It calls for Georgia and Moldova to sign EU pacts by August, but has lower ambitions for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, and Ukraine itself. Following Russia’s customs blockade on Ukraine last summer, it warns the EU should: 'Raise preparedness in expectation of further external and internal threats or actions against front-runners, such as trade embargoes, restrictions against migrant workers, increased tension in protracted conflicts.'It lays out plans for a PR campaign to 'respond to disinformation … including through engagement of public diplomacy experts.' It says there should be 'a constant flow of EU high-level visits,' to Georgia and Moldova, with 'specific activities … aimed at national minorities and remote regions.' It adds that pro-EU countries should be rewarded by 'prioritising additional EU funding.'

On Ukraine, it rules out sanctions for now, but keeps the option open if things get worse, saying the Union should: 'Continue engagement with Ukraine on a broad political spectrum and adjust the EU policy in light of developments.' It does not give up even on Belarus. Mixing sport with politics, it notes the EU should, via 'informal contacts' with Minsk, look to 'using' its Ice Hockey World Championship this year to encourage 'positive steps on political prisoners.'” Image from entry, with caption: Medieval map of Georgia: The Swedish paper warned to expect 'trade embargoes, restrictions against migrant workers, increased tension in protracted conflicts.'

Panel on truths of Karabakh held as part of winter university - news.az: "Next panel was held as part of the project Winter University for Young Leaders. The meeting held under the title of ‘Role of public diplomacy in disseminating truths of Azerbaijan’ was attended by MP Ganira Pashayeva and Chairman of Coordinating Council of the Azerbaijani Community of Nagorno-Karabakh Region of Republic of Azerbaijan Orkhan Akbarov. MP Ganira Pashayeva said every citizen, wherever he lives, should try to raise awareness of world of Karabakh truths. Appreciating similar projects, the MP said it is very important for her to have an exchange of views with the youth and listen to the youth. In turn, Orkhan Akbarov said it is one of the priorities to raise awareness of world of the truths regarding Karabakh. Today our youth does much in this regard.

The goal of all of us is to disseminate Karabakh truths to world community fully and in an unbiased way. Winter University for Young Leaders is organized by IRELI Public Union and sponsored by Youth and Sports Ministry."Image from entry

Gas prices revive 'dirty coal' - Ben Packham, theaustralian.com: "Greg Sheridan: The Abbott government should simply abolish the ABC's overseas Australia Network, which broadcasts into Asia and the South Pacific, and return the money to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to add to our astonishingly meagre public diplomacy budget."Below image from

Turning off Australia Network - theaustralian.com.au: "Plainly, the [Australia] network, never successful, should be abolished. It is not winning hearts and minds and its 'propaganda' mission sits oddly with the journalistic ethos the ABC should aspire to. Public diplomacy can better be pursued through direct engagement with foreigners: scholarships for students, university courses in Australian studies, sponsored visits here by opinion makers and tours of the region by our leading performers and thinkers. If people in Asia want to learn about our liberal democracy, or are hungry for news, sport or re-runs of TV soaps, there are now plenty of media platforms to satisfy those desires."

The Signs Of Collapse Of The Rajapaksa Regime - Robinhood, srilankaguardian.org: "Following the official arrival of the UNHR commissioner, the recently concluded Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) and the visit of the US senator Stephen Rapp the international criticism against Democracy, Human Rights, Good governance and war crimes committed against the Tamil civilians during the final stages of the war has gained momentum and festered enough to reach into Sri Lankas domestic affairs. It has developed into a stage where the Mahinda Rajapaksa government cannot evade nor escape from international focus. The main cause for that is none other than the arrogance of the Rajapaksa regime. The Rajapaksa government has to categorically face the consequence in the coming UNHRC session on this coming March. It is believed the war crimes allegation hitherto which was down the agenda during the previous sessions has reached on top of the agenda this time. Mahinda Rajapaksa and his government have to bear the sole responsibility for culminating this affair into its peak. Disagreeing to comply, lack of public diplomacy and integrity, the current Human Rights records in the country and the hoodlum attitude showed in the presence of international journalists during the CHOGM may have caused to escalate the situation."

Keeping the Kashmir question alive- Inayatullah, nation.com.pk: "Pakistanis must remember that Pakistan is an internationally recognized party to the Kashmir Question. With a view to redeeming its unpardonable lapses, it is time for the government to earnestly take up the question of outrageous violations of Human Rights. India’s uncivilized behavior needs to be highlighted on a regular basis in all the major capitals of the world through public diplomacy, through media especially the TV channels and the internet.

Specific cases like that of the mass graves, thousands of missing persons and in particular the judicial murder of Afzal Guru should be taken up at various international forums including the International Criminal Court and even at the ICJ. European Parliaments Resolutions in this regard too should be intelligently availed of. India is not going to budge from its Atut Ang stance. Only escalating international pressure can possibly bring about a change in its outrageously intransigent behavior."Image from

Master artists, scholars to dialogue on performing arts and cultural diplomacy - Philippine Daily Inquirer: "The UP Center for International Studies (UPCIS), as part of celebrating UP Diliman Month, will conduct an international conference with performances titled 'Japan’s Noh Theater and the Philippine Practice of Western Performance Traditions: A Dialogue on Global Cultural Exchange and Diplomacy' on Feb. 10, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., at Aldaba Recital Hall, University Theater, UP Diliman. The event will examine and showcase Noh Theater, a more than 650-year-old performed art form originating in Japan, as it initiates reflections and dialogues related to the Philippine context of Western performance traditions and their historical artistic development."

Ethiopia: Dr. Tedros Meets the Ethiopian Artists - allafrica.com: "Foreign Minister, Dr. Tedros Adhanom, met with artists and other stakeholders from the Ethiopian National Theatre on Monday (February 3) to discuss the progress of public diplomacy progress and national image building through the use of art and creativity. Dr. Tedros welcomed the initiative of the participants to help the public diplomacy sector and national image building process. He gave details of the efforts made by the Government to enhance the image of Ethiopia, and emphasized that public diplomacy and image building could be realized only through the efforts of all stakeholders: artists, universities, and prominent individuals as well as government and the public sector. He noted that music, drama, film, theatre and literature had great power to impact, even make or break foreign relations between countries. He called up on all stakeholders to work in cooperation with government to create a brand new image of Ethiopia and help realize the Ethiopian Renaissance. Culture and Tourism Minister, Amin Abdulkadir, also stressed that art was one of the most important tools to realize development, democracy, good governance and the country's renaissance. He noted that Ethiopian artists had been working to build a national consensus on different issues including the

Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam project and other elements of the national agenda. Participants in the meeting suggested a number of different ideas on how to enhance and build the image of Ethiopia including an African annual festival in Ethiopia and an African art award, provision of tourist certificates, translations of Ethiopian artistic work in drama, poetry, literature and films into other languages and working with well-known and prominent individuals. They also underlined the importance of capacity building training and other supports for artistic activity."Image from

Ethiopia: Responding Prudently to Egyptian Authorities' Vacillation On Nile - allafrica.com: "Ever since Ethiopia announced plans to build the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) and commenced construction works, Egyptian officials have been displaying naked hostility to the project. ... A 45-member strong public diplomacy delegation led by an Egyptian foreign ministry official is due to pay a visit to Ethiopia in the coming days. The delegation is expected to hold talks, among others, with officials of the African Union Peace and Security Council. It's also scheduled to have an audience with the patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. This diplomatic charm offensive must not lull us into a sense of complacency, however. We should be mindful of the fact that Egyptian authorities will not desist from discrediting the GERD and have in fact gone to the extent of spreading hatred towards the dam within the civil societies and religious institutions of Egypt and Sudan while at the same time projecting themselves as being committed to a negotiated settlement of their differences with Ethiopia. Therefore, Ethiopia should ramp up its diplomatic engagement with the Nile basin countries, other African countries and the rest of the world to ensure that they stand behind it. ... [I]t is particularly important for Ethiopia to urge the Nile basin countries to reaffirm their commitment under the Cooperative Framework Agreement with a view to convince Egypt to abandon its counterproductive position. This needs to be complemented by the efforts of a public diplomacy delegation that works towards bridging the gap and strengthening the spirit of solidarity between the peoples of Ethiopia and Egypt. The public diplomacy delegation comprising different sections of the public, which was established in 2012 for the purpose of accomplishing this objective, must bring other volunteers on board and undertake this task energetically."

The Hon Mr Michael Poole, MLA Portfolio Report and Debate - falklandnews.com: "The Hon Mr Michael Poole, MLA Portfolio Report and Debate[:] MP: Thank-you Mr Speaker. My portfolio is Policy and Public Diplomacy so it is quite wide-ranging and includes the Policy Unit, the Environmental Planning Department I also Chair the Tourist Board at the Moment and Public Diplomacy obviously as well. With this being a new element to legislative Assembly, I think it will develop over time, however, we can approach these briefings. As with everybody s portfolio, there s a lot going on lots of moving parts at the moment. I think it would be impractical to cover everything so I will limit myself to key areas at this stage. I will begin by noting that in Executive Council this week approved this Government s broad approach to public diplomacy for the next four years. And I think we are committed to continuing the excellent work of previous governments in this area by getting our message of self-determination out to a wider audience overseas and inviting people in as well to see what the Falklands are about. I think a lot of it is just a continuation of what has gone on before. There are a couple of key changes. Firstly people will see advertisements in penguin News and other areas inviting a wide range of the community to get involved in public diplomacy to put their name forward to be part of a list to be held in Gilbert House to become involved in overseas trips, for helping with invited visitors as well. And I think the second kind of change to the strategy to the broad level is that yes, we are getting our message of self-determination out to a wider audience but we are also looking at wider areas of business interests, commercial interests we are looking at creating educational links that kind of thing. It s really quite a broad programme and it s not solely about getting that single message out. ... PR: Thank you very much for that report. I found that very interesting particularly on the Public Diplomacy part. I would very much welcome the approach to look

for special advisors that might travel with us overseas. I think it is really critical that we spread the load. I really don t feel that 8 of us can do justice to the amount of work that s required there. And I think we should be targeting all ages. We have looked at younger people but I think we are looking for all ages across the spectrum of people that can contribute and accompany MLAs overseas."Image from

Announcing the 2014 Decolonization Seminar Participants! - nationalhistorycenter.org: "The National History Center is pleased to announce the 16 individuals who will be joining the Ninth International Seminar on Decolonization this summer in Washington, DC! [including] ... Frank Gerits, European University Institute, The Counterinsurgency of Public Diplomacy, Africa and the Politics of Psychology."

A Citizen’s Guide to Terrorism and Counterterrorism - Christopher C. Harmon, insideronline.org: "This Citizen’s Guide addresses the public policy issues of terrorism and counterterrorism in the United States after Bin Laden’s death. Written for the thinking citizen and student alike, this succinct and up-to-date book takes a 'grand strategy' approach toward terrorism and uses examples and issues drawn from present-day actors. Christopher Harmon, a veteran academic of military theory who has also instructed U.S. and foreign military officers, first introduces the problem of America’s continued vulnerability to terrorist attack by reviewing recent attacks and attempts against the U.S. Part II examines the varied ways in which the U.S. is already fighting terrorism. He then outlines the various aspects of the U.S. strategy, including intelligence, diplomacy, public diplomacy, economic counterterrorism, and law and law-making. Next, Harmon sketches the prospects for further action, listing recommendations with pros and cons and also including factual stories of how individual citizens have made a difference against terrorism."Below image from

The power of citizens (Citizen 2.0): 17 examples of government social media innovation - Blog de innovación social de Guadalupe de la Mata: "What was the impetus for Citizen 2.0 and process for selecting companies featured? 'The story of this paper is about connecting the dots. Firstly, there is RedCut and swissnex Boston collaborating to conduct research and write a paper about innovation, technology, and citizenship. These are areas of great interest for us. Secondly, at RedCut, we are heavy users of crowdsourcing platforms for creating our citizenship games, and through this effort, we came to appreciate what connected crowds with a purpose can achieve. Thirdly, in our regular interactions with mayors and other government officials, we learned about their strong interest in the topic and their lack of time to properly explore and embrace it. Therefore, we decided to provide a source of inspiration to our stakeholders and open it to all citizens of the world. Our selection is the result of conversations with field experts and innovators combined with online research. The list features innovation in crisis mapping, ideation, public diplomacy, nation branding, and agenda setting, to name a few areas covered. It is global with cases originating in Canada, Kenya, Brazil,Australia, and the US. Given that US eGovernment initiatives have been more oriented toward outreach to citizens as opposed to internal business-process efficiency, you will find more cases originating in the US. [']"

Diplomat-in-residence plans to use experience to aid students - Mackenzie Mathews, wkuherald.com: "The upcoming diplomat-in-residence, Michael McClellan, plans to use his numerous qualifications and experiences to bring a new form of international exposure to WKU. McClellan began his work in Public Diplomacy with the Foreign Service during his doctoral studies at Indiana University in 1984. His job was to raise awareness and understanding of US policy in a particular country by living abroad, experiencing the culture. He said that cultural involvement was one of the greatest aspects of his work. 'I think the main thing is having a much greater understanding and appreciation of international affairs: working internationally, living internationally… really being able to get to know other cultures through their people and their politics and their history and issues,' McClellan said. 'And to me that’s the best part of this work — all of that international exposure that you get.'”

Romerstein collection becomes core of National Security Enterprise library - National Security Enterprise, To Inform is to Influence: IO, SC, PD, what's in a name? "The core of NSE’s new library comes from one of the legendary heroes in the defense of the US from foreign espionage, subversion, disinformation and propaganda. Herbert Romerstein spent decades as a congressional investigator, involved in probes that broke up Soviet espionage networks, terrorist support organizations, and the Ku Klux Klan. He was one of the operational leaders of the successful US efforts to counter Soviet active measures against the US, and helped American analysts develop templates to map Islamist networks in the US and worldwide. Herb Romerstein died in May, 2013. ... Herb Romerstein wrote countless congressional staff reports, articles and books. ... He authored two chapters in Strategic Influence: Public Diplomacy, Counterpropaganda and Political Warfare (2009)."

LUNA+EISENLA launches - Drinker's tribal practice jumps to Powers Pyles - Byron Tau: politico.com: "D.C.-based public affairs firm kglobal has hired Chuck Dolan as a senior vice president. Dolan's career in public affairs includes stints at Prism Public Affairs, Ketchum Public Relations, Cassidy and Associates, the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, and the Democratic Governors Association."

28 Incredibly Impressive Young Leaders At The University Of Calgary - genyinc.com: "Fiona Rumohr ... Fiona's Washington experience continued when she worked for the

US State Department at the US Consulate in Calgary, where she worked on policy recommendations and political economic reporting for issues relating to the energy market, public diplomacy, and cross-border trade."Rumohr image from entry

Sitdown with NCC’s brainy new CEO Mark Kristmanson - Posted by Joanne Chianello, blogs.ottawacitizen.com: Kristmanson: "The Centre of Public Diplomacy at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles has an opening for a visiting Canadian research chair in public diplomacy. I discussed the project with the director there and the suggestion was to do something on the international relationship of cities. So I conducted a small research group and a seminar looking at the ways cities are operating internationally, working city-to-city, mayor-to-mayor, city administration-to-city administration, on everything from remediation after war, all the way to south-to-south cities dealing with collapsing escarpments or disaster relief, to best governance practices to clean water. This turned out to be a fascinating subject."


10 most popular schools for international students - cnn.com: America's reputation around the world may wax and wane as its foreign policies and leaders change, but its colleges seem only to grow in global luster and appeal. Foreign students contributed $24 billion to the U.S. economy during the 2012-2013 school year, 12% more than the previous year, according to trade group NAFSA, the Association of International Educators. Via MR on Facebook

Hamid Karzai's cozy history with the Taliban: The Afghan president was, for instance, once asked to become a high-ranking member of the Taliban government - Sarah Chayes, latimes.com: Afghan President Hamid Karzai's every word and deed of late seems designed to appeal to the Taliban leadership and its backers in Pakistan, and to fracture the partnership

between Afghanistan and the American people. Image from entry, with caption: Afghan President Hamid Karzai speaks to journalists during a press conference in Kabul. Karzai said that Washington needs to make concrete steps towards peace with the Taliban before Afghanistan will sign an agreement to allow a continued U.S. military presence in his country.

The U.S. is supporting oppression in Egypt - Ahmed Maher, Washington Post: It must be asked: Do American taxpayers support U.S. financing of repression in Egypt? Will the United States stand by as dictatorship is restored? Or will Americans stand with the Egyptian people in their ongoing struggle for freedom and democracy?

Egypt's War on Journalism - Marwan Bishara, New York Times: Since its 1979 peace treaty with Israel, Egypt has received $66 billion in cash and goods from the United States, including heavy-duty hardware like 1,000 tanks and 221 fighter jets. It’s puzzling, therefore, to hear America’s leverage with Egyptian leaders being minimized where human rights and freedom of expression are concerned.

The Price of Pulling Back From the World - Stephen Sestanovich, New York Times: Mr. Obama and Mr. Kerry count too much on negotiation to achieve their goals. Retrenchment always strengthens Congress’s role in foreign policy. No American president has ever begun a retrenchment and then, as new challenges arose, found the path back to greater activism.

A 'Collective' U.S.-Japan Defense: Tokyo steps into Asia's security breach to counter rising China - Review and Outlook, Wall Street Journal: A coalition of democracies could be an effective counterweight to China's encroaching militarism.

Iran ramps up propaganda against West - sunnewsnetwork.ca: Iranian state television has run a documentary called ‘The Nightmare of Vultures', which features computer generated images of Iranian forces striking Israeli and American targets. The video simulation shows Iranian drone aircraft attacking Israel targets such as Tel Aviv, Ben Gurion Airport, and the Dimona nuclear station. The American aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln is also shown being attacked and sunk in the Persian Gulf.

The Friday airing of this video was followed up on the weekend with strong rhetoric from high-ranking Iranian officials. Image from entry, with caption: Computer Generated Images of Iran's Fictional Drones Attacking Us and Israeli Targets

Insurgents Killed While Filming Propaganda Video In Iraq - netnebraska.org: At least 21 insurgents were killed by an accidental car bomb explosion Monday, the BBC reports, during the filming of a propaganda video for an intended suicide attacker. The explosion occurred on a desert road about 12 miles from the central Iraq city of Samarra. Security officials told the BBC that a vehicle filled with explosives was being escorted en route to a main road from the insurgents’ compound when it was detonated unintentionally. Police arrested 22 other suspected insurgents on the scene — some of which were wounded from the blast.


Sochi Scene: No FBI or CIA - The Associated Press: Krasnaya Polyana, Russia -- Here's an odd sign that Associated Press photographer Jae C. Hong ran across Friday in the mountains outside Sochi, where Olympic skiing and snowboarding competitions are being held. No word on the restaurant's policy toward the NSA. Via AC on Facebook


From: America’s ridiculously large, $16 trillion economy - Mark J. Perry, aei-ideas.org. Via JM on Facebook


"[T]he German philosopher Heidegger, ... according to Richard Rorty, felt guilty for living in a universe he had not himself created."

--Alvin Plantinga, an emeritus professor of philosophy at the University of Notre Dame


We had an outage at my place this morning and my PC, laptop, TV, DVD, iPad and my new surround sound music system were all shut down. Then I discovered that my iPhone battery was flat and to top it off it was snowing so hard outside, I couldn't even go shopping at Canadian Tire. I went into the kitchen to make coffee and then I remembered that this also needs power, so I talked with my wife for a few hours.

She seems like a nice person.

--Via WNB by email; image from

February 11


"American exceptionalism is basically gone."

--New York Times columnist Peter Brooks


Diplomacy's Public Dimension: Books, Articles, Websites #68‏ - Bruce Gregory: "Intended for teachers of public diplomacy and related courses, here is an update on resources that may be of general interest. Suggestions for future updates are welcome." Gregory image from entry


Kennan Institute Alumni in Russia: An open letter re the decision to halt the Institute's Moscow office - Posted at John Brown, Notes and Essays; see also.



On the Frontlines of Public Diplomacy: A View from a Foreign Service Officer -
CPD Conversations in Public Diplomacy, USC Center on Public Diplomacy, February 19, 2014, 5:00PM - 6:00PM: "FSO John Connerley will share his thoughts on the practice of public diplomacy and what it may look like over the next five years. As the current CPD Senior Visiting Fellow for Public Diplomacy, a position sponsored in conjunction with the U.S. Department of State, John will draw on his deep experience to discuss public diplomacy as a career, as well as the class he is teaching this semester at USC on public diplomacy and the BRIC countries."


New CPD Perspectives, “Britain’s International Broadcasting” - USC Center on Public Diplomacy: "CPD is pleased to announce the release of 2014’s first CPD Perspectives on Public Diplomacy. Titled 'Britain’s International Broadcasting,' this edition of Perspectives is a two-part analysis of the BBC’s function as an instrument of British diplomacy."


FACT SHEET: Student and Youth Exchange Programs between the United States and France - whitehouse.gov:  "The United States and France have a long history of cultural exchange, dating back to the connections forged by Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson as two of the United States’ earliest envoys to Paris. Our exchange programs strengthen academic partnerships, promote the value of community service, and spark entrepreneurship and innovation. We put special emphasis on building connections between French and American youth from different backgrounds. Fulbright: In 2013, the Franco-American Commission for Educational Exchange celebrated its 65th anniversary by launching the Fulbright International Educators program, which brings key decision-makers from U.S. academic institutions to France to discuss cooperation and opportunities for student exchange. Since 1948, approximately 20,000 American and French students and scholars have participated in the Fulbright program. ... Youth Ambassadors for Engagement: The U.S. Department of State and the French National Agency for Social Cohesion and Equal Opportunity support the Youth Ambassadors Program, which connects young people working for positive change in their communities. The program reaches a diverse group of French youth ages 16-25 and includes leadership training and a two-week visit to the United States. The Department of State’s Office of the Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs has committed $100,000 to expand this program in 2014, increasing the number of French and American participants. Mission Interuniversitaire de Coordination des Echanges Franco-Américains (MICEFA): Through MICEFA, France, with U.S. support, provides need-based scholarships for French students to study at universities in the United States and provides assistance and enrichment activities for American students studying in France. Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program in France: The French Ministry of National Education funds an international Language Teaching Assistant Program, which offers young graduates from the United States the opportunity to work in France for seven months, teaching English to French students of all ages. Each year, more than 1,100 American citizens and permanent residents teach in public schools across all regions of France. Partner University Fund (PUF): Established in 2007, PUF is a collaboration between the French government and American private and corporate donors to support academic partnerships between French and American institutions of higher education. PUF promotes three-year university academic and research partnerships at the graduate and post-doctoral levels of study and has awarded five grants for the 2013-2016 cycle. This innovative program supports joint research, mobility of professors and students, dual degrees, and shared curricula in all disciplines. U.S.-French High School exchanges: In 2014, the Department of State will provide $50,000 to the French Ministry of National Education 'MOU' program, which promotes exchanges between French and U.S. high schools. In recent years, hundreds of American and French students have forged lasting connections through this program. FLAME (France Los Angeles Media Exchange): In its fourth year, FLAME is a multi-faceted partnership exchange program that creates a unique opportunity for young talents and emerging professionals in the field of digital arts and media production projects, such as animated film, to build transatlantic ties with leading companies in Los Angeles, French partners, and the U.S. Embassy in Paris. This program, supported by the U.S. Department of State, the Region of Ile de France, and corporate donors provides its participants (6-8 per year) wi [sections missing from text] Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellows Summer Institute: Since 2006, the U.S. Embassy in France nominates French students for the Institute. Each session brings together 35 students, ages 16-18, from across Europe together with 10 American participants for an intense four-week trip to the United States focused on leadership and global issues in a transatlantic context.

Private Exchanges: Thousands of French and American university students participate in study abroad exchange programs each year, and those numbers are increasing. In the 2012/2013 academic year, 8,297 French undergraduate and graduate students studied in the United States. In the 2011/2012 academic year, 17,168 American students studied in France. Additionally, France and the United States have hundreds of sister city relationships that promote people-to-people exchange and connect French and American businesses."Image from

Leave it to the French to make culinary diplomacy difficult - Paul Rockower, Levantine: "With L’affaire Hollande, the White House is left in a bit of culinary diplomacy trickiness with what to do with the empty seat next to French President Hollande.  There is a second interesting tidbit to the story: [']The state dinner has long been one of the most celebrated of presidential affairs, 'an event that also showcases global power and influence,' as the White House Historical Association puts it. The first president to have one for a foreign leader was Ulysses S. Grant, who in 1874 feted King David Kalakaua of the Sandwich Islands, now known as Hawaii.[']"

U.S. Department Of State Announces St. Petersburg Sports Envoy Program - broadcastindia.com: "In conjunction with the 2014 Winter Olympics, the U.S. Department of State announces a figure skating Sports Envoy program, February 15–18 in St. Petersburg, Russia, featuring reigning Olympic champion Evan Lysacek and 2010 Winter Olympian Rachael Flatt. Sports exchanges are a key component of the U.S.–Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission’s efforts to strengthen relationships between the people of the United States and Russia. The duo will celebrate the 140th anniversary of modern figure skating introduced in Russia by American skater and ballet dancer, Jackson Haines. Lysacek will travel to St. Petersburg from Sochi, where he is working as an Olympic analyst. The 2010 gold medalist last served as a Sports Envoy on behalf of the United States in Belarus and Sweden in 2012. He will be accompanied by Flatt, a Stanford University student who competed in the Vancouver Games in 2010. While in Sochi, Lysacek and Flatt will conduct clinics with local youth athletes of all skill levels and abilities, and will engage university audiences on healthy living, the spirit of the Olympics, and the ability of sports to bring together people regardless of culture or background. Since 2003, the State Department has brought nearly 1,000 athletes from more than 60 countries to the United States to participate in sports visitor programs while sending over 220 U.S. athletes to more than 50 countries on sports envoy programs. By overseeing the State Department’s sports diplomacy programming, the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs involves traditionally underrepresented audiences. To learn more about the U.S. Department of State’s celebration of the 2014 Winter Olympics and sports diplomacy, please enjoy Olympic Figure Skater and U.S. State Department Senior Advisor for Public Diplomacy Michele Kwan’s video address here: http://www.youtube.com/watch v=iZ0scaW0qdw."

Prioritizing Education Offers Powerful Return on Investment for Caravan to Class - PRWeb: "[T]the 9/11 Commission similarly concluded in its 2004 report that eliminating al-Qaida as the greatest threat to U.S. security will ultimately require 'prevailing in the longer term over the ideology that gives rise to Islamist terrorism.'Waging a war of ideas is hardly a new idea, and something the U.S. government navigated for decades during the Cold War, but seems to be lagging in now. This approach, involving public diplomacy, strategic communications, and leveraging information technology, is arguably cheaper, subtler, and more complex than physical warfare. At the most basic level, it begins with education – a fundamental factor in a nation’s security and quality of life. ... Caravan to Class is a U.S.-based nonprofit that builds schools in the Malian Sahara and assists in their early years of operations with supplies, nutrition and teachers’ salaries until the schools can be self-sufficient."

Shirley Temple Black Dies At 85 - Doug Mataconis, outsidethebeltway.com: "Shirley Temple Black, who became one 0f the biggest stars in Hollywood history at a very young age, has passed away at the age of 85. ... After surviving a serious illness

due to complications from childbirth and, later, a mastectomy, Temple evolved into a diplomat. She ran unsuccessfully for Congress from San Mateo County, Calif. She was U.S. representative at the United Nations, ambassador to Ghana, U.S. chief of protocol under President Gerald Ford and President George H.W. Bush’s ambassador to Czechoslovakia. ... [Coment by:] John Burgess says: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 at 10:07 I recall many Temple films on TV, but also as first features in many double-feature kids programs in the 1950s. Shirley Temple Black, as a diplomat, was effective in both Ghana and Czechoslovakia. She was a strong supporter of the now-defunct US Information Agency and clearly saw the role for public diplomacy. At one point, she was being mentioned as a possible head of that agency, in the 1980s, but that never came to pass."Uncaptioned image from entry

Create your own India story - Hindustan Times: "The public diplomacy division of the ministry of external affairs has called for submissions for its India Is Global Video Challenge 2014. Participants will have to send five-minute videos that fall under any of these themes: India is timeless, India is youthful, India is undiscovered. There is no restriction on the number of entries you can submit. The India Is Global Video Challenge 2014 is open to everyone above 18 years of age as of January 15, 2014 and is a registered user of YouTube/Google+. The challenge is open to citizens of all countries. ... For further details, visit http://indiais.org/video/faq.php"

Invited to Intl seminar - Hueiyen News Service, e-pao.ne: "R.K.Shivachandra, President of Indo-Myanmar Fraternal Alliance, has been invited to participate as a resource person in the International Seminar on the theme of 'Indo Myanmar Relations-A new Horizon' to be held at Kolkata on February 8 and 9, 2014.Shivachandra will speak on 'Indo Myanmar Cultural relationship' where he will emphasize with special reference to the cultural relation with Manipur. The seminar is being organised by Institute of Social and Cultural Studies under the aegis of public diplomacy division of Ministry of External Affairs and National Library and Exim Bank."

[Builsiron] Flower of public diplomacy, Korea storytelling: Yisuncheon former visiting professor at Korea University of Foreign National Ledger [Google "translation"] - busan.com: "[G]lobal age story in the world whose citizens have more trust, you want to hear and determine the evaluation and now we have a public diplomacy in the international community about our story, that must be storytelling."

Filipinos back govt on China action: survey - gulf-times.com: "The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) has not yet made any change in policies based on the results of the Social Weather Station (SWS) survey that showed Filipinos’ positive response to Manila’s actions against China’s intrusive behaviour in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea). Raul Hernandez, Foreign Affairs spokesman, said the department was 'encouraged' and 'empowered' by the results of the survey, but he admitted that he was unsure how the results will affect their policies. ... The department said the survey was commissioned to help them further fulfill its mandate and enhance public diplomacy. But the survey is observably focused on the country’s issue with China’s growing aggression in the region."

Did the entire Tamil population rebelled to bifurcate Sri Lanka? - Daya Gamage, Asian Tribune: "Letters to the United States Congressmen written and dispatched by Sri Lanka government -commissioned Washington public relations and lobbying firm Thompson Advisory Group (TAG)

to bring attention to Sri Lanka issues and announce the arrival of Sri Lanka presidential secretary Lalith Weeratunga for series of meetings in Capitol Hill gave the impression that the entire Tamil population - 12% in all - rebelled against the Sri Lanka authorities contrary to what Sri Lanka has been endeavoring to communicate to the international community. ... It seems that there are no seasoned and professional diplomats in Sri Lanka's diplomatic mission in Washington to work with TAG instead allowing it, which doesn't seem to have understood what Sri Lanka needs, to act on its own further messing up even the little public diplomacy and strategic communication ability this South Asian nation possesses."Image from entry

“Our” ABC Australia Network: a Soapbox For the Likes of Waleed Aly? - Sheikyer Mami, sheikyermami.com: "Why on earth are we wasting all this money on the ABC’s Australia Network?"

shooting wabbits... - yourdemocracy.net.au: "In launching his unwarranted attack on the ABC, Tony Abbott is repaying debts to the Murdoch media empire

for getting him elected prime minister, writes Matthew N Donovan."Image from entry

Jose’s Sampa cycle and footy tour - smudgersambacycle.org: "I’ve been staying with another fantastic Couchsurfing host Luiz but while he’s been at work I’ve spent most of my two days in Sampa (aka Sao Paulo) cycling around with José Renato Bergo, a very cool local guy with 'fifteen years of experience in directing, producing and coordinating audiovisual media projects', and currently that means making a documentary about city cycling in Brazil.

So as well as showing me around with some fun biking, he’s been filming me and Luis (that’s my bike, for the new blog followers) in all the best looking places in the city centre! ... 
I walked to the nearby British Consulate to meet Barbara Taborda Reis who’s the Communications ... Public Diplomacy Manager and she and colleague Beatriz Correa took some photos and video of me for a press release."Image from entry, with caption: Sampa street art

When Local Becomes Global: Diplomacy In The Concrete Jungle -  Emily Schatzle, Samba Diplomacy: "Researching  Public Diplomacy in São Paulo: "Today, seven Master of Public Diplomacy students are embarking for São Paulo, Brazil. We will arrive tomorrow afternoon, spend Sunday getting acquainted with the city, and will begin our meetings on Monday. Stay tuned for updates on our initial thoughts on São Paulo, photos of the delicious food and caipirinhas we will be enjoying, and most importantly reflections on our first few meetings and public diplomacy lessons.

As students of diplomacy, the logical choice for a research trip in Brazil might seem to be Brasilia. As the capital, Brasilia hosts the country’s diplomatic corps and would certainly make a worthy case study of how diplomacy works in Brazil. While traditional diplomacy will always be worth pursuing, we are not going to Brazil to learn about traditional diplomacy. Rather, we are going to learn about innovations: we want to learn what is different about Brazil, and what this means for public diplomacy in the rest of the world. One of the innovations I will be focusing on is city diplomacy."Image from entry


Delusions Drive (More) U.S. Aid to Afghanistan - Peter Van Buren, We Meant Well: With Afghanistan, it is difficult to find anyone, outside of a few true believers and U.S. government

PR people, who believe the money spent on aid to Afghanistan is not a waste. Image from

Secretary ScarJo - Bret Stephens, Wall Street Journal: the secretary of state IS talking about the effort to boycott Israel not as an affront to the United States and an outrage to decency but as a tide he is powerless to stop and that anyway should get Israel to change its stiff-necked ways. When was the last time the U.S., much less the Europeans, threatened to impose penalties on Palestinians for diplomatic or moral misbehavior?

Use Force to Save Starving Syrians - Danny Postel and Nader Hashemi, New York Times: Mr. Assad’s government and extremist rebels must make a choice: Allow humanitarian aid to flow or be subject to attack.

In Turkey, troubling signs of authoritarianism: The government gave itself the power last week to block Internet sites and track individual users without court review - Editorial, latimes.com: Turkey needs to reverse course, and the U.S. should urge it to do so. Past American alignment with repressive governments has often complicated diplomatic efforts, and contributed to skepticism around the world about how strongly the U.S. supports human rights. Turkey is an important and welcome ally in a turbulent region.

This would be a good time for both countries to show leadership in protecting free expression and the fundamentals of democracy. Image from entry, with caption: Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan gives a press conference after a meeting at the European Parliament in Brussels.

Putin’s Potemkin propaganda project - Rich Lowry, sltrib.com: For Putin, any cost, and any means, was worth the SOcho Olympics. Like the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, these games are priceless political propaganda. By securing them, Putin also bought the tacit cooperation of the global media, which might scoff at the glitches and tsk-tsk at his regime’s anti-gay discrimination, but at the end of the day will always "oooh" and "aaah" at the spectacle of it all and accentuate the positive.

Crippling the Intelligence We Used to Get bin Laden: Obama's directive to protect the privacy of foreigners will make Americans less safe - Mike Pompeo and David B. Rivkin, Jr., Wall Street Journal: Under the Constitution, national security and intelligence are largely the president's responsibility. Because President Obama has decided to recognize a foreign right to privacy, Congress has little ability to check his move. But lawmakers can and should hold him accountable for a directive (PPD-28) that will hobble our foreign-intelligence capabilities, even as the world spies on us and threats to Americans multiply.

Propaganda for a Peace Deal - algemeiner.com: For more than a week, anyone who gets off of the Jerusalem light rail can’t help but notice the impressive looking posters that feature a large picture of Prime Minister Netanyahu. Each one has a statement above the prime minister’s picture that begins with the words “Without a treaty” and then continues with a potential ramification of not signing a treaty with the Arabs such as “Without a treaty we cannot guarantee a Jewish democratic state” or “Without a treaty we will not succeed in lowering the high cost of living.” Finally, each poster adds the following words of encouragement under the prime minister’s picture, “Bibi, only you can.” The posters themselves are signed by BTI, an acronym for Breaking the Impasse. Not just any old organization, BTI is a group of extremely prominent Israeli and Palestinian businessmen who are trying to pressure their respective leaders into signing an agreement (admittedly, I don’t know if the Arabs are doing their part in this joint venture). With money clearly not an obstacle, BTI members have supposedly laid out a total of one million shekels for the high profile two-week advertising campaign.

Israel starts new propaganda war to beat boycott - theaustralian.com: Israeli spies have been ordered to dig up intelligence showing that supporters of an economic boycott are linked to terrorists and enemy states. The strategy was presented at a ministerial meeting called to discuss how to respond to the growing number of foreign companies refusing to do business with Israeli entities operating in Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank. They are considered illegal under international law.

At the meeting Yuval Steinitz, the Minister for Intelligence and Strategy, outlined a plan for a media blitz against organisations advocating boycotts. His strategy includes intelligence agencies working to expose "their connection to terror organisations and enemy states", the Hebrew-language newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported. Image from entry, with caption: SodaStream's 2014 Super Bowl commercial featuring actress Scarlett Johansson, who has been criticised for promoting the company which manufactures inside Israel’s West Bank.

Nigeria’s anti-gay law demands a response from the West - Editorial, Washington Post: Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa and a major oil producer, is hard to influence. But Britain still delivers hundreds of millions of dollars in development aid, while the United States buys 70 percent of Nigeria’s oil. Both should be aggressively using their leverage to protect the vulnerable gay community in the country. As a starting point, they should let Nigerian President Jonathan know he and his government will be unwelcome in Washington and London until the law is repealed.

“Gay Propaganda” - Tatiana Ermakova, New Yorker: What follows is an excerpt from the book “Gay Propaganda,” a collection of testimonials from L.G.B.T. Russians, edited by Masha Gessen and Joseph Huff-Hannon. The book takes its title from a law signed by Vladimir Putin barring “propaganda” about “nontraditional sexual relations.”

The section below is Tatiana Ermakova’s essay “I had a career in Russia, a nice apartment, friends, family. I sacrificed all that to be with Ana.” Image from entry

Why Russia should ban Michelangelo and Caravaggio's gay 'propaganda': If it follows anti-gay laws shadowing the Sochi Winter Olympics, surely Russia should censor masterpieces in its finest museum - Jonathan Jones, The Guardian. Below image from entry, with caption: Jewel of the Hermitage … Caravaggio's The Lute Player:

US propaganda posters from World War II at the National Maritime Museum - Christopher Allen, theaustralian.com: The works in the small but interesting exhibition of American wartime propaganda posters at the Australian National Maritime Museum are undoubtedly propaganda images, even though no one would doubt the sincerity and patriotic intent of the artists who made them.

Very deliberately, and with skills developed in the advertising industry, they appeal to different groups and offer people different ways to think about their contribution to the war effort. Image from entry


Outgoing Ambassador to the Russian Federation Michael McFaul on Facebook: "Embarrassing to misspell 'embarrassing' on FB!

No more posting in the dark, in the back of my car, with my bad eye sight [sic; see]!" Comment to the Ambassador's remark: "John Green automatic spellchecking really plays it's [sic] dark role in history. we're in danger!"Image from


--From:Eight U.S. states have policies similar to Russia’s ban on gay ‘propaganda’ - Niray Chokshi, Washington Post: Eight states limit speech about homosexuality in ways similar to, though not as far-reaching as, the Russian ban that has received international criticism ahead of the Winter Olympics in Sochi. The states have so-called ”no promo homo” bans—prohibitions on classroom instruction that promotes homosexuality.

February 12


"Finishing second in the Olympics gets you silver. Finishing second in politics gets you oblivion."

--Richard M. Nixon; image from


The February 11 edition of the Public Diplomacy Press and Blog Review mistakenly identified New York Times pundit/vulgarisateur David Brooks (but probably paid him an indirect compliment) by confusing him with "Peter" Brooks, the distinguished scholar of Comparative Literature at Yale University. Your compiler is grateful to an erudite reader of the PDPBR for pointing out this oversight. The erratum has been corrected on the PDPBR homepage.


Belgrade Initiative for Public and Digital Diplomacy


Feds Block MOOC Access in Sanctioned Countries - Ashley Bateman, news.heartland.org: "Last October, the U.S. Department of State announced a partnership with massive open online co[u]rse provider Coursera to 'expand learning opportunities worldwide.' In January, that partnership experienced some alterations. The State Department began requiring MOOCs, including Coursera, to block IP addresses in certain sanctioned countries. Students seeking access to Coursera in Cuba, Iran, Sudan, and Syria are now blocked from the site’s free online classes. Apparently, the State Department feels that 'worldwide' doesn’t include all countries. ... 'Material support traditionally was understood to mean financial donations, equipment,' said Cato Institute scholar Julian Sanchez. 'This isn’t material support, this is sanctions on entire countries.' ... Cutting off educational services in oppressed countries imitates the work of those regimes in being hostile to information, said Atlas Network CEO Brad Lips. Atlas is an international network of some 400 free-market nonprofit organizations. 'Even if you were to think that economic sanctions were helpful in some circumstances…cutting [free online classes] off would be doing what the regimes do, Lips said. 'Toward the end of the Cold War, countries talked about how important it was to have access to radio; our public diplomacy is much less effective these days, but the hunger in countries for educational services gives us an opportunity as a country to present our values as a society. These are services you think you would want to protect.' Savvy internet users can easily route communications through a foreign IP address, making this an ineffective means of restricting information, Sanchez said. Instead, the restriction penalizes people who can’t get around the IP restrictions. Elsewhere, the State Department is 'trying to promote internet freedom but…we’re requiring U.S. organizations to block certain countries,' Sanchez said. 'There’s an uneasy fit between those two messages.'”

Senate Confirms Former Time Editor as US PR Czar - Greg Hazley, odwyerpr.com: "The U.S. Senate, 90-8, on Tuesday confirmed former Time magazine managing editor Richard Stengel as Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, the country's top foreign propaganda slot. President Barack Obama nominated Stengel in September for the post, following the exit of Tara Sonenshine, a former ABC News producer and State Department PR hand. Stengel told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in November that his job at Time was 'to help explain America to the world – and the world to America.' He said America's 'unalienable rights' aren't just to be cherished: 'We must promote them. That's where public diplomacy comes in.' Stengel, in his senate testimony, outlined to challenge to counter 'attacks and misstatements about America and American foreign policy,' amplified by social media.

'Even though it is easier than anytime in human history to find information to rebut lies, less of that seems to be happening,' he said. 'But we cannot resign ourselves to this; we need to fight it. That is public diplomacy in the 21st century.' Stengel, who held the top Time post from 2006-13, previously led the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia and helped Nelson Mandela pen his autobiography, 'Long Walk to Freedom.' He was also a speechwriter and top advisor to Bill Bradley's 2000 presidential bid. The State Department's public diplomacy operation handles communications with international audiences, cultural programming, academic exchanges and other outreach beyond U.S. borders. Stengel's purview includes PA and strategic counterterrorism communications."Uncaptioned image from entry

Rick Stengel confirmed to State Dept. post- Dylan Byers, Politico: "Richard Stengel, the former managing editor of Time magazine, was confirmed as Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy on Tuesday. Stengel, who was nominated for the post late last year, was confirmed by the Senate in a 90-to-8 vote. The eight senators who voted against his nomination were Republicans John McCain, David Vitter, Richard Shelby, Pat Roberts, James Risch, Mike Lee, Jim Inhofe, and Mike Crapo. Stengel, 58, will now be responsible for leading 'America’s public diplomacy outreach, which includes communications with international audiences, cultural programming, academic grants, educational exchanges, international visitor programs, and U.S. Government efforts to confront ideological support for terrorism,' according to the State Department’s website. Capital New York's Joe Pompeo and I broke the news about Stengel's nomination (and departure from Time) last September. That piece can be read here. Nancy Gibbs, a Time veteran and Stengel's deputy managing editor, took the helm at the magazine after his departure." See also (1) (2) (3) [scroll down for item] (4) (5).

Members of Afghan media, military meet during luncheon - dvidshub.net: "Several public affairs officers and members of the local Afghan media participated in a luncheon at Kandahar International Airport Feb. 9, 2014, to meet one another and share contact information. Wayne Crawford, a public diplomacy officer for the U.S. Department of State, organized the event along with Lt. Col. Armando Hernandez, chief public affairs officer for Regional Command (South).

It was the second meeting of the sort, but first with public affairs representatives from both the Afghan National Army and Afghan National Police present. 'We just want everybody to know who is who,' Hernandez said as he kicked off the meeting. 'When something happens – when it’s security related – it’s very important for us to share information with you so you can have it as accurately and as quickly as possible.'Image from entry, with caption: Zia Durrani, a spokesperson for the Afghan National Police in Kandahar Province, speaks during a luncheon between public affairs representatives and members of the local media at Kandahar International Airport, Feb. 9, 2014, as Lt. Col. M. Mohsin “Sultani,” head of the Afghan National Army’s 205th Hero Corps press office, middle, and Lt. Col. Armando Hernandez, chief public affairs officer for Regional Command (South), listen. The luncheon was the second meeting of the sort, and was organized to help the participants connect with each other and improve the communication process between them.

Sacrebleu ! At 2,500 calories, state dinner menu is triple Michelle’s ‘healthy’ lunch - Dave Boyer, Washington Times: "The fattening state dinner served at the White House on Tuesday night for the president of France might prompt first lady Michelle Obama to tell guests afterward, 'Let’s Move.' They’ll need to burn off a few of the estimated 2,500 calories they’ve just consumed. Rep. Rodney Davis, Illinois Republican and a critic of the administration’s school lunch requirements, called the high-calorie State Dinner menu 'the height of hypocrisy.''Even if you’re estimating a small cut of steak, this is a menu where you’re talking 2,500 calories, which is almost three times as much as what the first lady and the USDA allow our school kids to eat in the school lunch program,' Mr. Davis said.

The menu for the dinner honoring French President Francois Hollande featured a main course of dry-aged ribeye beef served with blue cheese, 12 varieties of potatoes and quail eggs. The first course was American Osetra caviar, farmed from sturgeon in estuaries in Illinois, followed by a 'winter garden salad.' Dessert was a selection of sweets: a chocolate malted cake that combined bittersweet chocolate from Hawaii and tangerines from Florida, served with vanilla ice cream made in Pennsylvania. Also on the menu were fudge made from Vermont maple syrup, lavender shortbread cookies and cotton candy dusted with orange zest. A selection of wines priced from $30 to $65 was offered from California, Washington and Monticello, Va., where President Obama took Mr. Hollande for a tour Monday. Image from entry, with caption: Bo and Sunny Obama were decked out early for Tuesday night's State Dinner.

Suspicious role of the university in the U.S. spread chaos in Egypt [Google "translation"] - James Glassman [Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs during the Bush II administration] the view of public diplomacy 2.0, which introduced the principle of the use of technology to achieve the goals of American foreign policy American public diplomacy 2.0 nutshell, is the use of social media and technology in the battle to change the hearts and minds and the war of ideas to achieve the strategic objectives of the United States by communicating with a base of people and listen to them and understand and explain U.S. policy to them and decorate it in their eyes and the impact on their ideas for busy people in the world of difference with each other and fight each other in a clash of civilizations rather than criticism and anger to the United States, meaning the healthiest public diplomacy like you gave all the tools of a small child does not understands how to use these tools and drenched to busy himself and destroys himself soft power as an alternative to direct military intervention .... [JB -- this lengthy article is also critical of the American University in Cairo]

From Queens to Red Sox Nation, via Jerusalem: Yehuda Yaakov takes up his job as Israel’s consul general in Boston - Herb Keinon, Jerusalem Post: "Yaakov bewails that the sanctions on Iran have been rolled back, saying 'You can see the bricks coming out of the wall.

Europe wants to return to business as usual with Iran.'He also bewails, as someone who has been intricately involved in Israel’s public diplomacy efforts on Iran, how Israel’s reservations on the recent interim agreement with Iran have been portrayed in the public sphere. 'Israel was portrayed as the party-pooper,' he said. 'That is not a very sophisticated response to some serious contentions from our side. We can demand a bit more credit when looking at an issue that has a direct bearing on us.' Even though he is looking forward to getting away from total immersion in the Iranian issue, that message, surely, is one of the main ones he brought with him to Boston."Uncaptioned image from entry

The Age of Public Diplomacy: How It’s Done, and How It Could Be Done Better- nippon.com: "The second discussion panel focused on the 'instruments of public diplomacy.' The panelists spoke about their experiences of public diplomacy from a variety of perspectives. Professor Watanabe Yasushi of Keiō University was moderator. ... Ogoura Kazuo (former Japanese ambassador to France, president of the Japan Foundation, and head of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic bid committee) ... went on to admit: 'I don’t really like the term ‘public diplomacy.’ Japanese culture should not be the exclusive property of Japanese people alone. It should be something that belongs to the whole world.

I believe that cultural exchange should aim to enrich the world as a whole—it should not be carried out with the narrow aim of promoting Japan overseas.' ... Feldman [Lily Gardner Feldman, senior fellow at the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies, Johns Hopkins University) ... gave an account of the three main strands of Germany’s public diplomacy since the end of World War II. ... Holger Finken [director of the Tokyo branch of the German Academic Exchange Service] ... spoke of the role of Germany’s academic exchanges in the context of the country’s public diplomacy. ... Syrian journalist Najib El-Khash spoke about public diplomacy between Japan and the Arabic-speaking world from an Arab perspective. ... After the panelists’ presentations, the discussion broadened to focus on how Japan might successfully pursue public diplomacy in the future. ... In closing, Ogoura spoke of the advantages of nongovernmental actors in public diplomacy. 'They are able to act at a distance from the national government and pursue universal values,' he said."Image from entry

Mikael Holmström: Better to be direct and honest about supporting the Yes side: Seven Swedish ministers will be briefed denies knowing Sweden's secret plan to support the Yes side in the Swiss referendum on JAS Gripen. The deal does not surprise SvD's Mikael Holmström, who argue that the issue is sensitive in Switzerland and that it can be the cause of "the Swedish ministers seem to have been tongue-tied about the matter" [Google "translation] - "Today reports echo that classified documents must show that Sweden made ​​up a plan to support the Yes side in the Swiss referendum about buying JAS Gripen. Svenska Dagbladet's defense political reporter Mikael Holmström answers three questions about the plans. ... [Q:] Yesterday it became known that Saab supported the Yes side in the vote financially, and that following criticism in Switzerland got the money back. Is Jas Gripen deal a sensitive issue in Switzerland? -  [A:] ... Arms exports Questions [a]re often sensitive.

But in this business seems to have been fair play from Swedish side. If so, is it better to be straight and honest and say: Yes, of course we want to make it a yes vote. - It would be quite remarkable if not Sweden and Saab tried to contribute to a positive result. What I can see of the classified documents that echo come over, so is there nothing inappropriate. After all, [that is] the open advocacy, ‘public diplomacy’ with public appearances and interviews. Uncaptioned image from entry

Having a ‘whale’ of a time in Iceland - The Roaming Scribe: A Luxury Travel blog: "Icelanders find it shocking that they are judged for whaling and for eating whale. ... I met and spoke with the Head of Public Diplomacy on a trip to the Faroe Islands about three years ago. This person vehemently defended The Grind (the mass killing of entire pods of whales at one time).

A pod of whales is driven into a bay by small fishing boats and then harpooned by the fishermen in the boats and the people on shore. 'Our people have hunted like this for centuries', he stated. 'How can the rest of the world criticise us when they have killed off their own indigenous animals?' I understood his argument. In the United States, buffalo herds that roamed the Great Plains in their hundreds of thousands were nearly hunted to extinction. The same was true of the Pacific Coast’s Southern Sea Otters which have still not recovered, as a species, from intensive hunting. In the 1920s, they were thought to be completely extinct. But the bloody pictures of The Grind are hard to shake and hard to forget."Image from entry, with caption: Whale spotting

St Andrews Foreign Affairs Conference: A Review - Michelle Ryan, foreignaffairsreview.co.uk: "Michelle Ryan is a third year student of international Relations, currently on exchange at the National University of Singapore. Michelle

is primarily interested in the intersection of international economic policy and human rights, and has worked in several related areas; including NAFTA and immigration policy with the Nationalities Service Center in her native Philadelphia; and financial regulatory policy with Better Markets in Washington DC; most recently completed an internship with the office of Economic Policy Analysis and Public Diplomacy at the US Department of State."Ryan image from entry

Job: Country Team Lead, dTS, Arlington, VA - blog.lib.umn.edu: "Job Description: Country Team Lead [:] dTS is recruiting Country Team Lead to provide direction, leadership, and technical oversight for a country level evaluation. ... Roles and Responsibilities: ... A Masters degree in international relations, economics, survey/statistical methods, international development, public diplomacy, sociology or related fields. ..."


U.S. Center for Russian Studies to Shut Moscow Office - Andrew Roth, New York Times: The Kennan Institute, a research center co-founded by George F. Kennan, the seminal Cold War theorist, that has fostered the study of Russia and the former Soviet Union since 1974, will shutter its office in Moscow this spring. News of the closing, confirmed by the head of the Kennan Institute, comes as a number of large United States aid and academic programs here that flowered after the collapse of the Soviet Union have been plagued by budget cuts and frigid relations between the two countries recently.

Obama's Chance to Earn His Nobel Prize - Dmitry Trenin, Moscow Times: A U.S. president's powers are greatest outside the United States. President Barack Obama was awarded, much in advance, the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009. His second term should become the vindication of that high award. There are several things he needs to do to fully deserve the Nobel apart from withdrawing from Iraq and Afghanistan. He should craft a very careful course on Iran, be wise on China and become strategic on Russia. Via JM on Facebook

A French dalliance: Obama’s growing infatuation with France [subscription] - Dana Millbank, Washington Post

U.S. Plummets in Global Press Freedom Rankings - Josh Stearns, Huffington Post: According to a new report from Reporters Without Borders, there was a profound erosion of press freedom in the United States in 2013.

After a year of attacks on whistleblowers and digital journalists and revelations about mass surveillance, the United States plunged 13 spots in the group's global press freedom rankings to number 46. Reporters Without Borders writes that the U.S. faced "one of the most significant declines" in the world last year. Image from entry

10 Unlikely Candidates to Replace Michael McFaul (Photo Essay) - Justin Lifflander, Moscow Times: Among these unlikely candidates the outgoing U.S. Ambassador to Russia: Madonna. Via IK ; image from entry

Sochi Olympics: Propaganda and Theft Amid PR “Disaster” for Putin - Alex Newman, thenewamerican.com: It appears that a clever operation aimed at enriching Putin cronies while building up the image of Putin’s government via propaganda has been a mixed success. Yes, huge amounts of taxpayer resources were embezzled by kleptocrats.

And yes, critics say NBC and other establishment media outlets have been playing their pathetic role as Putin “cheerleaders” fairly well. At the same time, though, anybody following the news about the games can see that Sochi has become what countless analysts are now referring to as a “disaster." Perhaps Pyongyang or Havana 2018 would work well? Uncaptioned image from entry

soviet propaganda turned into pride propaganda posters - designboom.com: In response to russia’s controversial gay propaganda law, adopted in 2013, the series of ‘pride propaganda’ posters has been repurposed from original soviet propaganda images. Among them:

‘Rejection of State of Palestine Patients’ Story is a Propaganda Ambush the Media Played Along With - algemeiner.com: As usual, instead of dealing with Israel directly, the PLO is passive aggressively using the media to demonize for it. And, as usual, the media is happy to play its part in this charade.

The role of Arabic-language Nazi-era propaganda - Edy Cohen, Jerusalem Post: There are compelling (but not isolated) examples of the open embrace of Nazi lore and factless, hate-based rhetoric in officially- linked Palestinian publications. The Nazi propaganda directed at the Arab world, in Arabic, before and during WWII was aimed at both winning support from the leaderships of Arab states and influencing the sentiments of Arab populations.

Propaganda gets Saturday night show on Xfm - Mayer Nissim, digitalspy.com: UK alternative nightclub Propaganda has partnered with Xfm for a weekly Saturday night radio show. Image from entry


--From: Jessica Phelan, "The world’s most imaginative insults: For when ‘yo mamma’ just doesn’t say enough," globalpost.com. Via PL. Among them: 13. Dutch: "Volgescheten palingvel" ... "Eel skin full of sh*t." Wait, eels have skin? Image from entry


Open thread for night owls: Americans increasingly think astrology is science - dailykos.com. Image from entry

February 13


I’ve been dying to eat at the White House ever since I begged George Bush to invite me to one of his hot dog lunches. Folks, last night’s four-course dinner was – I can’t believe I’m saying this – better than a hot dog.

--Satirist Stephen Colbert, referring to the White House State Dinner in honor of visiting French President Hollande; cited in Bulletin Intelligence, LLC

"Much to the horror of FDR's mother Sara Roosevelt, the King and Queen of England were served hot dogs on the front porch of the cottage."

--Food served to the British Royal couple by President Franklin Roosevelt at his new hilltop retreat, Top Cottage, during the King and Queen's visit there during their stay in the U.S. in June,1939. Image from


Africa: Executive Summary of Strategy for Combating Wildlife Trafficking - allafrica.com: "Following is the executive summary of the National Strategy for Combating Wildlife Trafficking. The full text of the strategy (PDF, 500KB) is available on the White House website. National Strategy for

Combating Wildlife Trafficking ... 2. Reduce Demand for Illegally Traded Wildlife -- We will raise public awareness of the harms done by wildlife trafficking through outreach in the United States and public diplomacy abroad to dissuade consumers from purchasing illegally traded wildlife. Criminals will continue to kill wildlife and traffic in contraband as long as the potential profits remain so high. We must enlist individual consumers in our country and other nations in this fight by educating them about the impacts of wildlife trafficking, on people as well as wildlife, and encouraging them to examine their purchasing patterns."Image from

Thursday Numbers - Jackie M. (Mike) Brown, thewesternword.com: "Montana’s new Senator, John Walsh, cast his first official vote around 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) February 11.The vote was on the nomination of Richard Stengel, of New York, to be Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy. Walsh voted “Yea.” The nomination passed 90-8. ((Source)." See also http://arkansasgopwing.blogspot.com/2014/02/house-punts-on-debt-ceiling.html"

Gastronomic Diplomacy - elizabeth0306, Public Diplomacy and Global Communication 2013 (b) A group blog by students at London Metropolitan University: "Gastrodiplomacy has become a popular tool of public diplomacy. It ties knives, forks

and flags and uses restaurants to promote culture and food and shares the uniqueness of each country’s cuisine. (Rockower, ‘Edible Nation Branding for the Netherlands’, 2013). Former United States Secretary of State Hilary [sic] Clinton called the use of food as the oldest diplomatic tool (U.S. Department of State, ‘Video Remarks for the Diplomatic Culinary Partnership Initiative Launch’, 2012)."Uncaptioned image from entry

Saying something worth hearing - Home is where the HHE is: I am a Foreign Service Officer working for the Department of State. My Anglo-American Wife (Lovely English Lass in my posts) puts up with me, for which I appreciate her even more. My daughter (Lovely Little Girl) is on the Autism Spectrum and is taller than your average child. My son (Crazy Little Man) has some developmental delays and is, as his name suggests, crazy. My posts are not a reflection of, nor should be construed, as official positions of the US Department of State - "Friday February 7th and Tuesday February 11th will be days I remember for the rest of my life. This is because I got to go out on a Public Diplomacy mission to speak to two high schools about things I'm passionate about. Since February is Black History Month, the Embassy was looking for speakers to go out and talk about either famous events in Black History, or about how African-American culture has influenced American Culture. Last year one of the people spoke about the African-American roots of Rock music. Of course, since I like to hear myself talk and appear to be pretty good at Public Speaking, I volunteered. I gave them two topics that I am pretty familiar with: The Integration of Little Rock's Central High School, and the Origins of Hip-Hop and its influence on American Culture. ... My first presentation was at a High School in Thembisa, located between Johannesburg and Pretoria. ... My second presentation was about the Little Rock 9. I went to a school in Soweto that had recently begun to receive attention for how well it was run, and the kids were graduating at a higher rate than the other schools in the area. ... I've always wondered what I could have done as a PD officer. I like my job, don't get me wrong, but seeing all those people listening to me, and maybe taking what I said to heart, really made me happy. I'll keep doing this when I get a chance, but I'll always remember those two days."

Photography Workshop by Bret Webster -- Day 1 - Kuweight 64: Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself - George Bernard Shaw: "Bret Webster is an American photographer based in Utah and his work is amazing. Yesterday was the first day of the workshop at the Amricani Cultural Centre. It was a lecture introducing the participants to technicalities, secrets, tips, how to take that great shot and the pure joy of photography.

Participants were free to ask questions. ... The workshop is organized by the U.S. Embassy, Dar Al Attar Al Islamiyyah and National Council for Culture Arts and Letters." Via LMH on Facebok; Uncaptioned image from entry

Encountering Peace: A sober assessment - Gershon Baskin, Jerusalem Post: "We are less than 11 weeks away from the target date that US Secretary of State John Kerry allocated for this round of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. ... Israel will be blamed for the failure of negotiations, regardless. Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz can spend his NIS 100 million on preparing Israel’s public diplomacy case around the world, but even with double or triple that budget, he will not be able to explain to the world why

Israel is demanding that the Palestinians recognize it as the state of the Jewish people when over 20% of its citizens are Palestinian Arabs. ... All of the Israeli government committees and meetings, and hundreds of millions of shekels spent on public diplomacy will not change the reality that will unfold if Israel is blamed for the failure of the negotiations – which it will be. There is only one way that Israel can avoid this scenario and that is to find the way to make the compromises with the Palestinians that will bring us to an acceptable agreement."Image from entry, with caption: US Secretary of State John Kerry and chief PLO negotiator Saeb Erekat speaking to reporters in Ramallah, January 4, 2013

Israeli University opens scholarships for professionals - ghanaweb.com: "Haifa University in Israel has initiated a new scholarship programme for exceptional professionals interested in pursuing post graduate education in Child Development. The scholarship will cover tuition and living expenses, a statement issued by Ms Mina Okuru, Public Diplomacy Co-ordinator, said on Wednesday."

David should win, not lose, PR battle with Goliath - Yen Makabenta, manilatimes.net: "As things stand, the issue is less a PR war, and more of a battle of public diplomacy. Both countries [China and the Philippines] have to employ public diplomacy to effectively communicate with publics around the globe in order to get their policies or positions understood and supported by the international community. ... In this battle, China’s resources and reach are sweeping. Strictly speaking, the Philippines engages in little public diplomacy today. Much of our effort appears directed to US media and publics, owing to the public relations services provided by hired US PR firms and the assistance of the US government. ... It is absurd to assume that we will win this PR battle just because we are David. We may be overmatched more than we realize. PR experts opine that the Philippines should not lose this battle – as long as we do not overplay our small hand. The expression is from poker, where players are warned of disastrous consequences that can ensue from foolishly overplaying or bluffing with a weak hand. ... [T]he Philippines is mistrusted by its neighbors to the degree that we trust too much to America’s protection and hew too closely to America’s line. Indeed, in America’s current pivot to Asia, many fear that we are America’s Trojan horse in the Asia-Pacific.

This implies a conundrum in our applying the David-Goliath analogy to our situation, because our David will be a proxy for another Goliath – which may be an even bigger Goliath. This tells us how much public diplomacy and study we still have to undertake before we can fully fashion a coherent position and strategy in the South China Sea dispute. This calls for serious statecraft and serious historical research."Image from

Geoana, appointed high representative to promote strategic economic projects and public diplomacy programmes - actmedia.eu: "Under a recent decision of Prime Minister Victor Ponta, Social Democratic Senator Mircea Geoana was appointed high representative of the Prime Minister to promote strategic economic projects and public diplomacy programmes. According to the decision on Wednesday published in the Official Journal, the office to be held by Geoana, which will be honorary and pro bono, will be attached to the Prime Minister's Chancellery. The document mentions that the high representative of the Prime Minister to promote strategic economic projects and public diplomacy programmes will have the following objectives to meet: promoting certain regional economic objectives, considering the interests of the local business environment in accessing new markets, including from the perspective of the initiative to create an economic corridor that is dubbed 'The New Silk Road'; organising in Romania annual

conferences in the economic field, so as to attract international political personalities and important business people; participating in projects developed by the Government for promoting Romania abroad in order to attract foreign investments; cooperating with organisations that operate in the civil, economic and academic fields to promote Romania's relation with other emerging markets; promoting business opportunities in Romania at such economic events or in relation with the international organisations. ... Moreover, the participation of the high representative of the Prime Minister to promote strategic economic projects and public diplomacy programmes in international meetings, as well as the activity or attendance reports will be submitted to the Prime Minister for approval, while also requiring the approval of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) and other ministries, as the case may be."Uncaptioned image from entry

Latin America forum comes to Guangzhou - Xinhua, english.peopledaily.com - "The 'Going to Latin America' forum will be held on Feb. 25 and 26 in Guangzhou, capital of south China's Guangdong Province. The forum promotes cooperation between China and Latin America, Song Ronghua,the Secretary-General of the China Public Diplomacy Association(CPDA) said on Wednesday. The forum will cover topics such as 'The Macro-economic situation in Latin America''Opportunities and challenges for Chinese enterprises in Latin America' and case studies, Song said."

Mexican artists honor black political leaders with painting- Christina Bartson, the berkeley beacon: "On the 10th floor of the Walker Building [JB - presumably at Emerson College], there’s a three-by-four foot acrylic painting of Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Jr., and President Barack Obama. Streaks of bright green, yellow, and blue paint define the facial features of these notable black leaders. Filling the canvas against a red background, Mandela’s face smiles in the center, with King on the left and Obama on the right. The multi-colored artwork is a collaborative work between Mexican artists David Silvah, Nuria Bac, and Antonio Proa, who visited Emerson from Dec. 5 to 7 for Baja to Boston, an initiative that is part of an ongoing six-year public diplomacy campaign called Rediscover Rosarito led by Gregory Payne, an associate professor in the communications department. Payne said he and a handful of his students started Rediscover Rosarito in 2008 to work on reinstating a positive perception of Rosarito, Mexico.

Rosarito is a beach town whose image and economy have been bruised due to what Payne described as media-inflated impressions of crime. The project includes the Annual Rosarito Film Festival, held in Mexico, and Baja to Boston, based at Emerson, said Payne. ... The painting was a spontaneous collaboration, said Payne. Since 2009, Baja to Boston has included an exhibition of the visiting Mexican artists’ work at the SOWA Artist’s Studio in the South End, a fundraising dinner at Fajitas and ‘Ritas for The Boys and Girls Club of Boston, and an annual collaborative painting. This year, said Payne, things went a little differently because the group teamed up with Emerson’s Bird Street Civic Engagement project. The Bird Street project was started in 2013 by Payne and Spencer Kimball, a professor in the communications department. It is a partnership between the college and the Bird Street Community Center of Dorchester that teaches middle and high school students to resolve conflict through communication, said Payne. 'We had a convergence between these public diplomacy projects,' said Payne, 'one global and one local.'"Image from entry, with caption: The 10th floor of Walker is home to the painting

Baptist groups cooperate for greater Baptist presence at United Nations - Greg Garrison, al.com: "The Baptist World Alliance and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship have formed a partnership to identify and respond to the needs of people and congregations worldwide through

joint participation in work with the United Nations. The collaborative effort seeks to increase the Baptist presence at the United Nations, using the BWA's UN credentials to increase and strengthen relationships and partnerships in and around the United Nations, said a statement released by the groups. They plan to promote spokespersons in an official capacity, such as activists, pastors and scholars that can speak for the groups' concerns. The parties will also create publications focusing on both the theological and public policy concerns that surround issues important to both organizations. Raimundo Barreto, the director of the Baptist World Alliance Division of Freedom and Justice, said the face of international relations has dramatically changed in recent decades, and public diplomacy now includes not only governments, but the economic agents and so-called global civil society along with multinational corporations, the press, non-governmental organizations and religious groups."Image from entry, with caption: Baptist World Alliance General Secretary Neville Callam

Events for the Week of February 10-14, 2014 -Leadership Project, africaupclose.wilsoncenter.org: "Thursday, February 13th, 2014[:] Soft Power in Countering Extremism from the Horn of Africa to the Western Sahel [.] Hosted by: The Elliott School of International Affairs [.] Location: 1957 E St NW, Room 602, Washington, DC 20052 [.] Time: 9:00am – 11:00am [.] Summary: Crises related to religious extremism including jihadism and the application of Sharia law have spread rapidly from Somalia to Kenya and across the Sahel to Nigeria, Mali and Algeria with evidence of propagating and radicalizing even diaspora populations living in the West.

The panelists, all experts in the role of communications and soft power in countering radicalization, will discuss and debate the strategic influence of western powers, in particular the US and the UK, in changing the narrative toward stability, tolerance, and democratization. Speakers include: Sir Robert Fry, Chairman, Albany Associates; former Deputy Commanding General of coalition forces in Iraq [,]Simon Haselock, Chief Operating Officer, Albany Associates[,]Ambassador Alberto Fernandez, Coordinator of the Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications, U.S. Department of State; former ambassador to Equatorial Guinea [,]Todd Haskell, Director for Press and Public Diplomacy in the Bureau for African Affairs [.] For more information or to RSVP please visit: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/soft-power-in-countering-extremism-from-the-horn-of-africa-to-the-western-sahel-tickets-10223228953"Image from


Some of Obama's ambassador picks are no Shirley Temples - Editorial, latimes.com: Rewarding political backers with ambassadorial seats is hardly new, but Obama has been noteworthy in two key ways: He has made such appointments at a higher rate than the last few administrations, and he has done so after saying, shortly before assuming office, that his "general inclination is to have civil service, wherever possible, serve in these posts."See also.

Burn Bag: Yo! A Shout-out From the Starr Man? - Domani Spero, DiploPundit: Below image from article, with caption: As his wife looks on, Gregory B. Starr (left) is congratulated by U.S. Secretary of State John F. Kerry (right) immediately after Mr. Kerry swore him in as Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security during a ceremony at State Department headquarters in Washington D.C., January 8, 2014. Mr. Starr is the first Diplomatic Security special agent to hold the position of Assistant Secretary. (U.S. Department of State photo)

A new tone on Syria: Will Obama take a new approach? [subscription] - Editorial, Washington Post

Renewed Syria strategy: The U.S. needs a vision the Sunni-Shiite divide - David Ignatius, Washington Post: A truly stable future will be possible only with a security balance that can accommodate Shiite Iran and the Sunni Gulf states. Here’s a group snapshot of a more stable future: The United States, Russia, Iran and Saudi Arabia sitting around a table to draft a deal that can stop the Syrian nightmare. The Syrians can’t resolve this tragedy without a strong push from above.

An Ally Offended- Roger Cohen, New York Times: This is as bad a moment as there has been in German-American relations in the postwar years. The poison of the United States surveillance scandal, absent an apology from Washington, continues to seep through a society where the right to personal privacy is a paramount value shaped by history. It is unquestionably in America’s interest to work closely with Germany as a needed adjustment unfolds. One Obama interview with German TV did not cut it. The wound has been underestimated. A bon mot in Germany has it that Americans no longer listen, they merely listen in.

Decade After "Freedom Fries," U.S. Opinion of France Strong: Sentiment near record high as French president makes state visit - Art Swift, gallup.com: As French President Francois Hollande visits the U.S. this week, including being honored at the first state dinner of President Barack Obama's second term, 78% of Americans view France favorably. This represents a full restoration of France's U.S. image more than 10 years after it tumbled to 34% favorable in 2003, when France refused to back the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. Via PR

Russia unfavorability among Americans highest in 20 years - Jacqueline Klimas, Washington Times: Americans have more negative views of Russia now than anytime in the past two decades, a Gallup poll released Thursday found. Only 34 percent of poll respondents have a favorable view of the Olympics host country, while 60 percent have an unfavorable view. Only 44 percent had an unfavorable view in 2012, suggesting recent events like security  concerns at the Olympics, offering asylum to Edward Snowden, getting involved in the Syrian conflict and the restrictive gay and lesbian civil rights in the country have affected public opinion in the U.S. Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, is also unpopular among Americans. Americans with an unfavorable opinion of him have steadily increased since 2002 from 18 percent to 63 percent in 2014.

Distorting Russia: How the American media misrepresent Putin, Sochi and Ukraine - Stephen F. Cohen, thenation.com: Should not Obama himself have gone to Sochi—either out of gratitude to Putin, or to stand with Russia’s leader against international terrorists who have struck both of our countries? Did he not go

because he was ensnared by his unwise Russia policies, or because the US media misrepresented the varying reasons cited: the granting of asylum to Edward Snowden, differences on the Middle East, infringements on gay rights in Russia, and now Ukraine? Whatever the explanation, as Russian intellectuals say when faced with two bad alternatives, “Both are worst.” Uncaptioned image from entry; see also.

EU parliament president accused of spreading anti-Israeli propaganda - euronews.com: Visiting European parliament president Martin Schulz has found himself at the centre of a political storm in Israel. It concerns certain remarks he made during his address to the Israeli Knesset. During his speech Schulz was heckled by members of a far-right party called Jewish Homeland. Speaking in his native language things progressed well enough when the German politician expressed his support for a two state solution. But later when he cited what he described as unverified data alleging Israel was denying Palestinians a fair share of water in the occupied West Bank, members of the pro-settler party walked out.

Photoshop turns Olympic sisters into propaganda [note: link no longer accessible] - Torstar News Service: The magic of Olympic success has given rise to the magic of Photoshop, transforming a popular photo of Canadian moguls medallists Justine Dufour-Lapointe and her sister, Chloe Dufour-Lapointe into sovereigntist social media propaganda. The origin of the shot isn’t clear, but it shows the two of the three Dufour-Lapointe sisters who dominated the event for first and second spot on Feb. 8 posing with their red woollen Canada gloves, a product of The Bay’s popular Olympic Team collection.

It didn’t take long before a computer-savvy sovereigntist went to work, cleverly turning the red and white maple leaf on the palm of the glove into a blue and white Fleur-de-lis. The “CAN” on the back side of the mitten became “QUE.” Image from entry, with caption: Canada’s red and white colours were turned to blue and white in a photo of Sochi medal winners Justine and Chloe Dufour-Lapointe.

TV Propaganda and the Mind Control Culture - BATR, marketoracle.co.uk: The Establishment has perfected its machination of propaganda, creating the realities it wants into society, forming whatever truth that will be of the greatest benefit, not to society, but to itself. Whatever reality it wants to create and disseminate is quickly absorbed by a population eager to feed off the mammary glands of television. The Establishment, the corporate world and government have for years told us how and what to think, how to act, who to obey and where to follow, condemning our minds to obedience, our lives to conformism and silent acquiescence." Is it not time to make a clean break from this self-induced imprisonment of images and sounds that spills out of the television machine?


A Day in the Life of a Public Diplomacy Officer - Shawn, foreignservicetest.com [Sept. 19]: Public diplomacy is a role that all Foreign Service Officers must undertake to a certain extent. At the same time, it is a separate career track of its own and the officers in that track play a crucial role in shaping international perceptions of the United States of America. Every post around the world is different, but here is an example of what a typical day may look like. I haven’t personally had the chance to do a tour as a Public Diplomacy (PD) officer yet so this hypothetical day is based primarily on my impressions of what my PD colleagues do. If there are any veteran PD officers reading want to call me out or add to the conversation in the comments, I’m very open to that. Typically in a larger in a larger embassy, PD officers will be divided between working on the press side of things or dealing with cultural affairs. In our example, we will play the role of a first tour officer in a medium-sized embassy in Europe where we are doing a little bit of everything. As with all of the Day in the Life posts, this is just a basic example of what your day may look like. Your experience may vary.

8:00am – You arrive at your desk and log on to the computer. As it boots up, you start looking over both the local and American newspapers to see what concern relations between the U.S. and your host country. You know that one of the senior locally engaged staff will also provide a round-up of the day’s news, but you like to check for yourself. Your grasp of the foreign language certainly isn’t as strong as a locals, but you did spend about 8 months studying it before starting so you might as well put it to good use.

9:00am – You have a meeting with your boss, the Public Affairs Officer (PAO). The PAO is senior PD officer at post and overseas both the press and cultural affairs sections. You work closely with her and have the great opportunity to learn a bit about both sides of the shop. You are also learning about grant management, another important part of PD. At today’s meeting, you are discussing the Ambassador’s upcoming holiday party. There will be a private party for embassy staff and family, but the Ambassador is also hosting an official event with local government officials, VIPs, and press in attendance. You are in charge of managing the press portion and also writing a draft speech for the Ambassador. You show your boss what you have so far and she suggests a few changes.

10:00am – You return to your desk to work some more on the Ambassador’s speech. You do a bit of research to compare American holiday traditions along with the host country. The Ambassador’s speech will be translated by one of the embassy interpreters so you meet with him to be certain everything seems clear. The event isn’t for another week, but you know the Ambassador often likes to add his own style to a speech so you want to get to him early.

11:00am – The embassy has a rather active Facebook and Twitter community. You monitor both to look for questions and references and answer them or direct the community to a more appropriate resource. Many of the questions are consular related and you direct them to the embassy website for more information on the visa process.

12:30pm – You join the other first and second tour officers for lunch with the DCM. As entry level FSOs, you’re all still learning the ropes and it is the role of the DCM to help guide your career.

2:00pm – The PD section manages a significant amount of money in the form of grants. Although you do not have a grants warrant, you are eager to learn more about this complicated process. You are helping out the embassy grants officer with some monitoring and agree to make a few calls to local universities to see how they have been using the grant money the embassy gave them. All of this is carefully recorded in their file.

4:00pm – It is crunch time for the people handling the Fulbright program at post. The embassy receives an enormous amount of applications for the program and often needs all the help it can get in reading them all and determining who should move forward in the process. You spent and hour going over the applications and making the tough call about who will get their dream trip to the U.S.

5:00pm – You leave work at an early hour today because you have a work event later in the evening.

6:30pm – You meet the Ambassador and the PAO at a local television station. The Ambassador is doing a live interview on a local news program. You are there primarily to assist as needed, and to watch and learn.

8:00pm – The interview was a success and the Ambassador is happy. You head home and get to bed early so you can go in early tomorrow. You want to see the news first thing to see if there is any reaction to the Ambassador’s television appearance. - See more at: http://www.foreignservicetest.com/day-life-public-diplomacy-officer/#sthash.IieouS12.C2nbmzzy.dpuf. Image from


Top 50 Cities for Singles Looking for Love: Facebook ranked 50 major cities with the best odds for turning a "Single" status to "In a relationship" - Reed Albergotti, Wall Street Journal. Image from entry


--Via SD on Facebook


Evolutionists say human face came from 415 million-year-old fish - Cheryl K. Chumley, -Washington Times: n the latest of evolution theories, Swedish and French researchers say they’ve tracked the formation of the human face to the development and progression of a certain type of fish that swam the earth’s seas about 415 million years ago.

Their report, made public in the journal Nature, relies on the idea that the first creatures were formed hundreds of millions of years ago, and that they did not have a backbone. Researchers recently unearthed fossils for a small fish called the Romundina that they say swam the oceans 415 million years ago, and that this species is key to revealing the formation of the development of the face. Image from entry, with caption: This Tuesday, Aug 31, 2010, photo shows fish on display for sale at Eataly's grand opening in New York

February 14 - Happy Valentine's Day!


--Image from MT on facebook


Diplomat Buyers Club: Is there a rule ambassadors can't have set foot in the countries they are going to ambassador? [last segment features outgoing U.S. Ambassador to Russia McFaul] - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart; via FHK on Facebook. See also


Iran’s the Problem - Lee Smith, Weekly Standard: "Obama has tied America’s position in the Middle East to partnering with Iran, which itself has partnered with actors the White House deems the main threat to U.S. national security. Nonetheless, the White House continues to see the regional conflict simplistically. As Obama puts it, what we’re watching unfold is a sectarian war between Sunnis and Shiites in which the United States should avoid taking sides.

This is also Iran’s version of the war, promulgated in part to keep the White House on the sidelines. It’s a multipurpose public diplomacy campaign intended also to galvanize Iran’s Shia base across the region and destabilize Sunni-majority regimes. Sectarianism is a significant factor in Middle East conflicts, but the fundamental fact is that Iran is a -revolutionary regime. It means to overturn the regional status quo, the American-backed order of the Middle East, and sideline the United States once and for all. In this effort, al Qaeda, along with Hezbollah and various other Iranian-backed terrorist organizations, can all be useful to Tehran."Image from

Divided Asia: Implications For Europe - Francois Godement, isn.ethz.ch: "As long as the Obama administration hesitated over trade issues during its first term, the EU seemed to be maintaining parity with the US. This is probably no longer the case. In terms of public diplomacy and discursive power, the US is back in the lead."

Kerry 美 Secretary of State, a surprise visit Tong market, rice cake taste "Very good" [Google "translation"]: "John Kerry, the 13th Secretary of the U.S. Department of State, Jongno-gu, Seoul had a surprise visit Tong market. U.S. Embassy official 13 days via Twitter and Facebook, "said John Kerry, U.S. Secretary of State officials, South Korea, and to divide the discussion of regional issues The experiment with Korea's scenery is left Korea after a busy schedule, "said" Kerry, a surprise visit by the Minister of Tong Tong market, specialty market 'oil rice cake "tasted," he said. Kerry visited Korea in 10 months the President and Secretary hye evening after discussion with Ambassador Kim, Jongno-gu, Seoul St. Tong reportedly been found in the market. This rice cake to taste Oil Minister Carey 'Very good', 'Thank You' to draw attendants shouting for rights to be conveyed rice cake. Secretary Kerry Tong tasted oil market is the specialty of rice cake known as a minister of the United States over the country's senior officials visited traditional markets and shabby restaurant to find

it is not uncommon to share physical contact. Public Diplomacy (public diplomacy) is part of. U.S. Treasury Secretary Lou Jacob in March last year when he visited Beijing, China Embassy of the United States during the week of the dumpling shop around 20,000 won in our old money has never been a cheap meal.market Discover Secretary Kerry after this move to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Building yunbyeongse after having talks with Foreign Minister to China embarked Tuesday morning. Consultation with the Secretary of Carrie wooricheuk Chinese side, and based on what seems to be to discuss North Korea."Image from entry, with caption: John Kerry is the 13th United States Secretary of State, Seoul eating a rice cake to find Tong market.Secretary Kerry found the market immediately after the presidential prevention.

U.S. Department of State Announces St. Petersburg Sports Envoy Program - state.gov: "In conjunction with the 2014 Winter Olympics, the U.S. Department of State announces a figure skating Sports Envoy program, February 15–18 in St. Petersburg, Russia, featuring reigning Olympic champion Evan Lysacek and 2010 Winter Olympian Rachael Flatt. Sports exchanges are a key component of the U.S.–Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission’s efforts to strengthen relationships between the people of the United States and Russia. The duo will celebrate the 140th anniversary of modern figure skating introduced in Russia by American skater and ballet dancer, Jackson Haines. Lysacek will travel to St. Petersburg from Sochi, where he is working as an Olympic analyst. The 2010 gold medalist last served as a Sports Envoy on behalf of the United States in Belarus and Sweden in 2012. He will be accompanied by Flatt, a StanfordUniversity student who competed in the Vancouver Games in 2010. While in Sochi, Lysacek and Flatt will conduct clinics with local youth athletes of all skill levels and abilities, and will engage university audiences on healthy living, the spirit of the Olympics, and the ability of sports to bring together people regardless of culture or background. Since 2003, the State Department has brought nearly 1,000 athletes from more than 60 countries to the United States to participate in sports visitor programs while sending over 220 U.S. athletes to more than 50 countries on sports envoy programs. By overseeing the State Department’s sports diplomacy programming, the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs involves traditionally underrepresented audiences. To learn more about the U.S. Department of State’s celebration of the 2014 Winter Olympics and sports diplomacy, please enjoy Olympic Figure Skater and U.S. State Department Senior Advisor for Public Diplomacy Michelle Kwan’s video address here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZ0scaW0qdw.
Follow the sports envoy program using @sportsdiplomacy on Twitter or the hashtags #Sochi2014 and #TeamUSA."

Let Us Now Praise the SPLC, Sort Of - Jerry Kammer, Center for Immigration Studies: "In December 2011, we at the Center for Immigration Studies published a 38-page investigative report on the State Department program that issues J-1 visas to foreign college students so they can do seasonal work in the United States. The report, 'Cheap Labor as Cultural Exchange', began with bullet-point criticisms that the report fleshed out in detail. We showed that the

Summer Work Travel Program (SWT): ... Has monetized a foreign policy initiative, creating a multi-million dollar SWT industry that generates enormous profits under the mantle of public diplomacy and presses for continual expansion around globe."Image from

It’s a Mobile World: How Public Diplomacy at State Department is Adapting- Erica Malouf, innovation-series.com: "Any innovation in technology that changes how people communicate and access information will have important implications for how the State Department can reach the public. And focusing on digital makes sense for all of their current audiences, both in the beltway and abroad, as more people everywhere are accessing information from mobile devices. The Office of Innovative Engagement (OIE), directed by Hilary [Brandt], is helping the agency understand and adapt to this always evolving digital world.

OIE is in the Bureau of International Information Programs (IIP), headed by Macon Phillips. Phillips, the new Coordinator for IIP, is heading the charge for a digital first approach. ... There is a clear understanding in the department that being able to use new tools effectively is a necessary part of public diplomacy these days. Hilary’s office holds a monthly meeting called Tech Society about 'cool, new digital tools' that provides internal thought leadership on what is coming next in the tech industry and how it can be used to better engage current and future audiences. The department wants to be ready to reach the next billion people to access the Internet."Image from entry

Stengel to Represent Secretary of State to BBG - radioworld.com: "Former Time magazine editor Richard Stengel will join the Broadcasting Board of Governors as Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs. He was nominated to the position in September, 2013 and confirmed by the Senate on February 11. By law, the Secretary of State serves as an ex-officio member of the BBG and representing the secretary on the board has been a traditional duty of the Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs. Stengel has served as the managing editor of Time magazine since 2006, overseeing the magazine, Time.com, Time Books and Time for Kids. Stengel received the News and Documentary Emmy Award in 2012 for Time.com’s 'Beyond 9/11: Portraits of Resilience,' on which he served as executive producer. In 2010, he was awarded Citizen of the Year at the Annual National Conference on Citizenship and the 2010 Lifetime of Idealism Award. He has also authored several books, including 'Mandela’s Way: Fifteen Lessons on Life.' Stengel was the president and CEO of the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia from 2004 to 2006. In 2000, Stengel served as a senior adviser and chief speechwriter for Bill Bradley’s presidential campaign."

For real‘Monument Woman,’ saving Afghan treasures is unglamorous but richly rewarding - Katherine Boyle, Washington Post: "[Laura] Tedesco’s work at the State Department illustrates the modern saga that accompanies preserving culture during a prolonged and complicated war. Tedesco, 44, is a cultural heritage program manager, the bureaucratic title for an archeologist tasked with identifying ancient Afghan sites in need of restoration. And she’s not alone in her work.

While State invests in restoring ancient sites around Afghanistan as a tenet of the agency’s public diplomacy mission, the Department of Defense employs archeologists to teach soldiers how to avoid destroying them. ... Over 12 years, the [State] [D]epartment has invested $15 million in archeological and cultural preservation in Afghanistan, funding projects alongside international partners, including the German government and private foundations. One of its large-scale projects was the restoration of the Herat Citadel, an impressive monument that dates to 330 B.C. Over five years, the United States invested $1.2 million to restore a site the size of a football stadium. ... While the State Department aims to preserve sites, the U.S. military has another job: to avoid them. ... Cultural heritage became a priority for the U.S. military after the ancient Iraqi city of Babylon was damaged by a Marine base built on the sensitive site in 2003."Tedesco image from entry

Obama’s ‘secret war’ and diplomacy game plan - Satur C. Ocampo, The Philippine Star: "I received from the Peace for Life secretariat an article, titled 'America’s Secret War in 134 Countries,' written by Nick Turse and published in The Nation on Jan. 16, 2014. The article details how US Special Operations forces (SOFs) have become a 'growing form of overseas power projection,' with their phenomenally increased deployment — 123% — to 134 countries under Obama’s watch, from only 60 countries towards the end of the Bush administration in 2008. This new form of power projection, the article points out, is in addition to conventional wars and a CIA-led drone war (in Afghanistan and Pakistan), public diplomacy, and extensive electronic spying (as exposed by the National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden)."

Good Ship USA - a remembrance of Ambassador Shirley Temple Black - Markos Kounalakis, PD News–CPD Blog, US Center on Public Diplomacy: "I’m a Shirley Temple fan. Not a big fan of her movies; they seemed more suited for my sister. I’m a fan of her diplomacy in Czechoslovakia. I was a Newsweek reporter living in Prague between the 1989 'Velvet Revolution' and 1991 when I saw up close how Ambassador Shirley Temple Black

worked it. That’s how I became a fan. (Disclosure: I like ambassadors, my wife was U.S. ambassador to Hungary 2010-13.) ... In Shirley Temple Black, the Czechoslovaks had a new diplomat-artist colleague who shared Reagan’s sentiments and temperament. ... The most visible part of diplomacy consists of public meetings or events, speeches given, parties thrown. But most of the work takes place away from the public eye. Public and private diplomacy require the ability to perform for and understand an audience, and she was skilled at both. When it came to the new Czechoslovak leadership, she knew these people and what motivated them, understood their anti-establishment tendencies, and gained their respect not merely because of her recognized early film work, but also because her ability to take the stage and perform whatever diplomatic duties were necessary."Uncaptioned image from entry

After running the rat race, some women are slowing down their pace - "I worked damned hard in media and then in government. Meanwhile, I raised two great kids and felt exhausted but satisfied. I rose to become executive vice president of the U.S. Institute of Peace and then [U.S.]undersecretary of state for public diplomacy and public affairs. Now I have hit the midpoint of life. ... My message to women is that if you are in a position to take a professional pause, do it."

Can Australia-India ties flourish if governments are asleep? - Melissa Conley Tyler - lowyinterpreter.org: "[T]here is much that is and should be taking place outside government that will improve Australia-India relations. But there is still an important role for government support. For example, as Andrew Robb explained, private sector growth is assisted by changes to Australian policy and regulation which can enhance the attractiveness of Australia as an investment destination for Indian businesses. Existing educational and people-to-people efforts will be enhanced by the Government's signature New Colombo Plan which will enable Australian students to study and complete internships in Asia. Minister for Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop has announced that this is on track to be implemented in India in 2015. In addition, diplomats create an enabling environment for all of these contacts. For example, the work of the diplomats at the Australian High Commission in Delhi was commended at the Roundtable as a textbook case of how perceptions of a country can be turned around by assiduous public diplomacy. The centrepiece of Australian and Indian scientific and technological collaboration – the Australia-India Strategic Research Fund – relies on government support. Initiated by Prime Minister Howard and topped up by Prime Minister Rudd, the Fund has universal support from scientists in both countries. An Australia India Taskforce Report reported on seven successful years with the Fund supporting 84 projects and 20 workshops involving around 1500 researchers. Collaboration has included areas such as agriculture, biotechnology, solar energy, nanotechnology, biomedical devices and implants, IT security and marine ecosystems. Unfortunately the Fund is running out of money and needs to be topped up to continue at these levels.

The new model of diplomacy views foreign affairs as much more than government-to-government relations. But there is still a role for government in supporting initiatives that help grow important national relationships. Particularly in an area such as scientific research and development, which will drive innovation and growth for mutual benefit, there is an irreplaceable role for government; it cannot be asleep. It would be a tragedy if government vacated the field where initiatives such as the Australia India Strategic Research Fund have had such a positive effect."Image from

China, a major source for Pakistan’s human resource development- app.com.pk: "China has become a major source for human resource development for Pakistan to meet its challenges and excel in the fields of Science and Technology in the 21st Century. China at present generously offering a large number of scholarships to young and talented Pakistani students and professionals in a wide variety of subjects, especially in emerging technologies, a diplomat at Pakistan Embassy told APP. The number of these scholarships ranges up to a couple of hundreds annually, which mostly includes Masters, PhDs and Post Doctorates. It is also providing trainings [sic] to Pakistani experts in cutting-edge technologies to face the future challenges of Pakistan. There are also a number of exchange visits between the two countries which strengthen mutual understandings and promote public diplomacy."

The Age of Public Diplomacy: Soft Power Game in East Asia - nippon.com: "The third session of the symposium focused on public diplomacy in

East Asia, particularly the increasing tension that marks Japan’s relations with China and South Korea as well as each country’s public diplomacy efforts. ... The session concluded with Kondō [Kondō Motohiro, former editor-in-chief of Chūō Kōron], as moderator, noting that we seem to have not only entered the age of public diplomacy but also the era of what might be called individual diplomacy, travel diplomacy, and private diplomacy."Uncaptioned image from article

The Israel Taboo - Joseph Rosen, windowintopalestine.blogspot.com: "Debates rage over whether anti-Zionism can be defined as the new anti-Semitism. The Palestinian-driven campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions attempts to link Zionism and Israel to apartheid-era racism in South Africa. Since the 1980s, members of Israel’s hasbara programs have used academic, religious, and government resources to teach Zionists rhetorical tactics and ideological strategies to defend Israel against criticism in social media and elsewhere (if you are reading this online, you may hear from them in the comments below).

While hasbara translates as 'explanation,' this Internet-era 'public diplomacy' more often resembles old-school propaganda. The problem with this linguistic warfare is that it re-entrenches existing positions. Everyone wants to convince, and no one wants to listen."Image from entry

No moral dilemma about soft diplomacy - John Kirkland, University World News: "What would be worrying is if – like the British government of 1914 or the Soviet one of the 1960s – governments were asking universities to, say, teach or research things that they would not otherwise do, in the name of public diplomacy or soft power. ... John Kirkland is deputy secretary general of the Association of Commonwealth Universities."

Doubles - Paul Rockower, Levantine: "Gastrodiplomacy case-in-point of why I love my Crown Heights neighborhood: doubles. Doubles are West Indian/Indian puri fry bread covered in channa peas, and slathered with spicy pepper sauce and tamarind. Double doubles for lunch.

I'm becoming a huge fan of food from Trinidad and Tobago. Influences of India, Africa and Caribbean. I could def do some TNT gastrodiplomacy."Image from entry


USAID struggles to capture a different picture of Afghanistan - Al Kamen, Washington Post: on Monday, USAID put out a request for bids on a 90-day “trial” contract, with a possible extension to one year, for someone to take “timely, attractive visual images” of USAID projects, because such images “are a key element of any modern social media.” Here’s the problem, USAID said in the solicitation: “In Afghanistan, negative images flood both social and conventional media with little counter. This makes fresh, regularly updated photographs of USAID work . . . critical for effective social media messaging.” They wanted really “professional-quality” shots for their Afghanistan public outreach program, especially for the “mission website, Facebook page, Twitter feed and Flickr photograph feed,” we’re told, since most Afghans apparently spend their days on Facebook, Twitter and Flickr. USAID’s efforts have been impressive, “particularly in health and education,” the announcement said, “yet the overwhelming majority of pictures recording that effort are negative or at least to some extent misleading.” Why? Because the pros working for the media produce “high-quality images” of the Afghan aid effort, we’re told, and “news photographs by their very nature focus on the negative.” USAID is simply “unable to compete . . . because of lack of skill and security limitations,” limitations likely to increase without U.S. troop support, possibly keeping photographers pinned down in Kabul. One of the qualifications listed was an ability to do “unlimited travel in country,” where you won’t find many Americans. That’s where some Photoshop skills could help get some Americans into those spectacular photos.

Sure, it may be dangerous at times, but hey, you don’t have to build the Potemkin village, just photograph it. Who knows? Sounds as if your breathtaking photos just might turn around the war. Or maybe not. After we inquired about the cost, an agency spokesman sent an e-mail saying that the solicitation “was to help inform Afghans” about the agency’s projects but that it “did not appropriately articulate that purpose and is being reevaluated.” It appears the solicitation has been taken down. See also RT, "​US scraps ‘glossy propaganda’ plans for Afghanistan aid projects."Image from

Ambassadorships are President Obama's political plums - Editorial, Washington Post: All presidents appoint some ambassadors who are not professional diplomats. Most have been harmless; a few have been stellar. Mr. Obama, however, has considerably stretched the boundaries of previous presidential records, both in quantity and in apparent disregard for quality.

The top 10 reasons to keep political ambassadors [subscription] - Juliet Eilperin, Washington Post

The U.S. Gets the Kurds Wrong—Again: In Iraq, we ignored them until we discovered that they were our best allies. Now those in Syria are being neglected - Michael Rubin, Wall Street Journal: With a terror-sponsoring regime and a terror-embracing opposition, American officials are right to be frustrated by Syria. Just as in Iraq, however, the Kurds provide an alternative, federal model. That they are also secular and pro-American is icing on the cake. How ironic it is, then, that the State Department seems so committed to making them pariahs.

More Engagement with India - Editorial, New York Times: The United States and India have a lot of work to do to strengthen their partnership.

Vladimir Putin visits Team USA in Sochi - Nancy Armour, USA Today: Russian President Vladimir Putin dropped in on the U.S. Olympic Committee's headquarters

at the Olympic Park on Friday, removing any lingering tensions over President Barack Obama's choices for the American delegation to the Sochi Games. Image from entry, with caption: Vladimir Putin visits the Team USA house.

The new propaganda - Rick Conroy, wellingtontimes.ca: Russia’s complicated relationship with propaganda has been in evidence in Sochi. It’s a land of contradictions. They love their Tchaikovsky, but deny his nature; officials waged a months-long campaign ahead of the Olympics to persuade the world he was just a lonely man who failed to marry. The opening ceremonies were under intense scrutiny because of Russia’s criminalization of “homosexual propaganda,” yet organizers put tATu on stage—a female act known for overt displays of simulated affection. The women held hands through their unusually constrained performance; another kind of propaganda, supporting the fiction of a tolerant nation. When the fifth snowflake failed to open into an Olympic ring, in a classic Politburo throwback, state TV switched from a live feed to footage of a more successful rehearsal—as though the people could be duped. The big red tribute to the era of Communism also raised some hackles, glossing over the darker, more repressive aspects of Soviet history—an homage to 20th century progress filtered through deeply rose-coloured glasses. But red is not the colour of these Games. These are the rainbow Olympics. Like the old propaganda, the new propaganda starts with a fiction—we are tolerant, we embrace dissent—and plays it, loud and proud, drowning out all who sing a different tune.

Media hype around propaganda law has ‘negative effect’ on Russian LGBT community - RT
The Western media’s response to Russia’s law banning gay propaganda among minors is “heavy-handed”, members of Sochi’s gay community have told RT.

They worry excessive media attention may lead to Russian society blaming them for “spoiling the Olympics.” Image from entry, with caption: A performer prepares to take part in a drag queen show backstage at Mayak, a gay cabaret club in Sochi, south western Russia October 28, 2013.

Is The Putin Propaganda Bubble About To Burst? - Ola Cichowlas, neweasterneurope.eu: Putinist propaganda – like its Soviet predecessor – slips even further into the realm of the absurd. Russia is approaching the dangerous scenario that inevitably led to the fall of the Soviet Union, whereby citizens lived a sort of “double life”. Historian Stephen Kotkin theorised that in Stalinist Russia, a person could “speak Bolshevik” (publically expressing loyalty to the regime) one moment, and “innocent peasant” the next.

People began reading texts not for what they stated but for what they implied, or even for what they omitted. Readers became insensitive to the norm. It would seem that Russia is in desperate need of a powerful literary roar. But the tradition of dissident literature has died around the world, and instead many find their answers online. Still, an increasing number of Russians are once again leading a double life, listening to reports not for what they say but for what they do not say. They, too, are gradually becoming bilingual, “speaking Putin” one moment and Russian the next. George Orwell would have warned: “The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it."Uncaptioned image from entry

Few Believers in "Kim's Loving Harvest" Propaganda - dailynk.com: Since late last year, North Korean state propaganda has been framing a bumper autumn harvest as one of Kim Jong Eun’s personal achievements, rather than the fortunate outcome of favorable weather conditions across much of Asia. However, the official view has been greeted with incredulity in many quarters.


Ant battle! Tawny crazy ants take on fire ants -- and win [includes video] - Deborah Netburn, latimes.com: Across the southeastern United States a battle is raging -- ant against ant. On one side are the dreaded fire ants, armed with a venom that is painful to humans and often fatal to competing insects. On the other side are the tawny crazy ants -- smaller, stinger-less, but equipped with a secret weapon that allows them to defeat the fire ants time and time again.

As scientists have recently discovered, the tawny crazy ants can secrete a chemical antidote to the fire ants' poison that is also a venom itself. And though this venom doesn't kill the fire ants, it appears to force them into retreat. "As this plays out, unless something new and different happens, crazy ants are going to displace fire ants from much of the southeastern U.S. and become the new ecologically dominant invasive ant species," Edward LeBrun, a researcher at the Fire Ant Research and Management Project at the University of Texas at Austin, said in a statement. Image from, with caption: ANTS! It's not my fault that the ants were on my bone. I always leave my bone in the middle of the floor. crazy ants

February 15


"[W]e live in a computer simulation based on the laws of mathematics — not in what we commonly take to be the real world."

--One fanciful possibility; image from


Foreign Policy in Stereo | Digital Diplomacy Series at the Italian Embassy - youtube.com. The Daily: Canada 2.0; The Daily: Canada 2.0">via

SHOWstudio: Proud to Protest: The Fashion Community Support Russia's LGBTI Community - independent.co.uk: "Kate Moss has become the latest star to stand up against Vladimir Putin’s controversial anti-gay propaganda la Kate Moss has become the latest star to stand up against Vladimir Putin’s controversial anti-gay propaganda laws in a new campaign for Amnesty International. The supermodel, alongside a whole cast of leading fashion figures, can be seen wearing a balaclava

in a dramatic short film created by designer Gareth Pugh, filmmaker Ruth Hogben and photographer Nick Knight in collaboration and his website SHOWstudio." Image from entry


The Daily: Canada 2.0 - Michael Ardaiolo,thepublicdiplomat.com: Our round-up of news, notes, tips, and Tweets exhibiting how public diplomacy affects the world each and every day.


U.S. Department of State to Participate in Social Media Week New York -- Media Note, Office of the Spokesperson, Washington, DC - state.gov: "The U.S. Department of State will sponsor a panel discussion, 'Digital Diplomacy: Making Foreign Policy Less Foreign,' as part of Social Media Week New York on February 18 from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. at the Foreign Press Center in New York City. The panel will highlight ways the State Department is using social media to conduct diplomacy and consider both the opportunities and challenges of digital statecraft.

The State Department’s public diplomacy mandate is to engage the world, advance national security and keep Americans informed. Social media is an increasingly important tool in this mission. The panel will be moderated by Emily Parker (@emilydparker), author of Now I Know Who My Comrades Are: Voices From the Internet Underground and digital diplomacy advisor and senior fellow at the New America Foundation. Panelists will include Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs Doug Frantz (@StateDept) and Coordinator of International Information Programs Macon Phillips (@macon44). Assistant Secretary for Education and Cultural Affairs Evan Ryan (@ECA_AS) will join via digital video conference. The event will also be live-streamed at: http://video.state.gov/live. Questions for the panel can be suggested to Emily Parker at (@emilydparker) using the hashtag #SMWState. Journalists interested in participating in the event in New York should contact the New YorkForeignPressCenter (nyfpc@state.gov). To participate in Washington, contact Washington Foreign Press Center Media Relations Officer Stephanie Kuck (kuckSR@state.gov)." Image from

Improving the ‘Art’ of Diplomacy with Foreign Languages - Sharon Hudson-Dean, PD News–CPD Blog, USC Center on Public Diplomacy: "Since 1947, the Foreign Service Institute, which is housed at the George P. Shultz National Foreign Affairs Training Center, has trained U.S. diplomats, military attaches, development aid managers, information systems operators, and many others for U.S. government service abroad, now averaging over 100,000 enrollments annually. Today, the 72 acre government training oasis in Arlington, VA instructs over 2,000 students per day in foreign languages, regional studies, economics, leadership skills, and functional specialties. ... While the soft diplomacy value of showing respect for a host country’s native language is in many cases priceless, the value of participating in the society without any filters is even more valuable in today’s touch-and-go foreign policy world. ... [L]iberation leader Nelson Mandela famously said, "If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."

Sri Lanka Issues and U.S.: Assessing LTTE rump strategy - Daya Gamage, Asian Tribune: "I read with interest a point Sri Lanka's presidential secretary Lalith Weeratunga made at a media briefing on Wednesday, February 12 in Colombo presenting his take of men and matters and events during his most recent diplomatic endeavor in Geneva and Washington, D.C. to explain the 'Sri Lanka side of the story' as opposed to the 'story' given by the separatist/Tiger activists within the Tamil Diaspora for many years before and after the domestic demise of the Tamil Tigers in May 2009. The interesting point Mr. Weeratunga made at this briefing was that an 'Anti-Lanka (US) lawmaker couldn't spot Sri Lanka on the map'. This is encouraging because Sri Lanka's public affairs, public diplomacy and strategic communication should start at this point, educating about this South Asian nation, its strategic location off the southern tip of India (as John Kerry underscored in his Senate foreign relations committee's December 2009 report), the tourist attraction, the

magnificent beaches in the East Coast, and of course world famous 'Ceylon Tea' slowly travelling to national political issues of Sri Lanka. The Americans too faced a similar situation: In 1979, Colombo American Embassy's public affairs unit, the United States Information Service, faced a similar situation when both government and opposition politicians initiated massive anti-American demonstrations outside its diplomatic chancery, media went rampage denouncing the United States, and a hostile atmosphere toward American presence in Sri Lanka was rapidly building to the reports that the Massachusetts State Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution in support of the TULF 'Vadukkodai Resolution' declaring that the Tamil Minority had the right to their 'homeland', they have the right to self-determination and the supreme right to secede from Sri Lanka to have their own independent/sovereign state in the north and east of the country. That the United States administration was supporting the division of Sri Lanka witnessed by several TULF leaders including M.Sivasithabaram at the gallery of the State House when the resolution was adopted. The heat was increasing when the public affairs unit staff with two (US) foreign service officers (FSOs) in attendance and chaired by the deputy chief of mission (DCM) to figure out the strategy to defuse the situation. This writer who was a public affairs assistant was one of many in that group when the issue arose what leverage the Massachusetts State Assembly had with the (federal/central) American administration in Washington headed by the president and the (US) Congress which is the supreme lawmaking body of the nation. It was construed that there was a utter lack of understanding of the American system, three separate arms (executive, legislature and judiciary) and that there were fifty autonomous states one of which was Massachusetts and that the adoption of the 'Eelam' resolution did not at all reflected the sentiments of either the White House (Executive) or the Congress (bicameral lawmaking body) but an independent effort by the Massachusetts legislature influenced by the separatist lobby in the US and Sri Lanka. The decision at that meeting was to start from scratch and explain the American system to selected/leading Sri Lanka lawmakers (troublemakers included), the media and one-on-one and group meetings with editors/lead writers of all newspapers (which included B.A. Siriwardene, editor of the Communist Party daily Aththa, write feature articles for the media explaining the system. The exercise brought dividends, and the anti-American sentiments were laid to rest and the campaign accusing the United States fizzled out to the satisfaction of the ambassador and Washington. It is a futile attempt for Sri Lanka to engage in search of the 'best' Washington lobbying firm to pass the message Sri Lanka needs to give to policymakers and lawmakers if those who are engaged in external affairs and foreign policy unable to 'educate' the handlers of the US$66,000 a month lobbying firm that not the entire minority (12%) Tamil population in Sri Lanka rose in unison to destabilize Sri Lanka but a handful of 'adventurists' led by Prabhaharan terrorized the entire nation. (The Asian Tribune in a previous report highlighted the wrong message the Thompson lobbying firm disseminated to the US lawmakers in a letter)."Image from

The Trouble with Propaganda: the Second World War, Franco's Spain, and the Origins of US Post-War Public Diplomacy - Pablo León-Aguinaga, The International History Review: "Abstract [:] This paper explores the internecine conflict that characterised and undermined US propaganda toward neutral Spain in the Second World War. These tensions primarily confronted those who saw US propaganda as an ideological weapon of mass persuasion in a crusade against Fascism with those who defended that US informational and cultural operations should be subservient to traditional diplomacy, and so be limited to explaining US foreign policy and advancing bilateral friendship. In addition, the article argues that the unambiguous subordination of propaganda to diplomacy that characterised US public diplomacy during the cold war was one of the lessons learnt out of the civil war that US propagandists fought over Spain between 1941 and early 1945." See also.

Meet the Patron of American Modern Art: The CIA- Alex Mayyasi, fortunascorner.com: "Modern art was merely one campaign in the cultural cold war. The CIA covertly subsidized a European tour for the Boston Symphony that established it as world class, sent prominent American authors on book tours, and, most importantly, funded books, conferences, and magazines of arts and letters that took a critical stance on the Soviet Union. Many European intellectuals admired communism and looked to Moscow as an example. The CIA decided it needed to win over Europe’s 'educated and cultured classes' to prevent communist revolutions from sweeping Western Europe. ... America’s cultural war waned after the revelations of the CIA’s role in the late sixties. Interest waxed once again after September 11, when diplomats and foreign affairs types began to speak earnestly of 'public diplomacy'— cultural/education programs and information policy. Or, as it’s sometimes catchphrased, 'telling America’s story to the world.' ... Foreign policy experts talked up soft power — the ability to establish preferences and norms 'associated with intangible power resources such as culture, ideology, and institutions'— and advocated for more funds and attention to public diplomacy as a way to exert it. They were calling for the same belief in the power of culture and ideas that motivated the cultural Cold War. Today American diplomats run exchange programs for promising foreign students and organize performances by American artists.

The U.S. Government-run Voice of America broadcasts news around the world. Archeologists partner with foreign counterparts in sponsored cultural preservation projects. But public diplomacy did not get the priority its advocates hoped. A 2005 report states: ['] After the Cold War, when cultural diplomacy ceased to be a priority, funding for its programs fell dramatically. Since 1993, budgets have fallen by nearly 30%, staff has been cut by about 30% overseas and 20% in the U.S., and dozens of cultural centers, libraries and branch posts have been closed.[']In 1999, an official cultural diplomacy policy was the casualty of bureaucratic adjustments. That remains the case today. Of course, despite the advocates’ belief in the value of public diplomacy, it’s not a silver bullet for America’s image problem. While the CIA touts the Congress for Cultural Freedom as 'widely considered one of the CIA’s more daring and effective Cold War covert operations,' most observers note the difficulty in trying to draw any conclusions about its effectiveness. And actions speak louder than words, something comically shown when CIA funding helped send an American poet on a tour in South America to improve the country’s image — tarnished by the CIA backed coup of Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz. The recent news that the State Department spent over $600,000 buying Facebook Likes also provides reason to question how the department is spending the budget it currently has for public diplomacy." Image from

Ottawa’s embrace of Twitter diplomacy will fail without greater openness- Roland Paris, The Globe and Mail: "After years of sitting on the sidelines, Canada finally seems to be taking digital diplomacy seriously. Foreign Minister John Baird delivered a speech on Friday – appropriately in Silicon Valley, the world’s capital of technological innovation – calling on Canadian diplomats to make greater use of Twitter, Facebook and other social media in their work. 'The closed world of démarches, summits, and diplomatic dinners,' he said, 'is no longer sufficient to project our values and interests.' ... What is still missing in the Canadian approach, however, is the recognition that digital diplomacy involves, at its core, a willingness to engage in two-way communications between government officials and interlocutors of various types. This requires, in turn, both a social-media presence (accounts with followers) and a policy framework allowing diplomats to communicate in the relatively informal and rapid style of these media. In his speech this week, John Baird suggested that Canada is belatedly getting into the digital diplomacy game.

He told his audience that diplomacy may never live up to the Silicon Valley mantra of 'move fast and break things,' but that in the 'environment of instant communication and social media, we do have to move faster and not be afraid to try new things or to make mistakes.' Further, Mr. Baird’s office reports that in the last six months, the foreign ministry has launched 60 new accounts on Twitter and another 50 on Facebook. Clearly, the push is on. But whether the Harper government will really 'not be afraid…to make mistakes' in digital diplomacy remains to be seen. ... Even more fundamentally, new public diplomacy strategies do nothing to address the principal deficiency of Conservative foreign policy: the fact that the Harper government has burned more bridges than it has built over the past eight years. A country in Canada’s position – of middling size, yet open and vulnerable to global forces – must cultivate constructive relationships with a broad array of actors and deftly leverage these relationships, including in multilateral institutions, if it hopes to shape the course of events in its favour. Shouting from the sidelines accomplishes little, other than making our partners and adversaries alike reach for the mute button. In spite of all this, Mr. Baird deserves credit for finally acknowledging that a genuine embrace of digital diplomacy is necessary – and that it involves a greater acceptance of risk-taking from his own control-freak government. Of course, the meat and potatoes of diplomacy will always be private state-to-state communications. However, unless our diplomats are permitted to engage with governmental and non-governmental interlocutors in real-time, Canada will remain on the margins of the biggest technological revolution to hit the practice of public diplomacy in a generation."Image from

Public diplomacy in a networked world - Stephen Waddington, wadds.co.uk: "As a diplomat, I’m fascinated by the growing trend of Foreign Ministries using social media as part of their public diplomacy tool kit. According to @DigiDiplomats 77 Foreign Ministries now have official twitter accounts, and the UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office has over 120 twitter channels and 120 Facebook pages. Tweeting Ambassadors, ‘liking’ Embassy Facebook statuses, and checking out Instagram accounts of a government minister’s visit to a distant country are increasingly the norm. Public diplomacy, like public relations, has evolved as society has changed. It’s come a long way from the days of the Cold War where the word propaganda was regularly used to describe the discipline. ... While practitioners understood the potential for social media to facilitate dialogue, very few practiced it. Most still used social media to broadcast messages with very little interaction with publics. As a result, we’re probably losing the opportunity to build relationships with important individuals and groups, limiting our ability to influence. It is also difficult to measure impact without any feedback.
There was strong evidence public diplomacy practitioners recognised that social media was forcing diplomacy to become more transparent and more consultative, putting the public into public diplomacy.

But there was concern about losing control of messaging by using social media. An interesting dilemma. ... Putting aside the argument of whether we ever had ‘control’, the instincts of some practitioners to control the message clearly doesn’t fit with the ‘democratisation’ of information that social media is facilitating. And if our aim is to enter into dialogue with publics, then by definition we can’t get too hung up about handing over control of one half of that conversation. ... Just as public diplomacy is gearing up its use of social media, we find the public are treating communication from ‘official’ sources with more and more scepticism, preferring to trust their peers. ... Awareness of the important role social media based dialogue can play in achieving organisational objectives is also on the up. But blockages remain to mainstreaming it across the profession. I’d advocate going back to basics and drawing on the foundation of good public relations and public diplomacy practice, namely being clear what we want to achieve, working out who we need to speak to get there, and work out if it’s been achieved."Waddington image from entry

Hopes for improved Sino-Japanese relations - futureforeignpolicy.com: "Japan has repeatedly apologised for the regrettable acts that were committed under Imperial Japan, yet much of Asia still doubt the sincerity of these apologies. Japan’s public diplomacy strategy to portray itself as a reformed state, repentant of its previous actions, has fallen flat and failed to convince its neighbours. To combat this Japan needs to employ a better, more coherent public diplomacy policy than it has employed up until now.

Part of the reason for the continued suspicion of Japan is because Japan continues to honour its war dead that were responsible for the aggression and war crimes committed during the 1930s and 40s, demonstrating in the minds of many Asians a disconnect between actions and words. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe recently angered many Asian leaders when he visited the Yasukuni Shrine, which holds the remains of, among others, 14 war criminals. ... Removing the remains of war criminals from the Yasukuni Shrine therefore seems a good place to begin. Of course there are issues that Japanese culture dictates reverence and respect for ancestors, yet to make such a public change would prove to be a strongly positive piece of public diplomacy and would make changing the Japanese constitution far more palatable for the majority of states in the region."Image from entry, with caption: The Yasukuni Shrine 2012

Israeli’s [sic] top Minister tours three African nations - vibeghana.com: "Israel’s Agriculture and Rural Development Minister, Mr Yair Shamir, is scheduled to pay an official visit to Nigeria, Ghana and Ethiopia. He will first go to Nigeria, and then come to Ghana beginning from March 2 to 4, 2014, after which he would finally proceed to Ethiopia. Ms Mina Okuru, Public Diplomacy Coordinator, Embassy of Israel in Accra said in a statement copied to the Ghana News Agency on Friday."

the US and some distrust of China - charletsstudio.com: "Beijing Times reporter intern reporter Fanrui quotient West Minister speech reception 64 foreign leaders, president of China Association of Chinese public diplomacy, former Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing yesterday hosted the '2013 China and the World' seminar with former ambassadors and diplomatic experts and so on to discuss the new government’s foreign ideas, new relations among major powers, neighboring diplomacy, public diplomacy and other issues. The opening ceremony, Foreign Minister Wang Yi delivered a keynote speech, Chinese Foreign inventory year, that under the new international and domestic situation, China’s diplomacy to broader horizons, more aggressive stance on a global scale, the initiative planning, proactive,...the courage to play, innovation, and through an extraordinary year. ... Zhao: China has begun to share the dream of the Eleventh CPPCC Foreign Affairs Committee and the world, the incumbent president of Renmin University of China School of Journalism at the forum yesterday, Zhao pointed out that China dream and the American dream alone is good or bad, 'we dream the urgency and intensity than in some countries.' Zhao said that this dream has welcomed the Chinese, there is doubt, there is speculation, it was the intention of the 'China Dream' distorted understanding of 'hegemony Dream', which need to explain China’s domestic and foreign policy to the world through public diplomacy, indicating Chinese dream is the dream of friendship, help foreign public awareness and understanding of the real China, not false Chinese. ... Li Zhaoxing saying that, Wang walked lightweight steps onto the stage, did not say a few words, it helped Li playing the ad. 'I’m glad first came to China Association of Public Diplomacy,' Wang said, 'China’s public diplomacy Association brought together a large number of Chinese diplomatic veteran boss to make our international relations and world elite, especially our president Li old leadership, we have great respect for him."

Youth in the GCC: Towards an Innovative Future!- Amal Al Hamad, Head of GCC Delegation in Brussels, eptoday.com: "The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries have one valuable asset to capitalize on, besides oil and gas resources, and it is definitely youth! The six member states (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE) represent one of the youngest regions in the world today, where more than half of the population is less than 25 years of age, and the population will remain predominantly young in the decades to come. ... The EU and the GCC

already enjoy a history of cooperation in the fields of research and education, specifically through the INCONET-GCC, the exchange of students via the ERASMUS MUNDUS Programme, as well as through people-to-people contacts currently taking place under the Public Diplomacy Project which offers relevant training opportunities for GCC academics and students. But cooperation in the service of youth can be taken to a higher level still. At the World Innovation Summit for Education held in Doha on October 29th 2013, Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, clearly called for stronger partnerships in education and culture and for more exchanges of students, artists and university staff between both regions. This could be an additional step towards strengthening our cooperation in areas that directly concern our younger generation. The EU’s experience in this field is of particular interest to us."Image from

‘Birthright for Mothers’ - Suzanne Pollak, washingtonjewishweek.com: "The Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project is partnering with Israel’s Ministry of Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs to bring 2,500 mothers of varying religious affiliation to Israel for nine-days of touring and education. The idea is to strengthen Jewish identity in the Diaspora, while including 'the feminine essence which is so very important,' Margarita Spichko, the ministry’s manager at the Public Diplomacy Office, told a group of 125 women gathered in Silver Spring for a JWRP leadership conference that began Sunday."

Meeting Ukip halfway would be a disaster for the Tories: A lurch to the Right may be tempting after Wythenshawe, but what voters want to see is a Prime Minister who handles the big issues like a true statesman - Matthew d’Ancona, telegraph.co.uk: "The great Tory failure has not been one of action but of public diplomacy. ... The way for the Conservatives to win blue-collar votes in seats such as Wythenshawe is not to fume rhetorically, or to deplore immigrants who come here to work legitimately, but to declare again and again that Cameron has headed a Coalition which has lifted millions out of income tax altogether, provided the economic stability, welfare reforms and apprenticeships that lead to work, and introduced the 'Help to Buy' scheme to help the next generation get on to the property ladder."

Harvard forum tackles key issues in global citizenship - Ben Lamont, boston.com "Adams House - one of the twelve undergraduate 'Houses' or dormitories at Harvard - recently hosted a conference on the “global citizenship.”  At the closing event, having been asked what he had written about this topic, Amartya Sen said, 'I’m not sure that I’ve written about global citizens, but I suppose I am one, which is easier.' Sen was the cream of a crop of expert speakers marshaled from across Boston, as well as from New York City, Wellington, New Zealand, and Washington, D.C. Interestingly, this small, optimistic conference in Boston neatly

overlapped with larger diplomatic gatherings in Switzerland (Davos and Geneva II) that produced little cause for optimism. Tackling issues ranging from reconstruction in Chilean disaster areas to security in East Asia to foreign public diplomacy in the US, the conference’s speakers raised awareness of different aspects of global citizenship and provided insights from their rich professional experience."Image from

On Referenda: Switzerland and immigration, 2014 - Public Diplomacy and International Communications: Thoughts and comments about public diplomacy, soft power and international communications by Gary Rawnsley."[W]e cannot expect referenda to reproduce the conditions and effects of a direct form of democracy. At best, they are a useful but flawed device of political communication; at worst, they are an expression of ill-informed populism."

Taming Tahrir (Part 2): re-appropriating Al-Midan and co-opting memory - Marwa Fikry Abdel Samei, opendemocracy.net: "Marwa Fikry Abdel Samei is Assistant Professor of Political Science in the Faculty of Economics and Political Science at Cairo University. She completed a PhD at Northeastern University on mass media and public diplomacy in the contemporary Arab world. Recent publications focus on rise of Islamists after the Arab Spring."


The U.S. must take action to deal with al-Qaeda in Syria - Samuel R. Berger, Washington Post: When we look at Syria, we cannot simply see missed opportunities from three years of conflict. Core U.S. interests are at stake, and the status quo cannot continue. We must alter the circumstances to protect ourselves and to return to the negotiating table in a position to succeed.

The high price of negotiating with bad guys - Michael Rubin, Washington Post: While Obama’s embrace of negotiation with America’s enemies seems to have become the norm in U.S. foreign policy circles, it represents a sharp departure from past administrations and from generally accepted statecraft.

History shows that this approach offers very high, if unintended, costs. Just because military and economic strategies have costs does not make dialogue the answer. Diplomatic processes help dictators avoid accountability. Image from

Propaganda Coup for Beijing: The most significant result of the February 2014 cross-strait talks is just how much Beijing gained in propaganda terms - J. Michael Cole, thediplomat.com: As Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council Minister Wang Yu-chi was wrapping up his four-day official visit to China on February 14, it was clear that the event, groundbreaking though it may have been, delivered very little in terms of concrete results — except one thing: a propaganda coup for Beijing. No sooner had Wang landed in Nanjing for a series of meetings than international media and China’s propaganda arm hailed the breakthrough as something of great significance. But while tensions in the Taiwan Strait have undeniably diminished in recent years, the underlying conflict, which stems from irreconcilable contradictions in the two political systems and ways of life, remains and will likely become starker over the next decade. Opinion polls in Taiwan have consistently shown a preference for the “status quo” (de facto independence), or independence, with very little support for unification. Simultaneously, Taiwanese have shown themselves amenable to closer relations — normalized relations — with China. In other words, they want Taiwan, or the ROC, to be treated as an equal and sovereign entity.

EU Bosses Step Up Bullying, Propaganda to Combat Euroskepticism - William F. Jasper, thenewamerican.com: Viviane Reding 9right), the controversial and voluble European justice commissioner, was in London on February 10 for a public debate on “The Future of Europe,” part of a “Citizens’ Dialogue” series launched by the commission in 2013 as a key element of a year-long propaganda blitz.

That blitz is aimed at influencing the vote for the 751 members of the European Parliament in elections that will take place in every member state from May 22-25. Reding’s event in London, according to the EU Commission’s press office, was the 44th of “more than 47 such meetings” planned throughout the continent, together with a massive propaganda campaign involving television programming, social media trolling, literature distribution, and other costly schemes that have been drawing widespread criticism, even from political and media sectors that are normally supportive of the EU. The truculence of Reding and her boss, Commission President José Manuel Barroso (shown on left), are adding to the growing outrage and anger toward Brussels. The anti-EU sentiments are running especially strong in Britain, Germany, Austria, Greece, Cyprus, Hungary, and the Netherlands (the latter of which was a founding member of the six-nation pact that grew into the EU).

Russia blocked an Olympian’s website for ‘gay propaganda’ after seeing this picture - pinknews.co.uk: Canadian bobsledder Justin Kripps’ website has been blocked in Russia, after he posted a picture of

his bobsled team in their pants. Image from entry

Persuasive Posters -- A propaganda collage craft for the home - anmm.wordpress.com: Who ever said propaganda was only useful for a war effort? It’s even better put to work on the “home front!”. This month our kids craft item is inspired by our exhibition Persuasion: US Propaganda posters from WW2. Full of vibrant colours, retro graphics and unashamed slogans it made us feel like making a very persuasive poster of our very own. And what better place to start than selling good manners, etiquette, hygiene and all such behaviours that distinguish your little “do bees” from your “don’t bees”. Here’s hoping a bit of poster magic can turn them into a food-eater, a bed-goer, a play-safe and a tooth-brusher! Image from entry

February 16


“We love Americans, although we don’t always say so. And you love the French, but you are sometimes too shy to say so.”

--French President François Hollande, responding to a toast by President Obama given at a recent White House state dinner; image from, with caption: President Obama offered a toast to President François Hollande of France at a state dinner on Tuesday.


What has Hillary actually achieved in public life? - Andrew Sullivan, theaustralian.com.au: "She [Ms. Clinton] then got one of the plum US jobs: secretary of state. What did she accomplish there? Again the cupboard is a little bare. She broke new ground by engaging the people of foreign countries in what she called public diplomacy— not just visiting heads of state and government, but contacting students and civil groups. She championed women’s rights.

But major, identifiable achievements? Not so much. ... Think, in contrast, of what John Kerry has done in a year: get a deal with the Russians on destroying Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal; secure a historic short-term agreement with Iran that might lead to a more lasting settlement; and move the Israel-Palestine peace process to a point where Israel has to make a choice between occupation of the West Bank and thriving as a Jewish state."Image fromsee also.

A Low In Bangladesh-US Relations - Farooque Chowdhury, countercurrents.org: "Dan Mozena, the US ambassador in Bangladesh, has recently told Dhaka journalist: 'The US relations with Bangladesh are not usual'. He said: The US interaction with the present government is not business as usual.(bdnews24.com, 'America’s relations with Hasina govt not warm: Mozena', February 11, 2014)[.] No doubt, the publicly made observation is part of public diplomacy. Purpose of public diplomacy is known to all. However, at least a part of a reality has come out to public view. It’s difficult to recollect any such observation made by any diplomat, not only diplomats from the US, in Dhaka. Even, such observation was not made immediately after the emergence of Bangladesh. During that period, the Bangladesh-US relation was not a happy one."

RPA Exchange student chosen as Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study Student of the Month - Press release, rpacademy.org: "The Redmond Proficiency Academy is pleased to announce that exchange student Purity Mania, from Kenya, Africa, has be recently chosen as Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Student of the Month. Purity is a participant in the ASSE exchange program and was selected from a group of approximately 900 YES Students. ... Katherine David-Fox, Programs Officer in the Youth Program Division thanks Redmond Proficiency Academy and says that Purity is clearly having a rich and fulfilling experience at school and in her host community. We truly appreciate the commitment to public diplomacy you demonstrate by hosting Purity.

'As a member of YES I have learned more about leadership, endurance, and being a problem-solver. I understand even more how important my culture is, and I want to share it with the world.' Purity has been selected to participate in the YES Civic Education Workshop in Washington, DC in February. About YES [:] Congress established the Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) program in October, 2002 in response to the events of September 11, 2001. The program is funded through the U.S. Department of State and sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) to provide scholarships for high school students from countries with significant Muslim populations to spend up to one academic year in the U.S. Students live with host families, attend high school, engage in activities to learn about American society and values, acquire leadership skills, and help educate Americans about their countries and cultures. Starting in 2009, the YES Abroad program was established to provide a similar experience for U.S. students (15-18 years) to spend an academic year in select YES countries."Image from

Are political appointees the only U.S. diplomats who haven't been to the country to which they are assigned? - John Brown, Notes and Essays: "Much news in the press about  recent ambassadorial nominees who haven't been to the country where they have been selected to serve (see also the hilarious satirical video). But if you'll allow me, as the French say, ‘de faire pipi sur le [Foggy Bottom] tapis en exprès,'

I'd be interested in knowing how many career Foreign Service officers (FSOs) have actually been to the country (ies) to which they are assigned. Or, indeed, if they can speak the local language adequately, despite linguistic 'training' at the Foreign Service Institute. ... [W]ould it not be ideal for an FSO who hasn't traveled to the country where she is assigned, to live for several months in that country --  preferably with a  non-English speaking family -- before beginning her official duties?  Such an experience would provide an opportunity that FSI, for all its noble but not always successful efforts at teaching foreign languages, cannot offer -- namely, learning a language within the cultural/political context of the country where it is spoken. The FSO could also improve her command of the local language by attending an in-country educational institution."Image from entry

Foreign policy roundtable stresses need to work towards international recognition- helpcatalonia.cat: "The Catalan National Assembly, a civic umbrella group working for a referendum in Catalonia, conquered by force of arms by Spain in 1714, held a fourth talk on post-independence foreign policy, within 'The Country We Want' series. The two speakers were Liz Castro, American-born, originally from California, who has helped to make Catalonia known to the world, writing a number of books and articles in English. She currently serves as coordinator of online newspaper Vilaweb's English-language edition. Jordi Vazquez, a business graduate, is the editor of Help Catalonia, a private entity devoted to public diplomacy. He has a long curriculum working to inform the world about Catalonia's freedom movement. Over a couple of hours, Vàzquez and Castro discussed how to work to ensure the speedy recognition of

independent Catalonia, also going over other issues such as the role of civil society in public diplomacy and how to ensure Catalans abroad are not denied their right to vote. ... Now it is the time for Catalan civil society to devote her efforts to public diplomacy, instead of relying on the Catalan Government, Vàzquez stressed. This is necessary for a number of reasons. First, to avoid accusations that the independence movement was government-directed, instead of a grass roots development. Second, because the Catalan Government could be accused of wasting resources if it spent much on diplomacy while being forced to implement cuts in health care and education. Third, in order to bypass the legal limitations under which it labours when acting abroad, which the Spanish regime is trying to tighten even further."Image from entry, with heading: What is Catalonia?

Foreign Service fiasco: A crime against the country - K. Godage, sundaytimes.lk: "Diplomatic resolution of problems involves arbitration, conferences, negotiations, informal diplomacy, appeasement, soft power, aggression, intimidation often described as Gunboat Diplomacy when persuasion has failed and public diplomacy. What makes our government think that ... untrained friends and relatives can perform these functions on our behalf? Is this not a cruel Joke?"

Upcoming American University Research Seminars Analyze the Media, Ideology And Climate Politics - Matthew Nisbet, climateshiftproject.org: "Erik Nisbet, Ph.D. is Assistant Professor of Communication at The Ohio State University where he studies political communication as it applies to public diplomacy, international conflict, and debates over science and environmental issues."


Should the U.S. be preaching freedom of religion overseas? President Obama recently insisted that 'promoting religious freedom is a key objective of U.S. foreign policy.' He's right- Editorial, latimes.com: In promoting religious freedom abroad, the United States needs to recognize two realities. The first is that this country's commitment to religious freedom — and to other core values such as democratization, free speech and equality for women — sometimes will be trumped by other interests.

Second, even when the country is an ally, for geopolitical or other reasons, the United States shouldn't be silent when it sees religious rights being violated. The United States is right to witness to the importance of freedom of conscience, but it needs to preach that message to friends and enemies alike. Image from

Open the Door to the Kurds [subscription] -- Editorial, Washington Post

Time for a thaw in U.S.-Cuba relations: Things have changed radically in the decades since the embargo was installed. We should lift it - Editorial, latimes.com: There are real issues that need to be addressed between the U.S. and Cuba, including the continuing imprisonment of Alan Gross, a U.S. government subcontractor, and Cuba's human rights record. But there are sound political and economic reasons to support normalization.

The world has changed radically since the nuclear-freighted tango between the United States and the Soviet Union ended more than 20 years ago. These days, the U.S.-Cuba rift puts us at odds with many of our hemispheric allies and perpetuates the image of the U.S. as an overbearing neighbor.And then there's the human dimension. The embargo has inflicted suffering on the Cuban people for generations and yet has notably failed to achieve its goal of ousting the Castros. It's time to lift it. Image from entry, with caption: A motorist waves a Cuban flag in Miami's Little Havana neighborhood. Recent polls have shown that Americans are more open to normalizing relations with Cuba.

U.S. military intervention, done right, could boost African stability: Now is the time to reassess the long-standing American anathema to military involvement in Africa's terrible wars - Michael O'Hanlon, latimes.com: At a time of national war fatigue and fiscal austerity, it may be counterintuitive to propose an increase in U.S. involvement — particularly military commitment — abroad.

And given the problems that continue in Somalia, Kenya, Mali, Libya, Sudan, the DRC and Nigeria, Africa does not appear to be an area of opportunity. But, for a modest investment, the U.S. and other countries may be able to make major strides toward improving the prospects for peace and stability on the continent. Image from article, with caption: Democratic Republic of Congo MISCA peacekeepers soldiers patrol in street in Bangui.

Sochi 2014: Invisible security is the best security, says Putin’s chief of staff- RT: Making the Sochi Olympics safe for visitors but not intrusive was a major achievement for Russian security officials, Sergey Ivanov, President Putin’s chief of staff and a veteran security professional, told RT. Ivanov spoke with RT’s Anissa Naouai in Sochi about the hurdles the historic construction project had to overcome, the legacy that the Olympics will leave behind and the campaign of criticism launched at the Games by some western media. RT: We’ve been speaking to a lot of athletes and some spectators here at RT, and many of the foreign spectators are surprised that things are so nice, are surprised that it is so safe. They’re shocked that Sochi is what it is. And there was a huge campaign, some might call it, leading up to these Olympics. How do you react to it? SI: Personally, I reacted quite calmly. RT: Did you expect it? SI: Yes, I did. Because I think it’s part of propaganda. That’s it. You have to live with it. You have to stay calm, you have to stay cool, and you have to go on this long and winding road regardless of what some critics say. Then you will succeed. And I think we did.

Image from entry, with caption: Rosa Khutor Alpine Resort in Krasnaya Polyana near Sochisee also.

Pak militants using Twitter, Facebook for propaganda - indiaexpress.com: Terrorist organisations in Pakistan like the Taliban are increasingly using social media networks such as Twitter and Facebook to spread their propaganda and as a means of intimidation.

A number of Twitter accounts allegedly managed by members of the banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan have emerged, on which they post messages and engage in dialogue with their followers. Facebook pages are used to upload statements and videos. Image from entry, with caption: The Taliban is using social media to spread propaganda

Dream Date With Condi Still SUPER Expensive - Princess Sparkle Pony's Photo Blog: The good news for Condi is that she's giving the keynote address at Rutgers University's anniversary shindig. The even better news for Condi is that she's getting $35,000 to do it.

So that's her non-profit rate, her academic discount. Oodles of Ferragamos, yay! Did I mention that America's Princess Diplomat is the GOP's new spokeslady for income inequality? She's doing an awesome job! Image from entry, with caption: (PSP flashback to one of Condi's many super-exciting gigs.)


Fracking brings oil boom to south Texas town, for a price: Since 2008, hydraulic fracturing oil drilling technology has been tapping the rich Eagle Ford shale formation, transforming Carrizo Springs in good ways and bad. Nobody knows how long it will last - Molly Hennessy-Fiske, latimes.com: Texas oil companies, tapping a vast formation called the Eagle Ford shale, have nearly doubled oil production over the last two years and by next year are expected to produce 4 million barrels a day. That would catapult Texas ahead of Iran, Iraq and the United Arab Emirates to become the fifth-biggest oil producer in the world.


Top 10 cities with the highest tax rates - Thomas C. Frohlich and Alexander E.M. Hess, USA Today: No. 1: Bridgeport, Conn.: • Taxes for family earning $25,000: $4,001 (4th highest) • Taxes for family earning $150,000: $33,208 (the highest) • Unemployment rate: 7.8%. No. 10: Wilmington, Del. • Taxes for family earning $25,000: $2,296 (2nd lowest) • Taxes for family earning $150,000: $20,332 (9th highest) • Unemployment rate: 8.6%


--Via PR on Facebook


--Via LH on Facebook

February 17-21

Abbreviated Edition

"Public diplomacy lacks obvious benefits to states."

--Ian Hall, Senior Fellow, Australian National University; image from


Are Political Appointees the Only U.S. Diplomats Who Haven't Been to the Country to Which They Are Assigned? - John Brown, Huffington Post: "[W]ould it not be ideal for an FSO who hasn't traveled to the country where she is assigned, to live for several months in that country -- preferably with a non-English speaking family -- before beginning her official duties? ... As a result of such on-site exposure, FSOs -- if not all of them can be included, then at the very least those involved in political affairs/public diplomacy should be -- would then have greater knowledge of where they are assigned before working at/for the U.S. Embassy."


In Vienna, U.S. and Iran Inch Toward a Better Future - Reza Marashi, Huffington Post: "The enormity of the task at hand sometimes overshadows the historic backdrop of the Vienna talks: efforts to build confidence and resolve conflict have been openly supported President Obama and Ayatollah Khamenei. By backing the interim nuclear deal in Geneva, they provided an unprecedented foundation from which a final deal can grow. If these negotiations are to successfully avoid falling prey to fractious domestic politics in both capitals, it will be necessary to provide a degree of political cover for both leaders.

To that end, securing a final nuclear deal will require a bit of Public Diplomacy 101: Washington and Tehran will need to lower expectations publicly while raising them privately though compromise and verifiable follow-through on their respective commitments. Rhetoric from both sides downplaying the odds for success should come as no surprise. But words should not overshadow facts: diplomacy would not be taking place without Obama and Khamenei's direct involvement in the process."Image from

Iranian Students in the U.S.and America's Public Mandate - Sepideh Saeedi, Huffington Post: “A few days ago the Washington Institute for Near East policy published a report on  the situation of the Iranian students who seek higher education in the U.S. each year. This report has been prepared mainly through personal interviews and surveys from an unknown number of Iranian students currently studying in U.S. educational institutions. ... The report makes some sensible recommendations about easing up many challenges confronting the Iranian students, who, as the author puts it, have ‘strong enough nerves’ and manage to pursue their higher education in the USA. However he emphasizes that it is necessary for the U.S. government to go through with these changes mainly in order to uphold its public diplomacy mandate aiming to reach out to the Iranian people and bring them democracy and human rights. ... Through a very instrumentalist perspective, this report recommends that the application and visa issuance for the Iranian students be eased up in order to secure and strengthen the ‘goodwill’ of the Iranian people to the U.S. and advance its public diplomacy. Needless to say that all these recommendations to policy makers in the U.S. government are long overdue and this lag has already put many of these students including myself, through countless unnecessary hardships. But naively simplifying the multitude of goals, aspirations and interests among these few thousand Iranian students is equal to bluntly stripping them from their human agency. The author believes that all these Iranian students enter the country with blank minds and automatically absorb 'American experiences and values,' although the report stays vague about what exactly these experiences and values are. Consequently, even if they are qualified enough to find a job in U.S. and successfully manage to stay in the country, or in case they have to return to Iran (due solely to the inability to find a job in the U.S.), through maintaining professional contacts and personal relationships among fellow American-educated graduates, they can serve as a critical part of the public diplomacy ‘follow-up’ and help share the internalized American values to their countrymen.” 

How the Pivot Reinforced Asian Disputes - Richard Heydarian, fairobserver.com: "After eight years of perceived foreign policy misadventure under the Bush administration, President Barack Obama promised a new era in America’s relationship with the rest of the world. Initially, his approach to international affairs was more about decoupling from the legacy of the previous administration than shaping a brave new world. Resetting relations with the Muslim world, especially the Middle East, was at the heart of the Obama's emerging strategy.  In operational terms, ending the grinding wars in Iraq and Afghanistan became the centerpiece of Washington’s new foreign policy doctrine. No degree of public diplomacy, despite Obama’s eloquence, could have concealed the ubiquity of American boots straddling the region — a great source of animosity among the Muslim world's population toward Washington.

Even more profoundly, ending the conflicts was about redressing America’s strategic overreach. The fiscal and humanitarian burden of the two wars became politically untenable for much of the American public, especially in the aftermath of the 2007-08 Great Recession. Now, it was time to refocus on the home front.  It did not take long, however, for Washington to reveal its new strategic focus. After a single roll of the dice in its nuclear diplomacy toward Iran, the Obama administration swiftly shifted its attention to an emerging and strategic region: East Asia. It soon became clear that much of Obama’s inclination toward disengaging from the Middle East had to do with his growing anxieties over China’s rising assertiveness, and the economic opportunities in the booming markets of the Pacific Rim." 
Uncaptioned image from entry

Meeting the Challenge of Chinese Expansionism on the East Asian Littoral [review research report by Dean Cheng, Research Fellow, The Heritage Foundation] - John Sylvester, American Diplomacy: "As could be expected, Mr. Cheng criticizes Secretary of State Kerry for 'neglect' of East Asia. His own policy prescriptions include: More public diplomacy on our part in East Asia, including more American cultural centers in Asian universities, in the fashion of China's Confucius Institutes here. I hope Congress will take his advice and increase the Department of State budget for such."

BAC Announces Development of Sustainable Field School in Pakistan- archinect.com: "The Boston Architectural College is pleased to announce a major step forward in achieving the teaching, learning, research, and cultural awareness goals of the partnership between the BAC and National College of Arts-Rawalpindi (NCA) sponsored by the United States Department of State, Public Affairs Section, and U.S. Embassy Islamabad, Pakistan in their University Partnership program. One of the major objectives in the partnership is to develop a sustainable field school for architectural materials conservation education.

Facilitated by the BAC/NCA partnership, on December 26, 2013 a memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between Fatima Jinnah Women's University and National College of Arts that signs over the stewardship of the historic Haveli Sujan Singh located in the old city section of Rawalpindi to NCA. ... 'When Pakistani and U.S. Partners work together to find a common purpose that brings out the best in each, and builds on the knowledge of all, clearly public diplomacy principles are at their propitious best,' stated Judith Ravin, Acting Country Cultural Affairs officer or U.S Embassy-Islamabad, in a letter dated December 28, 2013 to Dr. Nadeem Omar Tartar, Director, National College of Arts Rawalpindi."Uncaptioned image from entry

US committed to supporting Pakistan academia: Olson- nation.com.pk: "US Ambassador in Pakistan, Richard Olson paid a visit to Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur on Monday. Speaking at an interactive dialogue session with students and faculty members, Olson expressed delight at being on the varsity, the premier university of upper Sindh. He opined that in relations between US and Pakistan, both have experienced many challenging situations. Recently, successive governments in Pakistan have desired and initiated a mutual strategic dialogue. ... Ambassador Olson said, 'We remain committed to support the academia in Pakistan through our special focus on teachers training, exchange programs, Fulbright and undergraduate programmes. Also, that our special attention is for the improvement of primary health and education in the remote areas of Pakistan including Upper Sindh.' ... Olson said adding, 'We encourage for the establishment of US Universities in Pakistan with the public private cooperation and partnership.'

Also, that education is of crucial importance in Pakistan. He announced to establish TOFEL and ILETS Centre at Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur. This would go a very long way in facilitating aspiring students and scholars from the region to well-prepare, appear and qualify in these examinations. Country Director of USAID Pakistan Mr. Greg Gottlieb also enlightened students and faculty about the various projects under process in Pakistan especially the Faculty of Education at Shah Abdul Latif University. It will impart teachers training and quality education at a cutting edge level. Michael Dodman, US Consulate General, Karachi briefed that they are providing the nascent talent of high school and college students through micro English access programme and more than 70,000 students have successfully completed this programme. The highly advanced hospital complex comprising 300 beds was coming up fast at Jacobabad duly assisted by USAID."Olson image from

Ventspils, A U.S. Embassy Staff [Google "translation" from the Latvian]- ventspils.lv: "13th February Ventspils work visited the U.S. Embassy Public Affairs Attaché Catherine Džīlza-Diaz and Regional Information Resource Officer Fenguss Wang

with his delegation. ... U.S. Embassy representatives meet with Ventspils University Rectors Revalde Gita, as well as high school students will present a lecture on 'U.S. Public Diplomacy.' After that, visitors from the U.S. embassy attend the Ventspils Main Library and Pārventa and the International Writers 'and Translators' House. Libraries scheduled to meet with the Ventspils City Council izpilddirkeoru A. Abel Ventspils Library Director Bud A. and I. Pārventa library directors of the Rings."Image from entry

U.S. Department of State Hosts Superheroes@State, Web Chat on Comics, Superheroes and Shared Values- Media Note, Office of the Spokesperson, Washington, DC, February 18, 2014: "On February 19, the U.S. Department of State’s Alumni Affairs Division will host a Superheroes@State web chat with Comic-Con International, at 7:30 a.m. EST. Participants will discuss comic books and superheroes as they relate to shared values in countries around the world. The Alumni Affairs Division is partnering with the Bureau of International Information Programs’ CO.NX team to create a virtual space to engage foreign publics in an interactive exchange of ideas. This is the latest in a series of web chats that promote dialogue on topics of interest to previous participants of exchange programs and their peers. Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) Evan Ryan will moderate Superheroes@State, and David Glanzer, the Director of Marketing for Comic-Con International, will join her in the CO.NX studio. Exchange alumnus Dr. Naif Al-Mutawa, the creator of the comic series THE 99, will participate remotely from Kuwait. Dan Panosian, the illustrator for THE 99, will select his favorite art submissions from an earlier art contest during which exchange alumni and the public submitted their own sketches of superheroes.

To learn more about the virtual event, and art contest, please visit the International Exchange Alumni Facebook event page. CO.NX is an online diplomacy team in the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Information Programs that engages audiences around the world through interactive webchat programs. Comic-Con International is a nonprofit education corporation dedicated to creating awareness of, and appreciation for, comics and related popular art forms. Annual Comic-Con conventions host hundreds of thousands of comics fans, industry specialists, filmmakers, and actors."Image from, under the heading, State Department webchat to focus on superheroes

Time’s Latest Assault on Sochi and Putin: Ungodly Constructs - Phil Butler, everything-pr.com: "Somehow I knew it, about the time the Senate confirmed former Time editor Richard Stengel as chief propaganda minister for this US administration, the old 'one-two punch' of below the belt detente with Russia would continue. By 'one-two' I mean the administration appearing one way, while all media cannons continue to fire at the Putin and the Sochi games at the same time. Another case of Olympic style mud slinging, Time’s Simon Shuster turns preacher against the heathen Orthodox in Sochi, at Cathedral of the Holy Face of Christ the Savior.

The only thing left to criticize Russia about now is her past. Oh, somebody already did that too. ... Now get this, Time’s former chief honcho (Stengel) was just made Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy. I guess we are supposed to believe somehow that he was appointed for his way with words, or because of a mean tee shot or tennis backhand. Meanwhile, back at the spin factory Time has become Shuster is hell-bent-for-leather to round up every negative critter he can to talk about in Sochi and in Russia. From Russia canceling homework to watch the Olympics, to a wounded and bleeding Russian hockey team staggering at losing a hockey game, this guy is the poster child for Russophobia. Or something even worse."Image from entry, with caption: Christmas services at the Church of the Acheiropaeic Image of Christ the Saviour near the Sochi Olympic Park – Kremlin Press Office

Tito — Personal Reflections - Walter R. Roberts, American Diplomacy: "In 1960, the United States Information Agency (USIA) where I was then responsible for American information and cultural programs in Central and Eastern Europe assigned me as Public Affairs Officer to the American Embassy in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. ... The space program was of particular interest to the Yugoslav hierarchy. We had the feeling that the Yugoslavs loved the idea that John Glenn was able to accomplish a task that Yuri Gagarin had achieved a year earlier on April 4, 1961.

When the actual capsule in which Glenn had orbited the earth arrived in Belgrade for exhibition at the Belgrade Fair, it was driven on a truck bed through the streets of Belgrade. We could not have asked for better public diplomacy coverage. Tito came to the Belgrade Fair for a relatively extended visit. I found him well versed in the space program expressing satisfaction that the United States was able to repeat the Soviet exploit of a year earlier. Looking closely at the capsule, I remember him saying that he would have to lose many kilos to squeeze into it. In this connection, I told Tito this joke: “After Gargrin’s [sic] exploit, he was received by Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev who asked him: Comrade Gargarin, when you were up there near heaven, did you feel that God exists? Gargarin replied: Yes. Brezhnev sighed and said: I was afraid of that. A few months later, Gargarin visited the Pope. During their conversation, the Pope asked Gargarin: When you were up there near heaven, did you feel close to God? Gargarin replied: No. The Pope sighed and said: I was afraid of that. I was told that Tito repeated this story to his associates. Image from entry, with caption: May 1962. Capsule in which John Glenn orbited the earth arrives at Belgrade airport.

Nato: delegazione parlamentare italiana a Bruxelles - asca.it: "La NATO infatti e' un'organizzazione che non ha solo una specificita' militare, ma contribuisce alla crescita delle istituzioni democratiche, nella consapevolezza che la sicurezza non e' mai un traguardo acquisito e scontato, ma richiede di essere costantemente alimentato, in una dimensione piu' complessiva, a partire dalla tutela dei diritti e delle liberta' fondamentali, e dalla promozione di condizioni di crescita e di sviluppo economico, sociale e civile. Per questo la NATO conta non solo sugli strumenti piu' tradizionali di interesse militare, ma anche e sempre piu' sul soft power e sulla public diplomacy. La vera sfida del dopo-2014, infatti, sara' quella di saper comunicare come le dimensioni della sicurezza siano tutte strettamente legate e vadano nell' interesse della collettivita' globale."

What Ukraine’s Crisis Means for the EU - Judy Dempsey,carnegieeurope.eu: "Poland and Sweden, the two EU member states that spearheaded the Eastern Partnership, are attempting to force the EU’s hand over Georgia and Moldova. Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt and his Polish counterpart, Radek Sikorski, have concluded that the EU’s policy toward the region needs a radical overhaul if the bloc wants to avoid the mistakes it made in Ukraine. In early February, the two ministers presented papers on the Eastern neighborhood to their EU counterparts. Their message was clear: the EU must go on the offensive in Georgia and Moldova if it wants both countries to go through with signing the association agreements.

The Swedish document, entitled ‘20 Points on the Eastern Partnership Post-Vilnius,' proposes that the EU should embark on an intense public diplomacy campaign in Georgia, Moldova, and the other Eastern Partnership countries. The paper, already approved by a dozen other EU countries, pushes for a more open Europe that would allow student exchanges and greater opportunities for travel within the EU. ... The Polish paper looks at how EU funding should be increased and disbursed more quickly. It also argues that in the more repressive regimes, the EU should focus more on civil society. That is one of Poland’s main interests. The two papers are important because they convey a sense of urgency. They call for the EU to act now, instead of spending months issuing tenders for communications experts to carry out public diplomacy, or shifting around funding for the EU’s Eastern neighbors. On closer reading, the papers are also about countering possible Russian mischief. The two foreign ministers’ proposals—a combination of public diplomacy, more funds, a focus on concrete EU projects with a particular emphasis on civil society—are instruments aimed at opposing Moscow’s influence."Image from

In Ukraine will kill dozens of people and the alternative non-violent - Mark Perduca, Huffington Post [Google translation]: "Do you remember the 'Orange Revolution'? Do you remember the hundreds of thousands of people by the end of November 2004 through January of the year after they occupied Maidan square in Kiev to protest against the election that just before Yanukovych had elected to lead the country with a series of fraud? Do you remember the rivers of ink that was spent in support of political leaders who, for various reasons, became the representatives of that wave of popular discontent? Do you remember Viktor Yushchenko? Do you remember Yulia Timoshenko (perhaps that is)? Do you remember the dozens of academics who greeted the dawn of a new way of doing politics through peaceful demonstrations and cashed in a mountain of money to organize study groups, master, field visits, writing essays on soft power, the public diplomacy, the new dawn of the regime change, the new involvement smart CIA and the Foreign Office , the tentacles of philanthropist George Soros, et cetera? I do not think you remember them. And do you know why not remember them because, as often happens, the background, the sound takes precedence over substance going to put on a pedestal who is more capable of handling public relations rather than who genuinely attends and helps the square with the proposals policies backed by a reputation of consistently done so rooted in the principles of struggle, in this case those of non-violence policy, as the objectives to be pursued in this case, the liberal-democratic reforms for the common good. ... What you need to create a permanent mechanism for the mediation of disputes whether involving a superpower (Russia, China or Iran that is)? Or that we need to invest in non-violence? ... They are all issues worthy of national debate, but also of the general political debate, especially in a year that will have to be renewed Parliament and the European Commission."

Strategic communication at best: Sri Lanka's Amza does it again - Daya Gamage - Asian Tribune: "Sri Lanka’s Head of Mission to the European Union, Ambassador Amza has a remarkable gift of cogently presenting facts, while separating fiction, listing in a methodical manner Sri Lanka's

case largely misunderstood by the international community (meaning the West) because of this South Asian nation's utter inability to use the basics of public affairs, public diplomacy and strategic communication. ... We have proven the critics wrong, said Ambassador Amza."Image from entry, with caption: Sri Lanka’s Head of Mission to the European Union Ambassador Amza

Russian Fund for Public Diplomacy Support named after A. Gorchakov to cooperate with Civil Society of Central Asia- Anna Muratova, eng.24.kg: "The Russian Fund for Public Diplomacy Support named after A. Gorchakov intends to collaborate with the Kyrgyz Civil Society and other countries of Central Asia, the Head of the Fund Programs Natalia Burlinova, who visited our country for the

first time, reported at the meeting with non-governmental organizations representatives (NGO) of the KR. She said that the Fund implements programs on supporting youth dialogues on the Former Soviet Union republics, familiarization with foreign policy of Russia and informing of participants about possible collaboration in the sphere of public relations. "Image from

Moscow’s Customs Union Pitch Falls Flat with Bishkek Students- eurasianet.org: "The Kremlin wheeled out its soft power machine this week to make the pitch for Kyrgyzstan to join its Customs Union trade bloc. But if a recent talk by Kremlin evangelists at the American University of Central Asia in Bishkek was anything to go by, the machine could use some grease. The main speaker at the February 19 event was Semyon Uralov, editor of a website close to United Russia, Vladimir Putin’s political party. While Putin has tried to assure potential members that the Customs Union – Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia – is not a Soviet Union redux, Uralov seemed to do the opposite. Quoting Engels, Marx and Lenin during a forthright speech in which he extolled the virtues of state-sponsored industry, Uralov responded to a complaint about his tone: 'I don’t hide it. I am an imperialist.' ... Uralov cited privatization of state assets in Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Ukraine– the three countries the Kremlin is pushing hardest to join its Union– as key to their economic failures. He derided Kyrgyzstan’s dependence on a significant re-export trade – one of the reasons Bishkek is thought to be stalling on entry – as something which kept Kyrgyzstanis back mentally as well as economically.   Instead of describing benefits of Customs Union membership (the body is scheduled to become the Eurasian Union next year), Uralov painted a bleaker and menacing alternative: 'Does Kyrgyzstan have the strength to preserve its own statehood? If not then I fear the corporations will arrive. Perhaps British corporations, perhaps American corporations, I don’t know.' Apparently unaware that Kyrgyzstan’s political instability and corruption is driving a downturn in foreign investment, Uralov warned that the country could face the fate of ‘our black brothers in Africa,’ where he said foreign companies had taken over the functions of governments. ... Freedom of speech ... is a 'European' principle, he [Uralov] said. 'In Eurasia we have another principle: be true to your word. When I read Ukrainian and Kyrgyz news websites I don’t see freedom of speech. I see chaos and provocative articles.'The talk was part of a series of events organized by the Moscow-based Gorchakov Foundation for Public Diplomacy. Set up in 2010 on instructions from then-President Dmitry Medvedev, the foundation describes itself as a 'unique mechanism for state-society partnerships in the sphere of foreign policy,' conducting research, leading public discussions and 'providing support for media outlets and information resources oriented toward the stated goals of the fund.'”

Comment: Hard lessons in soft power: Social media and public diplomacy are spinning a web for worldly Asian states - James Giggacher, sbs.com.au: "According to ANU researcher and international relations expert Dr Ian Hall and his co-author, Sydney-based Dr Frank Smith, states have cottoned on to the power of social media and its ability to make us all look good.  Much like Asia’s supersonic ascension to the top of the global pops, Hall and Smith argue that it’s a trend that’s on the rise in the region, with states investing in public diplomacy to help shape the opinions of foreigners.'There are two arms races in Asia today; one for military capabilities and another for the weapons of what international relations writer Joseph S Nye famously termed ‘soft power’ – the power to attract rather than the power to coerce,' says Hall, who is based in the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific. 'Today, Asian states are investing in public diplomacy, through Facebook, Twitter, traditional media and academic and cultural exchanges, to build soft power.

These tools are being used by states in order to make themselves appear more attractive to people overseas and thereby increase their ability to influence international relations in their region.' Hall says that China is leading the way. But how does one take a selfie that fits in one billion people? 'China began in the late 1990s, and now stands as the region’s largest investor in various supposed instruments of soft power,' he says. 'In the space of about 15 years, it has created new foreign language TV stations, revamped its management of the foreign media, surged its student exchange programs, founded some 320 Confucius Institutes at overseas universities (with plans for another 1,000), and played host to a series of major events, including the Olympic Games.' And like most things social media, China now have their imitators. Hall says other Asian states have responded in kind. 'Taiwan, India, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore and South Korea have all started spending significant sums on various aspects of public diplomacy,' says Hall. 'Even Myanmar has set up English language TV stations and acquired a social media presence. South Korea is expanding the number of King Sejong Institutes, tasked with promoting Korean language and culture, from about 35 to 150 by 2015.' ... But like a poorly thought out camera photo in the bathroom that reveals a little too much, controlling your image is harder than it looks. Often states suffer from social media smack downs and Facebook faux pas. According to Hall, the more governments try to manipulate their images, the more they alienate rather than attract foreigners in the region. ‘This is particularly true for China,’ says Hall. ‘The evidence shows that, despite all of its expenditure on public diplomacy, China has not improved its standing in foreign public opinion inside Asia. Indeed, most poll data suggests that China’s reputation in the region has worsened rather than improved. Furthermore, when we look at other states in the region, we see no favourable or obvious relationship between spending on public diplomacy and soft power status.’ According to Hall, it all leads to a big fat ‘unlike’ in soft power terms. He says that quite clearly the mix of social media and public policy isn’t great for winning new friends. ‘Public diplomacy lacks obvious benefits to states,’ says Hall. ‘Instead, what I would suggest, is that foreign public opinion in Asia, as elsewhere, is influenced more by what states do than by what they might say about themselves.’” Image from entry

Pak govt should increase education budget: Danish ambass[a]dor- brecorder.com: "Ambassador of Denmark to Pakistan, Jesper Moller Sorensen here on Monday, highlighting the importance of education in building of a nation, suggested that Pakistan Government should increase its budget for education as this shall be the best future investment. ... Danish Ambassador said that his country was engaged in public diplomacy here at different level of the society including media- to-media contact. In 2015, his country will arrange cultural programs in Pakistan to promote people-to-people contact. He said 25,000 Pakistanis are living in Denmark which has only 5.6 million population and is spread over 450 small islands. These Pakistanis have been actively participating in the social and economic sectors there. Besides significant presence at the local governments level, one Danish of Pakistani origin is the member of Denmark parliament."

DFAT dismisses claims over thorny Aussie volunteer program - Lean Alfred Santos, devex.com: "After a long wait, Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade — which now oversees all foreign aid programs — finally released over a week ago the evaluation report on its controversial volunteer program, hounded by allegations of overspending, ineffectiveness and lack of support, among other issues. The document, published along with an avalanche of other reports that were supposed to be ready some time last year, dismisses most of these claims and insists the program is doing good.

'The evaluation confirmed that [the Australian Volunteers for International Development program] is making an effective contribution to Australia and partner government development objectives … It is also an effective public diplomacy mechanism.' Despite the program’s ability to add more visibility to the country’s aid efforts, 'it comes at a modest cost relative to the annual budget.' Budget for the volunteer program in 2013-2014 is around AU$65 million, up by around AU$2 million from the previous year and representing around one percent of the overall aid budget. For the core partners of the AVID program, this is a welcome development that reaffirms the effectiveness of the volunteer programs they handle. The AVID core partners include Australian Volunteers International, Austraining International and the Australian Red Cross. ... Despite the generally rosy outlook of the evaluation report, some issues that question fundamental aspects of the volunteer program raised before still remain. Among these is the government’s alleged overspending for Australian volunteers that, according to a local volunteer program previously funded by the state, defeats the purpose that volunteerism wants to achieve along with cost-efficiency and effectiveness. Local reports claimed that on average, the AVID program spends almost $60,000 per volunteer per year — an 'overboard' figure that poses the risk of losing the meaning of volunteerism in the process, according to Roger O’Halloran, executive director of Palms Australia. ... To improve the program, DFAT laid out 7 recommendations: 1. Consolidate the Australian Youth Ambassadors for Development program with the AVID program to avoid confusion and streamline the whole volunteer efforts. 2. Consolidate number of countries involved and explore options for managing and contracting for service provision. 3. Ensure more involvement in planning including funding, number of volunteers and host organization evaluation. 4. Implement formal support networks for volunteers and host organizations. 5. Refocus the AVID program to develop long-term capacity of host organizations. 6. Consult and seek expert advice and work together to market and promote the unified AVID program. 7. Develop and implement an effective performance-monitoring system."Image from entry, with caption: A member of the Australian Volunteers for International Development, a program criticized for allegations of overspending and ineffectiveness

Malaysia to enhance trade opportunities with Australia: Anifah - nst.com.my: "Malaysia will enhance various opportunities in business and investment with Australia after the enforcement of the Malaysia-Australia Free Trade Agreement (Mafta) on Jan 1, last year. Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman said he welcomed more Australian trade missions to explore and seek the wealth of investment opportunities in Malaysia.

'Among the potential areas are financial, insurance, telecommunication and the manufacturing industries,' he told reporters at a joint press conference with his Australian counterpart Julie Bishop . ... Earlier, Bishop, who is on her first official visit here, had made a courtesy call and held a bilateral meeting with Anifah. ... Anifah said other topics discussed at the meeting included Australia's new government foreign policy which would focus on economic diplomacy and public diplomacy via its flagship initiative, the new Colombo Plan."Image from entry, with caption: Foreign Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman (right) receives a courtesy call from Australia's Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop

Water torture for the Palestinians: Water discrimination is another tool being used to wear down the Palestinians socially and politically- Amira Hass, haaretz.com: "The reality of disjointed Palestinian enclaves that Israel is creating is emerging – through a different patchwork of laws and to different extents on either side of the Green Line – from the seizure of land and water sources, and the denial of freedom of movement. The religion of security, which is used to justify the land theft, checkpoints and blockade, has yet to come up with an explanation for why a Palestinian child is entitled to less water than a Jewish child. What can the public diplomacy experts say? That in Jenin the average per-capita allocation is 38 liters for home consumption, because the city is a stronghold of Islamic Jihad, which threatens our small country? That in the summer there is no regular water supply because the Shin Bet security service is busy uncovering cells of armed militants, and that in Gaza, more than 90 percent of the water is unfit for drinking because the Hamas chiefs are planning terrorist attacks in the West Bank? Even the Jewish communities most dedicated to Israel will have a hard time justifying the discrepancies. And so the establishment has come up with a four-part plan of attack: 1. Bombard the media with partial and faulty statistics; 2. Blur the starting point: Israel controls the water sources. ... 3. Rely on the Israeli home front, which dismisses Palestinian reports and ignores reports from organizations such as B’Tselem – the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories ... 4. Count on most Israelis not troubling to just take a look for themselves at the actual situation."

Hard-line stance on Iran making Israel irrelevant, official says: World powers set to demand Tehran cut centrifuges and shutter Qom facility, but Israel wants zero enrichment; top US negotiator to visit Israel Sunday - Marissa Newman, "Final-status nuclear talks between six world powers and Iran are set to kick off in Geneva on Tuesday, but some Israeli officials fear Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s hard-line stance may have left it unable to wield any influence among negotiators . ... The prime minister’s stance, which constitutes Israel’s official policy on the subject, came under fire a few weeks ago in a meeting on the public diplomacy regarding the talks. In the discussion, a National Security Council representative suggested revising the formal position, in light of information that the negotiating countries are not even considering demanding

complete dismantlement, according to Maariv. However, he was informed by Netanyahu’s representatives that this position constitutes both Israel’s public relations strategy and its political diplomatic approach and would not be changed. This was confirmed by a statement from the Prime Minister’s Office to the newspaper. 'Israel’s public relations effort derives from the clear-cut [political] diplomacy Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu established according to which Iran, the largest terror state, must not have the capability of making a nuclear weapon. The prime minister explicitly said this means zero centrifuges and the dismantlement of Iran’s other enrichment capabilities,' the statement read."Image from entry, with caption: Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

Memory’s messages [scroll down link for item] - Dvora Waysman, Letter to the editor, Jerusalem Post: "Uri Savir parrots the propaganda of our enemies as the solution to our 'Not so splendid isolation' (Savir’s Corner, February 14). The problem, for Savir, is the 'occupation' of a land that he doesn’t believe is ours, and the 'persecution' of another people. A 'two-state solution,' he writes, will take us 'away from the messianic illusion of a Greater Israel.' Having been the chief negotiator of the Oslo Accords, his illusion is that 'territories for peace' and 'withdrawal from the West Bank' will 'reinstate us as a respected member of the family of nations, strengthen our strategic alliance with the United States as well as our economic ties with the European Union.' It will also 'give us internationally recognized borders.' My memory

tells me that we were much more isolated and boycotted before we possessed a single centimeter of this God-given, historic land. My memory tells me that giving away territory gives us not peace, but terror. My memory tells me that Abba Eban called the pre-1967 lines 'Auschwitz borders.' What does Savir’s memory tell him? ASHER ISRAEL Jerusalem Spokespeople needed Sir, – Our hasbara (public diplomacy), or lack of it, is becoming increasingly worrisome. ... We need proactive reporting that tells the world the real story of Israel. We need spokespeople in every country who are articulate and fluent in the local language. They should initiate TV and radio appearances, and write for the papers. We have so much to be proud of, yet it remains a secret. Israel is the miracle on the Mediterranean, but only the ugly side is promoted to the world while the Arabs spend millions of dollars to sway public opinion about the 'poor Palestinians.' Unless we act decisively and intelligently, we will have no friends left in the world."Image from

Forget Sodastream, it’s all about Black Coffee - Benji Shulman, Jerusalem Post: "BDS activists learned that a well-known South African House DJ by the name of Black Coffee had included Tel Aviv on his European tour. Black Coffee had already visited several cities and was due to play in Israel the following night. ... Black Coffee has a reputation for being serious about his music, having won awards both in South Africa and with MTV Europe, Africa, India and the Middle East. This was not a person making a political statement; this was a serious cultural worker who was going where his music was most appreciated. For this reason, and this reason alone, he was targeted by the boycott movement. It was bullying, pure and simple. All the normal 'reasons' that the boycott movement give for their actions were not part of the agenda. It was not about settlements or because the Israeli government was funding the event, nor was it about hasbara (public diplomacy) regarding the territories or other politically controversial questions. In fact in an interesting resonance with his unity message was his performance itself; a German DJ at a Tel Aviv nightclub reputedly owned by an Israeli Arab. ... [T]he following appeared on Black Coffee’s Facebook page: 'I’m coming here [Israel,Tel Aviv] to perform and I hope my visit will help the process of change and promote equality, through the message of peace and love that lives in my music, if we can dance together we can live together...We Are One.' DJ Black Coffee went on to play to an entirely satisfied Israeli crowd."

How to fight Islamophobia in France? - Emre Demir, todayszaman.com: "[I]n recent years, some governments in the Muslim world -- including Turkey -- have started to exploit the fight against Islamophobia by simply using it as a public diplomacy tool to counter Western criticism on human rights violations in their own country. For example, French Muslim associations and intellectuals are often invited to state-run symposiums on Islamophobia organized in Muslim countries. In fact, this political instrumentalization does nothing but further stigmatize Muslim minorities in their own country.

To put it clearly, this way of fighting Islamophobia is legitimate. But it is limited and sometimes inappropriate. Many French people are afraid of Muslims because they simply do not know them. And many French politicians like Marine Le Pen shamefully choose to feed this fear because they simply have nothing else to offer. But it firstly belongs to French Muslims to build bridges in order to transform conflict into healthy diversity and to invest in education by developing a more pro-active and constructive discourse for this long fight."Image from entry, with caption: Marine Le Pen, a French politician and the president of the Front National (FN), notorious for her virulently Islamophobic rhetoric

Internet Freedom Just for 4 Hours - Alparslan Akkuş, Huffington Post: "One of Turkey's respected newspapers, Radikal, has started to remove its online content every four hours from its website. This is due to show what would happen if a controversial governmental bill crimping Internet comes into effect after presidential approval. It also puts a banner counting down how many days left for president's decision. Besieged by a graft probe, Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party, or AKP, is poised to introduce a new form of censorship to the Internet with a proposal included in the omnibus bill. ... Ragged by already tight regulations on the Internet, Turkey seems to suffer more since the new legislation allows government officials to block sites they deem violate personal privacy within four hours, without obtaining a court order. The government claims the new laws help to protect individual privacy, but critics and journalists consider them as an attempt to prevent leaks from the corruption investigation.

Turkey's Public Diplomacy office has sent a notice to the newspapers explaining what the new laws bring in as they come into effect saying the government pays great attention to personal privacy of its citizens. Its violation, the statement says, causes incurable harm for the subject person and must be handled promptly so as to secure the personal privacy. Whatever the office of  PD says, it is clear that the new Internet laws are tarnishing Turkey's image abroad since its Internet freedom rank drops to the level of Iran and North Korea."Image from

Speaker Al-Ghanim''s visit to Tehran successful- Amb. - kuna.net.kw: "The current visit by Kuwait's National Assembly Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanim and his accompanying delegation to Tehran was very successful, said Kuwaiti Ambassador to Iran Majdi Al-Thifiri on Wednesday. The ambassador told (KUNA) in a statement that Al-Ghanim's participation in the ninth session of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUOICM) emphasized the influence of the State of Kuwait and its ability to ensure the success of the conference and to enhance dialogue among Muslim countries. This visit came within the framework of compatibility between formal diplomatic and public diplomacy to strengthen Kuwait's regional and international role, he added."

Itamaraty's Mission - Guilherme Casarões, aucegypt.edu: "One of the few certainties about Brazil’s political landscape is the timeless quality of its foreign service. The Brazilian Ministry of External Relations (also known as Itamaraty, the Modernist palace designed by Oscar Niemeyer where it is housed in Brasília) often prides itself on having some of the world’s most professional diplomats. ... Thanks to the greater complexity of Brazil’s global agenda, diplomacy went on to become, in the last two decades, a subset of foreign policy—surely, the most important one, but struggling to maintain its centrality in a context of rapid social, economic, and political transformations at home and abroad. ... Guided by the long-standing motto 'the best tradition of Itamaraty is to be able to renew itself,' several institutional adaptations were undertaken within the ministry to keep up with these changes, such as increasing the number of diplomatic positions, improving recruitment mechanisms and bureaucratic structures, as well as enhancing transparency through public diplomacy, social media, and academic publishing. For many years, the ministry’s slow but inevitable opening to democratic forces was enough to shield diplomacy from public attack, mostly so because Itamaraty still enjoyed a great deal of prestige among presidents and within the public administration. Nevertheless, with the dramatic weakening of the foreign office in the Rousseff years, it is possible to suggest that the ministry could not live up to the growing pressure to which it has been subjected—irrespective of the achievements of the institutional reforms.

The symptoms were many: from high-ranked officers being charged with misconduct to allegations of unconstitutional 'super salaries' being paid to ambassadors overseas, Itamaraty has been exposed like never before. ... Apparently, given the confluence of challenges the Brazilian diplomatic structure has to face, the time has arrived for a decisive change in how Itamaraty addresses the idea of a 'democratic foreign policy.' With improved accountability mechanisms and a renewed reputation among the general public, the Ministry of External Relations may find the necessary leverage to overcome the so-called crises and to live up to the challenges of this new century, while remaining the cornerstone of our national aspirations."Image from entry, with caption: Itamaraty Palace, Brasília, March 22, 2010

From Syria to São Paulo - Monique Sochaczewski, aucegypt.edu: "The notion that Brazil’s Arab and Jewish communities are fully integrated into society, and enjoy harmonious relations, has been commonplace in Brazilian official discourse for decades. Today, the coexistence narrative helps drive and justify a more active Brazilian foreign policy regarding the issues of the Middle East. ... Public diplomacy from Arab countries increased during the 1950s to 'clarify' events in the Middle East for the Arab Brazilian community.

Meanwhile, the Arab community itself created institutions that reshaped its relations with the Middle East, such as the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce, established in 1952 with the aim of strengthening economic ties between Brazil and Arab countries."Image from entry, with caption: Members of Arab and Jewish communities share a meal at a Lebanese restaurant, Rio de Janeiro, July 26, 2006.

Latin America in the Post-Chavez Era
- Joe B. Johnson, American Diplomacy: "Joe B. Johnson is an instructor at the Foreign Service Institute and a public affairs consultant to nonprofits in the Washington area. He served in four nations of Latin America during his Foreign Service career, and as deputy director of the Office of Public Diplomacy in the State Department’s Western Hemisphere Affairs Bureau."


Russian TV program links United States to treason at home - Will Englund, Washington Post: The Rossiya 1 television channel took an 85-minute break from its Olympic coverage Monday evening to show a film called “The Biochemistry of Treason,” featuring the United States in a co-starring role. An attack on the “daily betrayals” that Russia suffers, the film argued that America has waged and still wages a cunning psychological war against this country, picking up where the Nazis left off in 1945. (This wouldn’t be Russia without a dark reference to World War II.) Americans want nothing less, it said, than the breakup of the Russian Federation. Via PK on facebook

The Tao of Political Ambassadors - Peter Van Buren, Huffington Post: Ambassadors are increasingly becoming curios left over from a distant past, before instant worldwide telephone and internet communications, before senior White House officials could jet around the world, a past when ambassadors actually had to make big decisions in far-off places.


From geography and politics to economy and lifestyle, every U.S. state  is different, but each has surprising similarities with at least one other country. We at Estately crunched big numbers and did some important science stuff to determine the foreign country that has the most in common with each U.S. state. From

(IIII) Updtated Delayed Posting of the Public Diplomacy Press and Blog Review, Given the Ukraine Crisis -Update


Dear Readers,

Your compiler of the PDPBR has been immersed in the news from Ukraine in the past few tragic days in that  now-for-existing country, hence his inability to produce the PDPBR in a timely fashion.

Personal note: I had the privilege of serving as a U.S. diplomat in Kyiv, 93-95, and helping to open an "America House" there (subsequently closed for lack for USG funding; no info on, so far as I can tell, on "America House Kyiv"), on the internet; please correct me if I'm wrong.

I think that much "policy" (after 93-95) for that tormented European space, granted in the privileged position of a U.S. diplomat -- is well-intentioned, but somewhat naive and parochial.

I especially remember my visits to Odessa, a cosmopolitan city (despite its superficial Soviet political puritanism) when I observed that it really was (as  I perhaps superficially understood it to be) intended to be, by the German princess Catherine the Great, a model of 1ate-18th  support of (granted tragially implemended , Stalin-styke,'"enlightened"" aggrandizement).t

The remarkable oh-so-I'm not Soviet Black Sea city of  Odessa, in its irony and subtlety (which I experienced when I was there -- and please don't ask me about its corruption) still remains a "European" (Eurocentric city  -- ok, despite what you may think of Catherine or a "non-Russia" German princess who, true to "European 'norms',  arguably murdered her husband, Peter III.

There have been for years enormous social/political/ethnic fault-lines in "Ukrainian" society that go beyond explanatory (and granted all-important) categories such as the need for democracy (American-Euro style) and human rights as defined by well-off countries (which Ukraine is not).

Such categories are much favored by some USA journalists whose non-linguistic/cultural exposure to the outside world is limited, or who kept all excited find that toilet papers should be flushed down the toilet, as they reported from Sohi.

But as an anyone who lived in the USSR/Russia (or at least, not in the-outside-from the capitals (Moscow /St. P)  knows, you don't flush toilet paper down the toilet. Your put your shit-sheet in a  receptable, so as not to screw up (as some American ecologists would say, destroy "the environment"
 to go  down the .

As much as I admire the people who live in Ukraine, that important part of the world -- a link between East and West -- I have strong doubts, based on, granted, my limited in-the field-experience (again 93-95), about the viability of a "democratic" Ukrainian nation-state, as originally (and contradictorialy) geographically configured by the USSR (let's face it, that's what it was) and controlled by the current regimes that failed to provide the opportunity for its suffering and hard-working population to be prosperous and global citizens in our 21st century.

"Ukraine" is an all-too-neglected part of Europe (except in times of crisis) whose population is admirable for not only the artistic geniuses it produced (think Shevchenko and Gogol' -- and don't forget Jack Palance!) -- but also for the tough, resilient, ability of persons living there in great hardship, undefined (especially in the realm of unifying national ideas) space to, bluntly put, survive.

Put simply,i\n all-American terms ("I could have been a contender"): The admirable people of Ukraine, can take a harder punch than many people on our planet, including the USA.. I base this on my granted limited Foreign Service experience.

No I won't suggest Sylveser Stalone aew ubs as "Amreican hero to blog,, Mr. Masochist my excellence, should be model of  "national narrative" of persons living in the "Ukrainian" space to survive.  That' s for persons in to decide,

I witnessed that memorable but troubling ability to survive -- despite the unpardonable anti-Semitism among its not-influential right-wing groups there (not to speak of WWII) -- in Kiev in the early 90s when evangelists from the USA tried to display, not far from the Maidan, the strength of their beliefs. (I recall this, I hope adequately, from my failing memory.).

"Punch me in the stomach if you don't believe me and Jesus," said the American evangelist.

The all-male totally macho, Ukrainian (with whom I actually somewhat sympathized), smiling --  I doubted whether he worked for the Russian secret police -- punched the evangelist so far,  so deep in his stomach that he -- the all-American Evangelist -- was on the floor in minutes, struggling.

No, the Evangelist did not utter, "Jesus ... Jesus ... please help me." He knew his opponent was had \won,

No wonder World Vitali Klitschko -- I am mentioning him  --- is popular in Ukraine. Or, don't mess with Jack Palance.

Well, OK ... is it not a miracle for surviving Ukrainians (given horrendous Ukrainian human losses  in recent history) to having lived through the horrors of 20th-century totalitarianism -- which we non-Ukrainian Americans, thanks to our "soft"democracy, experienced from a safe distance, if we were aware about such horrors at all.

See also, en passant, an 2005 piece, suggesting Ukraine as a state/nation it is a very fragile geographic expression, even if  it were temporarily kept together under the most well-meaning "American/Euro""democratic" principles.

May I suggest that policy-makers from all countries/interested parties concerned about the current Ukrainian crisis take this above comment -- by no means original -- about the fragility of the Ukrainian nation-state in mind, as they deal with a very complicated foreign-affairs problem of major importance to the world.

For the sake, at the very least, of the admirable, long-suffering people living today's Ukrainian space.

February 22


"[T]he average adult Facebook user has more than 300 friends."

--New York Times; image from


A U.S.-China Summit Diplomacy Rivalry: With a new summit this year, the U.S. can begin to compete with China for influence in Africa - Istvan Tarrosy, thediplomat.com: "To date, U.S. diplomacy has not extended to high-level summits to manage state-to-state relations with countries on the African continent. That is in stark contrast to the approach China has been taken, with its triennial Forum on China-African Cooperation (FOCAC). Now, however, the situation looks ready to change, as President Barack Obama prepares to host the leaders of 47 African countries at a

landmark summit, the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit, in Washington, D.C. on August 5 and 6 this year. ... Since the first FOCAC was held in 2000 in Beijing, China has done much to engage with Africa in a deep and continuous dialogue, and its pragmatic approach has produced some significant results. Can the U.S. catch up, especially when it comes to winning 'hearts and minds' so that other policies might be implemented? As Joshua Kurlantzick, author of Charm Offensive, noted, this rise of China by the second half of 2000 was coinciding with a 'sharp decline in America’s soft power,' reflecting factors such as 'cuts in American public diplomacy, scandals in American corporations, misguided trade policies, [or] a retreat from multilateral institutions.' ... Courting Africa with the recent presidential invitation and strengthening the soft aspect of its strategy could help the U.S. regain momentum in its Africa diplomacy."Image from

Diplomacy for the 21st Century: Transformational Diplomacy - Kennon H. Nakamura and Susan B. Epstein, sudanvisiondaily.com: "Due to a myriad of reasons, including the elimination of the United States Information Agency (USIA) and the transfer of its functions to State, some have contended that public diplomacy has become the weakest part of U.S. foreign policy and is in need of significant reform. However it appears that while public diplomacy programs were becoming weaker, the importance of public diplomacy quickly became apparent as the image and influence of the United States decreased around much of the world. Questions were raised as to whether the United States is losing the 'war of ideas and inspiration.' The Government Accountability Office (GAO) and others criticized State’s public diplomacy program for its general lack of strategic planning, inadequate coordination of agency efforts, problems with measuring performance and results, and posts not pursuing a campaign-style approach to communications that incorporates best practices endorsed by GAO and others."

Where is the Undersecretary? -- Update - Reaching the Public: Personal Reflections on Public Diplomacy and Place/Nation Branding:  "With Stengel in the office, I updated the graph and the data. I also added three dates for Richard Stengel’s tenure in the office based on the shortest, average, and longest tenures Undersecretaries before him had. Here, I am not trying to forecast when he is going to leave his post. Rather, I plan to use these dates to make arguments about vacancies and high rate of turnover in R. Let me share a short post about the vacancy data about the Undersecretary for Public Affairs and Public Diplomacy position. Everybody who works in or studies public diplomacy knows that the position has seen high rates of turn over and has been vacant quite often. I was playing around with the vacancy data and created this timeline visual. Here is the data I used as a table. Below image from entry

Step Up 'Soft Diplomacy' [subscription] - Letter to the Editor, New York Times. According to Google search, mention of public diplomacy.

Towards A New Era Of Public Diplomacy: Twiplomacy -  Francesca Romana Bastianello, diplomaticourier.com: "Nowadays more than three-quarters (77.7 percent) of world leaders have a Twitter account, which they use to communicate with each other, to broadcast their daily activities to an ever-growing audience, and to answer to citizens’ comments and mentions. ... [T]he number of official Twitter accounts is growing as well as the number of their followers. However, Twiplomacy is still developing and has, consequently, some weak points that should be taken into account. First, not every leader is connected to the net, and many of them have created an account only recently. Second, we also have to consider that this social network is not equally popular in every nation—probably this is also why many governments also use Twitter as an automated news feed from their website or Facebook page. Third, the same leaders do not agree on the nature of messages they should write—more personal or political in nature? Fourth, politicians seem not to have understood the primary tool of social networks: to connect people with each other."

Developing An Assessment for the IO Environment In Afghanistan - “Jake” Bebber, strategicstudyindia.blogspot.com: "You may be wondering what an article about Afghanistan is doing on a site about maritime security. Well, I found myself asking a very similar questions when, within six months of joining the U.S. Navy and graduating from Officer Candidate School (OCS) in Pensacola, FL, I found myself in a land-locked country serving on a Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) conducting counterinsurgency operations. The irony was not lost on me since I had joined very late in life (I was 35 when I went to OCS). The recruiter had said, 'Join the Navy and see the world!' Little did I know we’d be starting in alphabetical order … Meeting the requirements of an 'individual augmentee'– (Fog a mirror? Check!) – and having just enough training to know how to spell 'IO,' I arrived in Khost province in early 2008. I was fortunate to relieve a brilliant officer, Chris Weis, who had established a successful media and public diplomacy program and laid the groundwork for a number of future programs. I decided that before setting out to win the 'hearts and minds' of the local population, we needed to take stock of where we were and whether our efforts were achieving the effects we desired. The goal of Information Operations (or 'IO') is to 'influence, corrupt, disrupt, or usurp adversarial human and automated decision making while protecting our own.' ... Information Operations traditionally suffer from a lack of available metrics by which planners can assess their environment and measure the effectiveness of their programs.

It may be impossible to show direct causation, or even correlation, between Information Operations and actual effects (i.e., did my influence program actually have its desired effect?). This often places IO practitioners at a distinct disadvantage when attempting to gain the confidence of unit commanders, who are tasked with allocating scarce battlefield resources and who are often skeptical of Information Operations as a whole. Given these constraints it was clear that the PRT in Khost province, Afghanistan, needed a tool by which the leadership could benchmark current conditions and evaluate the information environment under which the population lived. We hoped that such a tool could help provide clues as to whether our IO (and the overall PRT) efforts were having the intended effects. As a result, we developed the Information Operations Environmental Assessment tool, which can be used and replicated at the unit level (battalion or less) by planners in order to establish an initial benchmark (where am I?) and measure progress toward achieving the IO program goals and objectives (where do I want to go?). ... Since my crude attempt was first published in 2009, the U.S. Institute of Peace (yes, there is such a thing) developed the metrics framework under the name 'Measuring Progress in Conflict Environments' or 'MPICE.'' ... No doubt the MPICE framework is far more useful today than my rudimentary attempt to capture measures of effect in 2008, but I hope in some small way others have found a useful starting point. As I learned firsthand, and as practitioners of naval and maritime professions know, what happens on land often draws in those focused on the sea."Uncaptioned image from entry

Is the sword still the enemy of freedom? - Haime Luna, ticotimes.net: "The controversy this week over the nonexistent U.S. military base in Costa Rica brings to mind the year 1985, when U.S. Green Berets were training Costa Rican 'policemen' in Murciélago, just north of the Santa Rose Peninsula in Guanacaste. The training took place on a former ranch expropriated from Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza near the Nicaraguan border. Authorities invited members of the press to the graduation of a platoon of 'policemen,' with The Tico Times’ María Elena Esquivel coming away with photos of olive-green-clad troops marching with both Costa Rican and U.S. flags. ... In its public diplomacy campaign in favor of the Contras, the U.S. Embassy published polls stating that the majority of Costa Ricans supported the Contra cause. But the graduation event sparked controversy reminiscent of this week’s outcry over the U.S. 'military base,' albeit in the days before social media."

Where the China Lobby Meets Closed Doors: Congress - forbes.com: "With all the money and effort that the PRC and its tribunes have put into public diplomacy around the world, it’s striking how badly they’ve faltered when it comes to Congress. So far, perhaps, it can be said that this has mattered little, as other arms of the U.S. government plus the various world bodies have been more in a position to facilitate an enhanced status and role for China. However, if for reasons of economic or foreign policy we are headed into rougher bilateral waters, a failure to establish better connections on Capitol Hill could become more significant."

rayban sunglasses deputy executive director - charletsstudio.com: “'Ministry of Foreign Affairs' ... the 13th reaffirm “Republic of China' government sovereignty over Diaoyu Islands stance called on relevant parties to observe 'East peace initiative ... ,' the spirit of self-restraint ... not to increase opposition action. According to Taiwan’s 'Central News Agency' reports ... coincides with the 13th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre 75. Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura said the Chinese maritime patrol aircraft in an 11 am local time, shortly after GMT 10:00 flew into the airspace of the Diaoyu Islands. Japan subsequently dispatched eight F-15 fighters took off to deal with. ... Taiwan’s 'Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Public Diplomacy Coordination He Zhenhuan ... deputy executive director ... said the parties hope for peace in this area to take a favorable behavior, not toward non-peaceful manner."

IDF spokesperson to bring message here March 4 - Ed Wittenberg, clevelandjewishnews.com: "Lt. Col. Avital Leibovich, head of the interactive media and communications branch of the Israel Defense Forces spokespersons unit, will speak on 'Defending Israel in the Media War' at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 4, at B’nai Jeshurun Congregation, 27501 Fairmount Blvd. in Pepper Pike. ... In recent years, she

often has been at the forefront of Israeli and IDF international public diplomacy, especially during major military operations in the Middle East in which Israel was involved. Leibovich image from entry

Hasbara 2.0 is here - blogs.timesofisrael.com: "Israel does not lag behind in the practice of Digital Diplomacy. On the contrary, it has one of the most active Digital Diplomacy units in the world. The vast majority of Israel’s embassies and missions abroad operate both Twitter channels and Facebook profiles with a large number of them also active on YouTube. In a recent research I undertook at Tel Aviv University, I found that Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has one of the largest following in the world. Out of a sample of 85 countries spanning the globe, the Israeli MFA’s twitter channel ranked fifth boasting more than 36K followers well ahead of Sweden, Germany, India and France. Israel’s MFA was also the ninth most active MFA on twitter. As for its Facebook profile, Israel’s MFA has more than 145K followers making it the tenth most popular MFA out of the 85 foreign ministries evaluated. This is Hasbara 2.0. It is already here. There is no need for a new word. ... If Israel is so good at Digital Diplomacy, why do most Israelis feel that we are losing the cyber war? First, there is the conventional wisdom regarding Israel’s lack of capabilities which is often fueled by foreign affairs commentators in Israeli news outlets. Commentators are a popular form of Israeli reporters who relish generalizations and have little regard for facts. Secondly, Israel’s opponents are just as active and just as tech-savvy. This is a war over narratives, and there are currently numerous battlegrounds shaping the discourse. Some are won, some are lost. Thirdly, there are the politicians from all sides of the aisles who use the topic of Hasbara when attacking the government. Finally, one must take into account that the problem is not with the medium or with the messenger but with the message. As Israel Barzilai, Israel’s former Minister of Health, said in June of 1967, 'As for Hasbara- there is, of course, much to repair and a lot to do, but sometimes I have the feeling that we turn this issue into a scapegoat and make it easy on ourselves. There are facts that even the best Hasbara will not be able to justify or to be understood by thinking people. If you blow up villages and force people out of their houses, it is unexplainable even with the best Hasbara'."

How to fix Israel's broken public diplomacy effort: Bring opinion leaders here, provide data to friends abroad, and don’t put Foreign Ministry in charge. [full article accessible through subscription] - Evelyn Gordon, Jerusalem Post: "Having long argued that bringing people to see Israel for themselves is the best way to change their view of it, I was delighted to discover that someone high up in the Foreign Ministry shares my view.

Unfortunately, Gideon Meir has just retired after 45 years in the ministry – after failing utterly to secure funding even for the modest effort of bringing over 3,000 non-Jews influential on American college campuses, at a cost of $12 million (NIS 42.1 million). That’s pocket change in a government budget of NIS 408.1 billion – a mere 0.01%. In an interview with The Jerusalem Post, Meir pointed out what ought to be obvious: Public diplomacy is as critical to Israel’s security as fighter jets, because without it, we won’t even be able to buy those jets. Uncaptioned image from entry

The world’s best refugee camp? - Ashlee Betteridge,devpolicy.org: "New York Times Magazine just released a fascinating feature titled ‘How to Build a Perfect Refugee Camp‘. It documents the Turkish government’s efforts to provide orderly, humane and safe accommodation for the growing numbers of Syrians flooding over the border to seek refuge from the ongoing conflict in their country. ... There are some interesting takeaways from the story [including] ... the way in which the Turkish government seems to view the provision of decent camps as a form of public diplomacy. When asked by the journalist why Turkey had made such efforts to provide quality camps for the displaced Syrians, a Turkish official responded: 'You have a refugee problem, what do you do? It’s a normal response'."

The need for public diplomacy - Yusuf Kanli, hurriyetdailynews.com: "This time, it appears that a Cyprus settlement might soon become discernible. Washington’s involvement or providing very strong support to the United Nations mediation efforts has helped so far in getting a joint statement built on 'constructive ambiguity.' ...  However, there is need for a massive public diplomacy drive to explain to the Greek Cypriots what peace would bring to them, and thus merit their support for a resolution."

The trilateral format: a vehicle for regional stability? - Zaur Shiriyev, en.cihan.com.tr: "The recent meeting of the Azerbaijani, Georgian and Turkish foreign ministers in the

northern Azerbaijani city of Ganja on Feb. 18-19 was their third trilateral-format meeting. ... The ongoing institutionalization of the relations between these three strategic partner countries in a trilateral format demonstrates first of all that there is no easy recipe for this task, and secondly, that if it is successfully developed, the Azerbaijan-Georgian-Turkish strategic format could become a model for other countries in similar situations. Nonetheless, in order to develop the trilateral arrangement, bilateral relations in some areas (as mentioned before, media and science) must first be improved. It is not only media and science, but also other less-developed areas of cooperation (including public perceptions of each society, public diplomacy and people-to-people contact) that need to be enhanced."Image from

Single Men and Women Indonesia Qualified for Semifinal Austrian Challenge - republika.co.id: "Indonesian men's singles victory over Andre Tedjono advance to the semi-finals of the Austrian International Challenge (IC) in 2014, after beating Wang Tzu Wei of Taipei 24-22, 15-21, 21-12. held at the Wiener Stadthalle Hall B on Friday. In the semi-final will face Andre Tedjono Fladberg Rasmus from Denmark. While the women's singles Maria Febe Kusumastuti advance to the semi-finals after beating O. Golovanova of Russia 21-13, 21-18. Counsellor for Information and Public Diplomacy; Protocol and Consular Affairs Embassy in Vienna, Dody sembodo Kusumonegoro to Between London, said Saturday, in the semi-final will face Febe Kusumastuti Pai Hsiao Ma of Taipei after beating Dr. Xu Wei of China 21-15, 21-18.

Dependency Aid is Dysfunctional: Time for Self-sufficiency - Clare Lockhart, worldaffairsjournal.org: "It is ... important ... to distinguish between 'aid' (such as life-saving humanitarian assistance and the financial or material donations it requires) and 'development engagement,' which is something quite different.

Development engagement can be low-budget, and should be designed to move a needy country toward self-sufficiency—so that the state can collect its own revenues and the people can support their own livelihoods—as soon as possible. Many recipient countries have enormous untapped domestic resources, and with some effort devoted to increasing those revenues and building the systems to spend them, could assume much more of the responsibility of meeting their citizens’ needs. Getting the toolbox right requires instruments that can best support this approach: the OPIC, enterprise funds, chambers of commerce, public diplomacy, scholarships, international financial institutions, trade measures, and the National Academies, among others."Uncaptioned image from entry

The Daily: Pride and Propaganda -- Our round-up of news, notes, tips, and Tweets exhibiting how public diplomacy affects the world each and every day - Michael Ardaiolo, thepublicdiplomat.com

PASOS call for NATO Winter Academy 2014 10 – 14 March 2014, Prague – Extended Deadline - demas.cz: "PASOS is seeking 10 Czech university students interested in political science and international relations, NATO and security policy, and diplomacy to participate in the NATO Winter Academy’s panels and debates March 10-14 in Prague. The annual training seminar will be held at the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and is being held in coordination with Moscow-based Centre of European Security and NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division. Deadline to apply is February 14, 2014."

Apply for INDIAFRICA business venture contest, last date April 15, 2014 - yourstory.com: "INDIAFRICA Business Venture Contest 2014 is an initiative supported by the Public Diplomacy Division, Ministry of External Affairs.  YourStory.com is the official media partner for the event.

The contest is for young African and Indian entrepreneurs under the age of 35 with business or social venture ideas. The ideas can either be around commercial business or social venture which can create value and disrupt the industrial or social sector in India and Africa."Image from entry

Catalyst of violence: Conflicting views on EU agreement spark violent protests in Ukraine - Zane Warman, dailyorange.com: "Evhenia Viatchaninova, a 2013 graduate in public diplomacy from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs and the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, is a native of Ukraine. She said protesters and their supporters want more economic freedom to decide what is best for Ukraine."

NARIP Leads Mission from Hollywood to Berlin, Creates Commerce, Music Placements -
"NARIP led a delegation on a mission of commerce, culture and copyright advocacy from Hollywood to Berlin during Sep 2013 and since to stimulate entertainment economic activities in both countries. The mission resulted in several music placements in American productions, including one of a German artist, and renewed interest in international creative collaborations.

Photo above (L-R): John B. Emerson, U.S. Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany with NARIP President Tess Taylor against the backdrop of the historic Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. ... Mr. Emerson, originally from the suburbs of New York City, earned his Bachelor of Arts in Government and Philosophy from Hamilton College and his Juris Doctor from the University of Chicago. More recently a resident of Los Angeles, he is married to Kimberly Marteau Emerson, who served in a senior role at USIA in the Clinton Administration and currently serves on several civic and non-profit boards, pertaining to human rights and public diplomacy."

Randy Garfield Announces Retirement from The Walt Disney Company - wdwparkhoppers.com: "Randy Garfield, president of the Walt Disney Travel Company and executive vice president, worldwide sales and travel operations at Disney Destinations, has announced his retirement, effective April 1. ... 'Although I have elected to retire from full time work at Disney

my intention is to stay involved in a few selected elements of our industry that have been critical to accomplishing my personal vision of travel’s role in economic development, public diplomacy and personal health,' Garfield told Travel Agent Central. 'Subsequent to my retirement and taking some time to unwind I will actually have more time to spend on the Board of Brand USA/Corporation For Travel Promotion to optimize its impact on our industry.'” Uncaptioned image from entry

Consultant - jobs.ps: "Terms of reference for consultancy services to the Netherlands Representative Office in the Gaza Strip for the period March 2014 – March 2017 ... - Within the framework of NRO’s public diplomacy strategy the consultant will assist in (identifying) activities that serve to promote this objective in the Gaza strip."


Don’t Let Up on Iran - Michael Kassen and Lee Rosenberg, New York Times: We support the president’s diplomatic effort to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.

We also believe the best chance for success in this purpose lies with continued congressional pressure on Iran throughout the negotiations. Image from

America's Global Retreat: Never mind the Fed's taper, it's the U.S. geopolitical taper that is stirring world anxiety. From Ukraine to Syria to the Pacific, a hands-off foreign policy invites more trouble - Niall Ferguson, Wall Street Journal: Mr. Obama's supporters like nothing better than to portray him as the peacemaker to George W. Bush's warmonger. But it is now almost certain that more people have died violent deaths in the Greater Middle East during this presidency than during the last one.

Whose Side Are We On? America can take a clear stand without intervening in Ukraine - Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal: Obama is destroying the American brand in the world. It is particularly important now for us to show the people of Ukraine, and of Europe, that America is not some exhausted shell of itself with no adherence to anything larger than the daily concerns of its welfare state, but still a nation with meaning. That it still stands with those who risk all for greater freedom, that it cares.

The coming crash of American diplomacy in the Middle East: Obama's policy failures on Iran, Syria and the Israeli-Palestinian dispute will have devastating effects - John Bolton, latimes.com: Obama's view of America's international role:

His is a world of rhetoric and talk, not power. Image from

New internationalism: It’s time to reinvent global engagement [subscription] - David Ignatius, Washington Post

Exposed: Ukrainian ‘Protesters’ Backed by Kony 2012-Style Scam [includes video] - Paul Joseph Watson, infowars.com: As they seize weapons, take over government buildings and fire on media outlets, the US-backed Ukrainian protesters are being afforded legitimacy with the aid of a Kony 2012-style viral video which triumphs the grass roots nature of the demonstrations yet is linked to shadowy NGOs that have been directly involved in staging phony ‘color revolutions’ in the past.

'Five Came Back' spotlights Hollywood directors' WWII propaganda: Mark Harris''Five Came Back' explores the World War II work of U.S. directors John Ford, William Wyler, John Huston, Frank Capra and George Stevens, who elevated propaganda films to a high art - M.G. Lord, latimes.com:
Propaganda today has a nasty connotation; it suggests something cheesy, manipulative, in the service of a dishonorable cause. During World War II, however, cinematic propaganda became an elevated art, practiced with unusual expertise by five great American movie directors: John Ford, William Wyler, John Huston, Frank Capra and George Stevens.

Hitler threw down the gauntlet with Leni Riefenstahl's "Triumph of the Will" (1935), propaganda so captivating that it impelled even gentle Germans to thump their chests. When Riefenstahl's film appeared, Hollywood was torn between isolationists and interventionists By 1941, however, when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, the isolationists shut up. Hollywood and the War Department realized: President Franklin D. Roosevelt needed his own Reifenstahls — American directors who could rally U.S. citizens with film. In his meticulously researched, page-turning group biography "Five Came Back," Mark Harris, a movie critic for Entertainment Weekly, tells what happened to these five directors — not just during the war but after. Image from entry, with caption: Col. Frank Capra, right, of the U.S. Army Signal Corps confers with Capt. Roy Boulting of the British Army Film Unit on the editing of the film "Tunisian Victory" in February 1944

Your country needs you: propaganda a potent weapon in 'total war' - Richard Carter, news.yahoo.com: As the bombs and grenades ripped through the trenches, the Great Powers were also waging another deadly battle, using the power of words and images to recruit, cajole and shock in "the first modern propaganda war." While British propaganda, at least in the early stages of the War before conscription, was focused mainly on recruitment, Germany and France sought to bolster morale on the home front and in the trenches as thousands perished daily. The Great Powers quickly realised the importance of controlling information about the slaughter and scrambled to set up whole government departments to disseminate propaganda, influence opinion-formers and win hearts and minds both at home and abroad.

As the war dragged on, propaganda efforts concentrated on demonising the enemy, disseminating stories, often wholly invented, about "war crimes" committed on the battlefield or in occupied territories. Tales of German soldiers bayoneting babies or gang raping young girls at gunpoint were legion and widely believed, providing a powerful recruitment tool and bolstering the determination of the Allied populations to "defeat the monster."And in the propaganda battle, as in many so other areas, what took place in World War I had a profound impact on the horrors of 20 years later. Historians generally agree that German military leaders believed the Allied propaganda effort superior to theirs in the Great War and that Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler sought to ape the British techniques in World War II to turn the tables. Image from entry, with caption: An English propaganda poster by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, London, depicting a column of soldiers marching to war, while being joined in the foreground by men in a variety of civilian attire during the World War I


Ridiculous toilet at Yanukovych's palace

From (Note: A Facebook "friend" has claimed that this toilet is falsely attributed to being Yanukovych's).

February 23-25


Abbreviated edition

"Soft power advocates ... have been distracted by cutesy projects such as 'gastrodiplomacy,' which may produce a few newspaper articles about the virtues of kimchi or mushy peas, but are unlikely to have any lasting effect on their audience."

--Professor Philip Seib, former Director of the USC Center on Public Diplomacy; image from


USC Public Diplomacy Magazine: Winter 2014 Issue: Gastrodiplomacy


How to Promote Human Rights in Iran - Ray Takeyh, cfr.org: "The United States should support freedom of expression in Iran. One manner of helping these organizations lies in the realm of Internet freedom and public diplomacy. The United States has made tentative forays into reopening Internet service to Iran in the face of the regime's efforts to choke it off, but more can and should be done. Washington should look into providing readily accessible means of communication to Iranian organizations, including software to help overcome Internet blockage and technologies to penetrate the Iranian government's obstructions of satellite transmissions.

The more its members can be enabled to speak freely, the more the Iranian public and the world will be able to hear their messages, and the better they can assert their views. The Iranian regime is deeply concerned about losing control over information technology and equally concerned that such measures will provide an avenue for highlighting its arbitrary practices."Image from entry

Policy Memo: Why are Sanctions Blocking Medicine for Iranians and How Can We Fix This? - niacouncil.org: "The Administration could heed the recommendation of a recent Atlantic Council report by '[d]esignating a small number of US and private Iranian financial institutions as channels for payment for humanitarian, educational, and public diplomacy-related transactions carefully licensed by the US Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control.' This measure would completely cut out the need to use foreign banks as intermediaries and ensure a clear and legitimate financial channel to facilitate transactions.

Social Media Makes the State Department Nimbler - nextgov.com: "One effect of the boom in online social activity in recent years has been a blurring of the lines between traditional diplomacy conducted by government officials behind closed doors and the realm of 'public diplomacy' where diplomats reach out directly to citizens of another nation, State Department officials said on Tuesday. 'It is just beyond imagination that you can walk out of your door, turn on your computer, pick up a newspaper and not think we’re in a new era of public engagement and public empowerment that has a material impact on traditional diplomacy,' said Macon Phillips, the department’s coordinator for international information programs and former White House director of digital strategy. Phillips was speaking during a panel discussion at Social Media Week in New York City. 'Private conversations are a heck of a lot easier when there’s a public space for leaders to make difficult decision and that public space is absolutely impacted by 'public diplomacy,' Phillips said. The State Department has roughly 800,000 followers on Twitter and 480,000 followers on Facebook. Numerous senior diplomats also have social media accounts, including Secretary of State John Kerry, who is the first head of the department to officially tweet while in office. Here are some lessons the department has learned from its work in social media: It’s good to engage on a personal level Personal tweets and Facebook posts from ambassadors and other high ranking officials can show a human side to policy that’s more difficult to convey through official profiles, panelists said. That’s a difficult line to tread at the State Department, however, which aims to speak with a single voice about international questions. Earlier this month, Secretary Kerry began tweeting again from the personal account he used as a U.S. senator. During his first year in office, Kerry occasionally tweeted from the official State Department

account and signed the tweets with his initials 'JK.' Kerry also posted an #unselfie photo in November, urging followers to donate money to Typhoon victims in the Philippines, which helped increase donations. The #unselfie is a play on #selfie photos in which people hide their faces behind a piece of paper with text or a Web address that advocates for a cause. (In Kerry’s case, the digital team made sure the legal pad that carried a Web address for Typhoon donations left 'the very distinctive John Kerry hair' uncovered so people would be sure to recognize him, said Doug Frantz, assistant secretary of state for public affairs). But that personal touch can be risky. The personalization and the speed of social media engagement also means the State Department must be more tolerant of the minor errors or poorly formed thoughts that come out when people speak off the cuff rather than in official statements, Frantz said."Image from entry

Freedom of the Press: Government Does Not Know Best - newsjunkiepost.com: "Tara Sonenshine , United States Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, was certainly stating the obvious when she noted the heavy toll exacted against journalists across the globe. Speaking on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, Sonenshine took note of the grim figure of 600 journalists who have been 'murdered with impunity since 1992' and the 250 journalists languishing in prisons globally. 'They are incarcerated for simply doing their work – reporting to all of us what is going on in their communities and in their countries.' The point is worth reiterating, especially to those in Sonenshine’s position. She admits that governments, 'misuse terrorism laws to prosecute and imprison journalists.' The material Snowden The material Snowden supplied, the subject matter in Miranda’s [David Miranda, the partner of Glenn Greenwald, a key participant in the surveillance disclosures of Edward Snowden] possession when he found himself being detained at Heathrow was vital.

It served a fundamental purpose: to expose massive, unaccounted surveillance by supposedly free states against their own citizens and those of allied countries. The attitudes of the British justices suggest, even more than their American colleagues, a cozy approach to authoritarianism when it is deemed in 'the best interest' to exercise it. At best, it suggests a reluctance to gaze behind the veil of state impunity when it comes to matters of surveillance. The reasoning, crudely put, is that government knows best while journalists don’t."Uncaptioned image from entry

American Food 2.0: Culinary Diplomacy at Expo 2015 - Sam Chapple-Sokol, thepublicdiplomat.com: "The theme of the 2015 [Milan] Expo is food. The U.S. needs a culinary diplomacy plan that is both inclusive and exclusive. ... The U.S. Pavilion at Shanghai Expo 2010, with sponsors including Pfizer, Boeing, and PepsiCo, was generally regarded as a poor representation of our nation.

Let’s try to do better this time, and show off something our country does well: food." Via PR; image from entry

Public Diplomacy and Press Freedom - Philip Seib, Huffington Post: "The White House and State Department need to rev up the engine of public diplomacy and make it more central to U.S. foreign policy. Forcefully defending press freedom would be a good way to start. The world will take note."

How the world sees us - Alan Wallace, triblive.com: "What we consider best about ourselves and our nation isn't reflected much in the pop culture that America exports profitably. Martha Bayles' new book explores the often unflattering U.S. image that our movies, TV shows and music present to the world and its ramifications for U.S. interests. Through a Screen Darkly: Popular Culture, Public Diplomacy and America's Image Abroad'(Yale University Press) draws on hundreds of interviews conducted in 11 countries. Its author, a reviewer and essayist who teaches humanities at Boston College, traces America's global image problem to the end of the Cold War. With the Soviet Union gone, Washington no longer saw the need for Cold War-style 'public diplomacy,' such as the goodwill tours it began sponsoring in the 1950s that featured jazz and classical music luminaries. And as a Weekly Standard review noted, the U.S. Information Agency was dismantled under legislation that the Clinton administration helped draft in 1999. The resulting void in terms of shaping America's global image was filled quickly by the U.S. entertainment industry. And the result, Bayles contends, is that U.S. movies, TV shows and music too often portray to foreign audiences little about Americans' fundamental values and much about the coarse, violent, corrupt and vulgar sides of American life. Yes, U.S. pop culture often sells well around the world. But it also often offends or puts off foreign audiences who see it as antithetical to their own values. Examples are TV's 'Friends' and 'Sex and the City,' shows that lead much of the world to think that Americans have few work, school or family responsibilities and spend most of their time seeking pleasure. And it's not just purely fictional American pop culture that's problematic. Bayles notes that our so-called 'reality' shows are popular worldwide and have been imitated in other countries including Russia, where the government encourages such programming. Such shows can make being spied on seem glamorous, which authoritarian regimes find useful. U.S. pop culture that portrays America as godless, greedy, hedonistic and arrogant can even backfire for our national interests, giving anti-American elements abroad something to rail against. And Bayles is willing to entertain the notion that what the pop culture we export tells us about ourselves is as worrisome in its own way as what it tells foreign audiences about America."Image from entry

Third Women in CE Career Forum Event Set For June - dealerscope.com: "Women in CE has announced that its third annual Women in CE Career Enhancement Forum will take place June 24 at the Rubin Museum of Art in New York, as part of CE Week. The all-day event will feature a networking breakfast, sessions, workshops, and keynote speakers, before wrapping up with a closing reception. The opening keynote will feature

Charlotte Beers, the longtime business executive who served as Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs in the Bush Administration from 2001 to 2003. Beers is also a board member of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, an inductee of the Advertising Hall of Fame, and author of the book I'd Rather Be in Charge: A Legendary Business Leader's Roadmap for Achieving Pride, Power, and Joy at Work."Image from

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew spoke to Ukrainian opposition leader, Voice of Russia reported while Voice of America did not - BBG Watcher, BBG watch

Kerry calls Lavrov Sunday on Ukraine, Voice of Russia reports — no reporting from Voice of America- BBG Watcher, BBG watch

Who’s afraid of the Dalai Lama? - M K Bhadrakumar, indrus.in "[T]he US has a long history of involvement in Tibet, which according to the Chinese account, was a root cause of the 1959 rebellion. China alleged that the CIA-trained cadres and weapons were airdropped in Tibet to participate in the rebellion and to escort the

Dalai Lama to India. The US interference continued through the 1960s but following the normalization of Sino-American relationship, it took a different form and in the period since then got suffused with 'public diplomacy', one vector being the periodic reception accorded to the Dalai Lama by senior US politicians and another devolving upon the US’ substantial financial support for him."Image from entry, with caption: The Dalai Lama's meetings with US officials annoy China.

Think tank examines South China Sea- Wu Jiao and Zhang Yunbi, China Daily: "China is building a national think tank on South China Sea research to boost the country's maritime power strategy and deal with looming maritime disputes. Established in October 2012, the Collaborative Innovation Center for South China Sea Studies, based at Nanjing University in Jiangsu province, is among the 14 national-level research projects prioritized and supported by the government since 2011. Hong Yinxing, chairman of the board for the center, said it was established to meet the country's strategic demand to safeguard maritime rights and interests, develop resources and energy, and promote regional peace and development. ... Hong, who is also Party chief of Nanjing University, said the complexity of the maritime issue has required the country's research sector to eliminate barriers among the subjects and agencies to improve efficiency. ... Wu Shicun, president of the National Institute for South China Sea Studies, said Chinese think tanks traditionally place more emphasis on historical studies than legal studies, and the aging of scholars is also a problem. The center will facilitate China's ambition of having a bigger say in the world as well as its public diplomacy, and it is expected to reduce the waste of research resources, Wu said."

China's president Xi Jinping mobbed in surprise public outing - straitstimes.com: Image from entry, with caption: Chinese President Xi Jinping is photographed visiting Nanluoguxiang, a popular street in Beijing, on Feb 25, 2014.

Mr Xi shocked locals by visiting courtyard homes and chatting with pedestrians near a popular shopping street on Tuesday, Feb 25, 2014, drawing praise from social media users for his unusual public diplomacy.

Chinese bloggers to help S. Korea promote its national image- Yonhap News Agency: "The South Korean Embassy here said Monday it will name a group of influential Chinese bloggers as civilian delegates this week to promote Korea's national image in China as part of its public diplomacy drive. The Chinese group, comprised of 103 bloggers, will be tasked with enhancing mutual understanding and trust between the two nations throughout the embassy's Weibo account, China's version of Twitter, the embassy said in a statement. South Korean Ambassador to China, Kwon Young-se, will host a launching ceremony for the Chinese bloggers on Wednesday, according to the statement."

Israel woos foreign film, TV producers with $6.3 million grants: The first recipient is NBC, which will film the series 'Dig,’ one of whose creators developed 'Hatufim,’ the original 'Homeland’- Moti Bassok, haaretz.com: "To encourage foreign producers to shoot movies and television series in Jerusalem, the state and municipality are jointly providing up to 22 million shekels ($6.3 million) in grants this year and next for each qualifying foreign production in the city. The first recipient will be U.S. network NBC, which will soon begin filming its 'Dig' detective series in the capital at an investment of tens of millions of dollars in collaboration with Israel’s Keshet Media Group. The series’ creators are Gideon Raff – whose previous work includes 'Hatufim,['] on which ...  'Homeland' is based – and Emmy winner Tim Kring. The series centers around the exploits of an FBI agent in the OldCity. PLO Executive Committee member Hanan Ashrawi has said filming 'Dig' in the city would 'legitimize the annexation of Jerusalem and the destruction of the authenticity and character of the occupied city.' Cory Shields, executive vice president for communications for NBC Universal, responded by saying 'there was no plan made to film the series in the City of David National Park or in the village of Silwan,' a highly contested area. 'Furthermore, location scouting and planning will not begin until February 2014, and any decisions regarding possible production sites will be made with respect for all concerned parties.'

To qualify for grants from the program, which was announced last week, the plot must largely take place in the city, and recipients must spend at least around $7 million in Israel, including a minimum of around $1 million in Jerusalem. Grants will be limited to 25% of Israeli production expenses. For the first season of filming, projects will receive around $4 million, to be provided by the ministries of finance, economy, public diplomacy and Diaspora affairs, and tourism, as well as by the municipality. An additional grant worth up to around $2.3 million will be available for a second season."Image from entry, with caption: The Old City. Lights, camera, Jerusalem

February 24: Learning from Abbas: One or the other [scroll down for item] - Elaine Snowbell, letter to the editor, Jerusalem Post: "It seems that Israel’s hasbara (public diplomacy) is extremely impotent when it comes to countering the lie that Palestinians are an ancient people."

Amiran business development manager’s intriguing career path - Lillian Kiarie, standardmedia.co.ke: "[Q:] You [Gilad Milo] had an interesting career path. Where did it all begin? [A:] In the wee years of my career, I served as an editor and reporter for Israel’s Channel 2 News, and covered historic events such as the 9/11 bombing in the US and the war in Afghanistan.

After two years, I resigned from television and joined the Israeli diplomatic corps. I have served as deputy ambassador of Israel to Kenya and deputy permanent representative to the United Nations Environment Programme and UN Habitat. I headed Israel’s public diplomacy efforts in Los Angeles, US, before returning to Kenya to work for Amiran, one of the largest agricultural companies in East Africa."Uncaptioned image from entry

Branding comrades, stop the logo blabbering – let’s start the brand building - Sergio Brodsky, marketingmag.com.au: "Russia must design policies that can boost entrepreneurship so existing and new brands can develop a truly global footprint and become iconic representations of what

Russianness stands for in the digital age. The synergies between heritage and commercial brands exist to aid the process. This should improve Russia’s public diplomacy, increase foreign direct investments and introduce meaningful new icons millennials can relate to. Opportunities are few but they do exist. The 2018 FIFA World Cup is the next big one. Let’s hope Brand Russia does not let it slide away like Sochi’s avalanche."Image from entry

Vuk Jeremic Confers With Sergei Lavrov In Moscow - inserbia.info: Vuk Jeremic, president

of the Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD), has been on an official visit to Russia on Monday, where he conferred with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov . ... During the stay in Moscow, the CIRSD delegation will meet the rector of the MGIMO University, senior officials at the Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund in Moscow, and discuss the prospects for establishing institutional cooperation with the CIRSD, and possibilities for developing joint projects."Uncaptioned image from entry

The unmistakable negativity: Why New Delhi’s approach to Track-II is wrong Statecraft - Happymon Jacob, greaterkashmir.com: "[T]he Indian system of not allowing lateral entry into the ranks of the country’s bureaucratic decision-making process also prevents a healthy exchange of ideas between those inside the government and those outside: the government simply believes that there is no expertise outside of it! Pakistan, on the other hand, has always wanted to tell the world of its diplomatic positions through whatever means available to it, be it third party mediation, public diplomacy or track-two initiatives. Moreover, there is a dynamic relationship between those inside the government and those outside of it. We get to see many more prominent and expert Pakistanis from outside the government and bureaucracy being appointed to important positions. Moreover, Pakistan suffers from less colonial hangover when compared to India. For sure, this pig-headed Indian approach to track-two initiatives has been to India’s disadvantage. Indian diplomacy is often seen as arrogant, unwilling to be creative, unable to communicate and inadequate to take advantage of the newer mediums of modern day diplomacy."

From the Arab Spring to teenage revelry: Danish envoy has seen plenty in his four-decade diplomatic career - Daniel Bardsley, praguepost.com: "The Danish authorities ran an information campaign at home to remind youngsters they have to be 18 to drink in Prague, and sent over several police officers to liaise with their Czech counterparts. While there have been cases of underage drinking by Danish visitors, the problems have not been on the same scale as in early 2013. Indeed, this time around, the most high-profile incident has been down to young Swedes, rather than Danes, whose hotel room was set alight. ... The all-conquering toy manufacturer Lego is probably the highest-profile Danish firm operating in the Czech Republic, having a packaging center in Kladno that employs more than 1,200 – and there is a large Lego toy soldier in the embassy’s reception area – but there are many others. 'We have about 80 Danish companies established here. They can manage by themselves. Our task is to help new companies get into the market with their goods and services,' said

Hoppe [Christian Hoppe, the Danish Ambassador to the Czech Republic]. There is also the field of public diplomacy, especially in relation to culture, which is 'vaguely defined as promoting our image.' ... 'In general, Denmark has a good image. A lot of Czechs like our model of our welfare society, let’s say the Nordic welfare model, where you can have both good economic growth and protection of the environment – clean air, clean water and so on, where your products are sought after,' he said. 'With the other Nordic societies, we share that image of being societies which somehow are a model that others aspire to.'” Hoppe image from entry

Thousand Islands Inn to reopen with piano bar, new style, new owners - Katherine Clark, watertowndailytimes.com: "During his first job as a newspaper carrier for the Watertown Daily Times, Bradford J. Minnick said, he delivered papers to the Thousand Islands Inn. Now, after traveling the world as a diplomat, he and his partner, Jaime H. Weinberg, are excited to reopen the inn as a boutique hotel and piano bar. ... He said he ... went on trips to Beijing and served as a member of the Public Diplomacy Council and worked all around the world. Opening the piano bar and hotel is his way to thank the community for helping him with his future when he was young, he said."Image from entry, with caption: Jaime H. Weinberg, left, and Bradford J. Minnickare the new owners of the landmark Thousand Islands Inn in Clayton."


Ukraine’s Uncertain Future - Editorial, New York Times: The right move for the United States and the European Union is to make clear to the Ukrainians — in the Russian-oriented east and the fiercely anti-Russian west — that substantial financial assistance is forthcoming if they form a credible government of national unity and agree to a package of reforms.

Has the West Already Lost Ukraine? - Slawomir Sierakowski, New York Times: Should the West act with indecision on Ukraine, Russia could well decide to “come to the aid of” ethnic Russians living in Crimea, in southern Ukraine, who are already issuing invitations.

The retreat of power: Susan Rice embodies a do-nothing America [subscription] - Richard Cohen, Washington Post

The Kennan Diaries - George F. Kennan (Author), Frank Costigliola (Editor) - wwnorton.com:On a hot July afternoon in 1953, George F. Kennan descended the steps of the State Department building as a newly retired man. His career had been tumultuous: early postings in eastern Europe followed by Berlin in 1940–41 and Moscow in the last year of World War II. In 1946, the forty-two-year-old Kennan authored the “Long Telegram,” a 5,500-word indictment of the Kremlin that became mandatory reading in Washington. A year later, in an article in Foreign Affairs, he outlined “containment,” America’s guiding strategy in the Cold War. Yet what should have been the pinnacle of his career—an ambassadorship in Moscow in 1952—was sabotaged by Kennan himself, deeply frustrated at his failure to ease the Cold War that he had helped launch. Yet, if it wasn’t the pinnacle, neither was it the capstone; over the next fifty years, Kennan would become the most respected foreign policy thinker of the twentieth century, giving influential lectures, advising presidents, and authoring twenty books, winning two Pulitzer prizes and two National Book awards in the process.

Through it all, Kennan kept a diary. Spanning a staggering eighty-eight years and totaling over 8,000 pages, his journals brim with keen political and moral insights, philosophical ruminations, poetry, and vivid descriptions. In these pages, we see Kennan rambling through 1920s Europe as a college student, despairing for capitalism in the midst of the Depression, agonizing over the dilemmas of sex and marriage, becoming enchanted and then horrified by Soviet Russia, and developing into America’s foremost Soviet analyst. But it is the second half of this near-century-long record—the blossoming of Kennan the gifted author, wise counselor, and biting critic of the Vietnam and Iraq wars—that showcases this remarkable man at the height of his singular analytic and expressive powers, before giving way, heartbreakingly, to some of his most human moments, as his energy, memory, and finally his ability to write fade away. Image from entry


"There were no impromptu parties on city streets, because there were no city streets running through the heavily barricaded Olympic sites. There was little bonding between Olympic visitors and locals, because the language and cultural difference offered little common ground with no easy way or place to forge it.

It figures that one of the few connections with the Olympians and their surroundings occurred with their embrace of Sochi's many stray dogs, who seemed to be the only local creatures allowed to completely roam free, and even then, not for long."

--Bill Plaschke, "Sochi Olympics are nearly flawless but devoid of joy: The Sochi Games ran glitch-free with a palpable feeling of safety. But the Ring of Steel imposed by Putin to protect the Olympics also kept out their magic," Los Angeles Times; image from entry, with caption: Dancers form the Olympic rings during the closing ceremony of the Winter Games on Sunday in Sochi, Russia


--From Thomas Curwen, "Taking a step toward a machine that can think: A chip developed by UCLA professor Jim Gimzewski carries an ugly tangle of wires. But it demonstrates an ability to remember," Los Angeles Times, with caption A macro photograph of one of Gimzewski's computer chips, taken by Sillin, hangs on the wall of Gimzewski's lab. The silicon wafer is no bigger than a quarter, and at its center is an ugly tangle of wires randomly crisscrossed and interwoven like hairs in a tiny dust ball.


"[Y]ou can’t carry a large land-war Defense Department when there is no large land war."

--A senior Pentagon official

February 26


An Even More Abbreviated PDPBR edition, given your PDPBR compiler's following Ukraine's situation (see)

"No more ties!"

--Former U.S. Ambassador to the Russian Federation Stanford Professor Michael McFaul, referring on Facebook to his post-diplomatic sartorial situation rather than (one surmises) Russian-American relations; McFaul image, at the Ambassador's residence, Spaso House, from a Facebook entry


What is different? What is the same? - Paul Rockower, Levantine: "'The more I thought about that question the more the question changed for me. I could write a long list of the differences between SF and Boston or the US and India, or India and Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan and so on for any of the places I have visited on our large but increasingly smaller planet. ... Every human I have met ... , from our Foreign Service Officers, to our local staff to the military at the Metro, to the hotel staff, to the musicians in all our collaborations, has been open, smiling and wanting to make a personal connection with those around them. ... ' - Laura Cortese of Laura Cortese and the Dance Cards on their American Music Abroad tour to India, Bangladesh, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. I love this. This is the connection that cultural diplomacy brings."

Interview: Martha Bayles on Popular Culture and Public Diplomacy - "Through A Screen Darkly: Popular Culture, Public Diplomacy, and America's Image Abroad by Public Diplomacy Council member Martha Bayles is hot off the presses from the Yale University Press." Donald M. Bishop, publicdiplomacycouncil.org.

Capturing the Lessons of Counterinsurgency: A Word from Barry Zorthian - Donald M. Bishop, publicdiplomacycouncil.org.

"Tell Me More" - Donald M. Bishop, publicdiplomacycouncil.org: "Rest assured from

that Foreign Service officers can be wonderfully blunt and direct -- intentionally -- when delivering demarches as representatives of the U.S. government. In ordinary transactions, however, heeding the advice of a California senator, practicing the style of Poor Richard, and saying 'Tell me more' is good advice." Image from

Cui Qiming: Belarus-China Society is a bridge of public diplomacy- news.belta.by: "The Belarus-China Friendship Society is a reliable bridge of public diplomacy between the two countries, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to Belarus Cui Qiming said during an event dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the society held in the House of Friendship on 24 February, BelTA has learnt. The Ambassador emphasized the importance of the Belarus-China Society for the development of bilateral ties. The countries are implementing the agreements reached at the highest level and strengthening the bilateral cooperation, the prospects of which have been defined for several years ahead. 'At the moment the Belarus-China relations are entering a new stage of even closer cooperation in all the fields,' Cui Qiming said. In turn, Deputy Chairman of the Belarus-China Friendship Society Alina Grishkevich told about the status of implementation of culture and information projects. The projects are being carried out in close cooperation with the Belarusian Society for Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. One of these projects was the book 'China through the Eyes of the Belarusians' published under the editorship of Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the Belarus-China Society, former Ambassador of Belarus to China Anatoly Tozik. The project is successfully developing: the book has already been published in Beijing in Chinese. The two countries are eager to continue establishing such information and culture projects. Nina Ivanova, Head of the Presidium of the Belarusian Society for Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, noted that the Belarus-China Friendship Society has a long history and many outstanding Belarusians were among its members. Andrei Grinkevich, Head of the Division for Asia, Australia and Oceania at the Belarusian Foreign Ministry, said that public diplomacy makes a considerable contribution to the development of Belarus-China political and economic cooperation. The event at the House of Friendship featured Chinese music. The anthem of Belarus-China friendship the Celestial Song by poet Sergei Poniznik and composer Eduard Zaritsky was performed during the celebrations. Both authors were among the guests."


According to Nina Olsen, the National Taxpayer Advocate at the IRS, Americans overall spend over six billion hours and $168 billion every year to file their returns.

--Dave Camp, "How to Fix Our Appalling Tax Code: Every year Americans spend more than six billion hours and $168 billion to file their returns," Wall Street Journal

The Congressional Budget Office estimates that U.S. nuclear forces will cost $355 billion over the next 10 years.

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